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Has increasing globalisation within the film and television

industry resulted in greater cultural diversity of content available

for audiences?

1. Introduction:
The film and television industries have changed significantly as globalization has accelerated. In
terms of technology, business, and culture, globalization has not only made it easier for media to
cross borders, but it has also changed the viewing habits and tastes of audiences around the world.
Jenkins (2006) has examined how media convergence has resulted in a cultural and technological
revolution in his book Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide. This offers a
crucial point of view for comprehending media in the context of
globalization(Jenkins ,2006)Error: Reference source not found.
We have seen the limits of historical content redefined during this process. In addition to allowing
cross-border film and television productions from diverse cultural backgrounds, globalization has
also promoted international collaborations that have allowed creators from disparate cultural
backgrounds to collaborate on projects during the production process. Thussu (2007) highlights
the growing global media mobility and its effects on cultural diversity in Media on the Move:
Global Flow and Contra-flow (Thussu ,2007)[1].
However, globalization has also brought a series of challenges and problems. Cultural
homogenization, global aesthetic degradation, impact on local content, and conflict between
values and sensitive content are all important topics that the global film and television industry
needs to face today.In his study, Curtin (2003) explored how media capital shapes spatial mobility
and has a profound impact on the global media landscape (Curtin ,2003)Error: Reference source
not found.
This paper's goal is to give a thorough analysis of these developments in the television and film
industries in light of globalization. We'll examine the rise in global collaboration, the
diversification of cultures, and the difficulties and downsides of globalization. We may better
comprehend how globalization affects the film and television industries and how those effects
impact our culture and society by taking all of these elements into account.
International Collaboration and Innovation: In the context of globalization, more and more film
and television projects are made through international collaboration. This includes not only cross-
border financial investment, but also the cooperation of actors, directors and production teams
from different countries. Hesmondhalgh (2013) pointed out in The Culture Industries that such
international cooperation brings new ideas and perspectives to the film and television industry, and
pushes the force of artistic and technological innovations (Hesmondhalgh ,2013)Error: Reference
source not found. Multinational collaborative films not only showcase the stories and cultures of
different countries, but also integrate different artistic styles and production techniques to create
new and unique works. This derives from the sharing and development of technology and the
opportunities of the global market and the influence of globalization, the above two points to
analyze: the development lies in the fact that different countries and regions have their own
strengths in film and television production technology, and international cooperation provides a
good soil for technological innovation. This includes not only film and television shooting and
production technology, but also special effects, animation and post-production. Like the
integration of Hollywood's I visual effects and Bollywood's musical elements, these are the fruits
of national cooperation. The portrayal of scientists from different countries in The Big Bang
Theory demonstrates the spirit of cultural diversity and international cooperation. Meanwhile,
Game of Thrones utilizes multiple locations for filming, and its production team and cast are
international, which not only brings rich visual effects to the series, but also provides the global
audience with narrative styles from different cultural backgrounds; the opportunity of a global
marketplace, which not only increases the audience base of the work, but also provides the
producers with greater freedom of creativity and a broader space for development. The
international success of Parasite, the most Korean film of all time, demonstrates that stories set in
non-Western cultures can resonate globally, and the resulting sweep of the Oscars is a clear
indication of the film's development in the global marketplace, and a reminder of the opportunities
that exist for creators from all countries.

2. Content Subject
2.1 Positive Impact of Globalization on the Film and Television Industry
Enhancement of cultural diversity: With the deepening of globalization, audiences around the
world now have access to foreign films and television programmes that were previously difficult
to watch. This cross-cultural exchange not only broadens viewers' horizons, but also promotes
understanding and respect for different cultures. Tomlinson (1999) in Globalization and Culture
explores how globalization has contributed to cultural diversity and points out one of the major
positive results of this diverse globalization(Tomlinson ,1999)Error: Reference source not found .
Diverse elements in film and television productions, such as different lifestyles, values, and
historical backgrounds, provide a rich and varied cultural experience for audiences across the
country. Two points exist that can be explored, multilingual and multicultural content and the
formation of global perspectives; the former is not only reflected in the production of film and
television productions, but streaming services such as Netflix and Amazon Prime have played an
important role in driving this trend. They provide a platform that allows film and television
productions from different cultural backgrounds to be accessed by a global audience. This cross-
cultural content enriches the visual and auditory experience of viewers and enhances the
understanding and appreciation of different cultures; the latter is the formation of a global vision,
whereby viewers are able to develop a global perspective by watching movies and TV programs
from different countries and cultures. This perspective is not limited to recognizing cultural
differences, but also includes understanding the commonalities and interactions between different
cultures. This is important for developing international understanding and respect.

