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Praise and gratitude the author prays to the presence of God Almighty for His blessings
and grace so that the author can complete this paper on time. The purpose of making this
module is as a teaching material and reference for readers, especially students of class XI IPS
3. Hopefully this module can help readers who are interested in developing themselves,
enriching their knowledge and adding to the repertoire of knowledge. Thank you to Mrs.
Samsiah as an English teacher who always helps her students and provides a lot of useful

We realize that the completion of this module cannot be separated from the help of
various parties, and there are still many shortcomings in the writing of this module.
Therefore, we expect constructive criticism and suggestions from readers.

Depok, November 2021


TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................................................................ii
CHAPTER 1 Explanation Text...............................................................................................1
CHAPTER 2 News Item Text.................................................................................................6
CHAPTER 3 Narrative Text.................................................................................................10
CHAPTER 4 Reported Speech.............................................................................................14
CHAPTER 5 Expression of Certainty And Uncertainty....................................................17
CHAPTER 6 Expression of Apology....................................................................................21

Explanation Text
A. Definition
Explanation is a text which tells processes relating to forming of natural, social,
scientific and cultural phenomena.
Explanation text is to say 'why' and 'how' about the forming of the phenomena. It is
often found in science, geography and history text books.
B. Purpose
Purpose of Explanation Text :
 Explanation is a text which tells processes relating to forming of natural, social,
scientific, and cultural phenomena.
 To explain how or why something happens.
C. Generic Structure
Generic structure is a general structure that combines several sentences into paragraphs
or narratives. Generic structures consist of, introducting or identifying and descriptions.
Generic structure is a general structure that combines several sentences into a paragraph or
narrative. Generic structure consists of, introduction or identification and description.
Some of the generic structures are as follows :

● Main event(s)

● Elaboration (background, insertion, time, place) event (-even)

● Information sources.

Information sources is located at the beginning paragraph, it tells the phenomenon that
has been issued.
In general, General statements describe the background of the events (WHY) that are
globally disputed, both in the form of phenomena and in the social sphere of human life. This
paragraph is placed in the first part as the opening paragraph and explains the reason why the
incident occurred.
D. Language Features
In an explanation text, there are linguistic features as below :

● Using simple present tense

● Using abstract noun (no visible noun)

● Using Passive voice

● Using Action verbs

● Containing explanation of the process .

E. General Statement
In a general statement contains a general explanation of the phenomenon to be
discussed, the phenomenon could be the introduction or explanation.
F. Explanation Of The Process
An explanation text tells your audience how something works or why something
happens. Explanations detail and logically describe the stages in a process, such as the water
cycle, or how a steam engine works. Other examples could be how a law is made, or why we
blink when we sneeze.
G. Example Text
Example explanation text along with its meaning and structure.
How Snow Is Made?
We all agree that the snowfall is always fascinating. In the snowfall, all people stay out of the
house and play with snow. People can make giant snowmen, trample along the snow, or play
snowballs with their families. However, are you curious how snow is made?
Snow is water droplets falling from the clouds. These droplet waters then become solid and
create snow. It happens because rain consists of water vapor particles and being cooled in the
Snow happens when water vapor piled up in the earth’s atmosphere freezes. It happens before
they turn into water droplets. This process occurs when the temperature in the cloud becomes
very frigid.
Snowflakes are created by crystals of ice which have established around a little filth in the
air. They then grow from small forms into the big one. The form of snowflakes are varied.
They can consist of 200 crystal maximum.
H. Question
Teks Explanation 1
Recycling is a collection, processing, and reuse of materials that would otherwise be thrown
away. Materials ranging from precious metals to broken glass, from old newspapers to plastic
spoons, can be recycled. The recycling process reclaims the original material and uses it in
new products.
In general, using recycled materials to make new products costs less and requires less energy
than using new materials. Recycling can also reduce pollution, either by reducing the demand
for high-pollution alternatives or by minimizing the amount of pollution produced during the
manufacturing process.

