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The Art of Service has identified and prioritized

critical capabilities and use cases to assess and
use. Leaders select the highest prioritized results
which will align with their business needs before
implementing a solution.

The Art of Service’s Critical Capabilities evaluates

hundreds of prioritized results to help with the
outcome selection process.

This Critical Capabilities guide will enable leaders

to shortlist hundreds of appropriate results with
prioritized typical use cases, this research will
guide leaders’ choices.

This Analysis will plan your roadmap and get

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Quality Assurance

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Table of Contents
About The Art of Service 5
Quality Assurance Critical Capabilities, Meaningful Metrics
And Their Prioritization 6
Background 6
Prioritization Of Requirements 7
The Prioritization Categories Are: 8
Must Have 8
Should Have 8
Ought to Have 9
Might Have 9
Could Have 10
Use In New Product/Service/Process Development 11
Benefits 12
The Critical Quality Assurance Capabilities And Their
Priorities: 14
Priority - Must Have
# From 1869 To 2331 16
Priority - Should Have
# From 1402 To 1869 162
Priority - Ought to Have
# From 935 To 1402 301
Priority - Might Have
# From 468 To 935 436
Priority - Could Have
# From 1 To 468 567
Index 695

About The Art of Service

he Art of Service, Business Process Architects since
2000, is dedicated to helping stakeholders achieve

Defining, designing, creating, and implementing a process

to solve a stakeholders challenge or meet an objective
is the most valuable role… In EVERY group, company,
organization and department.

Unless you’re talking a one-time, single-use project, there

should be a process. Whether that process is managed
and implemented by humans, AI, or a combination of the
two, it needs to be designed by someone with a complex
enough perspective to ask the right questions.

Someone capable of asking the right questions and step

back and say, ‘What are we really trying to accomplish
here? And is there a different way to look at it?’

With The Art of Service’s Assessments, we empower

people who can do just that — whether their title is
marketer, entrepreneur, manager, salesperson, consultant,
Business Process Manager, executive assistant, IT
Manager, CIO etc... —they are the people who rule the
future. They are people who watch the process as it
happens, and ask the right questions to make the process
work better.

Contact us when you need any support :

Quality Assurance Critical
Capabilities, Meaningful Metrics
And Their Prioritization

This guide provides meaningful Quality Assurance metrics
underpinned by prioritization and is used in management,
business analysis, project/process management, development
and innovation to reach a common understanding with
stakeholders on the importance they place on the delivery of
each requirement.

It is useful for having insight and agreement on the right

prioritization for Quality Assurance initiatives because it places
the most value on items that carry the highest business value.

It accomplishes the objectives of prioritizing deliverables and

providing assurance as a function of taking away the uncertainty
of the underlying estimates.

This prioritization is based on the MoSCoW prioritization

method, which was developed for use in 1994 in Rapid
Application Development (RAD). It was first used extensively
with the agile project delivery framework Dynamic Systems
Development Method (DSDM) from 2002.

It is often used with timeboxing, where a deadline is fixed so that

the focus must be on the most important requirements, and is
commonly used in agile software development approaches such
as Scrum, rapid application development (RAD), and DSDM.

In any project it is vital to understand the importance of different

things. This is because time is a fixed resource, so prioritization
is applied to requirements, tasks, products, user cases, etc.

This guide cuts down on wasted time, arguments, and
misdirection. It also omits as much bias as possible from the
process so that everyone involved can take an objective view of
the requirements at hand.

Prioritization Of Requirements
All requirements are important, however to deliver the greatest
and most immediate business benefits early the requirements
must be priortized. Organizations will initially try to deliver all
the Must have, Should have and Ought to have requirements
but the Should and Ought to requirements will be the first to be
removed if the delivery timescale looks threatened.

The plain English meaning of the prioritization categories has

value in getting stakeholders to better understand the impact
of setting a priority, compared to alternatives like High, Medium
and Low.

Ask the question, ‘What happens if this requirement is not

met?’ If the answer is ‘cancel the project – there is no point in
implementing a solution that does not meet this requirement’
then it is a Must Have requirement.

If there is some way round it, even if it is a manual workaround,

then it will be a lower requirement. Downgrading a requirement
does not mean it will not be delivered, simply that delivery is not

The Prioritization Categories Are:

Must Have
Requirements labelled as Must have are critical to the current
delivery timebox in order for it to be a success. If even one Must
have requirement is not included, the project delivery should
be considered a failure (note: requirements can be downgraded
from Must have, by agreement with all relevant stakeholders; for
example, when new requirements are deemed more important).
MUST can also be considered an acronym for the Minimum
Usable Subset.

This can be defined using some of the following:

• Cannot deliver on target date without this

• No point in delivering on target date without this; if it
were not delivered, there would be no point deploying the
solution on the intended date
• Not legal without it
• Unsafe without it
• Cannot deliver the Business Case without it

Should Have

Requirements labelled as Should have are important but not

necessary for delivery in the current delivery timebox. While
Should have requirements can be as important as Must have,
they are often not as time-critical or there may be another way to
satisfy the requirement so that it can be held back until a future
delivery timebox.

This can be defined using some of the following:

• Important but not vital

• May be painful to leave out, but the solution is still viabl

• May need some kind of workaround, e.g. management
of expectations, some inefficiency, an existing solution,
paperwork, etc.

A Should Have may be differentiated from a Ought, Might or

Could by reviewing the degree of pain caused by it not being
met, in terms of business value or numbers of people affected.

Ought to Have

Requirements labelled as Ought to Have are desirable but not

necessary and could improve for example the user experience
or customer satisfaction for a little development cost. These will
typically be included if time and resources permit.

• Wanted or desirable but less important than Should have

• Less impact if left out (compared with a Should Have)
• Won’t Have this time

Might Have

Might Have is a Wish, i.e. still possible but unlikely to be included

(and more likely than Could have).

• Wanted or desirable but less important than Ought to have

• Less impact if left out (compared with a Ought to have)
• Won’t Have this time

Could Have

Requirements labelled as Could have, have been agreed by

stakeholders as the least-critical, lowest-payback items, or not
appropriate at that time. As a result, Could have requirements
are not planned into the schedule for the next delivery timebox.
Could have requirements are either dropped or reconsidered for
inclusion in a later timebox.

• Wanted or desirable but less important than Might Have

• Less impact if left out (compared with a Might Have)
• Won’t Have this time

Use In New Product/Service/Process
In new product, service or process development there is always
more to do than there is time or funding to permit (hence the
need for prioritization).

For example, should a team have too many potential tasks, they
can use this guide to select which tasks are Must have, which
Should have, and so on; the minimum viable product (or MVP)
would be all those epics marked as Must have.

Oftentimes, a team will find that, even after identifying their

MVP, they have too much work for their expected capacity. In
such cases, the team could then use the guide to select which
features are Must have, Should have, and so on; the minimum
marketable features (or MMF) would be all those marked as Must

If there is sufficient capacity after selecting the MVP or MMF, the

team could then plan to include Should have and even Might
have and Could have items too.

Aim for a delivery probability of 60, 60, 40, 40 and 20% with
each of the categories. It is recommended to have no more
than 60% effort for Must Haves for a project. Anything higher
than 60% poses a risk to the success and predictability of the
project, unless the environment is well understood, the team is
established and the external risks are minimal.

The benefits of this guide include:

• It helps decide between multiple requirements with the

same priority. This guide offers a priority ranking rating for
each requirement, this ranks all requirements based on their
priority from highest to lowest.

• You now have rationale around how to rank competing

requirements: why something is must rather than should.
The priority ranking creates this clarity, it provides focus.

• There is no ambiguity over timing, especially on the Could

Have category: whether it is not in this release/project/
process/focus or not ever.

• The potential for political focus on building new features

over technical improvements is off the table with the help
of built-in prioritization of the requirements. The benefit of
this method is that it places several initiatives in the ‘ought-
might-could’ category. This helps manage expectations
about what will not be included in a specific release/project/
process (or other time frame you’re prioritizing for).

• Placing initiatives in the ‘ought-might-could category is one

way to help prevent scope creep. If initiatives are in this
category, the team knows they are not to be a priority for
this specific time frame. Some initiatives in the ‘ought-might-
could’ group will get prioritized in the future, while others
are not likely to happen at all.

The Critical Quality Assurance
Capabilities And Their Priorities:

Priority - Must Have
# From 1869 To 2331

# 2331 | Focus Area: Quality Assurance -


Make sure your staff develops, modifies, or provides

input to project plans; implements project plans to
meet objectives; coordinates and integrates project
activities; manages, leads, or administers project
resources; monitors project activities and resources
to mitigate risk; implements or maintains quality
assurance processes; integrates information systems
subsystems; develops information systems testing
strategies, plans, or scenarios; identifies standards or
requirements for infrastructure configuration or change
management; participates in change control (reviewing
change requests); develops or implements information
systems security plans and procedures; makes
improvements, solves problems, or takes corrective
action when problems arise; gives presentations or
briefings on all aspects of the project; participates in
phase, milestone, and final project reviews; identifies
project documentation requirements or procedures; and
develops and implements product release plan.

Ask the Director Quality:

How are risk identification and mitigation embedded

in your organizational governance, processes and
culture, and how will you prioritize improvements to risk

# 2330 | Focus Area: BPM - DEVELOPMENT

Make sure the Business Analyst/Tester is responsible for

gathering and documenting system/business
requirements in the form of user stories and use cases,

performing requirement analysis and systems analysis,
facilitating design and development of software
solutions, assisting with the testing process, contributing
to the quality assurance processes and assisting with
management of helpdesk tickets and reporting.

Ask the Data Scientist:

Do you have independently reviewed quality assurance

processes that apply to each test being undertaken, to
help make sure client requirements are being met in a
secure, productive manner?

# 2329 | Focus Area: Agile mindset - SAFETY

Lead and supervise staff responsible for the

implementation of Safety Management Systems
(SMS), including development of the SMS; monitor
implementation activities, ensure effectiveness of
safety communications, ensure documentation, such
as policies, procedures, and checklists, used in the
quality assurance and program support group are up to
date, spearhead change management operations, and
champion continuous improvement.

Ask the Chief Quality Officer:

Are internal and external communications processes in

place to inform stakeholders and enable the delivery of

# 2328 | Focus Area: Cybersecurity Automation -

Oversee that your personnel is driving the QA team
in the development of the test scenarios and test
execution, test management of overall test schedule,
quality assurance resource requirements, testing effort
estimation, risk assessment, defect triaging, test data
management end-to-end across all the project sub
systems, conduct/co-ordinate testing meetings with all

the internal and external core teams.

Ask the Quality Management Lead (Government):

Do you schedule reports to automatically run and be

distributed on a set schedule?

# 2327 | Focus Area: Data Quality Assurance -


Establish that your organization owns the Management

of Change (MOC) process, specifications, labels,
and development or Quality Assurance Plans (QAP),
product quality reviews, data analysis and reporting and
facilitation of First Run Acceptance review.

Ask the Director of Supplier Quality:

Do you know the difference between facilitation,

consultation, and management of change?

# 2326 | Focus Area: Application Architecture -

Lead technical team in application architecture
design, including collaborating closely with (internal)
clients, product management teams, quality assurance
specializations and development professionals to
ensure software deliverables meet the specific needs of
(internal) clients.

Ask the Manager Finance Business Partnering:

What data do you require to determine which of the

teams achieved better quality results?

# 2325 | Focus Area: gxp - QUALITY

Interface so that your team is responsible for maintaining

Quality Assurance Systems/affiliate quality management
system to ensure compliance with organization standards
and regulatory guidelines.

Ask the Sr Quality Engineer:

What are your conclusions regarding regulatory

guidelines and capital market expectations?

# 2324 | Focus Area: Knowledge and experience

with the Windows - MANAGEMENT

Make sure the MRC team engages with management

and staff to develop an aggregated and objective view
of first line risk exposures, advises business areas on
control issues and mitigation decisions, provides a first
line review and quality assurance function, and promotes
effective information dissemination and transparency of
existing and emerging material risks and control issues.

Ask the Regulatory Data Head - Risk & Capital Team:

Why emerging risks are important?

# 2323 | Focus Area: Project Portfolio - PROCESS

Ensure your standards of professional performance
are enhanced by having a quality assurance team
that supports staff from study design to delivery by
providing guidance on regulations, guidelines, and
the implementation of standard operating procedures
and quality control processes that result in high-quality
processes and deliverables.

Ask the Product Quality Engineer:

Why is quality monitoring a continuous process?

# 2322 | Focus Area: APQP - QUALITY

Make sure the Supplier Quality Manager is responsible for
delivering all aspects of the Supplier Quality Assurance
and/or Supplier Quality Development function on an on-
going basis in line with the Quality Management System
to ensure products and services are fit for their intended
use and meet (internal) customer expectations.

Ask the Quality Specialist:

How are design and development changes identified?

# 2321 | Focus Area: Analytical chemistry -


Participate in the development of policies and

procedures; monitor work activities to ensure compliance
with established quality control and quality assurance
policies and procedures as well as standard operating
procedures; make recommendations for changes and
improvements to existing standards and procedures.

Ask the Quality Program Leader:

Has the self auditing assessed the effectiveness of

in place standard operating procedures to ensure

# 2320 | Focus Area: ISO 26262 - SAFETY

Make sure your process has knowledge and involvement

with safety, reliability, and quality assurance policies and
practices for design, development, test and certification
of large software development programs with a
commitment to rigorous testing practices and design
process flows.

Ask the Quality Systems Manager (Business Process


Should all system development programs have some sort

of growth test?

# 2319 | Focus Area: ISO 14971 - QUALITY

Make headway so that your design ensures policies and

procedures for assuring that the quality assurance and
compliance requirements of your organization are being
followed during lifecycle management execution.

Ask the Quality Management Systems Specialist:

How is your organization organizationally structured to

implement quality assurance policies?

# 2318 | Focus Area: Information Security Policies -


Be certain that your company is establishing, sustaining,

driving, and monitoring quality assurance processes,
practices, and controls in support of application and
system requirement, development and test activities
throughout the software development and sustainment

Ask the Project Quality Engineer:

Does the system owner comply with organizational

policy by formal, documented procedures to facilitate
the implementation of the personnel security policy and
associated personnel security controls?

# 2317 | Focus Area: iso 13485 - QUALITY

Represent Quality Assurance by collaborating on

new product development and production process
improvement teams focusing on design controls, change
controls, risk management, process transfer, validation,
monitoring, and appropriate archival of records.

Ask the Analyst/Head, Risk Analysis & Reporting:

What is transferable between teams?

# 2316 | Focus Area: ISO 9000 - QUALITY

Participate in and facilitate the quality assurance process

and follow up to ensure that all information system
products and services meet organization and (internal)
client standards and end user requirements.

Ask the Software Quality Engineer:

Has there been an interruption of a critical service to a


# 2315 | Focus Area: Cybersecurity Maturity Model

Certification - SYSTEMS

Be confident that your organization provides oversight

for the development of information systems testing
strategies, plans or scenarios working with stakeholders
and Test and Software Quality Assurance Services

Ask the Master Data Analyst:

Are cybersecurity systems properly designed, installed,

operated, maintained, inspected and tested?

# 2314 | Focus Area: Logistics and Supply Chain

Management - DATA

Work with business analysts, system architects, software

developers, and quality assurance resources to provide
consistent data across all applications in support of
business objectives.

Ask the Quality Lead:

What is a visibility system and what should it provide?

# 2313 | Focus Area: Project Control - CENTER

Make sure your company is responsible for developing,

drafting, or modifying policies and procedures and
setting expectations for the Quality Assurance team
to ensure center achievements and opportunities are
promptly cascaded to the business and partners.

Ask the Time & Labor Business Partner:

Where there is a contracted out or partnership

arrangement, is there provision in the contract to ensure
that employees with the appropriate skills are engaged to
deliver assurance work?

# 2312 | Focus Area: Telemarketing - DATA

Set standards for, train team on and continuously

improve data warehousing practices such as source
system analysis, data transformation, meta data strategy,
data transport, data quality assurance and project

Ask the Sr. Quality Systems Specialist:

Are there ways to improve data quality?

# 2311 | Focus Area: Competitive Differentiation -


Assure your workforce executes engagement reviews

and quality assurance procedures in accordance with
your Project Management Office (PMO) methodology
to ensure profitable and successful execution of
professional services engagements as measured by
financial goals and (internal) customer satisfaction.

Ask the Data Warehouse Architect:

How do PMOs identify which functions and services are?

# 2310 | Focus Area: Process Governance -


Make sure the Network Control Manager leads a

Configuration Management (CM) and Quality Assurance
(QA) team in support of a large organization contract.

Ask the Sr. Quality Manager:

What will be the first target IT infrastructure you seek to

put under configuration management?

# 2309 | Focus Area: Internal Customer Service -


Liaison so that your team assists Management in the

development of and training to specific quality assurance
standards for the team; Develops and reports on metrics
measuring operational activity and service quality.

Ask the Quality Lead:

How long does implementation team stay with client

before transferring to customer service?

# 2308 | Focus Area: Reputational Risk - RISK

Liaison so that your organization is facilitating the review

of the overall AML Compliance program including risk
analysis, periodic high risk account reviews, quality
assurance reviews, and provide data on key performance


Is a payment system in place with proper reviews and


# 2307 | Focus Area: Performance Management -

Confirm that your organization ensures compliance with

company policies and procedures by holding hourly
associates accountable; analyzing and interpreting
reports; implementing and monitoring asset protection
and safety controls; maintaining quality assurance
standards; overseeing safety and operational reviews;
developing and implementing action plans to correct
deficiencies; and providing direction and guidance on
executing company programs and strategic initiatives.

Ask the Technical Quality Customer Liaison:

What are the biggest challenges involved in

implementing a new technology?

# 2306 | Focus Area: Data Manipulation - DATA

Liaison so that your workforce assists to develop, test,

and implement HR requirements, upgrades, new system
applications and requests; participates in fit analysis and
conducts audit and quality assurance to ensure data


Does the internal audit program address all elements of

the quality, including the environmental testing activities?

# 2305 | Focus Area: SOX 404 - AUDIT

Support the development of the audit strategy and
implementation of internal audit processes and process
improvements to include frameworks, methodologies,
work products and quality assurance mechanisms for the

Ask the Senior Quality System Process Expertise

How does implementing a testing automation strategy

improve quality assurance for web based applications?

# 2304 | Focus Area: IT Product Line Management


Oversee that your organization establishes a quality

assurance process to ensure the data integrity of the
reports and dashboards generated.

Ask the Sr Quality Analyst:

What data will be useful in the future and how do you

prepare for that future now?

# 2303 | Focus Area: laboratory information

management system - QUALITY

Incorporate a focus on quality into product design, and

work closely with development and software quality
assurance teams on product and process improvements.

Ask the Chief Quality Officer:

How to focus the further research?

# 2302 | Focus Area: EPC Contract - DATA

Secure that your strategy partners with Software Quality

Assurance (SQA) to create test scripts, including scripts
for integrated third party systems and data integrations.

Ask the Sr Quality Engineer:

Have you noticed difference in quality assurance test

methods between different parties?

# 2301 | Focus Area: Qa process - QUALITY

Make headway so that your operation supports the

organization with initial compliance and ongoing
preparation, testing and monitoring of conformance to
established quality assurance processes and standards
for company products, services and processes.

Ask the Quality Review Analyst:

Are QA audits, surveillances, and nonconformance

reports part of the QA program?

# 2300 | Focus Area: Technical Standards -


Ensure independent reviews and assessments of program

performance are performed, including independent
technical assessments of systems engineering, Quality
Assurance (QA), lessons learned, technology, production
and programmatic (cost, schedule, and risks) practices
assuring Quality management System (QMS) processes
are defined and implemented.

Ask the Director of Data Analytics:

Does validation demonstrate the ability of processes to

achieve planned results consistently?

# 2299 | Focus Area: ISO 14971 - QUALITY

Make sure the Quality Engineer II is responsible for

providing Quality Assurance support to product
development and manufacturing to increase product
quality, reliability, and process capability.

Ask the Senior Business and Data Analyst:

What alternatives are available to users who are

dissatisfied with the products availability?

# 2298 | Focus Area: Shared Services Marketing -


Certify your design is responsible for proper quality

assurance and quality control in accordance with your
policies and ISO 9001 Quality standard to ensure projects
meet company, industry, and (internal) client standards
and expectations.

Ask the Software Testing and Quality Assurance Manager:

What are some innovative designs that may improve the

quality of the data?

# 2297 | Focus Area: BPM - DATA

Work with database administrators, quality assurance

team, system engineers, network engineers and other
staff to ensure data consistency, security and privacy.

Ask the Manager Quality/M&P/Process:

Do you have a policy in place to ensure that the

information contained on your database is accurate and
up to date?

# 2296 | Focus Area: HIPAA - MANAGEMENT

Confirm that your team supports departmental processes

as project management as evidenced by project
planning, problem resolution, change control, and quality
assurance in accordance with established policies.

Ask the Supplier Quality Auditor:

Are you planning to update your policies for GDPR


# 2295 | Focus Area: Software QMS - QUALITY

Make sure the Manager of Software Quality Assurance

leads a team of software testers and automation
engineers to ensure that your products meet well defined
standards of quality.

Ask the Quality Control Manager:

What will you do to meet the goals stated in the quality


# 2294 | Focus Area: Maintains applicable call

center metrics - TRAINING

Verify that your group works closely with other Training

and Development staff, business analysts, account
managers, project managers, quality assurance
professionals, software engineers, and their (internal)
clients to understand and keep record of usage concepts.

Ask the Quality (Business) Senior Analyst:

Are there special staffing considerations for small

organizations when hiring quality engineers?

# 2293 | Focus Area: Reverse Supply Chain - INVEST

Invest in configuration management, information

management, test data support, documentation
management, integrated logistics support, and quality
assurance activities across projects and/or product life

Ask the Sr. Quality Systems Specialist:

Does the top management support sustainable practices

in your work?

# 2292 | Focus Area: pmi - MANAGEMENT

Make sure the Program Manager collaborates

with Product Management to disseminate market
requirements and concepts into actionable work items
for Architects, Software Engineers, and Quality Assurance

Ask the Field Quality Control Engineering:

Do the test engineers make use of automated test


# 2291 | Focus Area: Processes daily mail -


Be certain that your group oversees quality assurance

activities and compliance to operational standards,
participates in program development, development
or implementation of operating policy and procedure,
promotes continuous improvement of workplace safety
and environmental practices with priority.

Ask the Global Quality Leader, HR Regional Center

Quality, Learning and Talent:

Do you need to perform audits to ensure compliance with

regulations, standards, and operating procedures?

# 2290 | Focus Area: innovation - DATA

Build and maintain reports to support business processes

and maintain data quality assurance protocols.

Ask the Quality Systems Engineer:

What is already built into your current business processes

and what else do you build in?

# 2289 | Focus Area: data resource management -

Be certain that your process performs quality assurance

functions which include validating the quality of
hardware and software applications, developing test
plans and strategies, conducting detailed research
and analysis on software and hardware applications,
and providing recommendations for application

Ask the Data Scientist:

What are the various testing strategies for conventional


# 2288 | Focus Area: Digital Content Management -


Certify your staff acts as liaison between Quality

Assurance and project team to assure that GxP software
is implemented in compliance with applicable regulations
and guidelines.

Ask the Quality Manager in Projects / Program Quality


Is all staff working in GxP environment trained on GxP


# 2287 | Focus Area: Data Quality - QUALITY

Make sure your group oversees a team that develops,

implements and sustains quality assurance programs
to ensure existing and emerging risks associated with
business activities are effectively identified, measured,
monitored and controlled.


Do you receive robust assurance that all key risks are
managed in your supply chain?

# 2286 | Focus Area: Requirements Management -


Support implementation of project; configuration of the

order management system, quality assurance validation
from creation and execution of test plans, cases and
scripts; establish and manage acceptance criteria,
identifies defects and works to a resolution with the
Developers and business teams.

Ask the Fraud Utility Business Analysis:

Is the supplier by purchase order and/or other

agreements required to establish and implement a
software quality assurance program?

# 2285 | Focus Area: Standard Work - DATA

Drive data quality assurance and policy creation with

business partners Define and execute programs for data
stewardship and custodianship in concert with legal,
information security, and corporate risk and compliance

Ask the Quality Regulatory Manager:

When does the iso 9000 quality assurance standard lead

to performance improvement?

# 2284 | Focus Area: iso 13485 - QUALITY

Make sure the Design Quality Assurance Engineer is
accountable for supporting effective oversight and
execution of the Quality Plan, any Risk Management
activities, and of all design quality related activities
during product lifecycle.

Ask the Quality Director:

Is your focus on quality by design or on quality by


# 2283 | Focus Area: Quality Management System -


Be sure your company performs moderately complex

quality assurance projects and projects; participates in
new models development process; performs Quality
Management System documentation activities.

Ask the Chief Quality Officer:

What is your Quality Management System?

# 2282 | Focus Area: Intelligent Automation for

Application Managed Services - DEVELOPMENT

Drive multiple project teams of other software quality

assurance engineers and internal and outsourced
development partners responsible for all stages of quality
assurance for complex products and platforms, including
testing strategy, evaluate, coding, results evaluation, and
proposed corrective actions.



What are your teams backgrounds and language


# 2281 | Focus Area: Workforce Capabilities -


Ensure your approach to Quality Assurance Engineering

involves a small, highly talented and leveraged team
that focuses on manual testing, end to end testing, test

strategy, and process improvements, while working in an
embedded manner with cross-functional engineering and
product teams.

Ask the Quality Lead:

How does your organization ensure compliance with

independence regulations?

# 2280 | Focus Area: E-Commerce Platforms -


Create functional design specifications for software to

be used by Development and Quality Assurance to meet
business requirements.

Ask the Quality Management Systems SME:

Are subcontractors evaluated and selected based on

ability to meet quality system and quality assurance

# 2279 | Focus Area: Microsoft Teams and

SharePoint - DATA
Provide quality assurance guidance to technical and
program staff to ensure data integrity including preparing
program guidelines to increase consistency, performing
necessary data checks and managing datasets and data

Ask the Senior Business and Data Analyst:

Are application data recovery procedures tested at least

once annually to ensure data integrity and recovery?

# 2278 | Focus Area: Performance Management -


Make sure your group deploys Process Improvement and
Quality Assurance and makes the program organization
efficient and transparent, in line with business and
program processes.


What changes do you need to make to systems,

processes or team culture?

# 2277 | Focus Area: Offensive Security - QUALITY

Be a Quality Assurance Analyst, youre responsible for

continuously improving the quality of your organizations
product line by preventing, quickly detecting, and
validating product and process defects, to deliver market
and (internal) customer driven business results.

Ask the Lead Quality Assurance Specialist:

Are the results of quality assurance reviews provided to

affected groups & individuals?

# 2276 | Focus Area: Third Party Risk Management

Partner with Quality Assurance and Reporting and
Analytics team to assess the effectiveness of the Third-
Party Risk Management program to identify opportunities
to enhance policies, procedures, and guidance

Ask the Sr. Customer Quality Engineer:

Is program manager adequately identifying systemic

program issues affecting schedule and recommending
corrective or risk limiting actions?

# 2275 | Focus Area: EBS - SOFTWARE

Warrant that your team is involved in software
configuration management and software quality
assurance methodologies.

Ask the Quality Management System (QMS) Coordinator:

How effective and efficient is your product information

change management?

# 2274 | Focus Area: Manufacturing ISO 9001 -


Ensure your operation enforces quality assurance policies

and procedures and organization requirements to
maintain product quality.

Ask the Director Quality:

When does the ISO 9000 quality assurance standard lead

to performance improvement?

# 2273 | Focus Area: GLP and ISO 17025 standards

Warrant that your team is responsible for developing,
implementing and representing the quality assurance
programs as well as recommending measures to ensure
the fulfillment of management quality objectives.

Ask the Head Director Service Quality, Business Process -


Who has responsibility for defining and implementing the

details of regulatory compliance?

# 2272 | Focus Area: gxp - QUALITY

Make sure the Auditor 2, Quality Assurance Technology

Information Quality invest in the management of overall

quality, compliance, and auditing activities to ensure
compliance of operations with corporate policies,
industry standards, and applicable regulations.

Ask the Senior Consultant-Utilities Risk, Compliance &


How does management stay abreast of changes in

regulatory requirements and other compliance issues?

# 2271 | Focus Area: Vendor Management Process -


Provide support to teams carrying out data analysis

and data visualization tasks, including troubleshooting
challenges and conducting testing and quality assurance
on coding and product development.

Ask the Quality Management Analyst:

Has the test team participated in the production, analysis,

and review?

# 2270 | Focus Area: DMAIC - QUALITY

Oversee that your personnel maintains product quality
by enforcing quality assurance policies and procedures
and organization requirements; collaborating with other
members of management team.

Ask the Quality Measurement Data Manager:

Who determines that the quality policies are compatible

with other organization objectives?

# 2269 | Focus Area: ISO 26262 - DEVELOPMENT

Liaison so that your team is involved in configuration

management and/or quality assurance in automotive
product development.

Ask the Senior Quality Engineer:

Is it possible to apply ISO 26262 directly to the

development activities of a verification tool?

# 2268 | Focus Area: Change Management

Deployment - QUALITY

Make sure the Quality Assurance Analyst reports to the

Quality Assurance Lead and is responsible for evaluating
applications pre-deployment to ensure that company
standards are being met, code is being written to meet
requirements and acceptance criteria is being met.

Ask the Manager Quality Assurance:

Is the project creating products/deliverables that meet

the quality criteria?

# 2267 | Focus Area: Operational Risk Appetite -


Make headway so that your group enhances internal

controls, expense management and quality assurance
through the identification and recommendation of
technological and process improvement opportunities to
reduce Operational Risk throughout the organization.

