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1. I want to join the public service, particularly the Legislature, because I believe in making
a positive impact on people's lives. I want to contribute to creating and implementing
policies that address important issues and promote the well-being of our community. My
goal is to advocate for transparency, inclusivity, and effective governance.
2. In the next 5-10 years, I see myself growing both personally and professionally. I
envision myself pursuing my passion for construction and also politics , writing and
connecting with a more individual for my personal growth and development.. I also hope
to continue learning and exploring opportunities to expand my creative abilities.
3. If I were elected as a federal or state legislator, in my first 4-year tenure, I would focus on
implementing policies that promote education, healthcare access, and economic growth. I
would prioritize initiatives that address infrastructure development, job creation, and
support for small businesses. Additionally, I would advocate for social equality,
environmental sustainability, and transparency in governance. Together, we can work
towards a better future for our community .


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