Paper products that can be recycled include cardboard containers, wrapping paper, and office
paper. The most commonly recycled paper product is newsprint. In newspaper recycling, old
newspapers are collected and searched for contaminants such as plastic bags and aluminum
foil. The paper goes to a processing plant where it is mixed with hot water and turned into
pulp in a machine that works much like a big kitchen blender. The pulp is screened and
filtered to remove smaller contaminants. The pulp then goes to a large vat where the ink
separates from the paper fibers and fl oats to the surface. The ink is skimmed off, dried and
reused as ink or burned as boiler fuel. The cleaned pulp is mixed with new wood fibers to be
made into paper again.
Experts estimate the average office worker generates about 5 kg of wastepaper per month.
Every ton of paper that is recycled saves about 1.4 cu m (about 50 cu ft) of landfill space.
One ton of recycled paper saves 17 pulpwood trees (trees used to produce paper).
1. The following things can be recycled, EXCEPT….
A. Precious metals
B. Broken glass
C. Old newspapers
D. Plastic spoons
E. Fresh vegetables and fruits
2. Which of the following is NOT the benefit of recycling?
A. It costs much money for the process of recycling
B. It costs less to make new products
C. It requires less energy
D. It can reduce pollution
E. It reduces the demand for high-pollution alternatives
3. What is the third step of recycling paper products?
A. Collect and search for contaminants such as plastic bags and aluminium foil
B. Mix the paper with hot water in a blender which turns it into pulp
C. Screen and filter the pulp to remove smaller contaminants
D. Put the pulp to a large vat to separate the ink from the paper fibres
E. Mix the pulp with new wood fibres to be made into paper again
4. We can make use of the ink after being separated from the paper fibres by doing the
followings, EXCEPT….
A. Skim it off
B. Dry it
C. Reuse as ink
D. Burn as boiler fuel
E. Mix it with the pulp
Teks Explanation 2
Human body is made up of countless millions of cells. Food is needed to built up new cells
and replace the worn out cells. However, the food that we take must be changed into
substances that can be carried in the blood to the places where they are needed. This process
is called digestion.

The first digestive process takes place in the mouth. The food we eat is broken up into small
pieces by the action of teeth, mixed with saliva, a juice secreted by glands in the mouth.
Saliva contains digestive juice which moisten the food, so it can be swallowed easily.
From the mouth, food passes through the esophagus (the food passage) into the stomach.
Here, the food is mixed with the juices secreted by the cells in the stomach for several hours.
Then the food enters the small intestine. All the time the muscular walls of the intestine are
squeezing, mixing and moving the food onwards.
In a few hours, the food changes into acids. These are soon absorbed by the villi (microscopic
branch projections from the intestine walls) and passed into the bloodstream.
5. What is the text about?
A. The digestive system
B. The digestive juice
C. The method of the digestive system
D. The process of intestine work
E. The food substances
6. How can we swallow the food easily?
A. The food changes into acids absorbed by the villi.
B. The food must be digested first through the process.
C. The food is directly swallowed through esophagus into the stomach.
D. The food is mixed with the juices secreted by the cells in the stomach.
E. The food we take must be changed into substances carried in the blood to the places.
7. From the text above, we imply that ….
A. a good process of digestive system will help our body becoming healthier.
B. no one concerned with the process of digestive system for their health.
C. the digestive system is needed if we are eating the food instantly.
D. every body must conduct the processes of digestive system well.
E. the better we digest the food we eat, the healthier we will be.
8. “Human body is made up of countless millions of cells.” (Paragraph 1) The phrase “made
up” means ….
A. Produced
B. Managed
C. Arranged
D. Completed
E. constructed
Teks Explanation 3
Have you ever wondered how people get chocolate from? In this article we’ll enter the
amazing world of chocolate so you can understand exactly what you’re eating.
Chocolate starts with a tree called the cacao tree. This tree grows in equatorial regions,
especially in places such as South America, Africa, and Indonesia. The cacao tree produces a
fruit about the size of a small pine apple. Inside the fruit are the tree’s seeds, also known as
cocoa beans.

The beans are fermented for about a week, dried in the sun and then shipped to the chocolate
maker. The chocolate maker starts by roasting the beans to bring out the flavour. Different
beans from different places have different qualities and flavor, so they are often sorted and
blended to produce a distinctive mix. Next, the roasted beans are winnowed. Winnowing
removes the meat nib of the cacao bean from its shell. Then, the nibs are blended. The
blended nibs are ground to make it a liquid. The liquid is called chocolate liquor. It tastes
bitter. All seeds contain some amount of fat, and cacao beans are not different. However,
cacao beans are half fat, which is why the ground nibs form liquid. It’s pure bitter chocolate.
9. The text is about …
A. the cacao tree
B. the cacao beans
C. the raw chocolate
D. the making of chocolate
E. the flavour of chocolate
10. The third paragraph focuses on …
A. the process of producing chocolate
B. how to produce the cocoa flavour
C. where chocolate comes from
D. the chocolate liquor
E. the cacao fruit