Ask the Training and Quality Analyst:

How far along is your organization with its

implementation of combined assurance?

# 2266 | Focus Area: Information Security Policies -


Be sure your personnel leads quality improvements to

requirement, development and test procedures and

responsible for the development and implementation of
quality assurance processes and tools.

Ask the Software Quality Assurance Specialist:

Are security processes being communicated throughout

your organization?

# 2265 | Focus Area: Microlearning - PRODUCT

Lead continuous improvement of supplier quality

standards/metrics by leading the supplier quality team
and working with tier 1 and 2 suppliers to ensure required
product quality amongst supply sources, manufacturing
processes, production readiness, and final quality
assurance and control.

Ask the Strategic Buyer & Supplier Quality Manager:

Are the quality assurance procedures of suppliers of raw

and packaging materials monitored?

# 2264 | Focus Area: Test Automation - TEST

Work closely with the Development and Product

Management teams to define, create, and execute
automated quality assurance testing for a microservice
architecture that handles both fine-grained metadata and
big-data processing pipelines.

Ask the Quality Management Systems Manager:

Why use the integrated microcomputer processing


# 2263 | Focus Area: Engineering Workflow - DATA

Establish that your group develops quality assurance

standards, peer reviews, and other processes to ensure
flawless delivery of campaigns and personalization data

to (internal) customers.

Ask the Quality Management Systems SME:

How will the data from the peer reviews be utilized?

# 2262 | Focus Area: B2B e-commerce -


Support Agile development team process through sprint

planning, standups, sprint demo reviews, retrospectives,
and hands-on quality assurance (QA), and user
acceptance testing (UAT) for sprint releases.

Ask the Data Scientist:

Did the quality assurance vendor complete the

automated stories from the prior sprint?

# 2261 | Focus Area: Integrated IT Service

Management - RISK

Interface so that your workforce is responsible for

supporting the Technology division including the
development, implementation, and oversight of first line
risk management activities such as risk assessments,
policies and procedures, monitoring, quality assurance
and any associated remediation.

Ask the Plant Quality Manager:

Who is responsible for the oversight of care management

for populations remaining in fee-for-service?

# 2260 | Focus Area: data resource management -


Ensure strong team facilitation, process improvement,

data analysis, quality assurance skills.

Ask the Quality Management Systems Analyst:

Where there is a contracted out or partnership

arrangement, is there provision in the contract to ensure
that employees with the appropriate skills are engaged to
deliver assurance work?

# 2259 | Focus Area: Agile mindset - QUALITY

Be sure your organization is responsible for

administration of Manufacturing Quality Assurance
and Compliance to assure timely delivery of results to
manage your organization objectives and production as
well as new product introduction on time.

Ask the Quality Management Lead (Government):

What does an agile risk management model look like

related to compliance requirements?

# 2258 | Focus Area: mine health and safety -


Make headway so that your staff checks with quality

assurance department on test results for equipment to
ensure that only top quality product is being produced.

Ask the Supplier Quality Project Engineer:

Can departments retain control over the information?

# 2257 | Focus Area: Apache Kafka - TEST

Lead quality assurance cycle sprints to ensure
applications satisfy end user requirements with standard
test process methodology.

Ask the Technical Quality Customer Liaison:

Do you process information about a user?

# 2256 | Focus Area: HPA - MANAGEMENT

Check that your group assists management in testing

controls, recommending improvements to control
testing and quality assurance processes to provide early
identification of potential compliance problems.

Ask the Software Quality & Customer Experience


Are the results of quality assurance reviews provided to

affected groups & individuals?

# 2255 | Focus Area: PowerBuilder - DEVELOPMENT

Make sure the Principal QA Engineer is accountable to

the Quality Assurance Director/Manager and Program
Director/Managers for oversight on project planning,
reporting, test strategies, test writing and test execution,
as it relates to the QA activities on development efforts.

Ask the Data Quality and Governance:

Have you properly defined the scope of testing for each

phase, so that quality testing and assurance go hand in
hand with product development?

# 2254 | Focus Area: QualiWare - QUALITY

Verify that your company maintains data system integrity

and ensures quality assurance measures are followed
based on departmental standard operating procedures.

Ask the Quality Improvement Specialist:

When does the iso 9000 quality assurance standard lead

to performance improvement?

# 2253 | Focus Area: Business Intelligence and
Analytics - QUALITY

Verify that your strategy performs organizational, on-call

and strategic planning tasks to achieve timely service
delivery to (internal) customers and meet business
needs; conducts quality assurance reviews; makes
recommendations that are consistently sound, relevant
and appropriate; and provides leadership and training to
less experienced analysts and developers.

Ask the Coordinator Quality Improvement:

How often are you talking to customers about the

experience with your team?

# 2252 | Focus Area: Provide support to clients

with Remote Capture - DATA

Develop and implement quality assurance and quality

control (QAQC) procedures to routinely ensure data
quality and integrity during multiple phases of data

Ask the Quality Tech:

Which quality assurance mechanisms does the

accreditation organization routinely use?

# 2251 | Focus Area: Retail Store Operations -


Ensure your design maintains and improves call center

operations by managing and monitoring system
performance, process improvement, and quality
assurance programs.

Ask the Quality Systems Manager (Business Process


Are there special IoT systems which are used in one
certain warehousing process?

# 2250 | Focus Area: Vendor Management -


Establish that your staff is responsible for the completion

of the Vendor Management risk assessments, resolving
issues with the business, and performing quality
assurance reviews of completed risk assessments.

Ask the Calibration Process Quality Manager:

Will the contractor be responsible to perform discovery

sessions with various business line stakeholders to
understand and create messaging and website content?

# 2249 | Focus Area: target operating model -


Build standard operating procedures, best practices,

and tools to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of
the transaction team and implements quality assurance
processes to ensure all aspects of the transaction meet
or exceed expectations.

Ask the Principal Supplier Quality Engineer:

Are there Standard Operating Procedures for responding

to financial and performance audits to ensure adequate
feedback to the budgetary process?

# 2248 | Focus Area: Management of Change -


Set the goals and provide direct oversight to the

planning, design, development, implementation,
and quality assurance of the Project and Change

Management teams operations and project work

Ask the APQP Quality Engineer:

What other assurances does your organization or

consumer require from cloud computing?

# 2247 | Focus Area: undergraduate degree

preferred - QUALITY

Oversee and regularly updates operating systems to

ensure compliance with regulatory and policy guidelines
and state specific requirements while ensuring quality
assurance through testing and test coordination.

Ask the Director of Supplier Quality:

Do standards or guidelines exist to promote

standardization of data and quality assurance?

# 2246 | Focus Area: lims - DATA

Make certain that your process assists the quality

assurance manager in development, implementation and
data collection of qa processes for the different analytical

Ask the Corporate Quality & Supplier Development


What is performance management and quality


# 2245 | Focus Area: Air Force Life Cycle

Management Center - SYSTEMS

Support system build processes; provide quality

assurance of data in CM systems by conducting audits;

and produce change metrics and reports.

Ask the Quality Improvement Facilitator:

Are the results of quality assurance reviews provided to

affected groups & individuals?

# 2244 | Focus Area: Cloud Security Strategy - DATA

Ensure you do data validation and quality assurance

work related; involvement using web debugging
tools involvement working with native/mobile apps;
involvement with technical project management;
involvement working with different level of stakeholders
including management.

Ask the Technical Quality Customer Liaison:

Have line managers accepted and committed staff


# 2243 | Focus Area: Product quality - QUALITY

Develop and analyze product specifications and

quality assurance procedures to ensure compliance
with regulatory departments and (internal) customer

Ask the Quality Coordinator:

Are customer specifications, expectations well know and

appropriately implemented in the process?

# 2242 | Focus Area: Procurement Project

Management - MANAGEMENT

Contribute essential analyses and recommendations

to strategy development, using historical procurement
data, market research and analytics, quality assurance
inputs, supplier and partner intelligence, and Supplier

Management team input.

Ask the Quality Analyst /Tester:

How do business analytics and business intelligence

contribute to improving care efficiency?

# 2241 | Focus Area: Third Party Risk Management


Perform periodic quality assurance and review of

Third Party Risk assessments performed by other team
members to ensure that all assessments meet established
standards and expectations.

Ask the Director of Quality Engineering:

How does management gain assurance that all relevant

laws and regulations have been complied with?

# 2240 | Focus Area: iso 13485 - QUALITY

Verify that your organization develops, establishes,

maintains and continuously improves quality assurance
programs, policies, processes, procedures and controls
ensuring that performance and quality of systems
and products conform to established standards and
Regulatory guidelines and corporate policies.

Ask the Quality Analyst, Privacy Third Party Risk

Assessments, Global Data and Privacy Center of Expertise

Are there any guidelines about the use of software as or

in a medical device?

# 2239 | Focus Area: Process Audit - QUALITY

Organize and responsible for a variety of quality

engineering functions related to improve quality and

reduce cost through quality assurance on quality of
conformance to reduce scrap, rework internal supplier
material and (internal) customers complaints, (internal)
customer interface and support the organization goals in
achieving total (internal) customer satisfaction.

Ask the Specialist, Quality Engineering:

Are the licensing and inspection functions segregated?

# 2238 | Focus Area: innovation - WORK

Work closely with engineering and quality assurance to

ensure the right (internal) customer problem is solved,
including sharing market research and competitive
analysis with the team to best focus their efforts.

Ask the Director Operational Quality Excellence:

Will business model innovation replace strategic analysis?

# 2237 | Focus Area: Executive Leadership


Be confident that your strategy collaborates with a high

performing team that meets the quality assurance and
learning and development needs of Revenue Cycle while
driving innovation and employee engagement.

Ask the VP of Quality and Safety:

How do you develop a common language within your

innovation team?

# 2236 | Focus Area: Business Workflow Analysis -


Be certain that your group collaborates with the PMO,

Product Management, Solution Architects, Business

Partners, Application Development, and Software Quality
Assurance Teams to understand scope, solutions,
constraints, and risks.

Ask the Supplier Quality Project Engineer:

Where will open data integration and workflow

management solutions continue to emerge in healthcare?

# 2235 | Focus Area: Cost Capacity Planning -


Liaison so that your staff maintains product quality by

enforcing quality assurance policies and procedures and
organization requirements.

Ask the Senior Quality Program Manager:

Is the staff with the skills necessary for the project

difficult to find or replace?

# 2234 | Focus Area: Cyber Security Incident

Response - QUALITY
Certify your operation is responsible for Quality
Management System (QMS) compliance, management of
Quality Control personnel, and management of Quality
Assurance program.

Ask the Quality Control Analyst:

Are you responsible for system security?

# 2233 | Focus Area: Data Migration - DATA

Establish database management systems, standards,

guidelines and quality assurance for database
deliverables, such as conceptual design, logical
database, capacity planning, external data interface

specification, data loading plan, data maintenance plan
and security policy.

Ask the Senior Principal Quality Assurance Engineer:

Do you have a change management plan?

# 2232 | Focus Area: Regression Testing - TEST

Develop the strategic planning for testing and quality

assurance practices and manages the preparation
and execution of tactical plans; ensure the utilization
of project management and quality assurance in the
execution of plans.

Ask the Senior Quality Manager:

How difficult do executives find strategy execution

relative to strategic planning?

# 2231 | Focus Area: iso 9002 and ts 16949 certified

manufacturer - QUALITY

Warrant that your strategy establishes and maintains

Safety and Quality Assurance programs, procedures and
controls ensuring that products and services conform to
organization standards of excellence.

Ask the Quality Measurement Data Manager:

Who is responsible for providing a copy of the Schedule

of Open Orders and Accumulate Balances to the offices
of Budget and Internal Controls and Quality Assurance?

# 2230 | Focus Area: ISO 17025 - QUALITY

Assure your staff oversees the design, implementation,

and maintenance of a comprehensive quality assurance
(QA) system that meets or exceeds requirements of
(internal) customers and regulatory oversight agencies,

and coordinates QA activities with the QA Officer and the
Quality Control Unit.

Ask the Supplier Quality Assurance Analyst Sr.:

Does the designer have a written design quality control/

quality assurance program?

# 2229 | Focus Area: CMMi Level 3 - MANAGEMENT

Be confident that your team supports the development

and establishment of quality criteria, quality control, and
quality assurance procedures as related to requirements

Ask the Data Quality and Governance:

What do you benefit if certified against quality assurance

and control plan?

# 2228 | Focus Area: Software Metrics - SOFTWARE

Check that your process develops and maintains a suite

of software metrics suite and publishes for each project
and for overall quality assurance processes.

Ask the Time & Labor Business Partner:

Does the quality assurance group report the results of its

activities to the software project group?

# 2227 | Focus Area: Production Leveling - DATA

Conduct rigorous quality assurance checks on systems

data integration for all online reports across multiple
(internal) clients Project Management.

Ask the Compliance/Quality Engineer:

Does the project require more than the evaluation of a

clients business problem?

# 2226 | Focus Area: Qa process - QUALITY

Interface so that your strategy provides a quality strategy

to ensure that the daily tasks for the Quality Assurance
team align with department strategy and goals.

Ask the Quality Project Manager:

Which quality assurance strategy?

# 2225 | Focus Area: ISO 26262 - SAFETY

Develop experience effectively leading your organization

responsible for safety and quality assurance processes
and procedures for complex systems, including
workforce and budgets.

Ask the Master Data Analyst:

Is personnel competency documented in terms of

knowledge, experience, and training?

# 2224 | Focus Area: Workforce Management -


Be a member of the Human Resources Department, the

Manager of Performance Management works closely with
Quality Assurance and Operations and Non-Operations
Managers to evaluate your company Key Performance
Indicators (KPIs) and identify areas of improvement.

Ask the Manager IT Quality Assurance:

Do you identify any areas for improvement?

# 2223 | Focus Area: business process outsourcing


Ensure you participate in the creation of usability

requirements and quality assurance standards and
methodologies; continually focus on developing tools
and processes to enhance quality assurance testing
process and/or decrease review time.

Ask the Data Systems Analyst:

Does active involvement in process model creation

change the use of process models?

# 2222 | Focus Area: Risk Appetite and Risk

Tolerance - QUALITY

Ensure your company partners in the analysis, design,

implementation and maintenance of a complex business
process by establishing policies and procedures,
documentation, and quality assurance guidelines.

Ask the Quality Project Manager:

Do you easily bind the public interface between business

partners to industry standards, independently of the end
to end process design?

# 2221 | Focus Area: Software Metrics - SOFTWARE

Safeguard that your process assesses and recommends

software quality assurance and software configuration
management procedures.

Ask the Quality Manager in Projects / Program Quality


Are change and configuration management and quality

assurance processes in place?

# 2220 | Focus Area: APQP - QUALITY

Make sure the Corporate Quality and Supplier

Development Manager is responsible for your (internal)
customers and suppliers product quality assurance and
control activities.

Ask the Sr Quality Engineering Manager:

How are non conformities found during an audit resolved,

and are the relevant managers involved?

# 2219 | Focus Area: User Experience Design -


Make headway so that your personnel is achieving this

goal requires collaboration with teams of Marketing
Creatives, Business Analysts, Content Strategists,
Analytics specializations, Web Developers, Engineers,
Product Owners, Quality Assurance Technicians, and
Project Managers.

Ask the Director, Product Management:

What and how many errors do users make when

interacting with the product?

# 2218 | Focus Area: ERP Migration - DATA

Manage the data quality assurance requirements during

project execution and collaborate for audit ready
practices and documentation.

Ask the Data Systems Analyst:

Is there an active quality assurance process?

# 2217 | Focus Area: ransomware - DATA

Collaborate with product managers, software engineers,
and blockchain intelligence specializations to optimize
research, data collection, and quality assurance

Ask the Quality Engineer:

What is an application and a collection of processes?

# 2216 | Focus Area: Regression Testing -


Safeguard that your team is working with Software

Development Life Cycles and Software Quality Assurance

Ask the Sr. Quality Engineer:

Has your organization adopted DevOps or continuous

integration practices into your application development

# 2215 | Focus Area: Active Directory Migrations -

Ensure your group leads project quality assurance
activities, including performing technical QA reviews on
components for a team and performing QA reviews of
code documentation.

Ask the Quality Conformance Manager:

Do you perform, at minimum, annual reviews to your

privacy and security policies?

# 2214 | Focus Area: APQP - QUALITY

Make sure the Quality Assurance and Continuous

Improvement Manager is responsible for the quality

management system as well as systematic program
management for the Fabrication Division.

Ask the Vice President - Regional Quality:

How are the results of the audit program reviewed?

# 2213 | Focus Area: devsecops - DEVELOPMENT

Design and oversee development of an effective

Mission Accelerator quality assurance solution to ensure
consistent and robust software and solutions are being
produced and delivered.

Ask the Sr Quality Engineer:

Do you have assurance that the development

environments are secure?

# 2212 | Focus Area: Android - SOFTWARE

Collaborate with the broader Digital Platforms team

including the leadership team, quality assurance
professionals, designers, business analysts and other
software engineers in an open, creative environment.

Ask the Quality Director:

What software/systems are you using to support

metadata creation for digital resources?

# 2211 | Focus Area: Anomaly Detection -

Drive development and execution of quality assurance
procedures and system integration test plans.

Ask the APQP Quality Engineer:

What do you need to measure a system model?

# 2210 | Focus Area: GISF - RISK

Make sure the Risk Management and Compliance

function is responsible for monitoring quality assurance
and advising management on opportunities to improve
compliance and mitigate risk.

Ask the Quality Systems Manager:

What is the approach towards the projects overall quality

assurance and risk management?

# 2209 | Focus Area: Social Design - WORK

Work with product managers to define improvements to

business processes, lead decision makers in gathering
information to make decisions, and help quality
assurance test solutions.

Ask the Strategic Buyer & Supplier Quality Manager:

Is it mandatory to capture the content of an information

concept defined in your organization process?

# 2208 | Focus Area: Business Continuity Planning


Establish that your design is responsible for maintaining a

quality assurance review process of key life cycle events
and ceremonies.

Ask the Strategic Buyer & Supplier Quality Manager:

How does climate adaptation relate to the emergency

management cycle?

# 2207 | Focus Area: Business Relationship

Management - MANAGEMENT

Certify your design is involved in Release Management,

Configuration management, Systems Integration, Quality
Assurance and Testing, Requirements Gathering, and
Systems Analysis and Design.


Are change and configuration management and quality

assurance processes in place?

# 2206 | Focus Area: Business Intelligence and

Analytics - QUALITY

Supervise Quality Assurance team in creating UAT scripts

to ensure that application is consistent with business
expectations and minimize risk.

Ask the Quality Control Analyst:

How can organizations ensure that the risk of

misinterpretation is reduced?

# 2205 | Focus Area: iso 13485 - QUALITY

Provide product specific supplier and co development

quality assurance expertise during supplier audits, and
through approval of supplier PDP and Design Controls

Ask the Strategic Quality Process Improvement Program


Are design output content, format and design output

approval methods defined in a revision controlled

# 2204 | Focus Area: Visual Workplace - QUALITY

Achieve quality assurance operational objectives by
monitoring quality metrics; generate and oversee the
development of quality standards and protocols for
quality assurance and testing; implement standard
operating procedures; identify and resolve problems;
implement change following the continuous
improvement process.

Ask the Quality Management Systems Infrastructure


Where in the development cycle is your business?

# 2203 | Focus Area: Knowledge Management


Make sure the Instructional Coach liaises with the CX

Quality and Readiness organization to provide support
and help drive innovation for all knowledge content and
ensures full alignment quality assurance expectations
and compliance requirements.

Ask the Head of Quality and Compliance:

How do you reduce the service assurance readiness

cycle for a new service from months to weeks?

# 2202 | Focus Area: ISO 55001 - QUALITY

Warrant that your operation is leading Commercial

Solutions Division end to end product quality
assurance programs from development to post market

Ask the Quality Management Systems SME:

What do you consider to be quality assurance?

# 2201 | Focus Area: Supplier Performance

Management - QUALITY

Define and maintain the supplier quality management

program, including risk management, quality assurance
agreements, quality control plans, supplier performance
management, supplier surveys and audits, and supplier
inspection plan/method evaluations.

Ask the Analyst/Head, Risk Analysis & Reporting:

Does your performance management method enable

managers to coach employees?

# 2200 | Focus Area: Service Acceptance Criteria -


Warrant that your process investigates corporate

data requirements, and applies data analysis, design,
modelling, and quality assurance techniques, to
establish, modify or maintain data structures and their
associated components (entity descriptions, relationship
descriptions, attribute definitions).



How software reengineering leads to new product with

quality assurance attributes?

# 2199 | Focus Area: Quality Management System -


Make sure the Quality Assurance Engineer is primarily

responsible for providing technical support to ensure
(internal) customer requirements are understood and

Ask the Credit Risk & Portfolio Management - Analyst,

Power & Utilities:

When does the ISO 9000 quality assurance standard lead
to performance improvement?

# 2198 | Focus Area: Monetization - PRODUCT

Coordinate configuration, testing and production

migration activities in conjunction with the Quality
Assurance Analyst to ensure product test and launch as

Ask the Sr. Customer Quality Engineer:

What are the possibilities of the data migration and how

much does it cost?

# 2197 | Focus Area: Quality Improvement -


Make sure the Quality Assurance Analyst is responsible

for monitoring and evaluating incoming and/or outgoing
calls to ensure quality, (internal) customer service,
and adherence to the policies and procedures of the

Ask the Quality Analyst /Tester:

How do you know it is the coordination of various

functions and elements that make for high quality
customer service?

# 2196 | Focus Area: Knowledge Management -


Establish that your group leads data governance

practices and ensures data integrity by implementing
quality assurance and validation practices.

Ask the Sr. Quality Systems Specialist:

Do you allow tenants to use third party identity assurance

# 2195 | Focus Area: Artificial Intelligence - DATA

Partner with key internal stakeholders to ensure projects

are managed successfully from data collection to quality
assurance to timely delivery.

Ask the Specialist, Quality Engineering:

Are the key project people compatible?

# 2194 | Focus Area: Microsoft SharePoint Server -


Recommend program management and quality

assurance process improvements and best practices to
maximize operational efficiency.

Ask the Production/Quality Engineer:

What do the quality assurance reports suggest about the

technical competence and efficiency with which audits
and installations were performed?

# 2193 | Focus Area: Capacity Utilization -


Support Software Quality Assurance team to develop

complex test scenarios.

Ask the Software Testing and Quality Assurance Manager:

Has a quality assurance plan been developed for the


# 2192 | Focus Area: Configuration Management -


Be confident that your organization participates in

reviewing engineering change data and coordinates
changes with program management, engineering, quality
assurance, material management and manufacturing to
ensure compliance with (internal) customer requirements
and Company policy and CDM procedures.

Ask the Quality Assurance Specialist:

What data should the backup include, and how often

must it be made?

# 2191 | Focus Area: 5 Whys - QUALITY

Make sure the Manager, Operational Excellence and

Quality is responsible for the maintenance, development
and administration of all quality assurance systems of
your organization with a focus on operational excellence.

Ask the Supplier Quality Assurance Analyst Sr.:

Is the manager responsible for quality assurance and

governance of the service?

# 2190 | Focus Area: Enterprise Risk Management -


Be certain that your group is managing governance

and quality assurance of program wide Software
Development Lifecycle (SDLC) process.

Ask the Quality Manager:

What are the people, process and technology

considerations you need to make to maintain
confidentiality, integrity, availability and agility of data?

# 2189 | Focus Area: Train all employees - QUALITY

Make sure the Quality Coordinators mission is to

participate in the business strategy by contributing to
the action plans development as an expert in quality
assurance and continuous improvement.

Ask the Strategic Quality Process Improvement Program


Who participates in quality assurance reviews?

# 2188 | Focus Area: Predictive analytics - DATA

Participate in the development of quarterly exposure

data, invest in the quality assurance of all exposure data,
and provide guidance on most relevant data required for
managing catastrophe business.

Ask the Senior Business and Data Analyst:

What are the roles for multilateral development finance


# 2187 | Focus Area: Cyber Operations - PERFORM

Perform Quality Assurance activities for software tools

and hardware systems which support Cyber Operations

Ask the Data Quality Assurance Clerk:

Is the system/software/hardware developed using

industry security best practices?

# 2186 | Focus Area: ITIL service design package -


Adhere to defined service standards, guidelines, controls,

and quality assurance measures as well as problem
management and process improvement processes.

Ask the Quality Management Systems Coordinator:

Does the quality assurance process include a review of

adherence to IT policies, procedures and standards?

# 2185 | Focus Area: User Experience - QUALITY

Guarantee your organization designs quality assurance

and test processes for portions of end user applications,
systems software, and firmware running on hardware,
local, networked, and Internet based platforms.

Ask the Quality (Business) Senior Analyst:

Has your organization configured any clouds for


# 2184 | Focus Area: governance, risk and

compliance - COMPLIANCE

Make sure your group is responsible for oversight

of Quality Assurance Support in accordance with
compliance guidelines and ensuring consistency of QA
practices throughout your organization.

Ask the Training and Quality Analyst:

What concerns do you have about your ability to meet

the required quality and performance levels?

# 2183 | Focus Area: CIO - DEVELOP

Conduct process and product quality assurance audits
and assessments to appraise the effectiveness of IT
processes, identifying deficiencies, performing analysis
of those deficiencies, and developing recommendations
to address the deficiencies.

Ask the Quality Improvement Coach:

How are deficiencies addressed by your organization?

# 2182 | Focus Area: Customer Satisfaction Survey


Check that your process is responsible for running

regular reports to ensure quality assurance and analyze
trends and make improvements.

Ask the Manager Plant Quality:

Which of the new trends have already found the way into
day to day testing?

# 2181 | Focus Area: target operating model - DATA

Liaison so that your organization is involved in data

quality assurance and regulatory reporting.

Ask the Data Scientist:

What is the quality of the product?

# 2180 | Focus Area: msp (lps fidelity) application

skills - DATA

Communicate data discrepancies found during Quality

assurance process and work toward correcting illogical

Ask the Compensation Data Analyst:

Are support organizations doing quality assurance?

# 2179 | Focus Area: iso 13485 - QUALITY

Develop and maintain quality assurance procedures
and work instructions regarding inspection and data

Ask the Director of Quality Systems Management:

Do procedures require provision of root cause analysis,

corrective action, and close out?

# 2178 | Focus Area: User Experience - SOFTWARE

Work with designers, analysts and Quality Assurance staff

on software development strategies to improve quality
and usability, including minimizing defects/bugs.

Ask the Quality Assurance and Staff Development


Are you working with quality requirements/non functional

requirements in your development process?

# 2177 | Focus Area: Service Asset and

Configuration Management - DATA
Establish that your design applies data analysis, data
modeling, and quality assurance techniques to establish,
modify, and maintain data structures and associated

Ask the Quality Tech/Inspectors:

How to ensure high quality support of complex tailor

made solutions?

# 2176 | Focus Area: Technology Process

Improvement - PROCESS

Be certain that your group participates in special

projects, process reviews and process improvements in
support of quality assurance initiatives.

Ask the Compliance/Quality Engineer:

Do you support process improvement initiatives?

# 2175 | Focus Area: Quality Management System -


Lead quality assurance department by providing quality

control test results for use with statistical process control
to determine whether the manufacturing process is in

Ask the Quality Engineering Manager:

When does the ISO 9000 quality assurance standard lead

to performance improvement?

# 2174 | Focus Area: Application Portfolio -


Manage quality assurance system testing to ensure a

quality product is delivered to the end users for user
acceptance testing.

Ask the Quality Manager:

Do you invite staff to raise quality assurance and risk

management issues during appraisal or at practice

# 2173 | Focus Area: CMMi Level 3 - QUALITY

Make sure your strategy provides execution of Project

Quality Assurance Plan and the implementation of
procedures that conform to project requirements.

Ask the APQP Quality Engineer:

Are there potential improvements for the projects quality

assurance plans, procedures, and organization?

# 2172 | Focus Area: iso 13485 - QUALITY

Secure that your design is involved in organization and

industry quality assurance requirements and standards.

Ask the Quality Analyst:

When does the ISO 9000 quality assurance standard lead

to performance improvement?

# 2171 | Focus Area: Artificial intelligence - DATA

Analyze and interpret information, including working

with the data team on validation and quality assurance of
data, models and results.

Ask the Director Quality:

How does your selection team possibly evaluate the

quality of vendor support before you make the decision
to purchase a particular ERP system?

# 2170 | Focus Area: Cybersecurity Regulations -


Review code from development team members to

maintain code quality assurance while establishing best
in class merging and branching strategies.

Ask the Quality Control Analyst:

Does your organization of the requirements facilitate

traceability to design and code?

# 2169 | Focus Area: Process Improvement
Methodology - PROCESS

Develop, refine, and maintain process and quality

assurance process documents in support of Program
Quality areas of responsibility.

Ask the Principal Supplier Quality Engineer:

Do you have assurance of your management system,

processes and operational effectiveness?

# 2168 | Focus Area: Business Intelligence and

Analytics - DATA

Work with the Quality Assurance team to account for the

data and report requirements.

Ask the Quality Improvement Facilitator:

Is there an independent quality assurance representative

or group that reviews and/or audits the activities and
work products for managing the requirements?

# 2167 | Focus Area: Change Advisory Board -


Provide support to the team throughout the project life

cycle by acting as the liaison to the respective design,
development, quality assurance and support teams.

Ask the Quality Engineer / Manager:

How will you, as technology provider, work together

with the development team to ensure a successful

# 2166 | Focus Area: Defect Tracking Process -


Work as a member of the IT Project Quality Assurance
team to continually improve process, drive cost reduction
activities and build overall domain knowledge.

Ask the Manufacturing Quality Engineer:

Is the risk reduction cost effective?

