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The speaker was discussing about _________. She mentioned that, ___________. Later
she discussed ___________. She describes _______________. She suggested ____________.

Water has been around for a long time

water cycle
hydro cyl
cloud made of tiny water particles
precipitation turns into rain
water reaches the ground
it evaportaed to atm
or it becomes ground watr
it may be released to the atmosphere
run off water carried back to ocean

The speaker was discussing about water cycle or in other words hydro cycle. He
mentioned that, clouds are made of tiny water particles. Later he discussed when
water evaporates it either turns into rain by precipitation or it turns into ground
water. He describes that run off water is carried back to ocean moreover, he
suggested may be released to the atmosphere.

1. The speaker delineates the information about _______ . First and foremost,
_______ . Moreover, _______ . Also,_______ . In conclusion, _______ .
2. The lecturer describe the information about _______ . To begin with, _______ .
In addition to this, _______ . Lastly, _______ . To conclude, _______ .
3. The speaker provides the brief information about _______ . First of all, _______ .
Secondly, _______ . In a nutshell,_______ .
4. The speaker explains the major information about_______ . According to
speaker,_______ . Furthermore, _______ . To summarize, _______
5. The brief and explicit summary encapsulates …............... It has been
demonstrated that…................. The speaker also gave brief information about
…..............Furthermore, it was also delineated that ….............. (However,
…........)Therefore/Hence, after considering all substantial ideas of the
lecture,it can be said that …...............

Sample :

The speaker was discussing about the touch as a very important emotion factor
when communicating. She mentioned, researchers have found that touch as very
important all to express emotions. She discussed, how Dr. Michelle has observed the
parents and child communication. She describes about series of experiment in which
sender was asked to send different emotions. She suggested, how the receiver try to
understand type of emotion communicated. (69 words)

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