News Item Text
A. Definition
News item is a text which informs readers about events of the day. The events are
considered newsworthy or important. It means if there is an important event that should be
known by many people, then this event deserves news. Well, the news text is called the news
item text.
B. Purpose
The purpose of news items text is to inform readers or news listeners about daily events
that are newsworthy or important. And the incident that are reported are usually the latest
incident or incident.
C. Generic Structure
The general structure of news item text is as follows :

 Main event / newsworthy event ( Headline of the news).

The part that tells the summary of an incident or main incident in the text.
 Background event/news worthy ( Telling the specific event and answering 5W
1H ).
The part that tells about the background of incident or incident that occurred.
This section covers who was involved, and where, and how the event
 Source
The section that tells about comments, witnesses to events, expert opinions,
and so on regarding the incident or incident that are reported

D. Language Features

Characteristics/Language Features of News Items as follows :

 Focusing on circumstances
 Using material process
 Using action verbs
 Using saying verbs
 Using adverb of time, adverb of place, adverb of manner.

E. Example and Question

Text 1

Tornado Wreaks Havoc in Semarang

Residents assess the damage after a tornado damages 150 houses in the district of
Tembalag in Semarang, Central Java late on Saturday afternoon. Three people were injured
and at least five of the houses in the Sendangguwo and Tandang neighborhoods were
destroyed, while many others were seriously damaged as the tornado ripped off their roofs.
Thoirin a.k.a Jayeng, 40, a resident whose house was leveled at the Sendang Asri housing
complex, said the winds hit about 4 p.m.

“I saw this black wind coming and becoming pointed into a funnel. It suddenly
approached and hit my house,” he said.

Tohirin’s wife, two children and mother-in law were in the kitchen at the time when the
tornado known locally as “Ulur-ulur” passed over their home, destroying the guest and

“It was as if the wind had lifted my home up,” Thoirin said.

The disaster also destroyed the walls of four neighboring houses. Many other homes in the
area lost their roofs and residents and neighbors had started rebuilding on Sunday. Tembalang
district head Dayat said the tornado also damaged a small mosque and felled power lines and
about 50 trees. His office was still collecting data on the damage, he said.

Villagers said the tornado was the worst to hit the district in living memory.

Semarang Mayor Sukawi Sutarip and his wife, Sinto Sukawi, visited the scene on Sunday,
accompanied by senior officials.

“We will provide the victims with assistance immediately,” the mayoral spokesman
Achyani said.

The Jakarta Post, December 20, 2004

1. How many houses were destroyed by the tornado in the Sendangguwo and Tandang

A. less than five houses

B. more than ten houses

C. five houses or more

D. exactly five houses

E. three houses

2. The tornado hit the district?

A. at dawn

B. in the morning

C. in the afternoon

D. in the evening

E. at midnight

3. Which parts of Tohirin’s house were destroyed?

A. the kitchen and guestroom

B. the guest rooms and the bathroom

C. the bedrooms and the kitchen

D. the guest and bedrooms

E. the livingroom and the bedrooms

4. Who rebuilt the damaged homes?

A. the residents

B. the residents and neighbors

C. the Tembalang District head

D. the mayor of Semarang

E. the mayoral spokesman

5. Who is Sukawi Sutarip?

A. A resident of the District of Tembalang

B. Tohirin’s neighbor

C. A victim of the disaster

D. a villager of Sendangguwo

E. The mayor of Semarang

Text 2

Man jailed for striking indonesian maid

Singapore: a supervisor was jailed for two months for repeatedly striking his indonesian
maid on the head and back with a television remote control,news reports said on thusday.

Muhammad Shafiq Woon Abdulah admitted in a singapore court he physically abused

the women on several occasions between june and october 2002,the straits times said. The
magistrate's court heart that shafiq,31, began striking winarti, 22, about mohth after she
started working from him. S.S dhilon, sha q's lawyer, said his client lost his "better senses"
when he saw his daugter's working to him.

He said his client thought the maid had put child in danger.

6. How long was the suvervisor jailed?

A. Two years

B. Twelve years

C. Two days

D. Two weeks

E. Two months

7. Why was the man jailed? Because...

A. He broke a television's remote

B. He struck his maid

C. He put the child in danger

D. He doesn't like indonesian woman

E. He has a "better senses"

8.When did the supervisor abused hid maid?

