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P5 & M3 - Explain the physical and psychological changes which may be

associated with ageing & discuss how these changes could have affected your
celebrity’s self-esteem and self-confidence:

In this assignment I will be talking about the physical and psychological changes that
are associated with ageing, I will also be talking about the factors hormonal changes,
changes in our physical strength and its abilities against things. I will also mention
some psychological impacts of ageing which has an effect on individuals, self-
esteem and self-concept and I will base this on my chosen celebrity Muhammad Ali.
Many people start to become withdrawn as they age. Some celebrities may prefer to
do fewer appearances and prefer to stay amongst their own normal crowds instead
of big groups or public places.
Physical changes and how quickly they start to appear partly depends on the
individuals’ genetics and also their health, if they manage to maintain a healthy diet
and exercise routine the physical changes tend to occur slow whereas if they aren’t
able to do that much exercise or has a poor diet then the physical changes will
occur more quicker and develop faster.
Muhammad Ali was a boxer and a healthy individual, as he has kept to a balanced
healthy diet, but things changed as he found out he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s
disease, things became very hard for him. For example he had developed tremors,
his speech was slurred and his body movements became slow which therefore
shows that he started to become weak due to the disease.
However with age individuals skin tends to wrinkle
and become more lined. At the age of 42
Muhammad Ali started showing signs of old age
and signs of his condition, as he began to change.
Another physical change that may occur is hair; it
may start to become grey and start to gradually
become thin. This physical change has occurred
with Muhammad Ali as we can see grey hair
starting to appear.
Nervous System – Alzheimer’s disease &
Alzheimer’s disease is a form of dementia, dementia effects over 450,000 people
who are over the age of 65. People with dementia find it quite hard to remember
places, people and things and in some cases they even forget who they are. They
find it hard to remember almost anything and Dementia an Alzheimer’s disease only
occur when the brain cells start to deteriorate. This disease leaves them confused
and sometimes allows an elderly person not to talk or socialize with other people.
Psychological changes that may be associated with ageing can include moods,
emotions. An individual’s moods and emotions may start to change on regular basis,
they may feel happy one minute and sad the next, calm one minute angry the next,
their thoughts and feelings may start to confuse them.
He may start to look over the years that he’s lived and go back to all the decisions
he’s made or feel’s that he had to make. This could lead to him questioning himself
whether all the choices he has made so far in his life the right ones. He may also
show emotions towards what he’s thinking as he compares himself to what he was
back then to how he is now.
Self esteem is one more psychological change associated with ageing, as ageing
can negatively impact some individuals as they lose self esteem due to their
appearance they believe their appearance is no longer suitable for public eyes. This
low self esteem as well as less confident in themselves. However Muhammad Ali is
more likely to face these issues as small signs of ageing such as grey hair started to
show and this had not affected him, as many people would have been effected by
these signs he did not but he was affected by his condition as it made him less
unable to speak out to the public. This shows that he is ashamed or unable of
himself and psychologically feels depressed with the changes of ageing.
There are a number of psychological changes associated with ageing such as;
personality, memory and social. Many individuals personalities can change when
ageing starts to occur as they can start distancing themselves from family members
and friends as they believe that is what needs to be done at an old age, others may
increase their public appearances either to make them feel like they are not ageing
or to show that ageing does not need to change the way a person used to be/ look.
During late stages of ageing, some elderly experience memory loss as it takes
longer for them to recall information. Memory lapses can be frustrating, but most of
the time they aren’t cause for concern. Age-related memory changes are not the
same thing as dementia. Loss of memory can also lead to little contact within the
outside world as they tend to trap themselves in their houses. Ageing can lead to
thinking that they need to decrease their social lives as they are getting to old for
them. However, Muhammad Ali’s a huge influence on his children as one of his
daughters followed the same path Muhammad Ali did and also a very confident

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