# 2165 | Focus Area: Commodity Management -


Develop, uphold and periodically enhance quality

assurance and quality control processes to ensure
all standard operating procedures reflect the most
current, internationally accepted practices, and ensure
responsiveness to new health commodities as they
become available.

Ask the Production/Quality Engineer:

Does your organization periodically review its record

keeping activities?

# 2164 | Focus Area: Lean Software Development -


Interface so that your strategy manages multiple large-

scale internal business projects or single department-
scale projects from inception to close, including resource
management, risk identification and mitigation, quality
assurance and change control.

Ask the Specialist, Quality Engineering:

Does the quality management plan reflect the quality

assurance activities being conducted?

# 2163 | Focus Area: COSO Internal Control - AUDIT

Make sure the Quality Assurance Manager is responsible
for assisting management in assessing the adequacy
of your organizations internal control environment by
performing audits and value added services.

Ask the Sustainable Finance Data Governance Lead:

Do internal/external auditors periodically assess the

adequacy of internal control systems?

# 2162 | Focus Area: Qa process - QUALITY

Make sure your team plans and delivers quality services

for internal process audits and contracted quality
assurance audits.

Ask the Quality Measurement Data Manager:

What quality assurance processes are in place?

# 2161 | Focus Area: Configuration Management -


Review and direct the process of configuration

management and quality assurance in meeting program

Ask the Credit Risk & Portfolio Management - Analyst,

Power & Utilities:

Does the quality assurance group review or audit

the activities and work products for configuration
management and report the results?

# 2160 | Focus Area: Project Control - CENTER

Meet with business leaders to conduct Quality Assurance

audits on evaluations submitted by supervisors, realign
Trade Support and Service contact center evaluation

expectations and disseminate the outcome with all
involved stakeholders.

Ask the Quality Project Manager:

Is the system meeting targeted service levels?

# 2159 | Focus Area: App Cloud Evaluation -


Develop, evaluate, implement and maintain technical

quality assurance and control systems or reliability
systems and standards pertaining to materials,
techniques, or organization products.

Ask the Quality Management Systems Infrastructure


When does the iso 9000 quality assurance standard lead

to performance improvement?

# 2158 | Focus Area: ISO 22313 - COMPLIANCE

Make sure your team is responsible for activities involving

quality assurance and compliance with applicable
contract and regulatory requirements.

Ask the Quality Improvement Team Leader:

How will quality assurance be accomplished by the

management team?

# 2157 | Focus Area: Quality Management System -


Make sure the Manager, Quality Systems, in cooperation

and alignment with the other members of the Quality
Assurance department, provides quality oversight to the
site to ensure compliance and support the various quality


Ask the Data Systems Analyst:

Do the improvement initiatives really affect the maturity

of the process?

# 2156 | Focus Area: Implementing Software Asset

Management - KNOWLEDGE

Be confident that your team is responsible for continual

performance and knowledge improvement including,
implementing feedback from managers, ongoing
training, quality assurance and conducting self

Ask the Quality Management Systems Specialist:

What information technologies do design teams use for

sharing information?

# 2155 | Focus Area: HIPAA - COMPLIANCE

Guarantee your team is creating and conducting

monitoring and other quality assurance metrics and
reviews to determine privacy compliance success.

Ask the Quality Management Systems Manager:

How do you balance behavior health compliance with

quality patient care?

# 2154 | Focus Area: ISO 14971 - QUALITY

Develop product quality assurance processes to enhance
design understanding and manufacturing consistency
and controls; establish practices to guide your

Ask the Quality Engineer / Manager:

How can there be any consistency to quality or through
put, under circumstances?

# 2153 | Focus Area: ISO 14971 - QUALITY

Provide Quality Assurance support and direction to

project teams, complaint investigations and/or design
change management.

Ask the Quality Analyst /Tester:

Are there quality assurance procedures implemented for

crime scene investigations?

# 2152 | Focus Area: it resource capacity planning -


Comply with software quality assurance standards,

business goals, and project timelines in an agile delivery

Ask the Finance Data Quality Assurance Lead:

Are there additional methods you would include in the

software assurance process?

# 2151 | Focus Area: Business Continuity Plan

Monitoring - DATA

Be confident that your process performs data quality

assurance and testing activities.


Does the procedure assure objective evidence exists that

the software performs required functions and data rights
are consistent with the subcontract?

# 2150 | Focus Area: IT Service Management -

Certify your operation is responsible for quality assurance

processes which enable support and service requests to
be satisfied in a timely and efficient manner.

Ask the Quality Measurement Data Manager:

What is the quality of the results?

# 2149 | Focus Area: Insider Threat Prevention

Strategy - DATA

Warrant that your design performs quality assurance

efforts on all developed dashboards, reports, data
extracts and metrics, and documents findings.

Ask the Quality Manager:

How do you verify that your team is checking the


# 2148 | Focus Area: Smart Manufacturing - TEST

Ensure your workforce is involved in overseeing the

automated design, development, and implementation of
quality assurance standards for software testing.

Ask the Supervisor of Operational Quality and Assurance

- Priority Health:

What level of workforce regulation is needed to

ensure adequate quality assurance accountability and
community and service user protection?

# 2147 | Focus Area: ISO 8000 - QUALITY

Lead Quality Manager in directing plant Quality Control/
Quality Assurance program to ensure compliance with
policies and procedures, all regulatory requirements and

Ask the Quality and Compliance Manager:

What is your Quality Assurance process to ensure that the

large volumes of data gathered in the monitoring process
are handled efficiently?

# 2146 | Focus Area: Fault Tree Analysis - QUALITY

Guarantee your staff works with leaders to develop

quality management plans to implement quality
assurance and quality control.

Ask the Supplier Quality Assurance Analyst Sr.:

When will certain quality oversight activities be

implemented for the project?

# 2145 | Focus Area: Technology Risk -

Certify your team drives information fusion procedures
across operations and engineering, including activities
such as Use Case planning/development, Use Case
quality assurance validation, and response procedure

Ask the Quality Control Analyst:

How useful is a quality plan to manage the projects


# 2144 | Focus Area: Impact Report - QUALITY

Be sure your process is responsible for ensuring

quality assurance and compliance with all required

organizational standards and external departments.

Ask the Director, Product Management:

Should model validation really be model quality


# 2143 | Focus Area: ISO 50001 - QUALITY

Make sure your design designs, implements and monitors

performance of daily quality assurance audit function, in
process quality check and batch record review.

Ask the Supervisor of Operational Quality and Assurance

- Priority Health:

How would you rate your organizations quality of

available data for analytics purposes?

# 2142 | Focus Area: Cyber Operations -


Apply quality assurance methods and techniques to

include reviews of concept of operations documentation,
requirements, project plans, cost and schedule analysis,
source code, configuration management, installation
plans procedures and training requirements.

Ask the Director of Quality:

Does the software development plan include security

peer reviews?

# 2141 | Focus Area: Trusted Execution

Environment - TRAINING

Lead the Training and Quality Assurance Manager in

anticipating future business changes and challenges and
proactively develop and implement new or revised plans

to maintain a competitive service environment.

Ask the Coordinator Quality CI Program:

Are you certain that the internal audit plan is up to date

and reflective of emerging risk and changes in external

# 2140 | Focus Area: Cybersecurity Automation -


Verify that your operation is owning all the quality

assurance project deliverables across the entire program
subsystems, synchronization and task prioritization for
the core teams involved in the quality assurance of the

Ask the Manager Quality Assurance:

How do the products work together to automate

previously manual tasks?

# 2139 | Focus Area: FMEA Failure Modes -

Perform Quality Assurance oversight for GxP
computerized system activities to ensure compliance
with regulatory requirements.

Ask the Manager IT Quality Assurance:

How do you gauge the quality of a reference?

# 2138 | Focus Area: Digital Maturity - DIGITAL

Verify that your operation provides leadership,

consultation and direction to Operations, Quality
Assurance Technical Services, Quality Assurance, Quality
Systems and Compliance on introduction of new Digital

technologies/processes and complex change controls
with validation and regulatory impact.

Ask the Utility Specialist- Risk Management and Business


How will intelligent technologies change skill and labor

demand in different industries and economies?

# 2137 | Focus Area: System testing - PROJECT

Secure that your operation is involved in quality

assurance on a data migration project.

Ask the Quality Management Systems Specialist:

How easy is it to migrate or replicate data between

systems or back out once you begin the migration

# 2136 | Focus Area: Application Security -


Make sure the Quality Assurance Analyst is responsible

for assembling and executing test plans for web based
applications and any associated software services.

Ask the Director of Supplier Quality:

Will health workers have the ability to review and edit

data to ensure data quality?

# 2135 | Focus Area: This includes establishing -


Support development of ongoing quality assurance and

quality control efforts for all reporting and committee
materials including use of applications to further refine
the existing program and supporting processes.

Ask the Project Quality Engineer:

What sort of quality assurance processes should be

applied to the data to make it more useful?

# 2134 | Focus Area: Post Implementation Review -


Oversee that your company oversees the IT enterprise

business System analysis and quality assurance areas.

Ask the Quality Conformance Manager:

What areas could have assessment and review of existing

policy and implementation?

# 2133 | Focus Area: Work From Home Worker

Compensation Claim - QUALITY

Be certain that your team is involved in writing business

requirements, functional specifications, and/or quality
assurance testing.

Ask the Head of Quality and Compliance:

Are there requirements to have access to first aid facility

at the workplace/building?

# 2132 | Focus Area: covid-19 impact - QUALITY

Conduct strategic risk improvement services such as

loss analyses; contractual risk transfer reviews; fleet
risk management reviews; quality assurance and quality
control assessments; injury management best practices;
and managerial level training and education to eliminate
and/or reduce the potential for frequent and severe

Ask the Director of Quality Engineering:

What can be done to reduce or eliminate risks?

# 2131 | Focus Area: Secured Loans - DEVELOP

Develop and maintain a comprehensive Quality

Assurance program to ensure that underwriting is
consistent with the credit culture, secondary market
requirements and risk appetite of your organization.

Ask the Product and Services Quality Manager:

What is the quality of the training program performance


# 2130 | Focus Area: Must possess high motivation


Lead and direct the Fulfillment Operations Group

in the achievement of key goals in the area of order
processing and delivery, quality assurance management,
inventory management, purchasing management, cost
management, process layouts, process improvements
and employee training and development.

Ask the Sr Quality Engineer:

How effective was the quality assurance process?

# 2129 | Focus Area: Vendor Risk Management -


Guarantee your team performs quality assurance

assessments and credible challenges as it relates to the
new vendor approval process according to policy and

Ask the Quality Improvement Coach:

How do you differentiate between failures due to poor
implementation, failures due to process changes that
were flawed or inappropriate, and failures due to poor
contractor performance?

# 2128 | Focus Area: Service Management -


Manage develops the strategy, leads the design and

coordinates the implementation of all (internal) customer
Service Quality Assurance policies, programs and

Ask the Data Systems Analyst:

What is the expected timeline for process redesign and


# 2127 | Focus Area: Shared Services Marketing -


Warrant that your strategy ensures appropriate treatment

of risks, and compliance and quality assurance of work
product and services.

Ask the Quality Assurance Manager:

Have you noticed differences in quality assurance test

methods between different parties?

# 2126 | Focus Area: Quality management -


Liaison so that your organization develops or specifies

quality assurance standards, measurements, methods,
or procedures to determine product quality or release

Ask the Director of Quality Systems Management:

How do you determine the measurements to be taken

and the measuring equipment needed to demonstrate
conformity with requirements?

# 2125 | Focus Area: Test Automation Framework -


Safeguard that your operation designs test cases,

execution of test plans, analyzing test case results, and
reporting of test case results to achieve quality assurance
and business value objectives.

Ask the Manager Quality Assurance:

What are the relevant Asset Plans supporting delivery of

the service?

# 2124 | Focus Area: Post Implementation Review -


Be sure your group develops a quality assurance staff by

recruiting, coaching, and training team members.

Ask the Quality Program Manager:

Is the quality assurance program been updated for the

design phase?

# 2123 | Focus Area: Qa process - QUALITY

Support concurrent engineering efforts by participating

in design development projects representing Quality
Assurance and the customer.

Ask the APQP Quality Engineer:

What is the relationship between quality, quality

assurance, and quality engineering?

# 2122 | Focus Area: Project Control - CENTER

Verify that your operation conducts focus groups with

front line contact center staff and provides feedback on
the overall Quality Assurance performance by reviewing
recorded interactions.

Ask the Manager Quality/M&P/Process:

Are calls recorded for quality assurance?

# 2121 | Focus Area: empathize - DEVELOPMENT

Oversee that your staff works with application

development staff to develop database architectures,
coding standards, and quality assurance policies and

Ask the Quality Systems Manager:

How do quality frameworks integrate the assurance of

online learning?

# 2120 | Focus Area: ISO 17025 - QUALITY

Develop Quality Assurance Project Plans and Quality

Management Plans for projects with priority.

Ask the Online Course Quality Reviewer:

Is your organizations quality assurance team different

from the project development team?

# 2119 | Focus Area: Linux kernel - QUALITY

Be certain that your team is responsible for the

negotiation, timely follow up, quality assurance and

personal attention to all concerns brought to the
attention so as to ensure consumer satisfaction.

Ask the VP of Quality and Safety:

What is your quality assurance process to ensure that the

large volumes of data gathered in the monitoring process
are handled efficiently and representative of the overall
online conversation?

# 2118 | Focus Area: Data File - DATA

Collaborate with Data Quality Analyst and Database

Administrator to maintain data integrity by performing
quality assurance tasks on database.

Ask the Quality Management Specialist:

Are only mission essential tasks included?

# 2117 | Focus Area: APQP - QUALITY

Be a member of your quality team the Quality Supervisor

directs the activities and staff in quality assurance
implementation and maintenance.

Ask the Data Analyst, Quality Management Systems:

How can advanced quality planning be implemented?

# 2116 | Focus Area: data resource management -


Make sure the primary purpose of such positions is to

plan and exercise management control and to provide
administration and quality assurance functions of
assigned on going service contracts.

Ask the Software Quality & Customer Experience


How will you provide ongoing staff training on new
policies/procedures and other important topics?

# 2115 | Focus Area: Finance Management -


Create Outsourcing related standard operating

procedures to ensure procurement activities for
such services comply with best-in-class policies and
procedures including legal, quality assurance and

Ask the Manager Quality Launch:

Have new standard operating policies and procedures

been developed or implemented to use the capabilities
of the new increment?

# 2114 | Focus Area: Data File - DEVELOP

Develop, manage, update, and modify websites,

including design and non-design aspects, from project
initiation to deployment, and maintenance activities
and perform testing and quality assurance of websites
and web applications with priority for high and low-side

Ask the Vice President - Regional Quality:

Is your prevention case manager knowledgeable about

the issues you consider?

# 2113 | Focus Area: Strategic Alliance - DATA

Participate in regular data verification to ensure quality
assurance and conduct maintenance of platform
methodologies and procedures.

Ask the Vice President - Regional Quality:

How adequate are any data quality assurance procedures
and data validation that were followed?

# 2112 | Focus Area: IoT - SOFTWARE

Be certain that your process is involved in Software

Quality Assurance (mobile software applications).

Ask the Software Quality Assurance Specialist:

What quality assurance is undertaken by the customer to

ensure the quality and security of the GxP infrastructure
and applications built and deployed in the cloud?

# 2111 | Focus Area: Project Control - QUALITY

Assure your strategy performs routine and ad hoc quality

assurance evaluations of IMS Operations team members
by observing the interactions with (internal) clients
and comparing to Quality Scorecards which outline

Ask the Quality Control Analyst:

What are the risks and benefits of the procedure or

instrument to clients?

# 2110 | Focus Area: Data Migration - DATA

Work closely with quality assurance and end users to

support timely delivery of data processes.

Ask the Program Quality Engineer:

Can the metadata solution support data quality

management processes?

# 2109 | Focus Area: DRaaS - PROCESS

Design and maintain business intelligence and analytics
reports to provide quality assurance and monitoring
of business processes, as well as providing insight
to stakeholders for continuous improvement of the

Ask the Quality Engineering and System Analyst


How could your organization cut costs, while maintaining

high levels of product quality and support?

# 2108 | Focus Area: Model-Based Systems

Engineering - SYSTEMS

Oversee that your group applies systems engineering

involvement to perform functions as system integration,
configuration management, quality assurance testing, or
acquisition and resource management.

Ask the Finance Data Quality Assurance Lead:

Does the automated system provide an automated

interface to the core financial system and the property
management system to record disposal of the property
and associated receipts?

# 2107 | Focus Area: Third Party Risk Management


Invest in data initiatives related to divestiture activity,

support regulatory exams/internal audits and perform
quality assurance reviews.

Ask the Technical Quality Customer Liaison:

What are the quality assurance procedures its products

go through to ensure top performance?

# 2106 | Focus Area: UML - SOFTWARE

Support all areas of the software development lifecycle

including quality assurance testing, user acceptance
testing, training, etc.


How effective is the overall process for API lifecycle

development in your organization?

# 2105 | Focus Area: Quality Management System -


Verify that your strategy establishes effective quality

management system by updating quality assurance
manual and procedures.

Ask the Senior Quality System Process Expertise


Did your organization define a plan or strategy to meet

the quality goals and objectives?

# 2104 | Focus Area: Artificial Intelligence in

Healthcare - DEVELOPMENT

Make sure there is work involvement in software

development and software quality assurance for web

Ask the Quality Engineer:

Which ai technologies and what level of human

involvement are needed?

# 2103 | Focus Area: devsecops - SYSTEMS

Certify your organization is responsible for the designing

of interface standards, quality assurance standards,
performance standards, and cost-benefit analysis of
modern state-of-the art information systems; analyzes
available technologies and makes recommendations of
technologies to use and how best to use them.

Ask the APQP Quality Engineer:

How do you gain visibility into the quality of changes in

your deployment pipeline?

# 2102 | Focus Area: Solution Design - DATA

Ensure proper source control, documentation, testing

and quality assurance processes are developed and
followed to maintain high data integrity.

Ask the Quality Coordinator:

Does your organization have effective procedures and

controls over IT systems which maintain the integrity of
information and the security of data systems process?

# 2101 | Focus Area: ISO 20000 - MANAGEMENT

Ensure your group operationalize program efforts in
several areas, including cost management/avoidance,
schedule estimation and tracking, contract performance
management, risk management, requirements analysis,
and quality assurance activities.

Ask the Senior Customer Quality Engineer:

Why is performance management so broken?

# 2100 | Focus Area: Artificial Intelligence in

Healthcare - DATA

Ensure your organization involves developing/conducting

quality assurance checks of incoming data independent

of the vendor and summarizing those findings.

Ask the Data Analyst, Quality Management Systems:

What is the underlying root cause for the findings?

# 2099 | Focus Area: Version Management - TEST

Interface so that your strategy monitors products and

services throughout the life cycle; validates/verifies
adherence to specified requirements through test and
measurement activities; manages/leads quality assurance

Ask the Data Management Specialist:

How do you know the source requirements for which test

cases were created and have failed now?

# 2098 | Focus Area: Sarbanes Oxley - DEVELOP

Develop and administer quality assurance processes and

internal control reviews to maintain compliance with
established SOX guidelines.

Ask the Manager Quality/M&P/Process:

Does your organization have an established, formal

program for internal compliance?

# 2097 | Focus Area: ISO IEC 27001 Lead

Implementer - MANAGEMENT

Make sure your company is ongoing project management

and quality assurance throughout the project.

Ask the Data Warehouse Architect:

What makes a good software quality assurance engineer?

# 2096 | Focus Area: target operating model -

Be certain that your company manages regulatory

reporting quality assurance operational risk management
financial controls.

Ask the Quality Management Systems SME:

What is the approach to data conversion and data


# 2095 | Focus Area: Infrastructure and Operations


Oversee service management activities including change

and release management, testing, quality assurance and
end to end technical integration.

Ask the Manufacturing Quality Engineer:

Is there flexibility to amend service standards, scope of

service and cost structures?

# 2094 | Focus Area: key stakeholders - PROCESS

Make sure your process executes or oversees ongoing

audits or quality assurance reviews to proactively
measure performance against established service levels,
processes, procedures, etc.

Ask the Quality Systems Management:

What is the quantity and quality of organizational


# 2093 | Focus Area: Intelligent Automation for

Application Managed Services - SOFTWARE

Make sure your operation drives innovation and
integration of new technologies into projects and
activities in the software quality assurance organization.

Ask the Quality Analyst, Privacy Third Party Risk

Assessments, Global Data and Privacy Center of Expertise

Will ideas, in the end, truly make a difference in

transforming organizations into being more diverse and

# 2092 | Focus Area: Sustainable Packaging -


Liaison so that your team provides interface between

quality assurance staff, plants, and (internal) customer
service representatives through the (internal) customer
assistance manager.

Ask the Head Quality Engineer:

What is the average customer service level?

# 2091 | Focus Area: high reliability organization -


Make sure the employee will support your organization

strategic plan, the goals and direction of the quality
assurance performance improvement process, and

Ask the Technical Quality Customer Liaison:

What impacts do corresponding mandates have on your

future direction?

# 2090 | Focus Area: APQP - QUALITY

Make sure the Quality Technician is responsible for
conducting routine tests and inspections on products,
assisting the Quality Assurance Manager with data

Ask the Sr. Customer Quality Engineer:

Are all relevant results of the quality inspections recorded

and achieved?

# 2089 | Focus Area: ISO 14971 - QUALITY

Make sure the Quality Assurance specialization II is

responsible for leading Quality Management System
(QMS) tasks and operations.

Ask the Supplier Quality Analyst:

Are only mission essential tasks included?

# 2088 | Focus Area: SaaS Delivery Model -


Work with development teams including quality

assurance to review and ensure quality of deliverables.

Ask the Strategic Buyer & Supplier Quality Manager:

Are the results of quality assurance reviews provided to

affected groups & individuals?

# 2087 | Focus Area: Azure IoT - DATA

Run data and dashboard quality assurance throughout
the design phase in collaboration with your team.

Ask the Sr. Quality Manager:

How does IoT collaboration actually happen between


# 2086 | Focus Area: internal audits - QUALITY

Conduct Quality Assurance for system configuration and

data files.

Ask the Strategic Quality Process Improvement Program


Have you planned to monitor the key risks as availability,

integrity and security of data through conducting regular
internal audit or assurance reviews?

# 2085 | Focus Area: Information Governance -


Be certain that your company assists with User

Acceptance and Quality Assurance testing efforts around
the product involvement, core site features or (internal)
customer involvement.

Ask the Program Quality Engineer:

How user friendly is your website?

# 2084 | Focus Area: DevOps IoT - QUALITY

Liaison so that your staff is responsible for test

automation tools, risk assessment, quality assurance

Ask the Credit Risk & Portfolio Management - Analyst,

Power & Utilities:

Are there any risks/inconvenience?

# 2083 | Focus Area: Management Assistant - DATA

Set up project data quality assurance mechanisms, and
periodically participate/co lead the project internal data
quality assessments.

Ask the Manager HR Data Integrity & Analysis:

When does the iso 9000 quality assurance standard lead

to performance improvement?

# 2082 | Focus Area: Third Party Risk Management


Invest in performing Quality Assurance (QA) on the

TPRM Program to ensure the processes are operating in
accordance with policy, standard and procedures.

Ask the Data Management and Analysis:

Is there a plan to develop a new set of operational

processes, procedures and standards?

# 2081 | Focus Area: low-code - DEVELOPMENT

Manage a matrixed team of quality assurance analysts

across several agile web application development teams.

Ask the Master Data Analyst:

What other assurances does your organization or

consumer require from cloud computing?

# 2080 | Focus Area: Testing Microservices -


Lead the Quality Assurance team including people

management, workflow management, problem solving,
coaching/mentoring, process improvement.

Ask the Senior Quality Engineer:

Are there issue and workflow management processes to

address data problems?

# 2079 | Focus Area: Board of Directors -


Lead the management of project risks and quality

assurance to include identifying and performing quality

Ask the Quality Improvement Specialist:

Are adequate resources provided for performing quality

assurance activities?

# 2078 | Focus Area: Social Design - QUALITY

Confirm that your personnel works closely with Quality

Assurance to ensure suppliers meet and exceed quality
standards leads supplier performance appraisals.

Ask the eLearning Quality Assurance Specialist:

Who is responsible for Quality Assurance, Approving the

Quality Management Strategy, Confirming Acceptance of
the Project Product?

# 2077 | Focus Area: Hybrid IT - DEVELOPMENT

Lead delivery of development (beta) and production

releases that meet quality assurance and compliance

Ask the Technical Quality Customer Liaison:

When does the iso 9000 quality assurance standard lead

to performance improvement?

# 2076 | Focus Area: Cloud Migration -

Warrant that your company manages all design,

development and Quality Assurance aspects of multiple
projects concurrently using the SAFe Methodology.

Ask the Quality Improvement Manager:

How do you collaborate between IT and networking

teams during cloud projects?

# 2075 | Focus Area: business process re-

engineering - PROJECT

Liaison so that your staff is driving projects of various size

simultaneously from ideation, requirements definition to
quality assurance and business roll out.

Ask the Product and Services Quality Manager:

What is the quality assurance process for the business


# 2074 | Focus Area: Digital Workplace - SOFTWARE

Warrant that your workforce is conducting quality

assurance to ensure that the software meets prescribed

Ask the Time & Labor Business Partner:

Is your existing workforce demonstrably improving

productivity and quality?

# 2073 | Focus Area: ERP Roadmap - PRODUCT

Engage with Quality Assurance on test cases and invest

in production support cases by triaging issues and
working with engineering to resolve issues.

Ask the Technical Quality Customer Liaison:

How do you support a machine learning project

systematically from an engineering point of view?

# 2072 | Focus Area: Diversity Strategy -


Be sure your organization provides quality assurance

review and the evaluation of new and existing software

Ask the Data Analyst, Quality Management Systems:

Who provides quality assurance of user-developed


# 2071 | Focus Area: Corporate Social

Responsibility - QUALITY

Conduct quality assurance reviews on team

engagements to ensure responses align with brand

Ask the Head of Quality:

Is brand recognition helpful to crisis communication with

regard to public perception?

# 2070 | Focus Area: Master Data Management

Solutions - DATA

Coordinate and implement initiatives for Data Quality

Assurance Monitor and control workflows.

Ask the Quality Engineer / Manager:

How can workflow management system diagnose and
react to any disruptions occurred during the execution of
the workflows?

# 2069 | Focus Area: ISO 45001 - SAFETY

Provide quality assurance for Integrated Safety and

Management and Environmental Management Systems
via representative sampling of the implementation of the
supporting programs and procedures.

Ask the Lead Quality Assurance Specialist:

Does the supplier have an adequate quality assurance

and statistical process control programs?

# 2068 | Focus Area: Supplier Agreement

Management - PROJECT

Guarantee your design works with the project team,

quality assurance specializations, and stakeholders to
plan and execute unit, integration, and acceptance tests.

Ask the Supplier Quality Project Engineer:

How do quality frameworks integrate the assurance of

online learning?

# 2067 | Focus Area: vendor performance

management - PROCESS

Make sure your personnel leads negotiation strategies,

prepares contract documents, and performs quality
assurance activities to ensure policy compliance in
processing of IT contracts.

Ask the Quality Regulatory Manager:

Is the processing cycle time too long?

# 2066 | Focus Area: Service Catalog - QUALITY

Secure that your team maintains established

departmental policies and procedures, objectives quality
assurance program, safety, environmental and infection
control standards.

Ask the Quality Analyst:

What happens if a program cannot afford the costs of

going through the grievance process?

# 2065 | Focus Area: Logistics Organization -


Implement a systemic quality assurance (QA) process

to ensure qualitative and quantitative standards are met
amongst the team.

Ask the VP Data Quality Management:

How often do your managers, directors, or supervisors

meet with new employees to ensure the onboarding
process has been smooth?

# 2064 | Focus Area: Examine effectiveness of

internal control structures and procedures in place

Guarantee your design monitors standard operations in

hardware product reliability quality assurance programs.

Ask the Data Analyst Quality:

Who does revenue assurance work?

# 2063 | Focus Area: Breaking Down a Problem -

Interface so that your group ensures establishment of

and compliance with appropriate procedures in auditing,
testing, documentation, APQP, MES, Control Plan, PFMEA,
PPAP and other quality assurance related areas.

Ask the Manager Plant Quality:

Are the results of quality assurance reviews provided to

affected groups & individuals?

# 2062 | Focus Area: protect sensitive patient

health information - QUALITY

Interface so that your staff participates in monitoring and

auditing activities and investigations, and implementing
quality assurance and performance improvement
processes, with priority.

Ask the Project Employee, Data Quality Assurance:

Are controls, resources, and performance measures

adequate and operating effectively?

# 2061 | Focus Area: Disaster Recovery Business

Continuity - TECHNOLOGY

Supervise the quality assurance and data protection

processes related to technology systems.

Ask the Manager Finance Business Partnering:

Is the quality control of the process monitored on a

regular basis?

# 2060 | Focus Area: Shifting Business Priorities -


Use common quality assurance processes, tools, and
techniques to determine if a software product or service
being developed is meeting the specified requirements.

Ask the Sr. Quality Manager:

Are project maintenance software costs specified, if


# 2059 | Focus Area: IT Strategy Alignment - DATA

Invest in the creation of and administration of quality

assurance processes of client integrations, platform
configurations, and data migrations.

Ask the Director of Quality Engineering:

What data is associated with shared business processes?

# 2058 | Focus Area: Master Data Management


Assure your group performs code review, unit and quality

assurance testing, and issue resolution supporting all
levels from development to production.