A. June and october 2003

B. June and november 2002

C. July and october 2002

D. June and october 2002

E. August and october 2002

9. What is meaning of "daydreaming" in indonesian?

A. Cita-cita

B. Impian

C. Keinginan

D. Fajar

E. Lamunan

10. How old was the maid?

A. 23

B. 22

C. 31

D. 32

E. 20

Narrative Text
A. Definition
Narrative text is a text that contains imaginary stories, fairy tales, or true stories that
have been exaggerated. Usually there is a moral value to be learned at the end of the story.
An important part of narrative text is the narrative mode, the set of methods used to
communicate the narrative through a process narration
B. Purpose
The purpose of narrative text is to entertain the reader about a story or stories written by
the author and at the same time imply a moral message to be conveyed to the reader
C. Types of Narrative Text
The following is an example type of narrative text:
 Adventure stories
 Fables Stories, where the characters are animals, but show human-like
behavior such as talki
 Fairy-stories
 Stories that are generally fantasy or full of magic.
 Historical narratives
 Horror stories
 Legends
 The story told is based on facts, but the characters don’t really exist.
 Myts
 Mysteries
 Science fiction
 Slice of life
D. Generic Structure
1) Orientation
In this paragraph we introduce the core of the story, the characters/characters, the place,
as well as the time of the story that we want to write.
2) Complication
In this section, we can write down the conflicts in the story to its climax. In writing a
conflict there are also 4 different things, namely:
 Physical : marked by the conflict between characters physically.
 Natural : marked by conflicts between characters and things related to natural
 Social : marked by a meeting between figures, but have different interests.
 Psychological : characterized by a conflict within oneself between choosing
good or bad things, being arrogant or humble, also being greedy or not.

3) Evaluation
This section is optional, usually contains an insertion of an assessment evaluation of
the story or the existing conflict.
4) Resolution
In this section we can show the solution or resolution of the existing conflict. Well, the
ending can be happy or sad . However, the writer can play this part by giving other problems
that make the reader curious. Usually this curiosity is deliberately raised in the mystery story
5) Re-orientation
The last part of the narrative text is also optional. As writers, we can provide a moral
message, advice, or lesson in the closing section for readers that comes from the story
E. Language Features
 The tenses used are those that show events in the past (Past Tense).
 Adverbs of time which are commonly used at the beginning of sentences, such
as long time ago, once, one, once upon a time.
 There are snippets of conversation between characters.
 The use of adjectives to provide a more detailed description in the form of a
phrase (noun phrase).
F. Example and Question
A Woman and the Wolves
Long time ago, very few people lived in the New Territories. There were only a few
villages. If the people wanted to go from one village to another, they often had to pass
through wild and unsafe forest.
One day, a farmer’s young wife went to the next village to visit her own mother and
brother. She brought along her baby son. When it was time for her to leave, her brother said
“it is getting dark. Let my son, Ah Tim go with you though the forest.”
So Ah Tim led the way and the young woman followed behind, carrying her baby.
When they were in the forest, suddenly they saw a group of wolves. They began to run to
avoid the danger, but Ah Tim kicked against a stone and fell down. At once the wolves
caught him. The young woman cried to the wolves, “please eat my own son instead.” Then,
she put her baby son on the ground in front of the wolves and took her nephew away.
Everyone understood that this was because the woman was very good and kind. She
had offered her own son’s life to save her nephew. They ran back to the house and called for
help. All men in the village fetched thick sticks and went back with her into the forest. When
they got there, they saw something very strange. Instead of eating the woman’s baby the
wolves were playing with him.

Questions :
1.What did the villagers bring the sticks for?
A. To bring the woman’ nephew
B. For the fire wood
C. As a weapon to beat the wolves
D. For building a house
E. For playing with the kid
2. Who was Ah Tim ?
A. The young woman’s brother
B. The young woman’s son
C. The young woman’s brother and nephew
D. The young woman’s brother’s son
E. One of the men who fetched a stick
3. Who walked in front when they were in the forest ?
A. Ah Tm
B. The woman
C. The woman’s son
D. Her brother’s nephew
E. The baby and his mother
4. How could the wolves catch Ah Tim ?
A. He was afraid
B. He was stumbled by a stone
C. He ran slowly
D. The woman cried
E. The wolves were good runners
5. The woman gave her son to the wolves because
A. She loved her nephew than her son.
B. She thought about how her brother would be
C. She wanted her son was eaten by the wolves
D. She was crazy
E. She kept a grudge on his brother
6. What did the villagers bring sticks for ?
A. For the weapon to beat the wolves
B. To bring the woman’s nephew
C. For the fire woods.
D. For play
E. For building a house for the woman.
7. “ all men in the village fetched thick stick … “ the word “ fetched” has a similar meaning
to :
A. Received
B. Caught
C. Got