2.2 Negative impacts of globalization

The challenges arising from globalizations impact, on the media industry extend beyond aspects.
Cultural homogenization is one of these challenges. It presents itself in ways. Firstly dominant
languages, English exert an influence over the global media industry. This dominance poses
difficulties for film and television productions in languages than English. Consequently there is a
tendency towards language homogenization. Language Death by Crystal (2000) highlights that as
strong languages proliferate during globalization other languages may become marginalized or
even disappear(Crystal ,2000) Error: Reference source not found.
Secondly driven by globalizations push for an market there is a reduction in content produced in
local languages. Many films and television works opt for languages to cater to this wider audience
appeal. However this trend can diminish the presence of languages. Pose a threat to their survival.
Lastly cultural identity suffers as language plays a role, in expressing and preserving heritage.
When local languages are used frequently in film and television productions associated cultural
identities can also face erosion.
Phillipson (1992) discusses the connection, between language, culture and identity. He suggests
that if languages decline it could lead to a loss of diversity (Phillipson ,1992)Error: Reference
source not found. Additionally there are challenges in translating and dubbing films and TV
shows. While these techniques allow productions in dominant languages to reach a wider audience
they may risk losing the cultural essence and linguistic characteristics of the original work. The
process of adaptation and contextualization during translation can be complex. Sometimes result
in a loss of meaning within the original culture and language. Furthermore globalization poses
difficulties for minority languages in the film and television industry. These languages often
struggle to secure support and international distribution channels which limits their visibility and
impact, on a global scale.
The impact of globalization, on media content has been significant. While it has promoted
diversity it has also brought about challenges. The competitive pressures of the market have made
it difficult for local productions to compete with international ones in terms of funding,
technology and distribution channels. This can limit the exposure and investment opportunities for
content. Additionally globalization tends to promote trends that may erode unique local cultural
identities. Popular films and television productions often follow narrative structures and themes
which can marginalize storytelling styles and cultural identities. However it is crucial to support
and protect content as it not reflects the realities of specific societies but also provides diverse
perspectives and experiences, for global audiences.
Furthermore to address the influence of globalization, on content certain nations and regions have
enacted film and television policies that offer financial assistance and backing to safeguard
domestic industries. The objective of these policies is to foster the growth of content while
upholding diversity.
Conflicting values and economic inequality often arise when films and television shows, from
cultures are shared globally. These conflicts stem from varying interpretations of norms, morals
and traditional practices. In their book "Globalization/Anti Globalization " Held and McGrew
(2007) highlight that exchanges during globalization can lead to disagreements and clashes over
values (Held & McGrew 2007)Error: Reference source not found. Moreover economic inequality
is evident in the dominance of a few corporations in the film and television market. This
concentration of power results in a distribution of resources impacting the growth of independent
producers. Schiller (1991) emphasizes this issue in "Culture Inc.; The Corporate Takeover of
Public Expression " underscoring how economic forces shape expression within the context of
globalization(Schiller ,1991) Error: Reference source not found. Local production also suffers
due, to inequality as smaller production companies and independent producers struggle to secure
funding and gain exposure in the market thus limiting their ability to create and distribute their

2.3 Linguistic and cultural erosion under globalization

The use of languages, English, in the global film and television industry has posed challenges for
other languages. This not affects their presence in media productions. Also impacts their usage in
everyday life. In "Saving Languages; An Introduction to Language Revitalization" by Grenoble
and Whaley (2006) the authors discuss how globalization has impacted niche languages.
Globalization trends pose a threat to minority languages as they often lack the resources and
support to compete in the global film and television market. This situation can lead to decline
impacting the transmission and preservation of cultures. Despite efforts towards language
preservation and revitalization globalization presents challenges. The choice of language used in
films and TV shows, which play a role in transmission greatly influences the preservation of niche
languages. Crystal (2000) emphasizes that new approaches should be explored within
globalization to support and promote the use and development of these languages, for preserving
diversity (Crystal ,2000)Error: Reference source not found.
The importance of having content, in languages; As the number of languages being spoken
decreases there is a growing demand for inclusive multilingual content in the film and television
industry. This not shows respect, for diversity but also addresses the needs of audiences in a global
and multicultural setting. The role of policies and support; Governments and international
organizations have a role to play in safeguarding diversity. By implementing policies and offering
assistance they can encourage producers to use and promote minority languages thus contributing
to their preservation and growth.
Privacy and the security of data have become concerns, in the era of digitalization and the
globalized film and television industries. The increasing prevalence of streaming platforms has
brought about a set of challenges particularly when it comes to user privacy. These platforms
collect information about users viewing habits, preferences and personal details in order to
personalize recommendations. While this can enhance the user experience it also raises concerns
about privacy infringements.
In his book "Understanding Privacy " Solove (2013) explores the nature of privacy in the age. He
points out that excessive collection and utilization of information may violate individuals privacy
rights (Solove ,2013)Error: Reference source not found. As vast amounts of data circulate on the
web there is an increased risk of data leakage and misuse. This includes not personal information
but also sensitive details such as viewing history and payment records.
Zuboff (2019) in "The Age of Surveillance Capitalism " sheds light on the risks posed to data
security within a surveillance system. He highlights how access to and improper use of data can
pose a threat to individual privacy (Zuboff ,2019)Error: Reference source not found. In this age
dominated by streaming media and online platforms it becomes crucial for users to be more aware
of how their data's being used while taking steps to protect their privacy. Education and raising
awareness play a role, in empowering users to safeguard their information.
Governments and international organizations are actively working on creating and revising laws
and policies to tackle the challenges of privacy and data security. The General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR) implemented by the European Union is a framework that aims to safeguard
personal data ensuring the privacy and security of users, in the digital realm. Moreover
technological advancements play a role in addressing these concerns. Innovations such as
encryption technology, anonymization techniques and robust data security protocols are crucial, in
safeguarding user data and maintaining their privacy.