Ask the Global Quality Leader, HR Regional Center

Quality, Learning and Talent:

What is your strategy for finding MDM problems and


# 2057 | Focus Area: APQP - QUALITY

Communicate significant issues or developments
identified during quality assurance activities and provides
recommended process improvements to management.

Ask the Senior Quality Engineer:

How do you build principles into your process and realize
tangible improvements?

# 2056 | Focus Area: Business Continuity Planning


Be sure your design takes ownership of and improves

internal processes related to the administration of
operating systems and applications supported including
quality assurance guidelines.

Ask the Vice President - Regional Quality:

Do you have clearly defined back up procedures for key

applications, hardware and data?

# 2055 | Focus Area: counselings and status

changes - MANAGEMENT

Liaise with Operations Management and Quality

Assurance Management to ensure regulatory

Ask the Software Quality Engineer Sr:

How does your organization currently control and audit

your Departments compliance with your standards

# 2054 | Focus Area: Offensive Security - QUALITY

Work with the quality assurance team to ensure

volunteers are performing at a high level, adhering to
training, and incorporating best practices.

Ask the Software Quality Engineer Sr:

How does the team ensure that Portal project meets

quality requirements?

# 2053 | Focus Area: governance, risk and

compliance - SECURITY

Build quality assurance and data protection processes

that prevent security breaches.

Ask the Director Quality:

Has a quality assurance plan been developed for the


# 2052 | Focus Area: Employee Onboarding -


Partner closely with Corporate Development during the

upstream portion of the deal lifecycle to provide quality
assurance over the proposed deal model and underlying
assumptions, and provide key inputs and support
throughout operational due diligence.

Ask the Quality Analyst, Privacy Third Party Risk

Assessments, Global Data and Privacy Center of Expertise

Do you have quality assurance and risk management

programs in place for understanding how AI systems/
models must be validated and developed?

# 2051 | Focus Area: FMEA - QUALITY

Be sure your operation leads product quality assurance

and quality engineering activities to drive strong
engineering and technical knowledge.

Ask the Project Quality Leader:

How did you gain your knowledge about the engineering


# 2050 | Focus Area: DLP Technologies -


Resolve usability and serviceability problems in your

product and to drive quality improvements back into your
development and quality assurance process.

Ask the Head of Quality and Compliance:

Can anything bad come of a software quality initiative?

# 2049 | Focus Area: Ethereum Blockchain as a

Service - QUALITY

Make sure your team performs quality assurance (QA)

procedures across all projects milestones, checkpoints,
and deliverables.

Ask the Time & Labor Business Partner:

What are the first aid procedures?

# 2048 | Focus Area: Impact Report - DATA

Manage and support local jurisdiction data collection

efforts, jurisdiction data review, and data quality
assurance testing and completion.

Ask the Quality Review Analyst:

Is there independence in key data collection,

management, and assessment procedures?

# 2047 | Focus Area: threat modeling - SECURITY

Be confident that your strategy conducts quality

assurance reviews of security requirements and audit
recommendations for the implementation of identified


Is the quality of your activities threatened in any way?

# 2046 | Focus Area: Supplier Quality - QUALITY

Certify your team conducts programs designed to

improve supplier performance and productivity through
training and coordination of various procurement quality
assurance efforts.

Ask the Quality Systems Manager:

Is the plan being implemented as designed and effective?

# 2045 | Focus Area: Project Management Office -


Confirm that your team develops quality assurance

plans, communication plans, risk analysis and mitigation

Ask the Data Quality Assurance Clerk:

What strategies exist at management level?

# 2044 | Focus Area: vendor performance

management - DATA

Conduct quality assurance tests to evaluate service

delivery and data collection.

Ask the Quality Engineer:

Who collects and enters data from timesheets and what

is collected?

# 2043 | Focus Area: Insurance Data Models -


Review content at all stages of the development process,

from initiation to final completion, to provide quality
assurance and to ensure conformance with contract

Ask the Manufacturing Quality Engineer:

Are the results of quality assurance reviews provided to

affected groups & individuals?

# 2042 | Focus Area: Performance Management -


Guarantee your company understands (internal)

customer needs and requirements to develop effective
quality assurance control processes.

Ask the Head of Quality and Compliance:

How do you develop a customer classification system

that really does work?

# 2041 | Focus Area: Serviceability - PRODUCT

Be sure your workforce serves as liaison between

(internal) customer service and research, engineering,
manufacturing, and quality assurance regarding the
definition and resolution of product problems.

Ask the Quality Assurance Engineer:

Do you address problems proactively and honestly with


# 2040 | Focus Area: Employee Handbook -

Ensure strong foundation in technical concepts as

Software Configuration Management (SCM) and Software
Quality Assurance (SQA).

Ask the Senior Quality System Process Expertise


Are change and configuration management and quality

assurance processes in place?

# 2039 | Focus Area: Autodesk AutoCAD -


Learn and follow applicable Process Instructions,

Engineering Operating Procedure, and Quality Assurance
(QA) requirements as well as relevant best practices and
lessons learned.

Ask the Supplier Quality Manager:

Have information requirements been identified?

# 2038 | Focus Area: ISO 14001 - QUALITY

Secure that your staff communicates with Quality

Assurance Team Lead to make necessary changes of

Ask the Senior Principal Quality Assurance Engineer:

Are high quality credits doomed to disappear?

# 2037 | Focus Area: Software QMS - QUALITY

Make sure your design collaborates with DCMA and other

organization and/or (internal) customer quality assurance

Ask the Quality Control Analyst:

When does the ISO 9000 quality assurance standard lead

to performance improvement?

# 2036 | Focus Area: ISO 14971 - QUALITY

Remain up to date on the status of all quality assurance

activities and identify trends, invest in the identification
of potential areas of concerns; develop and/or implement
policies and procedures for the resolutions.

Ask the Data Scientist:

What are the expected savings, if any, in resources

invested for defect removal during the development
process as opposed to the standard quality assurance

# 2035 | Focus Area: Supply chain security -

Make headway so that your organization complies
with quality assurance and security procedures in the
performance of duties.

Ask the Quality Management Coordinator:

How is asq quality planning and transformation aligned?

# 2034 | Focus Area: Cost Capacity Planning -


Safeguard that your group creates product quality

documentation system by writing and updating quality
assurance procedures.

Ask the Automotive Quality Manager:

Is there an established process to review the quality

policy for continuing suitability?

# 2033 | Focus Area: open banking -


Secure that your operation is collaborating with an

agile scrum team on all new feature development,
including building and managing the backlog, writing
and grooming user stories, sprint support, and quality
assurance (QA) testing.

Ask the Manufacturing Quality Engineer:

How is the transparency of the product backlog,

development status and other artifacts ensured?

# 2032 | Focus Area: Proficiency in business

deposit and lending systems - COMPLIANCE

Complete and invest in audits of projects, systems,

processes, and procedures to ensure compliance with
the Quality Assurance standards.

Ask the Quality Auditor:

Have products been completed in accordance with

quality standards as agreed via relevant (internal
organization) assurance processes?

# 2031 | Focus Area: Business Feasibility - DESIGN

Design quality assurance and test processes for

components and subsystems of end user applications
and systems software.

Ask the Quality Improvement Specialist:

Who is responsible for Quality Assurance and Testing for

the Trusts IT & Applications?

# 2030 | Focus Area: TRIZ - MANUFACTURING

Plan and direct activities pertinent to the development,

application and maintenance of quality standards for
manufacturing processes; create and maintain quality
documentation, such as procedures, inspection plans,
work instructions, quality assurance specifications, etc.

Ask the Manager Quality Launch:

Are the appropriate reporting processes in place?

# 2029 | Focus Area: Data Privacy Risk - DATA

Provide oversight and quality assurance for research field

work and data collection.

Ask the Director Quality Management:

What is security control assurance?

# 2028 | Focus Area: ISO 26262 - SOFTWARE

Be certain that your workforce analysis of requirements,

the architecture, design, development, code review,
quality assurance and deployment of entire software
engineering life cycle.

Ask the Quality Manager:

Have software safety requirements been derived from the

system design specification?

# 2027 | Focus Area: Data mining - QUALITY

Verify that your operation ensures that the Quality
Assurance program adapts with newly developed
training, new or revised Standard Operating Procedures
(SOPs), departmental goals and objectives, and changing

Ask the Sr Quality Analyst:

Which experiments and data are your first priorities?

# 2026 | Focus Area: ERP Migration - DATA

Perform and/or coordinate data validation and quality

assurance (Q/A) activities related to data migration.

Ask the Regulatory Data Head - Risk & Capital Team:

Does your organization undergo external quality

assurance in line with the ESG on a cyclical basis?

# 2025 | Focus Area: data resource management -


Check data from reports in order to meet quality

assurance standards.

Ask the Strategic Quality Process Improvement Program


Do you have a quality assurance team/person that checks

the security of the product?

# 2024 | Focus Area: carbon credit - QUALITY

Verify that your team is liaising with Quality Assurance
(QA) to communicate specification change updates
which affect (internal) customer orders, to (internal)
customers, and update orders accordingly.

Ask the Sr Supplier Quality Engineer:

What makes a quality carbon offset project?

# 2023 | Focus Area: Strategic planning - PROCESS

Design and analyze inspection and testing processes,

mechanisms and equipment; conducts quality assurance
tests; and perform statistical analysis to assess the
cost of and determine the responsibility for, products
or materials that do not meet required standards and

Ask the Field Quality Control Engineering:

Which equipment financing program will result in the

highest longterm profitability?

# 2022 | Focus Area: GLP and ISO 17025 standards


Establish that your staff has involvement directing the

overall management of Quality Assurance programs.

Ask the Sr. Quality Engineer:

Has the quality assurance officer verified that training of

field staff is documented?

# 2021 | Focus Area: analyze and interpret financial

reports - COMPLIANCE

Review Internal Auditor Sarbanes Oxley compliance

process walkthroughs and control testing for quality,
sufficiency, and compliance with quality assurance

Ask the Quality Engineering and System Analyst


Is the invoice document in compliance with contract

# 2020 | Focus Area: Mobile Field Service

Management - MANAGEMENT

Communicate technical issues to service management,

technical support and quality assurance to ensure
effective complaint handling.

Ask the Quality Auditor:

What tools will be used for listening to employees on the

front lines to identify issues or challenges that need to be

# 2019 | Focus Area: Nginx - SOFTWARE

Certify your operation designs and implements software

lifecycle and quality assurance methods for projects and

Ask the Quality and Compliance Manager:

Are lifecycle cost estimates and cost benefit analyses

performed on a periodic basis for IT projects?

# 2018 | Focus Area: Software Metrics - SOFTWARE

Examine and evaluate the software quality assurance

(SQA) process and recommend enhancements and

Ask the Quality Systems Manager (Business Process


What modifications should you expect in quality

assurance to make it fit for a modified purpose?

# 2017 | Focus Area: ISO 55001 - QUALITY

Develop product quality assurance strategies to enhance

design understanding and manufacturing consistency
and controls.

Ask the Manufacturing Engineering & Quality Manager:

How can organizations design different supply chain


# 2016 | Focus Area: Azure IoT - MANAGE

Develop project management discipline, quality

assurance processes, and delivery templates and tools.

Ask the Compensation Data Analyst:

Did your organization use quality assurance testing?

# 2015 | Focus Area: Project Control - CENTER

Make sure the Quality Assurance specialization assesses

the quality of interactions from all channels for all Trade
Support and Service contact centers against established
business standards.

Ask the Supervisor of System Operational Quality and

Assurance - Priority Health:

Does it make sound business sense to establish a quality

assurance program?

# 2014 | Focus Area: Catastrophe - QUALITY

Make headway so that your organization develops

operational metrics along with administering and
maintaining a quality assurance program to include file

Ask the Software Quality & Customer Experience

What are the highest risk profiles for your area?

# 2013 | Focus Area: Mobile Applications -


Participate in all aspects of the software development

lifecycle including design, documentation,
implementation, quality assurance and delivery.

Ask the Quality Management Systems SME:

What is the assurance policy for the platform?

# 2012 | Focus Area: ISO 9001 preferred - QUALITY

Ensure your strategy is developing procedures for Quality

Assurance and advising on compliance aspects of
procedures for other groups.

Ask the Senior Software Quality Architect:

Are the results of quality assurance reviews provided to

affected groups & individuals?

# 2011 | Focus Area: Business Process Optimization


Secure that your company is involved in Quality

Assurance and/or Business Acceptance Testing.

Ask the Quality Assurance Tester:

How do you manage and control a quality assurance

effort, which reaches so pervasively into so many
segments of the business?

# 2010 | Focus Area: Anomaly detection - QUALITY

Check that your team is creating automated anomaly

detection systems and quality assurance metrics to
constantly track performance.

Ask the Plant Quality Manager:

Do you have breach detection systems and/or anomaly

detection with alerting?

# 2009 | Focus Area: Quality Management System -


Safeguard that your process is responsible for the

creation/development/performance of appropriate
processes for the filing/archival of all approved quality
assurance documents.

Ask the Data Management and Analysis:

When does the ISO 9000 quality assurance standard lead

to performance improvement?

# 2008 | Focus Area: EV Charging Infrastructure -


Liaison so that your personnel executes processes and

ensures projects operate in accordance with documents
AS9100 QMS and Quality Assurance related Standard
Operating Procedures (SOPs).

Ask the Project Employee, Data Quality Assurance:

Does a Standard Operating Procedures manual exist or is

one being prepared?

# 2007 | Focus Area: APQP - QUALITY

Make sure the Quality Engineer works with Program

Management, Engineering, Supply Chain, Manufacturing,
and Quality Assurance to identify customer, internal,
and supplier-related requirements and expectations and
determine appropriate plans, methods, and procedures
for the design, purchasing, manufacturing, testing, and
inspection of products.

Ask the Supplier Quality Assurance Analyst Sr.:

Is your organizations design and development process

for its products and manufacturing processes truly

# 2006 | Focus Area: Post Implementation Review -


Plan, manage and oversee the design and

implementation of quality assurance measurement
programs tailored to identify daily reporting issues and
associated controls.

Ask the Data Quality and Governance:

Has a responsible person been designated to oversee

implementation of the emergency plan?

# 2005 | Focus Area: Security Audit - QUALITY

Uphold Quality Assurance activities by ensuring both

documentation conformity and data integrity.

Ask the Manager Quality Launch:

Do the quality control and assurance measures in place

ensure program data integrity?

# 2004 | Focus Area: ISO 14000 - QUALITY

Use advanced Quality Assurance techniques (FMEA,

CMM Inspection, GD and T, Gage R and R Studies,
Process Capability Studies) to proactively manage
product quality.

Ask the Director of Data Analytics:

Is the capability of measuring & test equipment


# 2003 | Focus Area: Third Party Risk Management


Develop, coordinate, and execute quality assurance and

ensure process effectiveness.

Ask the Sr Quality Engineering Manager:

Are stakeholders contributing to the development of the

risk management process?

# 2002 | Focus Area: Process Improvement

Methodology - DEVELOPMENT

Oversee that your team performs Knowledge Transfer

with technical teams Development, Quality Assurance
and Production Support.

Ask the Project Quality Leader:

What organizational processes or structures hinder


# 2001 | Focus Area: gxp - QUALITY

Advise quality assurance management on system audit


Ask the Quality Improvement Team Leader:

Is the GxP data manually observed and transcribed in

another system?

# 2000 | Focus Area: Product quality - QUALITY

Lead the creation and implementation of Quality

Assurance Plans, Process Controls, Control Plans,
Validation Activities, PFMEAs.

Ask the Quality Coordinator:

When does the ISO 9000 quality assurance standard lead

to performance improvement?

# 1999 | Focus Area: laboratory information

management system - QUALITY

Ensure activities and items are following both

organization quality assurance standards and applicable
organization regulations, as Good Manufacturing
Practices (GMPs) and ISO requirements.

Ask the Quality Control Manager:

What evidence is there that show is vendor has applied

the regulations correctly?

# 1998 | Focus Area: Customer Service Experience -


Make sure your team performs required quality assurance

monitoring activities along with inventory activities.

Ask the Directory of Quality:

How frequently do you measure the completion of quality

monitoring evaluations?

# 1997 | Focus Area: logistics - QUALITY

Oversee and direct its Quality Assurance program to

ensure that it is meeting quality standards and service

Ask the Advanced Quality Planner:

How do you ensure an understanding of your

organizations strategic goals?

# 1996 | Focus Area: Linux kernel - PROCESS

Establish, implement and evaluate processes and

metrics to support quality assurance program for your

Ask the Senior Quality System Process Expertise


Does the facility have a documented quality assurance

program that is planned, implemented, maintained and
consistent with license conditions?

# 1995 | Focus Area: Agile DevOps - SOFTWARE

Implement and test disaster recovery plans and quality

assurance automation for the software organization.

Ask the Senior VP of Quality & Risk Management:

Which disaster recovery strategies has the highest cost

and shortest recovery time?

# 1994 | Focus Area: Computer programming -


Learn the basics of the Quality Assurance Lifecycle and
how it fits into the Software Development Lifecycle.

Ask the Production/Quality Engineer:

Does web development support SOA or developers API?

# 1993 | Focus Area: ISO 20000 - DATA

Monitor quality assurance and required up times of

supported systems and the data sources.

Ask the APQP Quality Engineer:

Can the tool access Availability Management Information

System or Systems?

# 1992 | Focus Area: Service Asset and

Configuration Management - PRODUCT

Liaison so that your organization partners with operations

and quality assurance teams to help conduct user
acceptance testing for existing and new products,
features and functionalities.

Ask the Quality Assurance Engineer:

How does your solution enable simultaneous batch

operations across multiple institutions?

# 1991 | Focus Area: Information geometry -


Conduct regularly scheduled maintenance of the various

GIS databases; create and implement topology rule sets
and conduct quality assurance to ensure system integrity.

Ask the Automotive Quality Manager:

Does the hosted document management system
conduct automatic integrity checks, or will it accept any

# 1990 | Focus Area: Management Assistant -


Make sure your team is calculating indicators and

providing quality assurance for (internal) client reporting,
support during preparation of quarterly and annual
reports, and other documents.

Ask the Director, Quality System – Risk Management:

What are the risks and benefits of the procedure or

instrument to clients?

# 1989 | Focus Area: GxP - MANAGE

Manage the monitoring and reviewing of the quality

assurance reviews for structure maintenance
management in accordance with the maintenance quality
assurance monitoring plan.

Ask the Quality Control Analyst:

Who controls and qualifies infrastructure and core

configuration of application?

# 1988 | Focus Area: Customer Satisfaction Survey


Be certain that your personnel manages the Quality

Assurance process, to include building Sirius quality
standards and processes into the project work, providing
the right resourcing and focus.

Ask the Manufacturing Engineering & Quality Manager:

Who sets the standards for Quality Assurance?

# 1987 | Focus Area: LIMS - QUALITY

Assure your company is performing quality assurance

(QA)/quality control (QC) work for both method and
program specific.

Ask the Product Quality Engineer:

Do you have a quality assurance program?

# 1986 | Focus Area: Apache Tomcat -


Perform continuous testing and ensure quality assurance

throughout the development life cycle.

Ask the Data Systems Analyst:

What tailored lifecycle support option would you use

in order to ensure that the customers data center
infrastructure is scalable and able to meet future
application requirements?

# 1985 | Focus Area: Operational Excellence -


Provide regular project updates to the Quality Assurance

management team.

Ask the Quality Improvement Team Leader:

Does your organization provide periodic fair lending

complaints updates to its board and/or senior

# 1984 | Focus Area: IT Operating Model
Governance - DEVELOP

Develop and market software quality assurance and

validation strategies to corporation and work with
operating divisions and other corporate functions to
execute consistent practices.

Ask the Advanced Quality Planner:

What could agile assurance look like?

# 1983 | Focus Area: Supply Chain Security -


Coordinate with Operations, Quality Control and Quality

Assurance groups to maintain optimal supply levels
based on product expiry, lead time, and product release.

Ask the Data Quality and Governance:

How can companies operations become more circular,

and work towards net positive supply chains?

# 1982 | Focus Area: cybersecurity risk

management - RISK

Be certain that your process performs quality assurance

reviews of 2nd line risk assessments conducted by the
Application Risk Assessment Team.

Ask the Director of Quality Systems Management:

When are regulatory compliance reviews conducted?

# 1981 | Focus Area: Business Continuity Plan -


Help to establish and monitor best practices and

quality assurance standards in service delivery and staff

Ask the Sr Quality Engineering Manager:

How might your inability to provide services affect your


# 1980 | Focus Area: Management Oversight -


Guarantee your design is creating an innovative Facilities

maintenance strategy has far-reaching quality assurance
and cost-savings potential by removing impediments and
taking predictive and preventative measures to keep your
properties running as efficiently and cost-effectively as

Ask the Quality Program Leader:

Who brings the innovation, Quality and the Cost

reduction strategy to your organization?

# 1979 | Focus Area: (system knowledge) - DATA

Develop experience designing continuous quality
assurance standards, performance standards and
processes for collecting, monitoring and using data.

Ask the Software Quality Assurance Specialist:

Is the quality of the information good enough for the

purposes it is used?

# 1978 | Focus Area: lims - QUALITY

Work closely with the Quality Assurance group to ensure

that all quality procedures are being followed and

Ask the Software Quality Engineer:

What are the quality assurance procedures its products

go through to ensure top performance?

# 1977 | Focus Area: LIMS - LABORATORY

Make sure your team maintains the laboratory quality

assurance systems to assure validity of data.

Ask the Director Operational Quality Excellence:

How do you make quality requirements visible to the

team and prioritized?

# 1976 | Focus Area: Software-Defined Networking

SDN production - SOFTWARE

Oversee that your workforce is involved in software

quality assurance effectively.

Ask the Director of Quality Engineering:

What mobile learning innovations and quality assurance

measures will help tomorrows workforce foster the
creativity, knowledge and abilities required to thrive in
dynamic knowledge economies?

# 1975 | Focus Area: innovation - PROJECT

Ensure the project team follows all quality assurance


Ask the Quality Assurance Engineer:

Have specific measures for ensuring cost efficient use

of resources been explicitly mentioned as part of the
project design?

# 1974 | Focus Area: Business Process Intelligence -

Make sure there is acumen in quality assurance software

testing, leading development team(s) and facilitating
working sessions with the (internal) clients.

Ask the Analyst/Head, Risk Analysis & Reporting:

Is portfolio management connected with innovation and

development processes and the overall supply chain?

# 1973 | Focus Area: IT Service View CMDB -


Make sure the team also deploys and supports site quality
assurance and auditing of network sites with (internal)
customer coordination.

Ask the Coordinator Quality CI Program:

Which service model allows the customer to choose

more layers in the computing architecture?

# 1972 | Focus Area: FRACAS - SYSTEM

Implement and manage a Quality Assurance System

and specific (internal) customer quality flow down
requirements throughout the contract lifecycle.

Ask the Quality Management System (QMS) Coordinator:

What is customer willing to pay for?

# 1971 | Focus Area: Low-code development

platforms - DEVELOPMENT

Provide full application development life cycle support,

including research, specifications, test automation,

documentation, quality assurance and deployment.

Ask the Quality Program Leader:

Is there any automated tool support for code refactoring?

# 1970 | Focus Area: Cost Capacity Planning - DATA

Confirm that your personnel performs real time

data quality assurance and initiates corrective
action to compensate for out of spec conditions in
telecommunications and metering.

Ask the Chief Quality Officer:

What assurances do the Board and management need

regarding the strategic planning process?

# 1969 | Focus Area: ISO 26262 - ENGINEERING

Develop and maintain procedures and templates to

support engineering quality assurance activities.

Ask the Senior Quality & Testing Analyst:

Should it include quality, safety, distinction, affordability,

convenience, or aesthetic beauty?

# 1968 | Focus Area: Information Security Policies -


Collaborate with release manager, quality assurance (QA),

and change management teams in deploying quarterly

Ask the Software Quality Assurance Specialist:

Which minimum assurance requirements apply to an

information system?

# 1967 | Focus Area: Web Applications - QUALITY

Make sure your strategy is responsible for quality

assurance of all e applications, including unit testing
and source code control for versioning and lifecycle

Ask the Sr Quality Analyst:

How would application lifecycle management change?

# 1966 | Focus Area: internal audits - QUALITY

Make headway so that your organization is involved in

developing SOPs for quality assurance and compliance.

Ask the Manager Finance Business Partnering:

Does your organization have Standard Operating

Procedures for quality assurance and improvement?

# 1965 | Focus Area: Business Intelligence and

Analytics - DEVELOP
Ensure the Quality Assurance of the product being
developed through integration and System level testing.

Ask the Project Quality Leader:

Do you have continuous monitoring of your systems to

ensure performance is at promised levels?

# 1964 | Focus Area: Smart Manufacturing -


Check that your team contributes to developing and

executing a quality assurance program and is proactive in
suggesting improvements.

Ask the Quality (Business) Senior Analyst:

Does the supplier have an adequate quality assurance

and statistical process control programs?

# 1963 | Focus Area: ISO and other strategic quality

objectives - QUALITY

Manage quality assurance and quality control personnel

at the manufacturing facilities to meet organization goals
and objectives.

Ask the Regulatory Data Head - Risk & Capital Team:

When does the iso 9000 quality assurance standard lead

to performance improvement?

# 1962 | Focus Area: Business Value Reporting -


Collaborate with project managers, technical leads and

quality assurance leads to ensure effective cross project
communication and issue management.

Ask the Data Risk Manager:

Are formal quality assurance procedures followed


# 1961 | Focus Area: Business Applications - DATA

Develop quality assurance and quality control procedures

to assure integrity of the system and database.

Ask the Senior Quality Manager:

Is the executable code of the development tool under

configuration control?

# 1960 | Focus Area: Vendor Management -

Work with Quality Assurance to process vendor

questionnaires and support vendor audits.

Ask the Lead Quality Assurance Specialist:

How do you enhance quality assurance requirements

based on risk?

# 1959 | Focus Area: iso 13485 - QUALITY

Undertake regular system quality assurance activities

ensuring the system meets internal quality standards and
is operating successfully.

Ask the Compensation Data Analyst:

What is a corrective action system?

# 1958 | Focus Area: APQP - QUALITY

Be confident that your operation plans and conducts
activities concerned with the quality assurance of
industrial processes, materials, and products by
performing duties.

Ask the Director of Quality Systems Management:

How are itar controls being managed for production


# 1957 | Focus Area: ERP Cloud - PROJECT

Make sure the Quality Assurance (QA) Analyst is an

instrumental member of the project team, helping to

ensure that a solution is fit for end users needs.

Ask the Quality Supervisor:

Will the vendor be a partner, helping your business grow

now and in the long term?

# 1956 | Focus Area: Data Strategies - DATA

Safeguard that your personnel creates, maintains, and

ensures quality assurance of human resources data sets,
reports, and metrics.

Ask the VP Data Quality Management:

What quality assurance systems do you put in place?

# 1955 | Focus Area: Process control - SYSTEMS

Synthesize input from Engineering, Quality Assurance

Engineering, product management, (internal) customer
support, systems engineers and (internal) customers.

Ask the Quality Analyst, Privacy Third Party Risk

Assessments, Global Data and Privacy Center of Expertise

Why re brand quality assurance to quality engineering?

# 1954 | Focus Area: mining health and safety -


Maintain safe, reliable operations in compliance

with Regulations, organization standards, operating
agreements and approved Quality Assurance Programs.

Ask the Supplier Quality Analyst:

Does the operating organization empower its personnel

to take corrective action?

# 1953 | Focus Area: Information Governance -

Recommend and ensure maintenance of procedures,

and quality assurance testing methodologies; plan
and coordinate testing, analyze results, recommend
improvement opportunities and employ solutions.

Ask the Quality Systems Manager (Business Process


What is your escalation process if a quality assurance

issue arises or an incident occurs?

# 1952 | Focus Area: Legacy Application

Modernization - QUALITY

Verify that your organization is performing quality

assurance on project deliverables.

Ask the Quality Improvement Facilitator:

How do you compare quality of the legacy and the new

matching processes?

# 1951 | Focus Area: ISO 9000 - QUALITY

Be confident that your workforce supports Operations

and Quality Assurance in CAPA projects and root cause
analysis to investigate productivity or quality issues.

Ask the Director, Product Management:

What differences in the workforce are a function of age?

# 1950 | Focus Area: Smart Manufacturing -


Safeguard that your personnel contributes to developing
and executing a quality assurance program to meet both
organizational and individual project needs.

Ask the Sr. Quality Manager:

Does the laboratory operate under a unique quality

assurance project plan?

# 1949 | Focus Area: Citrix - SYSTEM

Perform quality assurance and change control functions

on system changes applications moving to production.

Ask the Supplier Quality Auditor:

Are the quality assurance functions and related roles and

responsibilities clearly defined?

# 1948 | Focus Area: Business Continuity

Management - RISK

Support and design quality assurance processes for fraud

and risk teams.

Ask the Fraud Utility Business Analysis:

What are the disaster recovery processes and how will

replication of data be done?

# 1947 | Focus Area: Artificial Intelligence - DATA

Recruit, train, develop and supervise data science,

informatics, quality assurance and other CoE employees.

Ask the Quality Auditor:

How to innovate software quality assurance and testing

in large enterprises?

# 1946 | Focus Area: gxp - QUALITY

Make sure your operation is assisting personnel in

interactions with Quality Assurance personnel and the
Quality Management System.

Ask the Quality Control Manager:

Does the vendor have an independent Quality Assurance


# 1945 | Focus Area: Smart Manufacturing -


Monitor and implement, internal control systems,

recommend, and monitor preventative and corrective
actions to ensure that quality assurance standards are

Ask the Quality Tech/Inspectors:

Have all recommendations by internal and external

audit, made within the past twelve months, to address
identified weaknesses in internal controls and systems
been implemented?