D. Hit
E. Lifted
8. From the passage we learn that the villages were ….
A. Located in one huge area
B. Situated in a large district
C. Separated by untamed jungles.
D. Wild and unsafe
E. Dark and very dangerous
9. The brother let her son go with his aunt as she left home because ….
A. Ah Tim wanted to see the wolves
B. His aunt wanted him to come long
C. Ah Tim was bored to live with his parents
D. The baby was too cute to be alone
E. Ah Tim would be a guardian for them
10. What is the purpose of the writer by writing the story above ?
A. To describe the danger of the villages
B. To entertain the readers of the story
C. To tell the villagers’ relationship
D. To explain how important a relative is
E. To narrate how the wolves were playing with the baby

Reported Speech
A. Definition
Reported speech is the change of a direct sentence or direct speech into an indirect
sentence or indirect speech. Reported speech itself is usually used to reiterate what other
people have said. Words or direct speech that are converted into reported speech can be in the
form of statements or statements, commands or invitations (imperatives), or questions (yes-
or-no questions), as well as questions regarding an information.
B. General Rule
1.When the introductory verb (say, tell, inform, state, claim…) is in the present, present
perfect or future tense, no change in tense or adverbs of time and place is necessary.
Direct speech: He says: “I don’t understand this question”. Reported speech: He says that he
doesn’t understand this question.
2. When the introductory verb is in the Past Tense, there is a change of tense and
adverbs of time and place.
Direct speech: He said: “I don’t understand this question”. Reported speech: He said that he
didn’t understand that question.
C. Change Of Tenses
Present > Past
Present Perfect > Past
Past > Past Perfect
Future > Past Future
D. Change of Adverbs of Time and Place
Yesterday > The day before
Tomorrow > The next/following day
Next day/week > The following day/week
Today > That day
Here > There
E. Change of Imperative
Direct speech:
He said: “Go home.”
Reported speech:
He told me to go home. (Infinitive) “Stay in bed for a few days”, the doctor said to me.
The doctor told me to stay in bed for a few days.

F. Change of Question
WH - Questions : WH-word stays as conjunction
YES – NO - Questions: we introduce conjunction if or whether
Important : Word order changes into that of a statement.
 D.S. He asked me: “Do you find law interesting?”
R.S. He asked me if I found law interesting.
 D.S. The police officer said to us: “Where are you going?”
R.S. The police officer asked us where we were going.
 D.S. Clare said: “What time do the banks close?”
R.S. Clare wanted to know what time the banks closed.
G. Say and Tell
If you say who you are talking to, use tell:
Sonia told me that you were ill. (not “Sonia said me”)
What did you tell the police? (not “say the police”)
Otherwise use say:
Sonia said that you were ill. (not “Sonia told that..”)
What did you say?
But you can “say something to somebody”:
Ann said goodbye to me and left. (not “Ann said me goodbye.”)
What did you say to the police?
H. Example
“I’m going out now, but I’ll be in by nine”, he said.
“I can’t live on my basic salary”, said Peter. “I’ll have to offer to do overtime.”
“We are waiting for the school bus”, said the children. “It is late again.”
“The ice will soon be hard enough to skate on”, said Tom. “I’ll look for my skates when I get
home”, Ann said.
“Don’t lend Harry any money”, said Lucy. “He never pays his debts.”
“Get into the right lane”, said the driving instructor.
“Who has been using my typewriter?” he asked.
“Would you like to come with us?” they asked.
I. Question
1. James asked me, “Did you and Andi go to a market yesterday?”
A. James asked me if you and Andi go to a market yesterday.
B. James asked me if I and Andi had gone to a market the day before
C. James asked me if I and Andi has gone to a market the day before
D. James asked me if I and Andi went to a market the day before
2. Indah asked, “What is your dream in the future?”
A. Indah wanted to know what is your dream in the future
B. Indah wanted to know what is my dream in the future