2.4 Impact of globalization on the creative process and content production

Globalization has played a role, in enabling collaboration and exchange between individuals from
diverse cultural backgrounds. This international cooperation not brings inspiration to the world of
film and television but also expands the horizons of storytelling. For instance when films and TV
dramas are co produced internationally they can seamlessly blend elements to create stories that
resonate with an audience perfectly exemplifying the concept of creative internationalization.
Additionally by drawing inspiration from stories, histories and cultures content creators can
produce works that have cultural appeal. This not provides viewers with options but also enhances
the quality and innovative nature of the content itself. The utilization of technology in the process
has further fueled possibilities; digital tools have made production more flexible and efficient. In
summary globalization has exerted an influence on both the process and content production within
the film and television industries. These influences manifest as opportunities, for creativity and
technological advancements while also presenting market based and cultural challenges.
Producers must adapt to these changes embracing opportunities while simultaneously addressing
emerging challenges.

3. Impact of globalization on staff in the film and television industry

Globalization has brought new dimensions to the careers of staff in the film and television
industry. With the expansion of the global marketplace and advances in digital technology, staff
need to continually upgrade their skills to meet the changing needs of the industry. For example,
skills in areas such as digital editing, visual effects production and online content management are
increasingly valued. This updating and upgrading of skills is not only necessary for personal
career development, but also for industry competitiveness.
However, this rapid change also brings challenges. Staff may be at risk of skills obsolescence,
especially for those who have been involved in traditional film and television production for a
long time. Continuous vocational training and education therefore becomes crucial for them to
adapt to the globalized market. In addition, transnational cooperation, while providing
opportunities for learning and growth, may also be accompanied by job instability and cultural
adaptation challenges.
Cultural diversity is a double-edged sword in a globalized work environment. On the one hand, it
brings a wealth of perspectives and inspiration to the creative industries; on the other hand, staff
need to learn to communicate and collaborate effectively in different cultural contexts. This
requires them to acquire not only technical skills but also cross-cultural communication skills. In
this environment, respect and understanding of different cultures becomes particularly important.
The impact of globalization on job security and protection of rights cannot be ignored. While
international projects offer new opportunities, they can also lead to uncertainty about working
conditions and contractual standards. The role of international and local organizations therefore
becomes even more important in protecting the rights and interests of staff. This includes ensuring
reasonable working hours, fair remuneration and a safe working environment.
Taken together, the impacts of globalization on workers in the film and television industry are
manifested on a number of levels. These impacts provide new opportunities as well as challenges
that require the industry and individuals to adapt to the global marketplace while maintaining a
focus on local culture and individual rights. Future development strategies should aim to create a
fair, inclusive and sustainable work environment while promoting skills development and cultural

4. Conclusion
This paper provides a comprehensive look at the impact of globalization on the film and television
industries, revealing the complexity and dual nature of the process. Globalization not only
promotes cultural diversity and international cooperation, enabling audiences to access a wider
range of cultural perspectives and innovative content, but it also brings with it many challenges in
the form of reduced linguistic diversity, conflicting values and economic inequality. These effects
demonstrate that globalization is a multidimensional and dynamic process that presents both
opportunities and risks.
Generally speaking, the more developed countries are, the higher their policy intervention in
modern media such as television, which also proves from another Angle that media is generally
valued in modern society (Lotz, A. D., Potter, A., & Johnson, C.,2022)[14].
The central benefit of globalization is that it enhances cross-cultural communication and
understanding, breaks down geographical and cultural boundaries, and facilitates the exchange of
art and creativity. However, this process also highlights the diversity of the protection of local
cultural and linguistic diversity. In order to preserve this diversity, the international community,
governments and industry need to work together to ensure that the uniqueness and value of local
cultures are not lost in the wave of globalization.
In addition, the issues of privacy and data security are particularly important in the age of
digitization and streaming media. The protection of user privacy and the secure management of
data are challenges that cannot be ignored in the process of globalization, and need to be tackled
together through technological innovation, legal policies and user education.
In summary, the impact of globalization on the film and television industry is far-reaching and
multifaceted, involving cultural, social, economic and technological dimensions. Future
development strategies should aim to protect cultural diversity while promoting global exchanges,
and to actively address the resulting challenges.
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Convergence, 28(1), 272-290

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