# 1944 | Focus Area: Air Force Life Cycle

Management Center - MANAGEMENT

Lead the organization by providing project management,

project oversight, technical advice, and quality assurance
services for projects.

Ask the Quality Management Systems Infrastructure


Are support organizations doing quality assurance?

# 1943 | Focus Area: ISO 27000 Series -

Assure your personnel ensures that adequate and proper

internal controls and CobiT framework-based IT policies,
processes, practices, and standards are developed,
maintained, and tested for quality assurance in order to
meet your organizations Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), Privacy
and other compliance needs.

Ask the Quality Manager:

Do you find it a good tool to have an updated organic

standards and certification database?

# 1942 | Focus Area: ISO 17025 - QUALITY

Ensure your organization reviews technical audit reports,

proficiency testing results, quality assurance reports
and unit corrective action reports, and directs that
appropriate corrective action be completed.

Ask the Data Quality Analyst:

What out-of-the-box system assurance reports are

provided for online and offline processing?

# 1941 | Focus Area: End-user development -


Interface so that your company reviews modules

for quality assurance and validates compliance with
application architecture standards.

Ask the Master Data Analyst:

Are the results of quality assurance reviews provided to

affected groups & individuals?

# 1940 | Focus Area: IT Asset Management ITAM -

Make sure the processes include performing assessments

and making recommendations to reduce risk, control
cost and increase efficiency, as well as performing field
audits and quality assurance checks of IT asset related
records and databases.

Ask the Lead Quality Assurance Specialist:

Is financial system linked to your asset life cycle records?

# 1939 | Focus Area: Security management -


Follow departmental and team standards for

configuration control, quality assurance and version

Ask the Supplier Quality Project Engineer:

Which characteristics of risk controls can be defined as


# 1938 | Focus Area: laboratory information

management system - QUALITY

Make sure the LIMS Developer works closely with Quality

Control, Analytical Development, Manufacturing and
Quality Assurance to ensure compliance with GMP

Ask the Director of Data Analytics:

How a LIMS helps in achieving quality assurance?

# 1937 | Focus Area: Artificial Intelligence in

Healthcare - DATA

Review primary data sources and provide quality

assurance processes.

Ask the Quality Analyst, Privacy Third Party Risk

Assessments, Global Data and Privacy Center of Expertise

Are you aware of the data profile of your alternative/

recovery site provider?

# 1936 | Focus Area: CMMi - QUALITY

Make sure the quality assurance specialization works

directly with customer and internal resources to
assure compliance with the sdlc, assists with problem
resolution, and identifies opportunities for improvement.

Ask the Master Data Analyst:

How are you systematically gathering customer input

to feedback into your design, manufacturing quality
assurance and customer engagement processes?

# 1935 | Focus Area: GLP - QUALITY

Collaborate with managers, scientists and Quality

Assurance personnel to develop process improvements
in order to enhance testing and workflow efficiency.

Ask the Quality Conformance Manager:

Do software development first–line managers sign off on

the schedules and cost estimates?

# 1934 | Focus Area: Operational Risk Appetite -


Review and provide quality assurance of risk
management deliverables submitted to regulators.

Ask the Finance Data Quality Assurance Lead:

How are your consumers better off as a result of your

quality plan and system?

# 1933 | Focus Area: laboratory information

management system - QUALITY

Be sure your design provides quality assurance activities

for Public Health and Prevention specializations.

Ask the Director, Product Management:

Who provides quality assurance of user-developed


# 1932 | Focus Area: IT OT Convergence Strategy -


Develop knowledge about the IT landscape dealing with

Quality Assurance and partner with business teams to
plan new joint initiatives aligned with corporate strategy,
evaluate proposals, and determine how they fit into
business capability roadmaps and priorities.

Ask the Data Analyst Online Application Specialist:

How much have you improved your capability to develop


# 1931 | Focus Area: Zero Trust - NETWORK

Be certain that your operation develops and implements

network related quality assurance testing and
performance monitoring utilizing QA tools, techniques,
and practices.

Ask the Manager of Quality:

Is software assurance considered in all phases of


# 1930 | Focus Area: DevOps IoT - PRODUCT

Develop, coordinate, and evolve quality assurance

(testing) procedures to ensure error free work product.

Ask the Supplier Quality Analyst:

How long will it take for you to navigate the independent

quality assurance process?

# 1929 | Focus Area: SOX 404 - AUDIT

Update and maintain policies and procedures, audit

report content/format, expense and time reporting, and
the quality assurance procedures programs.

Ask the Coordinator Quality CI Program:

What are some key tools and programs for measuring and
improving quality?

# 1928 | Focus Area: Post Implementation Review -


Develop a Quality Assurance Management strategy,

framework, tools and implementation plan for daily
quality assurance for MI platform and services.

Ask the Data Quality and Governance:

Are the plans and programs reviewed during

implementation by means of periodical report?

# 1927 | Focus Area: SaaS Delivery Model -

Make sure the Quality Assurance Automation Tester is

responsible for ensuring that all software is developed.

Ask the VP Data Quality Management:

Is there a designated individual or team responsible for

the control of software interfaces?

# 1926 | Focus Area: Overhead Reduction -


Know How of Production Management and Quality

Assurance and Continuous Improvement Techniques.

Ask the Vice President - Regional Quality:

Do you estimate the value of that knowledge to your

business unit in cost savings, reduced cycle time,
increased quality of decision making or reduced risk?

# 1925 | Focus Area: Application Security -


Maintain and enforce change management and quality

assurance practices across platforms.

Ask the Quality Assurance Specialist:

Do you maintain key management procedures?

# 1924 | Focus Area: GISP - DATA

Make sure your process conducts quality control and

quality assurance on existing and new data.

Ask the Project Employee, Data Quality Assurance:

What data quality assurance system is in place?

# 1923 | Focus Area: Sales Performance

Management SaaS - SOFTWARE

Assure the quality of software being delivered the client,

through code reviews with Implementation Managers,
Developers and other methodical software quality
assurance processes.

Ask the Data Analyst Online Application Specialist:

How is the quality of performance reviews to be assured?

# 1922 | Focus Area: gxp - QUALITY

Write Standard Operating Procedures pertaining to

Quality Assurance and business partner GMP systems.

Ask the Director Quality:

How will Standard Operating Procedures change?

# 1921 | Focus Area: ISO 14971 - QUALITY

Create and revise quality assurance procedures with

priority to maintain compliance to changing regulations
and guidance documents.

Ask the Business Transformation Engineer:

What is the level of compliance with your organizations

existing quality assurance standards?

# 1920 | Focus Area: ISO 14004 - QUALITY

Interface so that your process is involved in Quality

Assurance and/or Operations.

Ask the Quality and Compliance Manager:

Is it ensured that actions relating to the quality and

performance of the system are checked and tracked?

# 1919 | Focus Area: business process outsourcing


Ensure you continually work on developing tools and

processes to decrease review time and enhance quality
Assurance process.

Ask the Quality Improvement Specialist:

Are there quality control procedures in place to verify the

completeness and trustworthiness of the records?

# 1918 | Focus Area: Familiarity with regulatory

departments as the CFPB - COMPLIANCE

Be confident that your operation completes quality

assurance validation of regulatory consumer compliance
assessment work products.

Ask the Quality Improvement Team Leader:

Are there compliance or quality assurance verification

needs identified by the file reviewers?

# 1917 | Focus Area: User Experience - PRODUCT

Collaborate with quality assurance to resolve any product

related issues including root cause analysis of returns.

Ask the Quality Management Lead (Government):

Why does workflow matter for software quality?

# 1916 | Focus Area: COBOL - DEVELOPMENT

Provide requirements analysis, development, quality

assurance and testing, configuration management, and
providing production support and troubleshooting of the

Ask the Quality Technician:

What integration is available for source code and

configuration management?

# 1915 | Focus Area: Outsourcing Human

Resources - QUALITY

Manage transition projects for (internal) customers that

need additional assistance during their move from launch
to support while providing a quality assurance feedback
loop to the launch teams to measure the success of the
launch projects.

Ask the Project Employee, Data Quality Assurance:

What metrics should teams be using to measure results

from DevOps work?

# 1914 | Focus Area: Production Leveling -


Collaborate with business and technical teams to create

conceptual designs for quality assurance validation tools
and processes.

Ask the Quality Assurance Specialist:

Do you confidently support production applications as

business requirements change?

# 1913 | Focus Area: logs and reports - QUALITY

Coordinates testing, and verifies data integrity and

quality assurance based on best practices.

Ask the Quality Performance Engineer:

How can a quality assurance system be evaluated?

# 1912 | Focus Area: lims - QUALITY

Oversee that your operation is involved in a Quality

Assurance or Quality Control function.

Ask the Quality Fabrication Manager:

Who will oversee the quality assurance and accountability


# 1911 | Focus Area: Information Risk Management


Provide leadership and guidance for direct technical

areas, managing Business Systems Analyst, Quality
Assurance and Development.

Ask the Quality Specialist:

How does the firewall quality affect the likelihood of a

security breach or the expected loss?

# 1910 | Focus Area: gxp - QUALITY

Ensure the Quality Assurance database is maintained and

up to date to reflect the status of audits being scheduled,
auditor project and audit reporting and/or follow up

Ask the Quality Analyst, Privacy Third Party Risk
Assessments, Global Data and Privacy Center of Expertise

How quickly can the audit trails be shown to an auditor?

# 1909 | Focus Area: Cisco Certified Network

Professional CyberOps - DATA

Develop strategies for data import with quality assurance


Ask the Sr. Quality Systems Specialist:

Why data quality assurance is important?

# 1908 | Focus Area: Infonomics - PROJECT

Lead and develop a diverse team of program/project

managers, quality assurance automation engineers, and
manual testers.

Ask the Manager Quality/M&P/Process:

Do all testers at the testing point test the external quality

audit or proficiency testing samples?

# 1907 | Focus Area: Smart Manufacturing -


Conduct quality assurance and design performance tests

using established testing procedures.

Ask the Production/Quality Engineer:

Do you conduct quality assurance by using models?

# 1906 | Focus Area: Hybrid On-Premise -


Partner with Product Management, Engineering and

Quality Assurance on the timely resolution of (internal)
customer reported issues.

Ask the Quality Engineering Manager:

Are observed quality issues being reported to the

procurement organization for follow-up and performance
monitoring reporting?

# 1905 | Focus Area: Operations Management -


Lead Quality Assurance in development of new products/

processes, quality specifications and monitoring of raw
materials, and improve current products/processes.

Ask the Quality Improvement Team Leader:

What is security control assurance?

# 1904 | Focus Area: ISO 14971 - QUALITY

Partner with Product Quality Assurance and Operations

to make risk based decisions associated with
nonconformances and technical complaints.

Ask the Software Quality Assurance Specialist:

Who makes the final quality assurance decision?

# 1903 | Focus Area: Anomaly Detection -


Collaborate with Quality Assurance and Operations

teams to deliver and deploy reliable software on time.

Ask the Senior Quality Program Manager:

Has the anomaly been isolated to software?

# 1902 | Focus Area: Automated Testing -


Ensure your organization develops and establishes quality

assurance procedures, measures and testing standards
for new applications, products, and/or enhancements
to existing applications throughout their development/
product lifecycles.

Ask the Sr. Quality Manager:

Are formal coding standards for the application used

during the software development lifecycle?

# 1901 | Focus Area: Audit - AUDIT

Review quality assurance audit reports to identify

anomalies and user errors that need to be corrected or
prevented through user training or system modification.

Ask the Customer Quality Engineer:

Do you need to provide end user training?

# 1900 | Focus Area: Knowledge and application of

consumer protection laws and regulations as TCPA

Develop and execute quality assurance programs to

monitor collection system and queues, and (internal)
customer contacts written and phone calls.

Ask the Quality Engineer:

Are the executed modification measures considered for

quality assurance/ control?

# 1899 | Focus Area: Tokenization - TECHNOLOGY

Lead the technology track of billing-centric Quote to

Cash transformational projects including the planning
and facilitation of discovery sessions, crafting enterprise
solution design, conducting build orchestration, and
steering teams through quality assurance planning and

Ask the Regulatory Data Head - Risk & Capital Team:

How do you obtain assurance that the cyber controls are

in place and performed at the cloud provider?

# 1898 | Focus Area: DevOps IoT - SYSTEMS

Work with the systems quality assurance (SQA) teams to

support incremental script changes.

Ask the Director, Product Management:

What role do your security and compliance teams have in

DevOps projects?

# 1897 | Focus Area: Examine effectiveness of

internal control structures and procedures in place

Be sure your personnel understands how to apply quality

standards and adheres to a minimum benchmark for
quality assurance throughout the documentation of each
work product or deliverable.

Ask the Quality Improvement Team Leader:

What are the purposes served by each category of the


# 1896 | Focus Area: Insurance Data Models -

Provide guidance to network QA professionals in

ensuring offsite manufacturing/repair projects have a
specific quality assurance inspection plan associated
with the level of risk for each project.

Ask the Quality Analyst:

Is the feedback provided by the monitoring system used

in refining goals objectives, performance measures,
problem identification, project analysis and evaluation?

# 1895 | Focus Area: Familiarity with regulatory

departments as the CFPB - QUALITY

Oversee the development of Quality Assurance (QA)

plans assuring quality and adherence to contract

Ask the Quality Management Specialist:

Which of the methodologies should a software

development organization choose?

# 1894 | Focus Area: Cloud Migration - EVALUATE

Evaluate risk, lead quality assurance efforts, and ensure

compliance with all applicable regulations.

Ask the Supplier Quality Engineer:

Do you carry out risk management activities for your

software projects?

# 1893 | Focus Area: Security Operations Center -


Design Reviews and Quality Assurance Participate or

operationalize network design or code reviews.

Ask the Project Quality Engineer:

Are regular reviews conducted of access authorizations

for subcontractors/consultants?

# 1892 | Focus Area: IT Security Audit - AUDIT

Procure invest in the development and quality assurance

of key internal audit deliverables.

Ask the Quality Management Systems Infrastructure


How does the firewall quality affect the likelihood of a

security breach or the expected loss?

# 1891 | Focus Area: Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Accounting - QUALITY

Liaison so that your company is performing quality

assurance analysis of performance metrics.

Ask the Coordinator Quality CI Program:

What are the results of a greenhouse gas abatement cost

analysis, which compares the marginal cost of additional
internal reductions versus purchasing offsets?

# 1890 | Focus Area: Capacity Utilization - SYSTEM

Conduct and/or invest in regional/(internal) customer

specific system enhancements, user application, and
quality assurance testing.

Ask the Quality Assurance Manager:

Did your organization use quality assurance testing?

# 1889 | Focus Area: MDM Strategy - QUALITY

Analyze business requirements and design/document

detailed, aggressive testing strategies that are in
accordance with the Quality Assurance departments

Ask the Project Quality Engineer:

Is your data and application architecture supporting all

information requirements use cases?

# 1888 | Focus Area: AWS RDS - DATA

Ensure data quality through documentation and

providing quality assurance of delivered insights.

Ask the Data & Reporting Specialist:

How are data taxonomy, lineage, transformations, and

metadata governed across sources?

# 1887 | Focus Area: Catastrophe - QUALITY

Interface so that your organization reviews Claims Office

Operations and conducts quality assurance evaluations
(Commercial Claims only).

Ask the Quality Measurement Data Manager:

How successfully do you feel your organization conducts

aspects of catastrophe risk management?

# 1886 | Focus Area: ISO 38500 - QUALITY

Make sure the primary objective of the Quality Assurance
Automation Engineer is taking ownership of your internal
test framework and additionally maintain and improve its

Ask the Data Systems Analyst:

Are you driving efficiency through automation and

analytics – or struggling to integrate it?

# 1885 | Focus Area: ERP - QUALITY

Develop quality assurance procedures and test plans for

developed solutions.

Ask the Quality Measurement Data Manager:

What security testing tools does your organization use for

quality assurance?

# 1884 | Focus Area: APQP - QUALITY

Make sure the Quality Manager oversees all Quality

Assurance functions at the Plant level throughout the
product launch and life time cycles.

Ask the APQP Quality Engineer:

How can it be demonstrated that the retention of quality

records show is that the QMS is effective?

# 1883 | Focus Area: ISO 8000 - QUALITY

Supervise the on line quality assurance technicians to

ensure compliance to all company.

Ask the Sr Supplier Quality Engineer:

Is the quality assurance team identified?

# 1882 | Focus Area: ISO 8000 - QUALITY

Ensure all aspects of product quality assurance by

developing and monitoring adherence to technical,
process, materials, and testing standards, as well as best

Ask the Data Management and Analysis:

Do you show management review records including

monitoring of quality objectives, and cost of poor quality

# 1881 | Focus Area: IT Operating Model

Governance - SYSTEMS

Provide expert consulting service in quality assurance

activities that support computerized systems.

Ask the Calibration Process Quality Manager:

Is there a hybrid team of experts with diverse experience

deployed on the project?

# 1880 | Focus Area: HIPAA - CENTER

Identify trends or process improvements to gain Call

Center efficiencies and Quality Assurance concerns.

Ask the Software Quality Engineer Sr:

Does the process, as implemented, provide a higher

level of assurance that information integrity is being

# 1879 | Focus Area: E-Commerce Platforms -


Support functional modifications/updates/test cases
for development and quality assurance teams from a
functional perspective.

Ask the Supervisor of System Operational Quality and

Assurance - Priority Health:

Does your department have a written quality assurance

manual which supports induction, training and
development of staff?

# 1878 | Focus Area: gxp - QUALITY

Interface so that your operation ensures regulatory

compliance and quality assurance of (internal) client

Ask the Quality Assurance Manager:

What quality assurance is undertaken by the customer to

ensure the quality and security of the GxP infrastructure
and applications built and deployed in the cloud?

# 1877 | Focus Area: Project Management Office -

Develop proper project documentation to support
required deliverables, project workflows, technical
specifications, and quality assurance procedures.

Ask the Quality Tech/Inspectors:

What regulatory or quality standards can be addressed

by implementing the new technology?

# 1876 | Focus Area: IT Operating Model

Governance - SYSTEMS

Establish quality assurance and quality system

requirements for IT to meet overarching regulations that
apply to computerized systems.

Ask the Director, Product Management:

What about risk management, systems, competent

people, leadership, culture and engagement?

# 1875 | Focus Area: Enterprise Risk Management

Program - RISK

Summarize risk conclusions in reports, dashboards, and

presentations, and participate in quality assurance review
of meeting materials to support risk reporting.

Ask the Quality Conformance Manager:

Are current risk functions effectively aligned and

coordinated to manage risk?

# 1874 | Focus Area: with the ability to apply

common sense to carry out instructions and
instruct others - QUALITY

Ensure wholesaler quality assurance procedures are

followed, including wholesaler QC procedures at time of
product receiving.

Ask the Sr. Customer Quality Engineer:

What is more important, minimal quality assurance

distributed equally on all projects or more comprehensive
quality assurance on some, with others receiving very

# 1873 | Focus Area: User Experience - SOFTWARE

Work with Dev and QA engineers to develop best

practices for software quality assurance across multiple

software teams.

Ask the Fraud Utility Business Analysis:

Do your people work alone or in teams?

# 1872 | Focus Area: Software Project Manager -


Participate in quality assurance and business

improvement activities, including training and
improvement projects as defined by your organization.

Ask the Global Quality Leader, HR Regional Center

Quality, Learning and Talent:

Does quality assurance participate in the review of

work instructions to verify contract requirements and
specifications are included?

# 1871 | Focus Area: cmmc - DEVELOPMENT

Work closely with the Quality Assurance and Web

Development teams to validate web enhancements.

Ask the Supplier Quality Assurance Analyst Sr.:

Does the training include indications of potentially

suspicious email or web communications?

# 1870 | Focus Area: Software QMS - QUALITY

Ensure appropriate quality assurance methods are

applied to prevent mistakes when delivering products,
projects or services to (internal) customers enabling
Power Grid to meet (internal) customer and stakeholder

Ask the Plant Quality Manager:

How are mistakes handled, reviewed, investigated?

Priority - Should Have
# From 1402 To 1869

# 1869 | Focus Area: iso 13485 - QUALITY

Work directly with Quality Manager on continuous

improvement and development of quality assurance

Ask the Supervisor of System Operational Quality and

Assurance - Priority Health:

How do you build principles into your process and realize

tangible improvements?

# 1868 | Focus Area: GLP and ISO 17025 standards


Make sure your staff provides direction for consistency

in quality assurance operations and regulatory

Ask the Sr Quality Engineering Manager:

How do you ensure accountability and quality assurance

in all your operations?

# 1867 | Focus Area: cmmc - SECURITY

Provide leadership, mentoring, and quality assurance for

team members as a security expert.

Ask the Data Scientist:

What does the assessment team do?

# 1866 | Focus Area: ISO 20000 - PROCESS

Check that your organization develops quality assurance

standards and organization processes.

Ask the Online Course Quality Reviewer:

Are the processes for selecting the external auditors


# 1865 | Focus Area: PII - PROCESS

Manage quality assurance and (internal) customer service

expectations by establishing processes and standards.

Ask the Manager Quality/M&P/Process:

What are clients results for products and customer

service processes?

# 1864 | Focus Area: ISO 26000 - SOFTWARE

Plan and execute software quality assurance activities for


Ask the Quality Improvement Facilitator:

How does your organization assure the quality and

security of publicly available software modules and
libraries used within your products?

# 1863 | Focus Area: ISO 26000 - SOFTWARE

Plan and execute software quality assurance activities for


Ask the Quality Assurance IT Analyst:

Is the quality assurance plan been modified for

construction activities and testing?

# 1862 | Focus Area: cloud governance - LEAD

Lead the improvement of governance, compliance, and

quality assurance across cloud security architectures
supporting vertical and horizontal business units.

Ask the Quality Supervisor:

Do you make a security architecture without knowing the

other architectures?

# 1861 | Focus Area: Product quality - QUALITY

Review and manage the Quality Assurance Department,

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP), and
Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) programs.

Ask the Supplier Quality Manager:

Is there continual improvement through the use of a

quality policy, objectives, management review, audit
results, corrective and preventive actions and analysis of

# 1860 | Focus Area: Operational Excellence -


Establish that your workforce is leading all plant quality

assurance activities as quality systems and infrastructure
implementations, claims performance, packaging quality,
and defect detection.

Ask the Data Analyst Quality:

Is compliance with your culture framework part of

regularly reviewed performance reviews, including career
development plans, for leaders and the workforce?

# 1859 | Focus Area: iso 13485 - QUALITY

Make sure the Quality Assurance Technician I is

responsible for performing multiple functions including
ensuring the integrity and quality of products being
produced and shipped to (internal) customers.

Ask the Quality Systems Management:

Are the product specifications being met and do you

prove it?

# 1858 | Focus Area: Enterprise Risk Management -


Liaison so that your workforce oversees your

organizations quality assurance and quality control
principles, methods and processes, advising the Chief
Operating Officer and the Executive Committee on
Internal Controls on such matters.

Ask the Quality Tech:

Has your organization incurred unreasonable liabilities to

support operating processes?

# 1857 | Focus Area: Jira Project Management -


Be sure your team is testing and quality assurance of

development, staging, and production sites on multiple

Ask the Data & Reporting Specialist:

How many different sites will the contractors be working?

# 1856 | Focus Area: Risk Analysis - ANALYSIS

Develop experience and background in credit approval
and/or credit analysis, to ensure that quality assurance
observations and proposed solutions resonate with the
core underlying activities.

Ask the Data Systems Analyst:

What is your best guess of data that are outside your

range of observations?

# 1855 | Focus Area: Production Leveling - TEST

Advise on and draft policies and guidelines related to

quality assurance processes and procedures for language
proficiency testing.

Ask the Compensation Data Analyst:

Which quality assurance approaches have been

implemented in your organization?

# 1854 | Focus Area: iso 9002 and ts 16949 certified

manufacturer - QUALITY

Ensure your organization is responsible for leading your

organizations quality assurance program.

Ask the eLearning Quality Assurance Specialist:

Who is the most senior person in your organization

responsible for quality?

# 1853 | Focus Area: Technology Enablement -


Guarantee your staff is involved in building and delivering

technical training content, implementing quality
assurance solutions, and delivering with measurable

Ask the Director Operational Quality Excellence:

Are the success and quality measure available to

everyone within your organization?

# 1852 | Focus Area: Physical security -


Update leadership team on all site and detail operations,

as well as ongoing quality assurance projects.

Ask the Directory of Quality:

Are performance assurance plans reviewed and updated


# 1851 | Focus Area: CMDB - MANAGEMENT

Manage vendor relationships to ensure effective contract

management, quality assurance and prompt delivery of
goods and services, includes assisting with resolving
billing and escalated matters.

Ask the Quality Systems Specialist:

Does your contract management include customer


# 1850 | Focus Area: iso 13485 - QUALITY

Maintain quality assurance and design control

documentation with relevant stakeholders.

Ask the Quality Specialist:

How do you handle document based processes for

documenting design controls?

# 1849 | Focus Area: Configuration Management -

Interface with Hardware/Software Leads, Software

Engineers, Quality Assurance to achieve program
objectives in accordance with program schedule.

Ask the Data & Reporting Specialist:

Are change and configuration management and quality

assurance processes in place?

# 1848 | Focus Area: Software License

Optimization and Entitlement - SOFTWARE

Develop quality assurance practices and practices

for the administration of software license contracts,
maintenance and entitlements.

Ask the Quality Improvement Manager:

Did the goods/services meet contract quality and

quantity specifications?

# 1847 | Focus Area: Data Integrity Management -


Establish that your strategy reviews and invest in the

finalization and quality assurance of the programmatic
and resource aspects of the programme budget and
its revisions on the basis of departmental submissions,
taking into account recommendations and decisions of
relevant expert and interorganizational bodies.

Ask the Data Scientist:

Have resources, space and access requirements for

archived records been adequately reviewed, budgeted
for and included in your overall EDMS planning?

# 1846 | Focus Area: iso 13485 - QUALITY

Manage quality assurance activities related to processing

of materials through final product release.

Ask the Quality Systems Management:

Is the workspace where the non conformity occurred

conducive to a quality product?

# 1845 | Focus Area: Product Management - BUILD

Build a strong partnership with developers and quality

assurance at all levels; Help the team build a strong
partnership with all stakeholders.


What do you do to help the audit team?

# 1844 | Focus Area: Strategy and Leadership -

Liaison so that your staff coaches Ops Managers on
effective package handler engagement; developing
site level guidance and quality assurance for the larger
behavior based learning and employee engagement

Ask the Data Analyst, Quality Management Systems:

Does it include pricing strategy and its effects on

customer behavior?

# 1843 | Focus Area: business process outsourcing


Invest in research and analysis work efforts by providing

input for forecasting, training program assessment, and
quality assurance program calibration.

Ask the Quality Conformance Manager:

Is the collected field information suitable for quality and

reliability improvement processes?

# 1842 | Focus Area: IT Infrastructure Monitoring


Oversee that your process develops, implements, and

maintains a series of IT processes to ensure the integrity
and availability of information resources by overseeing
the development and implementation of configuration
management and systems quality assurance.

Ask the Director Operational Quality Excellence:

How does you workforce education, training, and

development address your key organizational needs?

# 1841 | Focus Area: Operational Excellence -

Warrant that your strategy ensures the quality assurance
programs and policies are maintained and improved

Ask the Head Director Service Quality, Business Process -


Are the results of quality assurance reviews provided to

affected groups & individuals?

# 1840 | Focus Area: Business Continuity

Management - QUALITY

Check that your strategy supports the independent

monitoring and quality assurance of key processes,
including select high impact functions.

Ask the Field Quality Control Engineering:

What are your organizations mission, vision, core values,

strategy and business objectives?

# 1839 | Focus Area: Third Party Risk Management

Program - PRODUCT

Make sure your strategy performs inspections and sets

quality assurance testing models for analysis of raw
materials, materials in process, and finished products.

Ask the Supervisor of Operational Quality and Assurance

- Priority Health:

Where do you use IoT for remote operation and

management of assets and data?

# 1838 | Focus Area: MongoDB - DESIGN

Work with Quality Assurance specializations to design

integrity, performance and regression tests.

Ask the Data Analyst, Quality Management Systems:

Where and how should one implement data integrity and

data quality design considerations and controls?

# 1837 | Focus Area: Operational Risk Appetite -


Make sure your workforce ensures Quality Assurance

activities occur including the identification and
remediation of key issues.

Ask the Fraud Utility Business Analysis:

Are all aspects of the assurance process conducted by
competent persons with sufficient authority?

# 1836 | Focus Area: Office space planning -


Adhere to department Quality Assurance guidelines

for (internal) customer contacts and utilizes feedback
to improve performance and (internal) customer

Ask the Data Analyst Online Application Specialist:

Do customers respect primary contacts?

# 1835 | Focus Area: Operational Excellence -


Guarantee your design develops Quality Assurance

Inspectors and Operators by creating an environment
that engages associates and drives results.

Ask the eLearning Quality Assurance Specialist:

Why are statistical techniques important in quality


# 1834 | Focus Area: Operational Excellence -


Partner cross-functionally with peers and leaders to

evaluate/validate/implement and ensure appropriate
gate-keeping and risk mitigation from a Quality
Assurance perspective includes development/
assessment of new tools and systems.

Ask the Director of Quality Systems Management:

How do you ensure consistent quality compliance?

# 1833 | Focus Area: Product testing - PRODUCT

Make sure the Vice President, Product Assurance is

responsible for leading the product quality assurance

Ask the Quality Engineering Manager:

Do you manage projects according to APQP or similar

methods for process assurance?

# 1832 | Focus Area: Management Oversight -


Maintain environmental quality assurance controls and

facilitate process improvements for permitting group.