C. Indah wanted to know what my dream in the future is
D. Indah wanted to know what my dream in the future was
3. My mother told me, “Don’t open the window now!”
A. My mother told me not to open the window at that time
B. My mother told me don’t open the window at that time
C. My mother told me didn’t open the window at that time
D. My mother told me not to open the window now
4. The student said, “I begin to understand how the sewing machine works”
A. The student wanted to know if he began to understand how the sewing machine works
B. The student asked me if he began to understand how the sewing machine worked
C. The student said that he began to understand how the sewing machine worked
D. The student said that he begins to understand how the sewing machine works
5. My sister told me, “Your best friend has just left from the school”
A. My sister told me that my best friend had just left from the school
B. My sister told me that my best friend has just left from the school
C. My sister told me that your best friend has just left from the school
D. My sister told me that your best friend had just left from the school
6. He asked me, “Can I borrow your book for a moment?”
A. He asked me whether I can borrow your book for a moment
B. He asked me whether he can borrow my book for a moment
C. He asked me if he can borrow my book for a moment
D. He asked me if he could borrow my book for a moment
7. She asked me, “Why are you staring angrily at that man?”
A. She asked me why were you staring angrily at that man
B. She asked me why was I staring angrily at that man
C. She asked me why was she staring angrily at that man
D. She asked me why am I staring angrily at that man
8. The teacher said, “The students must be in the class before 8 a.m. tomorrow”
A. The teacher said the students must be in the class before 8 a.m. tomorrow
B. The teacher said the students had to be in the class before 8 a.m. tomorrow
C. The teacher said the students had to be in the class before 8 a.m. the day after
D. The teacher said the students must be in the class before 8 a.m. the day after
9. Francis told me, “I am going to meet my penpal from Spain next two weeks”
A. Francis told me that he was going to meet his penpal from Spain two weeks after
B. Francis told me that he is going to meet his penpal from Spain two weeks after
C. Francis told me that I am going to meet my penpal from Spain next two weeks
D. Francis told me that I was going to meet my penpal from Spain next two weeks
10. My brother said, “We have been staying here for three days”
A. My brother said that we have been staying here for three days
B. My brother said that they had been staying there for three days
C. My brother said that they had been staying here for three days
D. My brother said that they have been staying there for three days

Expression of Certainty And Uncertainty

A. Definition Expression of Certainty And Uncertainty

Expressing Certainty are expressions used to show confidence or certainty about
something. Expressing Certainty is used when someone feels sure, believes, and there is no
doubt about what he is saying.
While Expressing Uncertainty is the opposite, where this expression is used to indicate
something that is not too sure or certain. The expression in Expressing Uncertainty is used
when someone is not so sure, doesn't really believe, or has doubts about something.
B. Asking Certainty
Asking Certainty is an interrogative sentence that is used to ask for confidence or
certainty about something. There are several sentences used in Asking Certainty, namely:
 Are you sure?
 Are you certain about it?
 Do you think it is true?
 Do you think so?
 How sure are you?
 Are you positive about…
 Is that definite?
C. Expressing Certainty
Used to express certainty such as:

 I’m sure about it.

 I’m quite sure that he told the truth.
 I’m absolutely sure about the news.
 I’m no doubt about it.
 I’m absolutely certain that they told the truth.
 I’m certain about that.
 I’ve no doubt about that information.

D. Expressing Uncertainty

Used to express uncertainty such as:

 I’m not sure.

 I doubt it.
 I don’t believe that.
 I have doubt about the news.
 I doubt that.
 It’s very unlikely

F. The Use In Dialogue
1) Use of Expressing Certainty
As discussed earlier, Expressing Certainty is an expression used to express confidence
or certainty about something. To better understand the correct use of Expressing Certainty,
here are some examples:
 Dimas: I have no doubt that the lesson today will come out in the exam, because
the lecturer pointed at it again and again.
Jarwo: I’m agree with you, Dimas. He did it last semester too, pointed to the
lessons that will come out in the exams.

 Tiara: Sasha, the school will give us lunch starting next month. Do you heard
about this?
Sasha: Really? Are you positive about it?
Tiara: Of course, I’m positive about it. I saw the announcement on the bulletin
board in front of teacher office.

 Nanda: You know, we will go to beach in Yogyakarta for this semester trip.
Ani: What, really? Are you certain about it, Nanda?
Nanda: Yes, I’m certain about it! I just came back from teacher office and I
heard about it there. The headmaster already gave his approval and they will
announce it to us soon.

2) Use of Expressing Uncertainty

Expressing Uncertainty expresses uncertainty or uncertainty about something. For more
details, the use of Expressing Uncertainty can be seen in the following examples :
 Tino: I’m not sure that the company will actually raise our salary, Bambang.
They said the same thing last year, but still there is no change in my account.
Bambang: I can’t agree more, Tino. They just said it to calm down the labor
union, but there was no action to their words.

 Tio: Maman, is it definite that the company will reshuffle our divisions?
Maman: I have doubt about it, Tio. We just did some reshuffling six months
ago. It’s too early to reshuffle again.

 Nino: Do you thing Mr. Joko will give us some slack for not doing the
homework, Ray?
Ray: I doubt it, Nino. It’s Mr. Joko that we’re talking about, and it’s
Mathematics homework. Do you really think that he will leave us alone for not
doing the homework?
Nino: Well, it’s very unlikely. I kinda hope for miracle, I think.

G. Question
1. Johan : Hi, Yudi, the weather is cloudy. Do you think it will rain soon?
Yudi : I think so, I am … it will rain soon.
A. Sure
B. not sure
C. Certainly
D. Doubtful
E. Doubt
2. Mr James : If I do not have certificate showing ownership of property for the guarantee,
will the bank lend me some money?
Mr Chang : I can’t say that for sure.
The underlined expression is used to express ….
A. Disappointment
B. Disagreement
C. Uncertainty
D. dislike
E. Attention
3. Luna : What do you think about Titi? Will she come tonight?
Maya : I don’t think she will come.
From the dialogue above, we know that ….
A. Maya feels sure that Titi will come
B. Maya feels uncertain that Titi will come
C. Maya doesn’t like Titi
D. Maya tries to think about Titi
E. Maya don’t come
4. Andi : Is this your ruler, Toha?
Toha : No, it isn’t. That one is mine.
Andi : May I borrow it?
Toha : …
Andi : Thanks.
A. No, thanks
B. No way
C. I’m not sure
D. Certainly. Here you are.
E. Unfortunately, you can’t
5. Susan : Oh, I have lost my pen. May I borrow yours, John?
John : … Here it is.
A. You are welcome
B. I’m sorry
C. Thank you
D. Yes, certainly
E. No way

6. Deddy : Are you sure that she will come to my party tonight?
Mizwar : I’m sure about that.
The underlined sentence is used to express ….
A. Certainty
B. Uncertainty
C. Disagreement
D. Suggestion
E. Disappointment
7. Mrs Dyah : Can Dewi operate a computer?
Nelly : Maybe she can, but …, I have never seen her operate it.
A. I’m afraid she can
B. I’m surprised to know what …
C. I doubt it
D. I’m sure about it
E. I’m sure
8. Miss Dina : Do you think that the headmaster will be here at 7.30 tomorrow morning?
Miss Lorenza : … he will. He always gets here before seven.
A. I doubt
B. I’m sure
C. I’m afraid
D. I can’t say
E. It’s very unlikely
9. Bobby : I’m sure Freddy has forgotten to come here.
Herman : … he always keeps his promise. I know him well.
A. I doubt that
B. I’m sure
C. I’m sorry
D. I agree with you
E. I’m afraid
10. Your friend : Will you come to my house?
You : ….
A. Certainly I will
B. No, I am not
C. No, I don’t will
D. Yes, I do
E. Yes, I can

Expression of Apology

A. Definition Expression of Apology

Expressing an Apologies is an expression used to:
 Offer an apology or excuse for some mistakes.
 Used as a defense in formal speech or writing.
 It is used to apologize for a mistake that has made someone feel uncomfortable
or unhappy.
Example :
 I must apologize to Isabel for my late arrival.
 I’d like to apologize for my trouble making.
B. Kinds and Functions of Expressing Apology
Here are some examples of expressions that are commonly used to apologize in
informal situations :
 I do apologize for...
 I’d like to apologize for...
 I am so sorry for...
 I shouldn’t have...
 I’m very sorry for / that...
 It’s all my fault.
 I’m terribly sorry for...
 Pardon me for this...
 Please, forgive me for my...
 Please, accept my apologies for…
Here are some examples of expressions commonly used to apologize in formal
 Sorry.
 I'm (so / very / terribly) sorry.
 Ever so sorry.
 How stupid / careless / thoughtless of me.
 Pardon (me)
 That's my fault.
 Sorry. It was all my fault.
 Please excuse me (ignorance)
 Please don't be mad at me.
 Please accept our (sincerest) apologies.