Ask the Quality Review Analyst:

Does your organizations permitting be improved or

streamlined through digital processing?

# 1831 | Focus Area: BACnet - QUALITY

Secure that your personnel provides quality control

and quality assurance for technical aspects of projects,
including work performed by self and by others.

Ask the Sr Quality Engineer:

How can siemens plm help improve quality?

# 1830 | Focus Area: Quality Management System -


Oversee that your design works with Quality Leadership

to continually define Quality Assurance guidelines.

Ask the Principle Engineer Supplier Quality:

What must leadership be committed to communicating?

# 1829 | Focus Area: Cybersecurity Automation -


Manage Quality assurance testing program for Software


Ask the Senior Principal Quality Assurance Engineer:

Does the cybersecurity program address procedures,

employee training, and quality assurance?

# 1828 | Focus Area: Microsoft SharePoint Server -


Identify and resolve issues that arise in testing and quality

assurance procedures of systems and deliverables.

Ask the Quality Systems Specialist:

Are the quality control/quality assurance testing

procedures just to identify expiration dates?

# 1827 | Focus Area: Data Visualizations -


Warrant that your process participates in improving

Solution Architecture, SDLC, Engineering, Quality
Assurance and DevOps practices.

Ask the Quality Fabrication Manager:

What automation practices have been implemented to

automate processes?

# 1826 | Focus Area: CMMi - QUALITY

Invest in supporting, developing, and administering

quality assurance and control policies and procedures
across your organization.

Ask the Strategic Buyer & Supplier Quality Manager:

Who is responsible for sustaining the QMS organization

system and developing the strategic plan for continued
maintenance, improvement, and success?

# 1825 | Focus Area: internal audits - AUDIT

Check that your company is reviewing audit work papers

and ensuring that documentation is in accordance with
your Quality Assurance guidelines.

Ask the Senior Quality Manager:

Does executive management participate in periodic

quality system reviews that address quality related
feedback from customers and internal quality metrics?

# 1824 | Focus Area: FMEA Failure Modes Effects

Analysis - QUALITY

Define and develop quality assurance programs to ensure

conformance to codes and regulations.

Ask the Director Operational Quality Excellence:

Are authorization codes periodically changed?

# 1823 | Focus Area: Integrated IT Service

Management - QUALITY

Make headway so that your company employees must
immediately report and remove any foreign objects found
to the Quality Assurance Department and production

Ask the Quality Assurance Specialist:

How high must the quality of the functionality be?

# 1822 | Focus Area: Catastrophe - QUALITY

Interpret and assess contracts and perform quality

assurance review to ensure contract wording reflects
intent of reinsurance negotiations.

Ask the Quality Systems Manager (Business Process


Have policy forms and contracts which limit and control

exposure to catastrophic loss?

# 1821 | Focus Area: GLP and ISO 17025 standards


Secure that your organization directs improvements,

development, and implementation of Quality Assurance
(QA) programs and procedures.

Ask the Quality Improvement Manager:

Can the NPS be effectively incorporated into broader

quality assurance approaches and improvements?

# 1820 | Focus Area: Insurance Data Models -


Provide manual Quality Assurance testing to agile team

with regular cadence of releases of Java application.

Ask the Sr. Quality Systems Specialist:

How familiar are the team members with Agile methods?

# 1819 | Focus Area: Project Control - QUALITY

Analyze the Quality Assurance and compliance KPIs for

departments involved in the Quality Assurance System.

Ask the Product and Services Quality Manager:

How do quality assurance departments assess online


# 1818 | Focus Area: ITSM - MANAGEMENT

Invest in quality assurance and release management


Ask the Quality Management Systems Manager:

What are the duties of a Quality Assurance Manager?

# 1817 | Focus Area: Data Lake Strategies -


Be confident that your company interacts with the

Quality Assurance department for the on going projects
and responds to QA reports.

Ask the Supplier Quality Project Engineer:

How can data quality contribute to better decision


# 1816 | Focus Area: Qa process - QUALITY

Assure your design serves as a resource to operational

departments on audit or quality assurance subject

Ask the Quality Management Systems Specialist:

What external quality assurance departments does your

organization interact with?

# 1815 | Focus Area: IT Operations Management

Software - CHANGE

Secure that your organization recommends and

implements changes to improve the effectiveness of
quality assurance strategies.

Ask the Quality Engineering and System Analyst


Has your organization allocated the necessary resources

to ensure an appropriate response?

# 1814 | Focus Area: ISO 17025 - QUALITY

Be certain that your group assures that training is

completed by a schedule established by Quality
Assurance requirements and Regulatory Affairs safety

Ask the Calibration Process Quality Manager:

Has a test schedule been explicitly defined?

# 1813 | Focus Area: ISO 14001 - QUALITY

Safeguard that your workforce is willing to participate
and take ownership of Continuous Improvement projects
as they relate to the Quality Assurance department.

Ask the VP of Quality and Risk:

What will the improvement of the forest management

# 1812 | Focus Area: logistics - WORK

Work cross functionally with Quality Assurance team to

confirm supply availability of contracted quality.

Ask the Sr Quality Engineering Manager:

Are back up/contingency 3PLs contracted in case of

failure of the primary 3PL?

# 1811 | Focus Area: Decentralized Autonomous

Organization - MANAGE

Manage the quality assurance (QA) testing of solutions to

ensure features and functions have been delivered and

Ask the Quality Specialist:

Are your security and backup solutions complicated to


# 1810 | Focus Area: US Data Privacy - QUALITY

Verify that your workforce eliminates errors before

moving project to Quality Assurance by testing and
debugging programs.

Ask the Quality Conformance Manager:

How often do you provide formal training to staff on

cybersecurity and data privacy programs?

# 1809 | Focus Area: Quality Management System -


Be confident that your company ensures the quality
assurance programs and policies are maintained and
modified regularly.

Ask the Fraud Utility Business Analysis:

What quality planning process is in place?

# 1808 | Focus Area: Data Migration Strategy -


Identify quality assurance opportunities and develop

corresponding documentation/processes to ensure
operational excellence.

Ask the Quality Systems Manager (Business Process


Is software assurance considered in all phases of


# 1807 | Focus Area: Supply Chain Security -

Develop, review, approve and/or maintain documents
that support both Quality Assurance and Operations.

Ask the Project Quality Engineer:

How does a risk event affects supply chain operations?

# 1806 | Focus Area: Supplier Quality - QUALITY

Determine root cause of in process quality assurance


Ask the Quality and Compliance Manager:

Does your organization determine action to eliminate the
causes of potential nonconformities in order to prevent

# 1805 | Focus Area: Cybersecurity Automation -


Facilitate processes associated with Risk Managements

oversight of quality assurance and quality review

Ask the Corporate Quality & Supplier Development


Do you understand the impact of strategic decisions on

your risk profile?

# 1804 | Focus Area: Insurance Data Models -


Ensure that manufacturing facility quality assurance

leaders are acting as primary points of contact between
Capital Project Teams, Contractors, Operations,
Engineering, Maintenance, EHS, Procurement,
Accounting, Human Resources, Legal, Security and the
Warehouse during all phases of an event.

Ask the Quality Analyst /Tester:

Who is interacting with the AI systems?

# 1803 | Focus Area: APQP - QUALITY

Guarantee your process compiles and writes training

material and conducts training sessions on quality
assurance activities.

Ask the Quality Systems Engineer:

Does the design allow the use of efficient material
handling techniques?

# 1802 | Focus Area: SIEM and UEBA -


Provide supplier and co development quality assurance


Ask the Quality Program Manager:

What are the supplier/manufacturer quality assurance


# 1801 | Focus Area: GISP - PROJECT

Be confident that your operation manages quality

assurance for projects for advanced levels of difficulty
across the entire enterprise.

Ask the Manufacturing Engineering & Quality Manager:

Has full consideration been given to the overall business

plan and marketing strategy?

# 1800 | Focus Area: Operational Excellence -


Provide leadership, direction, and mentorship across all

levels of your organization to assure quality assurance
and validation strategies are known and implemented.

Ask the Quality Systems Manager (Business Process


Do you have a policy to establish principles that provide a

basis for action at operating levels?

# 1799 | Focus Area: Integrated IT Service
Management - DEVELOPMENT

Invest in the development of Quality Assurance (QA)

controls testing for IT Infrastructure and Application

Ask the Time & Labor Business Partner:

What investment in customer service infrastructure is

appropriate for different scenarios?

# 1798 | Focus Area: GISP - QUALITY

Guarantee your organization prepares quality assurance

plans for GIS task and oversees the implementation.

Ask the Product Quality Engineer:

What are the main tasks of review leader in the

preparation stage?

# 1797 | Focus Area: buyer personas - QUALITY

Verify that your staff provides quality assurance for

messaging in regional marketing campaigns.

Ask the Senior Consultant-Utilities Risk, Compliance &


What does persona based marketing enable?

# 1796 | Focus Area: gxp - QUALITY

Follow established processes and procedures pertaining

to quality assurance and regulations.

Ask the Quality Technician:

Are audit trails reviewed according to the applicable

# 1795 | Focus Area: lims - QUALITY

Make sure the quality assurance coordinator is

responsible for coaching and educating plant employees
on quality requirements related to production and pre
requisite programs.


Are support organizations doing quality assurance?

# 1794 | Focus Area: Data Technologies - DATA

Provide leadership, coaching, and mentorship to

metadata and quality assurance team members.

Ask the Senior Quality System Process Expertise


Are adequate resources provided for the quality

assurance function?

# 1793 | Focus Area: Air Force Life Cycle

Management Center - DATA

Design and implement internal system controls to

provide quality assurance over all financial data,
including player liability, revenue and related balances
and regulatory reporting.

Ask the Sr. Principal Quality Management System/Internal

Audit Specialist:

What is the significance of reporting quality assurance

costs to the management via accounting information

# 1792 | Focus Area: ISO 26000 - PROJECT

Plan Project Quality Assurance activities for the project.

Ask the Data Warehouse Architect:

Has the Quality Assurance Plan been updated?

# 1791 | Focus Area: IBM QRadar - MANAGEMENT

Perform proof of concept solution validation and

complex issue reproduction while interfacing with
engineering, product management, and quality
assurance teams.

Ask the Data Management Specialist:

Does your validation process include analysis of

correlated network and endpoint data?

# 1790 | Focus Area: Business Process Modeling

Secure that your company is responsible for confirming
quality assurance has been completed on all projects.

Ask the Sr Quality Analyst:

What strategic role can information technology play

in business process reengineering and total quality

# 1789 | Focus Area: Agile Transformation -


Secure that your staff provides quality assurance by

reviewing field data, reports, and maps.

Ask the Manager Finance Business Partnering:

What does Agile data do for you?

# 1788 | Focus Area: ISO 14971 - QUALITY

Manage the supplier relations from a quality assurance

perspective, and ensure required suppliers have a Quality
Supplier Agreement.

Ask the Director IT Quality & Compliance:

Does the supplier have an adequate quality assurance

and statistical process control programs?

# 1787 | Focus Area: internal audits - QUALITY

Represent Quality Assurance on cross functional project

teams with priority.

Ask the Director of Quality:

Do you know what your priority risks are?

# 1786 | Focus Area: vendor performance

management - PRODUCT

Ensure and improve product quality by building a robust

feedback and quality assurance program.

Ask the Online Course Quality Reviewer:

What performance management program do you use to

develop existing talent?

# 1785 | Focus Area: Quality of Service - QUALITY

Oversee that your staff makes recommendations for

long term improvement of quality assurance process,
workflow and QA department.

Ask the Training and Quality Analyst:

When does the iso 9000 quality assurance standard lead

to performance improvement?

# 1784 | Focus Area: Agile mindset - QUALITY

Participate and represent Quality Assurance in a wide

variety of internal and external work groups, project
teams, committees and task forces.

Ask the Director, Product Management:

How did the variety of tools contribute to the work of the

development team?

# 1783 | Focus Area: Software QMS - QUALITY

Provide quality assurance support in developing HM and

E equipment/system Root Cause Failure Analyses.

Ask the Sr. Quality Engineer:

Has your organization established, documented, and

implemented a Quality Management System, and is it
being maintained?

# 1782 | Focus Area: quality and accountability -


Coordinate and participate in measure maintenance

efforts by developing quality assurance processes
and working with internal teams, subcontractors, and
facilitating meetings.

Ask the Senior Quality Manager:

Are efforts at sustainability likely to succeed?

# 1781 | Focus Area: DLP Technologies - PROJECT

Make sure your strategy provides quality assurance for

respective projects.

Ask the Manager Quality:

Has a list of critical operations, data, and applications

been created?

# 1780 | Focus Area: Business Continuity Plan

Monitoring - QUALITY

Verify that your strategy schedules individual training

for all associates corresponding with the needs and
opportunities for improvement as discovered in quality
assurance reviews.

Ask the Quality Engineer:

Has management designed manual backup procedures

to carry out manufacturing schedules and order releases?

# 1779 | Focus Area: ISO 45001 - DEVELOP

Develop, implement, maintain, and improve business unit

wide quality assurance systems, including tools, policies,
training and processes.

Ask the Quality Management Systems Analyst:

How will the Quality System be maintained, what scale of

resources are to be apportioned to it?

# 1778 | Focus Area: Microsoft SharePoint Server -


Develop strategies, systems and processes that deliver
enhanced quality assurance and efficiency.

Ask the Data Analyst Quality:

Why re-brand quality assurance to quality engineering?

# 1777 | Focus Area: ISO 20000 - PROCESS

Implement quality assurance standards and processes for

validation and verification efforts.



Does your organization perform data validation at all

levels of data entry and modification?

# 1776 | Focus Area: GRC Management - PRODUCT

Manage the quality assurance function to ensure quality

production and interoperability.

Ask the Manager HR Data Integrity & Analysis:

What percentage of time does the IT audit function spend

on assurance, compliance and consulting activities?

# 1775 | Focus Area: Work From Home Worker

Compensation Claim - PROCESS

Participate in the quality assurance (QA) process from

initial receipt of bills through final payment.

Ask the Senior VP of Quality & Risk Management:

In a fully remote work environment, is your organization

able to enforce existing security rules and processes?

# 1774 | Focus Area: Third Party Risk Management

Develop a quality assurance process for BCM.

Ask the Director Operational Quality Excellence:

What are the quality assurance procedures its products

go through to ensure top performance?

# 1773 | Focus Area: Technology Specialist -


Support quality assurance process audits.

Ask the Quality Engineering Manager:

Does the supplier have an adequate quality assurance

and statistical process control programs?

# 1772 | Focus Area: IT Audit - AUDIT

Perform quality assurance review of co sourced internal

IT audit teams SOX work papers.

Ask the Quality Management Systems Analyst:

Does the head of internal audit have a performance

management and quality assurance program in place?

# 1771 | Focus Area: Cyber Asset - TECHNOLOGY

Ensure proper sustainment and integrity of all technology

assets through regular system upgrades and appropriate
testing and quality assurance practices.

Ask the Quality Assurance Engineer:

Should data analytics be an integral part of cybersecurity

# 1770 | Focus Area: Smart Manufacturing -


Perform quality assurance management, performance

testing, unit testing, regression testing, load testing,
automation testing, and user acceptance testing (UAT)
with priority.

Ask the Data Quality Analyst:

Is the user interface intuitive and simple to use?

# 1769 | Focus Area: lims - QUALITY

Develop experience creating, tracking and analyzing

control charts for quality assurance and streamlined root
cause analysis.

Ask the Quality Improvement Facilitator:

Is other information as results of root cause analyses

included in the tracking system?

# 1768 | Focus Area: Project Control - QUALITY

Be certain that your company is responsible for meeting

deadlines around the number of quality assurance
evaluations to be performed by a specific date.


When will certain quality oversight activities be

implemented for the project?

# 1767 | Focus Area: Cost Optimization Initiatives -


Invest in development and quality assurance of

communications, publications, and presentations.

Ask the Supplier Quality Auditor:

What, according to you, are the much-wanted skills in

software quality assurance?

# 1766 | Focus Area: laboratory information

management system - QUALITY

Review quality assurance documents to ensure clarity of

instructions for entry level staff.

Ask the Director of Data Analytics:

How to ensure on-time delivery of quality products and

avoid product recalls?

# 1765 | Focus Area: Cost Reduction Strategies -


Invest in the development of the quality assurance


Ask the Data Analyst Online Application Specialist:

How does your organization track return on investment

from delivery, quality assurance?

# 1764 | Focus Area: Process Governance -


Provide quality assurance oversight for system related

issues deviations, incidents, etc.

Ask the Quality Analyst:

Does your organization have a board that provides
oversight of the operation?

# 1763 | Focus Area: Ishikawa diagram - QUALITY

Make sure the Quality Assurance Engineer is responsible

for certain internal control responsibilities.

Ask the Data Quality Analyst:

Who is responsible for providing a copy of the Schedule

of Open Orders and Accumulate Balances to the offices
of Budget and Internal Controls and Quality Assurance?

# 1762 | Focus Area: Customer Satisfaction Survey


Verify that your organization conducts provider

satisfaction surveys after completion of quality assurance
site visit.

Ask the Managing Consultant-Utilities Risk, Compliance &


What is an appropriate completion rate for each


# 1761 | Focus Area: Quality Assurance - QUALITY

Secure that your staff is responsible for analyzing data

to develop and maintain quality centric dashboards and
reporting; identifying opportunities to improve (internal)
customer Success team efficiency by reducing risk and
improving overall efficiency.

Ask the Quality Management Specialist:

What development opportunities have you been given in

your role?

# 1760 | Focus Area: data resource management -

Meet quality assurance requirements and other key

performance metrics.

Ask the Quality Measurement Data Manager:

What regulatory requirements does it meet?

# 1759 | Focus Area: Qa process - QUALITY

Maintain and enforce Quality Assurance and Engineering

standards and best practices across cross functional
delivery teams.

Ask the Quality Management System Lead:

How does your organization track return on investment

from delivery, quality assurance?

# 1758 | Focus Area: chatbots - MANAGEMENT

Ensure your group enforces IT best practices in quality
assurance and change management.

Ask the Quality Improvement Specialist:

Have issues with poor quality assumptions been


# 1757 | Focus Area: Marketing Operations

Management - MANAGE

Manage end to end quality assurance of campaigns

including testing and validate that all campaigns are
properly configured in the CRM to support and analyze

marketing program/campaign objectives.

Ask the Lead Quality Assurance Specialist:

Does your organization have adequate quality assurance

and testing programs?

# 1756 | Focus Area: Project Control - QUALITY

Develop and deliver a robust quality assurance program

that drives improved (internal) customer satisfaction and
employee engagement.

Ask the Analyst/Head, Risk Analysis & Reporting:

How do employee selection and development practices,

as well as staff performance management, well being,
motivation, satisfaction, and compensation, contribute to
the growth of your organization?

# 1755 | Focus Area: FMEA Failure Modes -


Work with technical and quality assurance resources

to resolve technical production problems or (internal)
customer complaints.

Ask the Head Director Service Quality, Business Process -


Does the integration plan spell out how integration

problems are to be documented and resolved?

# 1754 | Focus Area: Third Party Risk Management


Support and endorse the Quality Assurance (QA) function

of IA, and resolve issues found by QA, improving audit
processes and coverage.

Ask the Supplier Quality Auditor:

What is intended frequency and coverage of

Manufacturing Process Audits?

# 1753 | Focus Area: FMEA Failure Modes Effects

Analysis - QUALITY

Coordinate quality initiatives at (internal) customer sites,

perform internal audits, and lead the (internal) customer
in performing other quality assurance activities.

Ask the Master Data Analyst:

When does the iso 9000 quality assurance standard lead

to performance improvement?

# 1752 | Focus Area: Operational Excellence -


Develop and administer budgets, plans, and performance

requirements linked to the quality assurance and
validation departments.

Ask the Vice President - Regional Quality:

Are there a variety of methods used depending on factors

as timing, risks or budgets?

# 1751 | Focus Area: Operational Excellence -


Assure your workforce provides quality assurance

guidance in a professional and collaborative manner to

Ask the Project Employee, Data Quality Assurance:

What quality assurance systems do you put in place?

# 1750 | Focus Area: MDM - QUALITY

Make sure the inspector provides quality assurance

through inspection of work and materials for
conformance to requirements.

Ask the Senior Quality Manager:

Does the supplier have the technical ability to make or

supply the product wanted?

# 1749 | Focus Area: Quality Systems - QUALITY

Support the goals and directives of Quality Assurance

and Compliance Leadership through execution of
ongoing and new GxP QA activities.


What maintenance activities are required to maintain

integer data?

# 1748 | Focus Area: ISO IEC 20000 - PROJECT

Act as business analyst and quality assurance lead for

smaller projects.

Ask the Quality Assurance IT Analyst:

When does the iso 9000 quality assurance standard lead

to performance improvement?

# 1747 | Focus Area: Product quality - QUALITY

Ensure your QMS Engineers also execute strategies

related to quality assurance and quality control of
products, services, and manufacturing processes.

Ask the Senior Quality Manager:

Is quality monitored from the perspective of the

customers needs and expectations?

# 1746 | Focus Area: Business Continuity Plan

Monitoring - QUALITY

Safeguard that your strategy generates, reviews and

enhances monthly Quality Assurance reporting.

Ask the Quality Management Systems Specialist:

How does a quality assurance professional manage an

engineered strategy to counter the quality impediments
and develop a quality improvement initiative?

# 1745 | Focus Area: Process Governance -


Perform quality assurance review of project goals.

Ask the Quality Engineer / Manager:

Are the results of quality assurance reviews provided to

affected groups & individuals?

# 1744 | Focus Area: Post Implementation Review -


Make sure the planning, development, and direction of

software quality assurance policies, processes, programs,
and initiatives.

Ask the Quality Analyst, Privacy Third Party Risk

Assessments, Global Data and Privacy Center of Expertise

Have operational goals been prioritized and the direction
been set for implementation?

# 1743 | Focus Area: Service Management -


Manage the On Call procedure for unplanned outages

and provides outage review reports for quality assurance

Ask the Principal Supplier Quality Engineer:

Did you understand the context of the procedures?

# 1742 | Focus Area: ISO and other strategic quality

objectives - QUALITY

Work with and lead contractors in developing and

implementing quality assurance programs, procedures
and instructions.

Ask the Training and Quality Analyst:

Are procedures/test instructions authorized working


# 1741 | Focus Area: Hoshin - QUALITY

Monitor and analyze plant internal auditing processes to

drive quality assurance in manufacturing operations.

Ask the Quality Improvement Coach:

Is quality monitored from the perspective of the

customers needs and expectations?

# 1740 | Focus Area: Data Quality Assurance - DATA

Interface so that your staff partners heavily with relevant
technology area(s) to manage relationships with
enterprise Data Quality Management solutions vendors
including ensuring software maintenance levels are
reasonably current and updates and enhancements are
prioritized and planned effectively to align with overall
enterprise Data Quality Management plans.

Ask the Supplier Quality Manager:

How does payroll fit into the institutions plan to

implement a new information technology system?

# 1739 | Focus Area: Project Control - QUALITY

Respond to feedback from leadership and adjust quality

assurance and compliance content accordingly.

Ask the Quality Improvement Manager:

What is leadership communication?

# 1738 | Focus Area: Standard Operating

Procedures - QUALITY
Be sure your company participates in Quality Assurance
by developing scripts.

Ask the Project Quality Engineer:

How does the company create high performance

relationships with its independent trade partners?

# 1737 | Focus Area: Qa process - QUALITY

Ensure you acquire the quality assurance standards and
processes used by the quality assurance team.

Ask the Quality Technician:

What product quality assurance processes are in place to
ensure the quality of the COTS product?

# 1736 | Focus Area: Security management -


Make sure your personnel adheres to established policies

and procedures, quality assurance programs, safety,
environmental and infection control policies.

Ask the Quality Management Coordinator:

Who is driving the improvements in safety and security


# 1735 | Focus Area: buyer personas - QUALITY

Secure that your company conducts quality assurance

and maintains an inventory of messaging brand

Ask the eLearning Quality Assurance Specialist:

Will the content be used to build brand awareness, or to

drive revenue?

# 1734 | Focus Area: IATF 16949 - QUALITY

Review and update standard operating procedures and

quality assurance manuals.

Ask the Quality Assurance IT Analyst:

Does your practice have Standard Operating Procedures

for inventory?

# 1733 | Focus Area: Business Process Optimization


Be confident that your organization collaborates and
assists QA and developers in solving quality assurance

Ask the Quality Management Systems SME:

Are there any significant quality assurance issues that

need follow-up by management?

# 1732 | Focus Area: Software Requirements

Management - QUALITY

Make sure the Quality Assurance Technician is primarily

responsible for Quality Activities for manufacturing.

Ask the Quality Management Systems Analyst:

Are separate systems or instances maintained for

development, quality assurance and production?

# 1731 | Focus Area: Qa process - QUALITY

Be confident that your organization achieves financial

objectives by preparing the quality assurance budget,
scheduling expenditures, analyzing variances, and
initiating corrective actions.

Ask the Quality Control Manager:

Are formal quality assurance procedures followed


# 1730 | Focus Area: GxP - QUALITY

Develop and execute Quality Assurance (QA) plans that
meet (internal) clients Quality objectives and goals.

Ask the Supplier Quality Auditor:

Are the vendors practices and procedures focused on
providing high quality products and services?

# 1729 | Focus Area: ISO 17025 - QUALITY

Be confident that your staff develops, recommends,

and implements, with approval of the Quality Assurance
Director, supporting SOPs, methods, and trainings.

Ask the Quality Systems Specialist:

Are documented analysis methods followed when

calculating metrics?

# 1728 | Focus Area: ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 -


Interface with supplier and (internal) customer quality

representatives concerning problems with quality
assurance and implement effective and appropriate
corrective actions.

Ask the Quality Systems Manager:

Do you have a documented problem solving method to

address problems?

# 1727 | Focus Area: quality and accountability -


Invest in creating quality assurance and quality control

(QA/QC) plans and coordinating QA/QC activities.

Ask the Senior Principal Quality Assurance Engineer:

Is there any manual or electronic tool in use to facilitate

center activities?

# 1726 | Focus Area: APQP - QUALITY

Interface with supplier and (internal) customer quality

representatives concerning problems with quality
assurance and assure that effective corrective action is

Ask the Quality Project Manager:

Who determines the quality standards to be defined for

the order?

# 1725 | Focus Area: Data Quality Assurance -


Guarantee your workforce uses quality monitoring data

management system to compile and track performance
at team and individual levels.

Ask the Quality Improvement Specialist:

Is there a data management system for tracking manhole

inspection activities?

# 1724 | Focus Area: FMEA Failure Modes Effects

Analysis - QUALITY

Provide Quality Assurance personnel with assistance and

training to ensure acceptable quality performance.

Ask the Quality Review Analyst:

When will certain quality oversight activities be

implemented for the project?

# 1723 | Focus Area: Change Advisory Board -


Interface so that your group is developing, creating, and

supporting a high performing quality assurance team.

Ask the Manager HR Data Integrity & Analysis:

Are adequate resources provided for performing quality

assurance activities?

# 1722 | Focus Area: digital twin - PROJECT

Provide quality assurance relative to proposals, project

deliverables, and marketing collateral.

Ask the Quality Analyst:

What quality assurances do you provide?

# 1721 | Focus Area: Sarbanes Oxley - AUDIT

Ensure you provide your (internal) clients with a

comprehensive suite of consulting and advisory services
that include internal audit outsourcing and co-sourcing,
enterprise-wide risk assessments, risk management
regulatory compliance (including Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX)),
advisory and quality assurance, IT audit, cyber security,
data governance and data analytics, RPA (robotic process
automation and privacy.

Ask the Software Quality Engineer Sr:

Are the results of quality assurance reviews provided to

affected groups & individuals?

# 1720 | Focus Area: gxp - QUALITY

Secure that your company acts as back up/additional

resource for quality assurance review of validations,
reports, assays, deviations, etc.

Ask the Quality Coordinator:

Does the vendor have sufficient resources to support
your organization?

# 1719 | Focus Area: APQP - QUALITY

Liaison so that your group has involvement working in

a quality assurance function with OEM and automotive
suppliers utilizing the AIAG core requirements: PPAP,

Ask the Sr. Quality Manager:

Has the customer any mandatory requirements?

# 1718 | Focus Area: DevOps IoT - PRODUCT

Follow product standards, quality assurance norms and


Ask the Manager HR Data Integrity & Analysis:

Are there any significant quality assurance issues that

need follow up by management?

# 1717 | Focus Area: Monetization - QUALITY

Guarantee your personnel assists with increasing

monetization of individual accounts, and manages quality
assurance processes associated with print and internet
bundled programs.

Ask the Data Management Specialist:

What target accounts should generate the highest


# 1716 | Focus Area: Business Process Optimization


Ensure your group ensures completion of the quality
assurance testing of the delivered solutions.

Ask the Strategic Quality Process Improvement Program


Are the results of quality assurance reviews provided to

affected groups & individuals?

# 1715 | Focus Area: Cyber Threat Intelligence -


Design Quality Assurance (QA) tactical plans that meet

Quality objectives and goals, address gaps, streamline
operations, and improve compliance.

Ask the Quality Assurance Engineer:

Is the threat information timely, reliable, and of known

good quality?

# 1714 | Focus Area: Azure Virtual Machines -

Interface so that your staff is designing and executing
Quality Assurance activities.

Ask the Quality Management System (QMS) Coordinator:

How does document management influence quality

assurance and quality control activities?

# 1713 | Focus Area: Enterprise Risk Management -


Establish that your company is accountable for meeting

deliverables, quality assurance and methodology
standards, including providing real time feedback.

Ask the Director IT Quality & Compliance:

Do employees feel accountable for the proper application

of risk policies and take ownership for your organizations
risk strategy?

# 1712 | Focus Area: virtual environment - CHANGE

Follow rigid Quality Assurance and Change Control


Ask the Data Analyst:

How will assurance be provided to cloud consumers over


# 1711 | Focus Area: devsecops - RECOMMEND

Recommend solutions and evaluate tools to enhance

and/or improve the effectiveness of the Mission
Accelerator quality assurance capabilities.

Ask the Quality Tech/Inspectors:

Which is what that quality thing often looks like, right?

# 1710 | Focus Area: Effective Vendor Management


Review and manage compliance with all quality

assurance reviews.

Ask the Data Quality Assurance Clerk:

How will your organization monitor its compliance with

waiver assurances?

# 1709 | Focus Area: Process Audit - QUALITY

Verify that your personnel is monitoring Quality

Assurance and Quality Control activities.

Ask the Quality Manager:

How do the performance indicators inform your quality

assurance processes?

# 1708 | Focus Area: Bitcoin Blockchain - QUALITY

Ensure your personnel is documenting quality assurance

activities and creating operational and technical reports
on an ongoing basis.


Are resources sufficient to carry out all the activities?

# 1707 | Focus Area: Reliability Centered

Maintenance - QUALITY

Work with leveraged and contract inspection resources

to develop and execute appropriate Quality Assurance
(QA) practices.

Ask the Quality Manager in Projects / Program Quality


Have limited life parts been identified, and inspection and

replacement requirements specified?

# 1706 | Focus Area: FMEA Failure Modes Effects

Analysis - QUALITY

Make sure your group scientists and cross-functional

teams, including Process Development (PD),
Manufacturing, Quality Assurance, Supply Chain, and

Program Management among others to ensure on time
delivery of Technology Transfer activities.

Ask the Directory of Quality:

Does the supplier have an adequate quality assurance

and statistical process control programs?

# 1705 | Focus Area: Process management -


Invest in maintaining, and ensuring compliance with

quality assurance programs, policies, processes,

Ask the Supplier Quality Assurance Technician:

How do programs impact the customer in different ways?

# 1704 | Focus Area: Business Process Outsourcing


Collaborate with other teams to identify trends,

streamline processes, and derive solutions to minimize
quality assurance concerns.

Ask the Quality Engineering Manager:

Do you struggle overseeing your teams task and resource


# 1703 | Focus Area: governance, risk and

compliance - RISK

Conduct quality assurance reviews on risk based account


Ask the Software Quality Engineer Sr:

Why does your organization conduct a break even

# 1702 | Focus Area: Functional Capacity

Evaluation - DATA

Develop, maintain, and promote quality assurance and

quality control protocols for ensuring integrity and clarity
of data.

Ask the Chief Quality Officer:

How do you construct big data analytics infrastructure on

the cloud that can provide high integrity assurance?

# 1701 | Focus Area: Logistics Organization -


Lead quality assurance and audit processes of new and

existing content.

Ask the Sr. Quality Systems Specialist:

Who will continue to keep processes and systems up to


# 1700 | Focus Area: iso 13485 - QUALITY

Lead a comprehensive quality assurance system for


Ask the Data Analyst Quality:

How do you evaluate the maturity level of complex


# 1699 | Focus Area: FMEA Failure Modes Effects

Analysis - QUALITY

Utilize Quality Assurance methodologies to facilitate
issue resolutions, including root cause investigations
and effective corrective and preventive actions, which
involves using problem-solving disciplines like risk
analysis, FMEA, 5-Whys, 8D, etc.

Ask the Quality Assurance Engineer:

Are fault isolation ambiguity levels considered in the


# 1698 | Focus Area: ISO 38500 - PRODUCT

Own technical product design and requirements for high

level architecture across firmware, application design,
data models, software quality assurance, security, and
system integration.

Ask the Quality Supervisor:

How to assist developers, using a security by design

approach, in securing IoT applications?

# 1697 | Focus Area: virtual environment -


Make sure the Quality Assurance specialization is

responsible for testing all features, functionality, and
localization of the learning materials produced.

Ask the Quality Systems Manager:

How to manually test contract functionality?

# 1696 | Focus Area: data resource management -


Lead electronic submission activities and invest in

response to questions and findings from Clinical Quality
Assurance (Quality Assurance) and other audits at the
study vendor level.

Ask the Quality Technician:

What is the level at which the review is focused?

# 1695 | Focus Area: business process re-

engineering - SYSTEMS

Participate in Quality Assurance efforts (test planning

and execution) for periodic releases, upgrades and new
systems implementations.

Ask the Senior Customer Quality Engineer:

How effective are your organizations or business

units current performance management systems and
processes in contributing to the success of strategic

# 1694 | Focus Area: ISO and other strategic quality

objectives - QUALITY
Develop and implement quality assurance programs,
plans, procedures and instructions.

Ask the VP of Quality and Safety:

Has quality assurance verified that all development

processes and procedures comply with required

# 1693 | Focus Area: Process Improvement

Methodology - QUALITY

Oversee that your company communicates a positive,

outgoing approach to Quality Assurance able to give

and accept positive feedback as well as constructive

Ask the Sr. Quality Engineer:

Do the acceptable quality levels allow for improvement?

# 1692 | Focus Area: Network Security Policy - TEST

Develop workflow customizations and performing quality

assurance testing and user acceptance testing.

Ask the Quality Assurance Manager:

What are the defined categories of mobile payment

acceptance solutions?

# 1691 | Focus Area: innovation - PROJECT

Provide Quality Assurance and oversight of all active

projects in Services business.

Ask the Field Quality Control Engineering:

What is the overall quality of information you find using?

# 1690 | Focus Area: Cybersecurity Automation -


Verify that your personnel builds, enhance and maintain

the continuous Integration, Continuous delivery/
deployment and Continuous testing DevsecOps model
for quality assurance end to end.

Ask the Business Transformation Engineer:

How much should you spend on cybersecurity?

# 1689 | Focus Area: Application Security - BUILD

Build and maintain quality assurance materials and

participate in testing practices.

Ask the Quality Management System (QMS) Coordinator:

Can secure software be deemed quality?

# 1688 | Focus Area: Insurance Data Models -


Lead manufacturing facility T/A leaders in defining the

responsibility of quality assurance professionals and
quality control personnel during an event and criteria for
assigning the correct resources.

Ask the Quality Assurance Automation Engineer:

What resources do you need immediately?

# 1687 | Focus Area: Alternative Risk Transfer -


Manage fleet and maintenance quality assurance and

quality control programs.

Ask the Data Warehouse Architect:

Has the board demonstrated a willingness to provide

appropriate resources to quality assurance programs?

# 1686 | Focus Area: Demand and Supply

Management - PRODUCT

Lead support of the team based material organization by

performing logistics and logistics support activities in a
variety of cross functional areas including development
of logistical support plans, policies and procedures,

materials planning, procurement, supplier quality
assurance, productivity, materials systems, and (internal)
customer service.

Ask the Software Testing and Quality Assurance Manager:

What are the procurements minimum requirements?

# 1685 | Focus Area: LIMS - QUALITY

Secure that your operation adheres to the Quality

Assurance Program, documenting and taking corrective
action when necessary.

Ask the Director of Data Analytics:

Does the supplier have an adequate quality assurance

and statistical process control programs?

# 1684 | Focus Area: Process Governance -


Oversee that your group performs quality assurance

testing of software.

Ask the Data Risk Manager:

Have you got a core coordinating group of

representatives of all relevant stakeholders?

# 1683 | Focus Area: Cloud ERP - PROCESS

Ensure strong quality assurance procedures and

feedback process.

Ask the Data Management Specialist:

How does workplace happiness impact employee

perceptions of customer service quality?

# 1682 | Focus Area: Digital Workplace - QUALITY

Maintain Quality Assurance Dashboard to show all service

metrics and leverage to find systemic opportunities or
best practices.

Ask the Quality Management Systems SME:

Do you have service level agreements for performance

and availability of your solution?

# 1681 | Focus Area: IT Audit CRM - QUALITY

Ensure quality assurance standards, licensing and

policy implementation by monitoring and assessment of
protocols and processes.

Ask the Calibration Process Quality Manager:

Are poor communications, inconsistent processes and

procedures, or out of date structures reducing your
organizations profitability?

# 1680 | Focus Area: business process outsourcing


Ensure you maintain/update all quality Assurance

materials when new processes, products and or
technology are introduced.

Ask the Director of Quality Engineering:

How will system requirements and standard business

processes be updated and maintained?

# 1679 | Focus Area: Software Metrics - QUALITY

Establish that your workforce is writing quality studies;

reviewing and participating in the completion of various
quality assurance related documents.

Ask the Data Management Specialist:

Is there a quality assurance system for reviewing the

correctness of organization decisions?

# 1678 | Focus Area: Operational Excellence -


Make sure your group conducts quality assurance tests.

Ask the Product Quality Engineer:

What do you believe is the quality of your reported

earnings for the current period?

# 1677 | Focus Area: ISO 17025 - QUALITY

Receive, review and respond to requests from your

(internal) customers Quality Assurance departments
including requests as Supplier Surveys and Quality
Agreements, and Notices of Change.

Ask the Quality Systems Management:

What quality assurance processes are applied to the


# 1676 | Focus Area: gxp - QUALITY

Secure that your personnel is involved in Quality

Assurance function with priority.

Ask the Sr. Customer Quality Engineer:

What are your values with respect to different risk groups

and the relative priority?

# 1675 | Focus Area: Process Audit - QUALITY

Oversee organizational and programmatic elements

of companys quality control, quality assurance and
compliance functions.

Ask the Director of Quality:

How do you oversee the quality system?

# 1674 | Focus Area: Risk Analysis - ANALYSIS

Ensure strong quality assurance processes are in place to

guarantee analysis, the supervisory process, and related
decisions reached are documented appropriately.

Ask the Master Data Analyst:

Does the risk analysis disclose forthrightly the points

which are based on guesswork?

# 1673 | Focus Area: Leadership Development

Programs - TEST
Coordinate and or conduct quality assurance and user
acceptance testing for key systems.

Ask the Manufacturing Quality Engineer:

What is the mission of the user organization?

# 1672 | Focus Area: Agile mindset - QUALITY

Make sure the Quality Engineer designs, implements and

maintains quality assurance protocols and methods for
processing materials into partially finished or finished

Ask the Automotive Quality Manager:

Where agile methods were introduced?

# 1671 | Focus Area: Operational Excellence -


Initiate, process, follow-up, review, and approve quality

assurance program records, including Quality Incident
Reports, Defect Deviation Reports, Nonconformance
Reports, Technical Justifications, and Corrective Action
Requests and associated documentation.

Ask the Sr. Quality Systems Specialist:

What is the corrective and preventive action that will take

place as a result of the deviation/non compliance?

# 1670 | Focus Area: Quality Assurance - QUALITY

Verify that your team provides overall quality leadership

to the organization and responsible for the advancement
of the quality goals and objectives of the organization to
ensure the quality and effectiveness of the product and
processes utilized across the organization.

Ask the Data Analyst:

Does your quality assurance or other responsible

personnel regularly review the quality performance of
your suppliers?

# 1669 | Focus Area: ISO 17025 (current version) -


Oversee that your operation is applying the full range of

principles, concepts, and methodologies related to the
quality assurance functional programs.

Ask the Automotive Quality Manager:

What effect do the programs have on people?

# 1668 | Focus Area: Qa process - QUALITY

Interface so that your operation facilitates internal

training on quality assurance requirements, processes,
and procedures.

Ask the Supplier Quality Assurance Analyst Sr.:

Is a quality control process in place to verify policy

compliance for human review requirements?

# 1667 | Focus Area: ERP - QUALITY

Oversee that your group align with Manufacturing,

Supply Chain, Quality Assurance and Commercial Teams.

Ask the Field Quality Control Engineering:

What assurances does the vendor provide in the area of

pricing protection?

# 1666 | Focus Area: laboratory information

management system - QUALITY

Maintain quality assurance measures to assure that

analytical standards are being met.

Ask the Quality Project Manager:

What are the quality assurance measures taken?

# 1665 | Focus Area: laboratory information

management system - QUALITY

Ensure your workforce prepares internal auditors and
coordinates technical and quality assurance audits.

Ask the Software Testing and Quality Assurance Manager:

How could the risk management and quality assurance

processes of the program be improved?

# 1664 | Focus Area: analyze and interpret financial

reports - QUALITY

Certify your workforce is assisting in quality assurance

testing for accounting bugs and enhancements.

Ask the Supplier Quality Assurance Technician:

What process does your organization use to maintain

detailed accounting records?

# 1663 | Focus Area: Successful Meetings -


Develop and maintain documentation of the audio and

video conferencing environment including operational
guidelines, processes, procedures, and quality assurance

Ask the Supervisor of Operational Quality and Assurance

- Priority Health:

Does your organization maintain a laboratory to support

quality assurance activities?

# 1662 | Focus Area: Data Lake Strategies -


Ensure strong quality assurance with a curiosity to

investigate any anomalies for root cause analysis and

Ask the Manufacturing Engineering & Quality Manager:

What was the cause of deviation in cases where tests


# 1661 | Focus Area: Package Engineering -


Perform routine Quality Assurance assessments of site

operations and provide direct oversight.

Ask the Quality Analyst, Privacy Third Party Risk

Assessments, Global Data and Privacy Center of Expertise

Is there a mechanism for assuring that regression testing

is routinely performed?

# 1660 | Focus Area: laboratory information

management system - QUALITY

Maintain quality control and quality assurance records

with priority.

Ask the Quality Assurance Specialist:

Does the internal audit function maintain a quality

assurance and improvement program?

# 1659 | Focus Area: gxp - QUALITY

Serve as the quality assurance lead for the program


Ask the Quality Assurance Technician:

Which attributes are critical to the quality of the drug


# 1658 | Focus Area: gxp - QUALITY

Ensure your Quality Assurance specializations are leading

service providers to your (internal) clients providing GMP

Ask the Senior Software Quality Architect:

Does the vendor monitor the performance of its

suppliers, contractors, and service providers?

# 1657 | Focus Area: gxp - QUALITY

Oversee that your personnel manages Quality Assurance

principles, concepts, industry practices and standards.

Ask the Compliance/Quality Engineer:

How do you leverage GAMP good practice principles?

# 1656 | Focus Area: Project Control - QUALITY

Maximize the utilization of the Speech Analytics platform

to drive meaningful intelligence, actionable insights, and
quantifiable improvement into the Quality Assurance

Ask the Business Planning and Proposal Head:

Do you regularly explore open source and paid

proprietary solutions for speech recognition to translate
call data into text for quality assurance and fraud

# 1655 | Focus Area: Processes daily mail - HEALTH

Invest in the presentation of reports on health and quality

assurance issues to the Board of Directors at the direction

of the CMO or CEO.

Ask the Sustainable Finance Data Governance Lead:

What kind of quality assurance/quality control plan do

you use to manage projects?

# 1654 | Focus Area: laboratory information

management system - QUALITY

Maintain proper quality assurance and follow work safety


Ask the Quality Engineer:

Are separate systems or instances maintained for

development, quality assurance and production?

# 1653 | Focus Area: Data Governance - QUALITY

Command all quality assurance and integrity testing set

of standards on policies, processes, procedures.

Ask the Technical Quality Customer Liaison:

What set of inputs, processes, and outputs does

management use to provide oversight of an activity?

# 1652 | Focus Area: Assertive Community

Treatment - TECHNOLOGY

Cultivate and foster a culture of sound technology

delivery methods and quality assurance best practices.

Ask the Automotive Quality Manager:

What mobile learning innovations and quality assurance

measures will help tomorrows workforce foster the
creativity, knowledge and abilities required to thrive in

dynamic knowledge economies?

# 1651 | Focus Area: quality and accountability -


Guarantee your company is involved in (internal)

customer service, community outreach, public speaking,
management or coordination, training, quality assurance,
team building, program development and evaluation.

Ask the Quality Specialist:

How does the company create high performance

relationships with its independent trade partners?

# 1650 | Focus Area: ISO 9001 preferred - QUALITY

Ensure you have direct involvement in Quality Assurance

practices and concepts.

Ask the Quality Assurance Specialist:

Does a budget committee or executive include quality

assurance checks in the budget process to ensure quality
of budgets prior to deliberation?

# 1649 | Focus Area: Google Analytics - QUALITY

Make sure your personnel performs testing and quality

assurance in the context of new web technology rollouts.

Ask the Head of Quality and Compliance:

Have technology changes occurred that can positively

impact the specifications?

# 1648 | Focus Area: Preparing and sending

delinquency letters - QUALITY

Review calls for Quality Assurance according to
department guidelines and schedule monthly feedback
meetings with representatives.

Ask the Director of Supplier Quality:

Has a quality assurance program been updated for final

design, construction, and procurement activities?

# 1647 | Focus Area: Social Responsibility -


Perform inspections, quality assurance and quality

control functions.

Ask the Quality Tech/Inspectors:

How do you manage the reporting and assurance issues?

# 1646 | Focus Area: Threat Modeling - QUALITY

Serve as final quality assurance and control arbiter on

more technically complex engagements.

Ask the Quality Assurance Automation Engineer:

Are system models maintained under configuration


# 1645 | Focus Area: laboratory information

management system - QUALITY

Review and approve Quality control and Quality

Assurance results.

Ask the Manager Quality Assurance:

Does your quality assurance or other responsible

personnel have the authority to approve or disapprove
suppliers for use?

# 1644 | Focus Area: appeal success rates -


Oversee Quality Assurance and Quality Control teams.

Ask the Regulatory Data Head - Risk & Capital Team:

Who should be responsible for overseeing new quality

assurance models?

# 1643 | Focus Area: ISO 14971 - QUALITY

Support Quality Assurance with Audits, CAPAs, Change

Control, Deviations, Root Cause Analysis, and Complaint

Ask the Quality Engineer:

What kind of support, upgrades and quality assurance is


# 1642 | Focus Area: Quality Management System -


Make sure your personnel assures supplier quality by

enforcing quality assurance standards, policies and
industry/organization requirements.

Ask the Quality Systems Manager (Business Process


Is the documented system consistent with the standards?

# 1641 | Focus Area: DevOps IoT - DESIGN

Assess and recommend available automated quality
assurance solutions in the context of designing a UI
automated testing service.

Ask the Field Quality Control Engineering:

What context to provide to facilitate growth areas for


# 1640 | Focus Area: Cloud Security Compliance -


Safeguard that your personnel designs and perform

quality assurance testing and perform unit and
integration testing.

Ask the Sr Supplier Quality Engineer:

What new integration considerations do cloud

applications bring?

# 1639 | Focus Area: IEC 60601 - QUALITY

Work with software, hardware, user experience,

marketing, manufacturing, and quality assurance on
generation, documentation, verification and validation of

Ask the Program Quality Engineer:

Is user experience relevant where you work?

# 1638 | Focus Area: Competency Model -


Provide leadership on quality strategy/objectives

and the quality assurance measures relevant to the
manufacturing process.

Ask the Data Management Specialist:

Are the results of quality assurance reviews provided to

affected groups & individuals?

# 1637 | Focus Area: HIPAA - QUALITY

Make headway so that your personnel participates in

departmental quality assurance programs.

Ask the Implementation Analyst:

How can a quality event be a HIPAA breach?

# 1636 | Focus Area: Crisis Leadership - QUALITY

Oversee the creation of strategy, plans, quality assurance

practices, and engagement metrics and reporting for
content marketing/distribution activities.

Ask the Specialist, Quality Engineering:

Which factors are most critical to improving employee


# 1635 | Focus Area: Customer Satisfaction Survey


Powers high standards and develop/maintain optimal

quality assurance protocols that can be leveraged across
the entire organization.

Ask the Supplier Quality Assurance Technician:

How can iiot and technology be leveraged to optimize

external manufacturing?

# 1634 | Focus Area: User Experience - DEVELOP

Develop portfolio quality assurance framework, standards
and tooling.

Ask the Sr. Customer Quality Engineer:

Are coding standards applied to each software

development project?

# 1633 | Focus Area: Azure IoT - SOLUTION

Incur budget responsibility and provide quality assurance

and issue resolution to protect engagement and
corporate reputation.

Ask the APQP Quality Engineer:

What is your average resolution time?

# 1632 | Focus Area: internal audits - QUALITY

Invest in the performance of other appropriate quality

assurance functions.

Ask the Quality Systems Manager:

Who develops objective performance criteria used to

evaluate the work of internal audit?

# 1631 | Focus Area: Data Governance - QUALITY

Make sure your personnel develops Quality Assurance

and Testing Tools and technologies.

Ask the Software Quality Engineer:

What quality assurance tools are used to access the

telephone conversations?

# 1630 | Focus Area: Management Assistant -

Ensure all research is ethically reviewed and provide

quality assurance for research design, protocols,
abstracts, and manuscripts.

Ask the Senior VP of Quality & Risk Management:

What outline the role of six quality assurance


# 1629 | Focus Area: ArcSight - MONITOR

Monitor and compile incident reports and perform quality

assurance activities.

Ask the Product and Services Quality Manager:

What ongoing monitoring is there that the assurance and

assumptions remain valid?

# 1628 | Focus Area: Risk-based Auditing -


Communicate audits and investigation findings with

quality assurance and operations management.

Ask the Quality Management Systems Infrastructure


What is security control assurance?

# 1627 | Focus Area: lims - QUALITY

Execute quality assurance hold/release functions
on incoming raw ingredients and finished products
including lims release.

Ask the Manager Quality Assurance:

Are you appropriately collaborating with quality

assurance, marketing, communications, and legal

# 1626 | Focus Area: iso 13485 - QUALITY

Comply with all local (internal) client quality policies,

procedures, and practices through consistent application
of sound quality assurance principles.

Ask the Analyst/Head, Risk Analysis & Reporting:

Is staff training part of the quality system?

# 1625 | Focus Area: Information Risk Management


Provide quality assurance of work on new and existing


Ask the VP of Quality and Safety:

Are there quality assurance and oversight controls over

work in process and the end product?

# 1624 | Focus Area: archives records of all reports

for audit - QUALITY

Maintain and update quality assurance records, study

files, inspection and audit reports, protocols and
amendments, and other general QA records.

Ask the Data Scientist:

Do you build and maintain records of quality assurance


# 1623 | Focus Area: APQP - QUALITY

Provide leadership to Quality Operations, Quality

Engineering, and Quality Assurance teams, and resolve
quality issues.

Ask the Senior Quality Program Manager:

Do you write requirements in your quality manual as

permissible exclusions?

# 1622 | Focus Area: Corporate Social

Responsibility - QUALITY

Provide complete, accurate, and timely quality assurance

reviews for brand engagement responses while adhering
to the program-specific social playbook, including
channel and response priorities, important metrics, and
quality assurance framework.

Ask the Data Analyst Quality:

Does employee engagement come down to social


# 1621 | Focus Area: ISO 27001 Lead Implementer -


Make sure there is involvement as a quality assurance

manager or relevant role.

Ask the Quality Conformance Manager:

How strong is the post implementation involvement?

# 1620 | Focus Area: Master Data Management

Program - QUALITY

Serve on various committees for the purpose of
formulating of policies and quality assurance methods.

Ask the Quality Coordinator:

What methods are used to authorize users?

# 1619 | Focus Area: ISO 27001 Lead Implementer -


Collect and evaluate metrics and report findings to the

Quality Assurance Manager.

Ask the Quality Measurement Data Manager:

Do you still need to maintain a quality manual?

# 1618 | Focus Area: internal audits - QUALITY

Implement a quality assurance and improvement


Ask the Data & Reporting Specialist:

What are the new internal controls you give assurance

about after the implementation of the ERP systems?

# 1617 | Focus Area: Vendor Risk Management -


Develop, coordinate, and execute quality assurance and

effective oversight processes.

Ask the Head of Quality and Compliance:

Do you employ version management, build & deploy


# 1616 | Focus Area: laboratory information
management system - QUALITY

Adhere and conform to quality assurance and safety

programs and procedures.

Ask the Sr. Quality Systems Specialist:

Does the quality assurance process provide objective

verification of adherence to applicable standards,
procedures & requirements?

# 1615 | Focus Area: Service Catalog - QUALITY

Provide first level of quality assurance on new code


Ask the Director, Product Management:

Are subsystems and components properly isolated for

testing discrete functionality?

# 1614 | Focus Area: LIMS - LABORATORY

Maintain laboratory conditions including equipment,

supplies, quality assurance programs and accurate
records throughout all procedures.

Ask the Strategic Quality Process Improvement Program


Do you build and maintain records of quality assurance


# 1613 | Focus Area: communication skills -


Manage quality assurance (qa) of tracking functionality

and creative units to identify and solve any issues.

Ask the Specialist, Quality Engineering:

When comparing things, are the same units of measure

used to make the comparisons?

# 1612 | Focus Area: APQP - QUALITY

Establish that your personnel leads, directs, monitors

and coaches quality assurance department employees to
strive for excellence.

Ask the Supplier Quality Auditor:

Do all employees responsible for processes that impact

product quality have documented work instructions?

# 1611 | Focus Area: Business Continuity Planning


Make sure your personnel coordinates quality assurance

for all new and current Enterprise Applications,
processes, and databases.

Ask the VP of Quality and Risk:

What are the typical enterprise functions?

# 1610 | Focus Area: Informatica MDM - QUALITY

Ensure adherence to established best practices, policies,

procedures, and quality assurance standards.

Ask the Automotive Quality Manager:

What policies and procedures affect or are affected by

the problem?

# 1609 | Focus Area: ISO 26262 - SOFTWARE

Foster teamwork among engineering disciplines of

software, hardware, mechanical, and quality assurance

Ask the Quality and Compliance Manager:

How often does your organization require security

assurance from suppliers?

# 1608 | Focus Area: Configuration Management -


Assess and evaluate current process, technologies,

tools, organizations, people and metrics large Quality
Assurance organizations.

Ask the Manager Quality:

Which license metrics require allocations in order to

maintain compliance?

# 1607 | Focus Area: business process re-

engineering - PROCESS

Lead projects that include strategy development,

requirements definition, business process improvement,
stakeholder involvement, change management, quality
assurance, risk management, user training, application
configuration, system installation, and testing.

Ask the Data Quality and Governance:

How is your overall approach to the management of

process projects organized?

# 1606 | Focus Area: DevOps IoT - DESIGN

Work closely with Designers, Quality Assurance
Engineers, and Account/Project Managers to
communicate status of projects.

Ask the Quality Management Systems Coordinator:

Is agile putting managers back to work?

# 1605 | Focus Area: Vendor Risk Management -


Manage the quality assurance (QA) review of

questionnaire responses and documentation received.

Ask the Sustainable Finance Data Governance Lead:

What is the quality assurance process for the business


# 1604 | Focus Area: Post Implementation Review -


Oversee quality assurance with your code and

conducting necessary code reviews.

Ask the VP of Quality and Risk:

Do you have an existing process for conducting

management reviews?

# 1603 | Focus Area: Standard Operating

Procedures - TEST

Make sure there is involvement as a Quality Assurance

Tester or similar role.

Ask the Project Quality Engineer:

What makes a good software quality assurance engineer?

# 1602 | Focus Area: Package Engineering -

Provide guidance and direction from a quality assurance

perspective regarding IT security, disaster recovery,

Ask the Quality Systems Management:

Will your plan provide you enough guidance during

the stressful aftermath of an emergency, disaster, or
disruption to get the business up and running again?

# 1601 | Focus Area: HIPAA - TRAINING

Conduct ongoing quality assurance audits and make

recommendations on re training or mentorship with

Ask the Manager Quality:

How high a priority is GDPR compliance to your


# 1600 | Focus Area: ISO and other strategic quality

objectives - QUALITY

Assure quality assurance programs are in place, effective

and value added.

Ask the Director Operational Quality Excellence:

How to achieve added value from external quality

assurance processes?

# 1599 | Focus Area: Quality Management System -


Ensure you have an understanding and thorough
interpretation of quality assurance sampling and
inspection techniques.

Ask the Data Quality Analyst:

Will an inspection or test be needed to ensure product or

service quality?

# 1598 | Focus Area: Third Party Risk Management


Support supplier quality assurance programs.

Ask the Senior Quality & Testing Analyst:

Do you allow tenants to use third party identity assurance


# 1597 | Focus Area: Cloud Migration - ENTERPRISE

Support enterprise quality assurance teams.

Ask the Quality Specialist:

How to innovate software quality assurance and testing

in large enterprises?

# 1596 | Focus Area: DevOps IoT - TEST

Conduct Quality Assurance (QA)/User Acceptance

Testing (UAT), which is to be coordinated (internal and
external resources) and owned by Subscriber.

Ask the Sr Quality Engineering Manager:

Can it work in your information assurance environment?

# 1595 | Focus Area: Supplier Performance
Management - QUALITY

Collaborate with Quality Assurance and the buyers to

investigate quality concerns and recommend corrective
actions to prevent future issues.

Ask the Quality Systems Management:

Can it provide proactive prevention of performance


# 1594 | Focus Area: lims - LABORATORY

Liaise with quality assurance and appropriate cross

functional departmental areas to close the events and
corrective actions identified during gxp laboratory

Ask the Business Planning and Proposal Head:

What quality assurance is undertaken by the customer to

ensure the quality and security of the GxP infrastructure
and applications built and deployed in the cloud?

# 1593 | Focus Area: Root Cause Analysis -


Invest in Quality Assurance (QA) and knowledge


Ask the Manager IT Quality Assurance:

Are there effective quality assurance processes planned

for the programme?

# 1592 | Focus Area: devsecops - SYSTEMS

Oversee resources tasked with building out Mission

Accelerator quality assurance solutions, systems, and

Ask the Sr Quality Analyst:

What assurance do you have that software produced by a

third party has been appropriately engineered?