C. Example Dialogue
Example 1
Sita : Oh Fangki, why’d take you so long?
Fangki : I am sad Sita. I got into the congested road.
Sita : We as of now begin the dramatization practice from an hour back!
Fangki : I am truly sad. I would prefer not to come late either.
Sita : Alright. Presently how about we join the practice. You effectively missed
some scene.
Fangki : Can we begin once again the practice?
Sita : Yes we can. In any case, we have to complete this practice first. At that point
we can begin once again.
Fangki : Okay thank you
Example 2
Saiful : Sorry, Sir. I’m late.
Mr.Sidu : It’s all right. Why are you late, Saiful?
Saiful : I got up at seven in the morning, Sir. I watched TV until eleven at night.
Mr.Sidu : You must sleep early. Please don’t do that anymore.
Saiful : All right, sir.
D. Question
1. Please fill in the blank with the correct words or phrases from the options.
Linda: “Ouch, my foot.”
Indro: “… Linda, I stepped on your foot.”
Linda: “Be careful next time.”
A. “I’m so sorry.”
B. “I’m so glad.”
C. “I feel happy.”
D. “I regret that.”
E. “I think so.”
2. Please fill in the blank with the correct words or phrases from the options.
Mom: “Where were you?”
Alan: “I was playing football.”
Mom: “We’re going to be late to go to grandma’s house.”
Alan: “I almost forgot! ………. Mom.”
A. “I’m good.”
B. “I’m sorry.”
C. “I forgot it.”
D. “I remember it.”
E. “I’m sure.”
3. Please fill in the blank with the correct words or phrases from the options.
Sena: “You forgot to turn off my laptop after you borrowed it.”
Lia: “Oh, I just remembered. ………., sister.”
A. “Okay ….”

B. “Sorry …”
C. “Forget ….”
D. “Will do ….”
E. “Yes, I am”
The following dialogue is for questions no. 4 and 5
Teacher: “Please collect your homework.”
Keisha: “Ma’am, (4) ………. I forgot to bring it. Is it okay if I collect it tomorrow?”
Teacher: “(5) ………. But you will get some minus points.”
4. Choose the correct words to fill the blank in the dialogue above.
A. “I cannot do it.”
B. “I did not do it.”
C. “I really forget.”
D. “I’m really sorry.:
E. “I wil do it”
5. Choose the correct words to fill the blank in the dialogue above.
A. “That’s okay.”
B. “That’s terrific.”
C. “Are you sure?”
D. “That’s wonderful.”
E. “Are you serious?”
6. Fill in the blank with the correct words or phrases from the options.
Khansa: “I spilled your food….”
Kean: “Be careful next time”
Khansa: “Okay.”
A. “Please stop that.”
B. “Please buy again.”
C. “Please forgive me.”
D. “Please continue eating.”
E. “Please do it again”
7. Fill in the blank with the correct words or phrases from the options.
Dinda: “I’d like to buy a strawberry cupcake.”
Seller: ” …. We don’t have any strawberry left.”
A. “I sell ice cream.”
B. “I’m terribly sorry.”
C. “I don’t have vanilla.”
D. “I’m buying strawberry.”
E. “I don’t have chocolate”
8. Choose the right expression to fill the blank in the dialogue below.
Rana: “This pair of shoes is too big.”
Dad: “…., Rana. We’ll find a smaller size.”
A. “Sorry, ….”
B. “Take it, ….”
C. “It’s very big, ….”

D. “It’s not good, ….”
E. “It’s pretty good,...”
9. To say that you are sorry, you can use these expressions, EXCEPT: ….
A. “I’m sorry.”
B. “I’m terribly sorry.”
C. “Please forgive me.”
D. “I’m so happy to do it.”
E. “Pardon me for this”
10. Please fill in the blanks with the most suitable phrases from the options.
Amelia: “Hey! That’s my book.”
Ryan: “………. I found it when I was cleaning the classroom. Here you are.”
Amelia: “No problem. Thank you.”
A. That’s OK
B. Sorry
C. That was your fault
D. It’s alright
E. That was my fault



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