# 1591 | Focus Area: laboratory information

management system - QUALITY

Manage quality assurance and control, safety activities,

hiring, training and competency, continuing education,
and personnel related matters.

Ask the Data Quality and Governance:

How should quality assurance for competency based

education work?

# 1590 | Focus Area: laboratory information

management system - QUALITY

Participate in quality assurance and safety programs.

Ask the Principal Supplier Quality Engineer:

Does your organization participate in any external quality

assurance or proficiency programs?

# 1589 | Focus Area: BACnet - PERFORM

Perform Quality Assurance on the deployment package

and turn over the solution to field technical resources.

Ask the Senior Quality Program Manager:

Does it have compliance packages to aid in compliance


# 1588 | Focus Area: Cloud Security Compliance -

Interact with quality assurance on matters of vendor

delivered quality and vendor rating systems.

Ask the Software Quality Engineer:

Does cloud impact the quality escalation process?

# 1587 | Focus Area: Infonomics - MANAGEMENT

Maintain good working relations with peers over Product

Owners, Enterprise Architecture, Business Analysts,
Business Architects, Software Quality Assurance,
DevOps, Organizational Change Management, and
Development Managers to ensure the PMO is coordinated
and working effectively as a partner.

Ask the Directory of Quality:

What is the quality assurance process for the business


# 1586 | Focus Area: ISO 27001 Lead Implementer -


Manage all aspects of site Quality Assurance process.

Ask the Manager Quality Launch:

Is there a quality assurance system that covers all aspects

of training?

# 1585 | Focus Area: Chief Information Resources


Lead in the formulation, review, and direction of
policies, as well as quality assurance components of all

Ask the Business Transformation Engineer:

Are the corporations information security policies and

implementation reviewed annually by an expert outside

# 1584 | Focus Area: Security Management

Processes - QUALITY

Comply with quality assurance expectations and


Ask the Project Employee, Data Quality Assurance:

What assurance goals are being met?

# 1583 | Focus Area: gxp - QUALITY

Set strategic direction for the IT Quality Assurance


Ask the Data Quality Assurance Clerk:

How could you verify whether the data sets compliance

to the standards or the defined quality?

# 1582 | Focus Area: Cloud ERP - PROCESS

Ensure adherence to quality assurance processes.

Ask the Quality Technician:

What assurances does the vendor provide in the area of

business continuity?

# 1581 | Focus Area: Must possess high motivation

Collaborate with Product Management, Software Quality

Assurance, and other development teams to ensure that
solutions are efficient, consistent and fulfill business

Ask the Quality Director:

How is the transparency of the product backlog,

development status and other artifacts ensured?

# 1580 | Focus Area: Post Implementation Review -


Work with Quality Assurance to prepare and participate in

third party assessments and audits.

Ask the Supplier Quality Engineer:

Does internal audit or quality assurance conduct the post

implementation review?

# 1579 | Focus Area: Data Governance - QUALITY

Own and define the quality assurance and testing


Ask the Quality Systems Specialist:

Which quality assurance strategy?

# 1578 | Focus Area: Customer Satisfaction Survey


Perform routine quality assurance investigations and


Ask the Supplier Quality Manager:

Are regular audits and reviews performed to evaluate

configuration integrity?

# 1577 | Focus Area: iso 13485 - QUALITY

Support the developments and approval quality

assurance agreements with OEM (internal) customers.

Ask the APQP Quality Engineer:

Do you consider customers disposal requirements?

# 1576 | Focus Area: Business Operations

Management - QUALITY

Safeguard that your personnel is providing quality

assurance checks on documents, reports, and

Ask the Quality Management Systems SME:

Do you have a quality assurance plan in place?

# 1575 | Focus Area: laboratory information

management system - QUALITY

Ensure documentation meets quality assurance


Ask the Manager Quality/M&P/Process:

How do you ensure accountability and quality assurance

in all your operations?

# 1574 | Focus Area: FMEA - QUALITY

Ensure you are currently partnering with a large scale
manufacturer for a Quality Assurance Manager.

Ask the Manager Quality:

When does the iso 9000 quality assurance standard lead

to performance improvement?

# 1573 | Focus Area: Gemba Walks - SAFETY

Act as a liaison with Quality Assurance for any identified

event which may potentially affect the Safety, Integrity,
Strength, Purity or Quality of the product.

Ask the Quality Tech:

How might expectations of labor costs and employee

demographics impact productivity and price?

# 1572 | Focus Area: Quality Management System -


Invest in trending analyses for various Quality Assurance


Ask the Supplier Quality Analyst:

When does the ISO 9000 quality assurance standard lead

to performance improvement?

# 1571 | Focus Area: GxP - TRAINING

Develop procedures, standards, manuals, training and

quality assurance of various bridge related areas.

Ask the Quality Review Analyst:

What quality assurance is undertaken by the customer to

ensure the quality and security of the GxP infrastructure
and applications built and deployed in the cloud?

# 1570 | Focus Area: gxp - QUALITY

Invest in training of new Quality Assurance staff.

Ask the Senior Consultant-Utilities Risk, Compliance &


How does your organization improve the staffing

compliance and quality?

# 1569 | Focus Area: Production and Operations

Management - QUALITY

Lead quality assurance and testing practices.

Ask the Senior Quality System Process Expertise


Do you have a quality assurance plan in place?

# 1568 | Focus Area: lims - QUALITY

Provide quality assurance training to employees
throughout the plant, including gmp and quality sops.

Ask the Analyst/Head, Risk Analysis & Reporting:

Does the facility have a documented quality assurance

program that is planned, implemented, maintained and
consistent with license conditions?

# 1567 | Focus Area: lims - QUALITY

Ensure required quality assurance documentation is

accurately maintained at all times.

Ask the Calibration Process Quality Manager:

What are the key metrics or leading indicators necessary
to ensure quality improvement?

# 1566 | Focus Area: ISO 31000 Risk Management -


Communicate quality assurance procedures, existing

protocols, and effective controls.

Ask the Credit Risk & Portfolio Management - Analyst,

Power & Utilities:

Have quality policies and standards been communicated

to the project team?

# 1565 | Focus Area: laboratory information

management system - QUALITY

Serve as a liaison between microbiology and quality

assurance departments.

Ask the Quality Assurance Manager:

How does management use Quality Assurance as an

independent observer of the change?

# 1564 | Focus Area: Business Intelligence and

Analytics - QUALITY

Test and Quality Assurance Engineer.

Ask the Coordinator Quality Improvement:

Is the test engineer always testing the latest build?

# 1563 | Focus Area: Quality Management System -


Develop quality assurance budget.

Ask the Quality Coordinator:

Have sufficient resources been budgeted for quality


# 1562 | Focus Area: HR Compliance -


Make headway so that your design is developing

reporting for executive management on performance,
inclusive of team metrics, quality assurance, (internal)
customer experience, and service level agreements.

Ask the Product and Services Quality Manager:

How do you know it is the coordination of various

functions and elements that make for high quality
customer service?

# 1561 | Focus Area: Data Deletion Processes -

Be certain that your operation assists with Supported
Employment and Day Support data management
processes to include long term and short term consumer
electronic filing updates and quality assurance.

Ask the Quality Technician:

What is your technical data management strategy and

what are the implications on long term product support?

# 1560 | Focus Area: it vendor risk management -


Oversee that your process provides project management

leadership as evidenced by project planning, problem
resolution, change control and quality assurance, in
accordance with established policy.

Ask the Lead Quality Engineer:

Why is transformational leadership important to

complexity and organizational change?

# 1559 | Focus Area: Splunk - MANAGEMENT

Secure that your personnel is involved in management of

large IT projects and the responsibilities associated such
as needs analysis, market surveying, system requirements
management, project planning, resource allocation, cost
and schedule projection, tracking and analysis, project
tracking and oversight, subcontract management,
quality assurance, configuration management, and asset

Ask the Quality Tech:

What is the relationship between strategic intelligence

and the management functions of resource allocation
and personnel deployment?

# 1558 | Focus Area: Business Continuity Risk

Analysis and Testing - RISK

Liaison so that your process develops and deploys

project management methodology/tools including
charters, business cases, project plans, cost benefit
analysis, risk/issue management, communication plans,
quality assurance, training, status reporting and contract

Ask the Data Quality and Governance:

Do your business continuity plans help you to achieve

your business objectives?

# 1557 | Focus Area: Catastrophe - QUALITY

Provide support on the production, maintenance, and

performance of Data Management Group databases and
datasets including aiding in data acquisition, natural
catastrophe analysis projects, quality assurance, and data
cataloging and archiving.

Ask the Quality Management Lead (Government):

Are any repair/maintenance facilities operated by your


# 1556 | Focus Area: Complex Event Processing

Event Correlation - SYSTEMS

Warrant that your company plans, conducts, or leads

activities and projects concerned with quality systems,
process control, quality assurance, risk analysis, process
improvement, and validation of manufacturing and
business processes in a regulated environment.

Ask the Quality Control Analyst:

What happens when risk mitigation activities become,

themselves, risks?

# 1555 | Focus Area: Quality Assurance - QUALITY

Lead the internal Quality System Audit program for

the organization, manage QA plan for Design and
manufacturing activities, perform Risk Management
activities, manage the Complaint Handling Unit and CAPA

Ask the Compliance/Quality Engineer:

What are the objectives and overall goals of the testing


# 1554 | Focus Area: Quality Assurance - QUALITY

Interface so that your staff monitors the quality system

including records and results from processes and
procedures to ensure product Quality and compliance.

Ask the Manager IT Quality Assurance:

How can there be any consistency to quality or through

put, under circumstances?

# 1553 | Focus Area: Chief HR Officer -


Ensure your staff is accountable for providing program

management leadership and guidance in planning,
deploying and supporting shared solutions, including
a focus on resources, architecture, data integration,
scheduling, on-time delivery, quality assurance, and
overall IT operations.

Ask the Manufacturing Quality Engineer:

How do you ensure that your workforce planning,

management and improvement are effective?

# 1552 | Focus Area: Strategic Vendor Management


Ensure your strategy works with a cross functional team

of marketing, packaging, sourcing, quality assurance, and
product development to develop new products, improves
existing products and markets the brand to consumers.

Ask the Quality Manager in Projects / Program Quality


Is quality assurance dependent on resourcing at the side

of climate service user?

# 1551 | Focus Area: Information management -

Ensure your personnel is involved in the entire

development process including specification,
workflow analysis, workflow diagrams, data modeling,
documentation and quality assurance.

Ask the Manager Finance Business Partnering:

What is in business process modeling?

# 1550 | Focus Area: At eide bailly we are

passionate about the clients we serve -

Participate with the Quality Assurance, Technical

Services, Operations and Application Development staff
to create work plans to support strategic initiatives,
business plans and emerging business needs.

Ask the Manager Finance Business Partnering:

What do you know about your software development


# 1549 | Focus Area: Content Migration - QUALITY

Provide project management support, requirements

gathering, quality assurance/quality control, technical
and end user support for organization website solutions.

Ask the Director of Supplier Quality:

What type of user support is available during major and

minor upgrades?

# 1548 | Focus Area: Quality Assurance - QUALITY

Interface so that your operation investigates and provides

data on (internal) customer complaints/concerns
regarding contractors quality performance and processes
which impact user satisfaction.

Ask the Quality Management Systems Specialist:

When should operations be assessed?

# 1547 | Focus Area: Data Quality Assurance - DATA

Ensure quality of master data in key systems, as well as

development and documentation of processes with other
functional data owners to support ongoing maintenance
and data integrity.

Ask the Quality Measurement Data Manager:

What conclusions, assurance and/or confidence about

the software product can be justified from the service
history duration and supporting data?

# 1546 | Focus Area: Data Quality Assurance - DATA

Certify your strategy serves as Business Owner of Data

Quality Management for your organization.

Ask the Quality Assurance and Staff Development


Are support organizations doing quality assurance?

# 1545 | Focus Area: EPC Contract - DATA

Ensure that the Data and Analytics team works effectively

to support its (internal) customers by using a full-scope
data governance approach that includes workflow
monitoring, quality assurance, communication plans,

budgets, and goals.

Ask the Manufacturing Quality Engineer:

How do you ensure that the team owns the project/


# 1544 | Focus Area: Quality Assurance - QUALITY

Certify your process is performing statistical quality data

analysis and evaluation to determine supplier compliance
with contractual requirements.

Ask the Quality Control Analyst:

What quality assurance and testing are you performing

to decrease the risk of erroneous data being collected by
your IoT technology?

# 1543 | Focus Area: Quality Assurance - QUALITY

Secure that your organization uses data analytics and

data analysis tools to support quality and risk programs.

Ask the Quality Coordinator:

What are the intended uses of the data and what level of
confidence does the use require?

# 1542 | Focus Area: Quality Assurance - QUALITY

Establish that your group is working with Quality Analysts

to ensure they are able to generate the right level of
test scenarios and test cases that cover the business
cases and user stories according to standards and best

Ask the Director Master Data Management Operations


What are the tangible business benefits resulting from
high performance practices in the financial, operational,
customer satisfaction, and product and service quality

# 1541 | Focus Area: ethereum - DATA

Oversee all aspects of the software development lifecycle

including requirements analysis, project documentation,
UI design, database and infrastructure management,
quality assurance, security auditing, and maintenance.

Ask the Quality Analyst:

Can all aspects of the tool be integrated easily into

department activities?

# 1540 | Focus Area: Impact Report -


Verify that your operation reviews and provides project

documents during all phases of project development for
quality assurance, value engineering and cost estimation.

Ask the Principal Supplier Quality Engineer:

Is the basis for cost estimation reasonable?

# 1539 | Focus Area: Knowledge Management


Oversee that your strategy is overseeing contract

governance and service level management, quality
assurance, audit and compliance management
with vendors, productivity management of vendor
performance, etc.

Ask the VP Data Quality Management:

What is contract management/administration?

# 1538 | Focus Area: Agile Collaboration -


Complete all tasks related to technical analysis, building

and unit testing, quality assurance, system test and
implementation in accordance with the Technology
development life cycle.

Ask the Advanced Quality Planner:

How was the enhancement unit tested?

# 1537 | Focus Area: Data Quality Assurance -


Warrant that your process reviews the work of inspectors

that collect data identifying potential quality failures.

Ask the Quality Manager:

Where any items have failed to pass quality assurance

test provisions, have failures been analyzed as to the
cause of failure?

# 1536 | Focus Area: Manufacturing Readiness


Work collaboratively with cross functional teams

including Design engineering functions, Test engineering,
Quality assurance, Supply Chain Management, process
labs and outside suppliers.

Ask the Principal Supplier Quality Engineer:

What does market strengthening and supply chain

assurance look like?

# 1535 | Focus Area: Data Quality Assurance -

Check that your team reviews documentation related to

internal and external manufacturing processes to ensure
quality products are delivered to the customer.

Ask the Field Quality Control Engineering:

How will the data from the peer reviews be utilized?

# 1534 | Focus Area: Cloud Migration -


Provide guidance, mentoring and leadership in

development standards and processes for software
engineering and quality assurance.

Ask the Quality Improvement Facilitator:

Which can be implemented to provide for data

confidentiality assurance during and after the migration
to the cloud?

# 1533 | Focus Area: Operational Risk Appetite -


Lead the quarterly IA Business Risk and Control

Committee, including oversight of control metrics
analysis and monitoring IA performance against risk and
control accountability metrics; manage issue remediation
tracking for Regulatory, Quality Assurance, and Self-
Identified issues.

Ask the Credit Risk & Portfolio Management - Analyst,

Power & Utilities:

Are performance monitoring metrics clear?

# 1532 | Focus Area: Quality Assurance - QUALITY

Make sure your personnel provides oversight and

development of Quality Management Systems (QMS).

Ask the Software Quality Engineer Sr:

Do you make arrangements to perform design and

development verifications?

# 1531 | Focus Area: Data File - MANAGEMENT

Interface so that your staff adheres to project

management best practices as evidenced by project
planning, problem resolution, change control, and quality

Ask the Quality Specialist:

What is your quality assurance/quality control process?

# 1530 | Focus Area: Data Migration - DATA

Confirm that your process is involved in data

management, data migration and data quality assurance.

Ask the Quality Fabrication Manager:

Where does the data migration or movement software

tool run?

# 1529 | Focus Area: Succession Planning Process -


Be confident that your process recommends refinements

to products, solutions, service, or technology based
on results; defines quality standards or goals that meet
organizational objectives; defines resources required

to test standards or goals that meet organizational
objectives; defines resources required to test and
revise components; advocates the formal evaluation of
products, solutions, services, and technology throughout
the organization; evaluates and adopts best practices for
quality assurance.

Ask the Director, Quality System – Risk Management:

What is your current capability and capacity to deliver

products and services?

# 1528 | Focus Area: HIPAA - DATA

Check that your personnel is using relevant software

when performing duties as data analysis or quality

Ask the Finance Data Quality Assurance Lead:

Do your regularly check your backup to make sure its

backing up data properly?

# 1527 | Focus Area: Manufacturing ISO 9001 -

Make headway so that your staff is involved in quality
management, quality assurance, auditing, quality control
and process controls.

Ask the Sr. Customer Quality Engineer:

Are there any significant quality assurance issues that

need follow up by management?

# 1526 | Focus Area: Digital Disruption - DATA

Design, implement and support data processing

automation procedures and quality assurance.

Ask the Supplier Quality Assurance Technician:

How do your employees feel about new disruptive

technologies like automation, AI, or others?

# 1525 | Focus Area: Project Management -


Verify that your group includes the planning and

tracking of projects both (tactical and strategic), cost
effectiveness, communication, risk analysis, quality
assurance, team and vendor management, and
implementation of highly visible, sensitive and multi-
faceted projects.

Ask the Quality Assurance Tester:

Is there a charge for multi-installation usage?

# 1524 | Focus Area: Cybersecurity Automation -


Work closely with business analysts, quality assurance,

and project management resources throughout the
delivery of solutions.

Ask the Coordinator Quality Improvement:

Do you provide assurance to stakeholders on your

cybersecurity policy?

# 1523 | Focus Area: Adobe Analytics - DATA

Represent the Measurement Operations team in meetings

as subject matter authority on data quality assurance.

Ask the Quality Control Manager:

Has the board formally set out what metrics or success

measures it uses to monitor the effectiveness of
delegated authority?

# 1522 | Focus Area: Package Engineering -


Assure your company is responsible for collaborating

cross functionally with Manufacturing Technical
Operations, Commercial Operations, Finance, Quality
Assurance, and Corporate Compliance to ensure planned
and predictable distribution services are provided to
internal partners, external partners and external (internal)
customers of Tarsus.

Ask the Quality Systems Specialist:

Do you know what the quality assurance process of your

implementing partners entails?

# 1521 | Focus Area: End User Adoption - SYSTEM

Display technical leadership and oversight of

implementation and deployment planning, system
integration, ongoing data validation processes, quality
assurance, delivery, operations, and sustainability of
technical solutions.

Ask the Quality Analyst Sr:

How did sustainability concepts aid your approach to


# 1520 | Focus Area: Quality Assurance - QUALITY

Be sure your staff is supervising the daily operations
of a team of Quality Analysts and Business Analyst

Ask the eLearning Quality Assurance Specialist:

Do you identify analysts who will be able to carry out any
independent quality assurance functions?

# 1519 | Focus Area: Project Management Office -


Ensure project workflows and quality assurance/

quality control procedures are designed and executed
to consistently meet the project requirements and
specifications resulting in first time (internal) client
acceptance of deliverables.

Ask the Director of Quality Engineering:

Do business process reengineering projects payoff?

# 1518 | Focus Area: Quality Assurance - QUALITY

Make headway so that your process reports information

in Quality Management Reviews.

Ask the Compliance/Quality Engineer:

Are change and configuration management and quality

assurance processes in place?

# 1517 | Focus Area: Solution Architecture -


Interact with Release Management, Configuration

Management, Quality Assurance, Architecture Support
Database Support, other Development teams and
Operations with priority.

Ask the Senior Customer Quality Engineer:

What is the quality of the high priority requirements?

# 1516 | Focus Area: Production Leveling - DATA

Establish that your team is assisting or leading

methodological and analytic tasks relevant to the project,
including recruitment and data collection approaches,
qualitative and quantitative analyses, quality assurance,
and communication of results.

Ask the Quality Improvement Facilitator:

What is the total amount of resources available for your

project, and what proportion do you intend to devote to
quality assurance?

# 1515 | Focus Area: Employee Advocacy Tools -


Support the content process for the program to ensure

proper compliance and quality assurance.

Ask the Quality Management Systems Specialist:

What could agile assurance look like?

# 1514 | Focus Area: Usability Requirements -


Coordinates with product management, development,

quality assurance, visual design and usability engineers
to understand product requirements and identify
solutions to user interface challenges.

Ask the Software Testing and Quality Assurance Manager:

Has the logical view of user interface and object

orientation considerations been assessed?

# 1513 | Focus Area: ISO 17020 - PRODUCT

Manage quality assurance, control processes,
and programs by developing, implementing, and
administering quality standards and procedures assuring
product quality, continual improvement, and (internal)
customer satisfaction across 2 distribution center sites

Ask the Regulatory Data Head - Risk & Capital Team:

What procedures have you available to control internal


# 1512 | Focus Area: Data Migration - DATA

Facilitate architecture workshops and provide

architectural direction in areas such as user experience,
configuration and customization, data migration,
application integration, quality assurance, change
management, instance strategy, and environment

Ask the Quality Systems Management:

Are you making progress in compliance with new

standards and architectural guidelines?

# 1511 | Focus Area: Six Sigma - QUALITY

Collaborate with all support teams including Safety,

Engineering, Loss Prevention, Quality Assurance, Human
Resources to develop plans to meet business objectives.

Ask the Sr. Quality Systems Specialist:

What quality assurance systems do you put in place?

# 1510 | Focus Area: Data Quality Assurance -

Certify your staff is collaborating with research and

programming teams internally to ensure highest quality
service and seamless operations delivery to (internal)

Ask the Director Quality Management:

Are your customers/clients demanding evidence of an

acceptable quality assurance system?

# 1509 | Focus Area: Data Quality Assurance - DATA

Be a Key Advocate for inbound data quality projects,

providing insight to management on trends.

Ask the Quality Measurement Data Manager:

What are the key timeframes for data collection?

# 1508 | Focus Area: ISO 38500 - DEVELOPMENT

Troubleshoot software issues and collaborate with

support teams, quality assurance, and software
development for remediation.

Ask the Data Quality and Governance:

What other individuals and teams are required to provide

input during ongoing testing of the IoT device?

# 1507 | Focus Area: Quality Assurance - QUALITY

Make headway so that your process identifies any

potential quality issues per defined process and escalates
potential quality issues immediately to team and

Ask the Head Director Service Quality, Business Process -


Does the process reflect your organizations mandate,

mission, and values?

# 1506 | Focus Area: OpenShift - SOFTWARE

Understand all elements of the software development life

cycle, including planning, development, requirements
management, Configuration Management, quality
assurance, and release management.

Ask the Program Quality Engineer:

Is the release or the scope of the tracked period

converging towards its expected quality?

# 1505 | Focus Area: Post Implementation Review -


Secure that your team ensures all the required products/

projects are produced and reviewed, including the
technical leadership of requirements management,
design, implementation, system integration, verification,
test, quality assurance, delivery, operations, and
sustainment of the technical solution.

Ask the Quality Supervisor:

What are the roles of industry in the design and

implementation of training products?

# 1504 | Focus Area: Quality Assurance - QUALITY

Manage and administer the quality management system

for your software product.

Ask the Field Quality Control Engineering:

Do young, software product development organizations

practice quality assurance?

# 1503 | Focus Area: Cloud Security Compliance -

Develop experience writing test cases and test scripts for

data quality assurance.

Ask the Supplier Quality Manager:

Is your organization prepared for outsourcing of more

material use cases to public cloud?

# 1502 | Focus Area: Transportation and Logistics -


Be sure your design performs activities in a variety of

cross-functional areas including materials planning,
total quality management, procurement, supplier
quality assurance, finance, materials systems, (internal)
customer service etc.

Ask the Director of Quality:

Who performs the quality assurance review?

# 1501 | Focus Area: Quality Assurance - QUALITY

Drive the overall vision and strategy for quality and strive
to continuously improve the development and quality
processes by assessing testing efforts at various stages
of development and at various layers of the applications
and by researching emerging tools and technologies.

Ask the Product Quality Engineer:

How could the risk management and quality assurance

processes of the program be improved?

# 1500 | Focus Area: Data Quality Assurance -


Oversee that your company prepares and analyzes
internal and external quality reports for management staff

Ask the Manager of Quality:

Does your department have a written quality assurance

policy which supports induction, training and
development of staff?

# 1499 | Focus Area: chatbots - QUALITY

Define and maintain best practices, including

(internal) customer preferences, modular frameworks,
personalization scripting, quality assurance, data
integrity, adherence to privacy and security policies, etc.

Ask the Quality Management Systems SME:

How does your personalization technology measure your

customers security and privacy experience?

# 1498 | Focus Area: Quality Assurance - QUALITY

Make headway so that your operation is managing the
Quality Management System (QMS).

Ask the Calibration Process Quality Manager:

How do you design the app to make the device system

additionally effective?

# 1497 | Focus Area: International Social Service -


Develop strategy, implementation, and operational

plans for the organization, including business function
and process alignment, cost feasibility analysis
and roadmaps, quality assurance, compliance, and

appropriate operational and cyber safeguards of the
business objectives, reputation, and assets.

Ask the Quality Assurance and Staff Development


What are currently the focus points of your organization

to improve on Agile?

# 1496 | Focus Area: Master Six Sigma - QUALITY

Develop and implement Best in Class system

development practices/methodologies in support of
architecture, coding, and quality assurance.

Ask the Quality Analyst /Tester:

What does technology bring to new product/service


# 1495 | Focus Area: Quality Assurance - QUALITY

Reinforce best practices and influence and empower

the development team to build quality into everything
they do, driving a culture of quality across supported

Ask the Head of Quality and Compliance:

Which are independent of the audit team?

# 1494 | Focus Area: Risk Communication -

Develop experience delivering hardware software
projects with internal and external partners across
product management, engineering, quality assurance,
design, operations, marketing, etc.

Ask the Quality Analyst:

What is the evidence linking communication with safety
and quality?

# 1493 | Focus Area: Business Operations

Management - STAFF

Liaison so that your design provides in service training

to staff in the area of quality assurance/performance

Ask the Quality Assurance Automation Engineer:

What impacts financial performance?

# 1492 | Focus Area: Quality Assurance - QUALITY

Develop, gather and analyze statistical data to establish

key organizational quality metrics related to the Balanced
Scorecard and perform periodical reviews to evaluate
trends and results.

Ask the Senior Quality Engineer:

Have benchmarks been established for various metrics?

# 1491 | Focus Area: cloud governance -


Use Architecture (Application/Technology/Data)

involvement and knowledge to provide input and
influence project execution processes and quality
assurance/quality control protocols.

Ask the Utility Specialist- Risk Management and Business


What kind of input have you been able to provide to

incident response teams, if needed?

# 1490 | Focus Area: Endpoint Protection Platform

Assure your personnel is involved in Quality Assurance,

software development, project management, operations
and other technical areas.

Ask the Quality Improvement Facilitator:

Is a formal procedure used to assure periodic

management review of the status of each software
development project?

# 1489 | Focus Area: Disaster Recovery Business

Continuity - SYSTEM

Be confident that your staff plans, coordinates, and leads

teams involved in system implementation, integration,
quality assurance, testing, and conversion activities.

Ask the Quality Management Systems Specialist:

Which plans provide the most practical opportunities for


# 1488 | Focus Area: User Experience -


Establish that your organization implements effective

processes for content development and quality

Ask the Quality Management Systems SME:

How do you ensure quality of user experience is

maintained at a high level?

# 1487 | Focus Area: Succession Planning -

Oversee that your team partners with supporting

functions to include Quality Assurance, Human
Resources, and Finance to ensure execution, compliance,
and proper reporting.

Ask the Head of Quality and Compliance:

Did anyone outside the project team contribute towards

achieving the project?

# 1486 | Focus Area: Pharmacy Automation -


Safeguard that your operation participates in quality

assurance, process improvement activities, and
performance monitors.

Ask the Manufacturing Engineering & Quality Manager:

Who participates in developing solutions and

implementing process improvements?

# 1485 | Focus Area: Data Quality Assurance -


Verify that your design is involved in analytic deliverable

review and financial reporting validation, quality control
and reconciliation.

Ask the Director of Quality:

Who should be involved in Quality Assurance/Quality

Control activities?

# 1484 | Focus Area: Quality Assurance - QUALITY

Make headway so that your organization performs
technical quality reviews of suppliers to support
purchasing personnel certifying suppliers.

Ask the Data Risk Manager:

Has top management ensured that the responsibilities

and authorities are defined and communicated within
your organization?

# 1483 | Focus Area: Heijunka - QUALITY

Create and maintain project documentation for project

planning, requirements analysis, risk management, issues
management, status reporting, project communication,
and quality assurance.

Ask the Quality Lead:

How does your system maintain compliance status?

# 1482 | Focus Area: Resiliency - MANAGEMENT

Support enhancement of the overall crisis management

program and maturing of key program elements to
include risk identification and assessment, planning,
training, exercising, technology, quality assurance,
program awareness, and real-time response.

Ask the Quality Systems Management:

Did your contracts include management of milestones,

deliverables and risks with suppliers?

# 1481 | Focus Area: Security Orchestration

Automation and Response - DEVELOPMENT

Collaborate with various groups including Information

Technology, Software Engineering, Product,
Development, Quality Assurance, and Management


Ask the Specialist, Quality Engineering:

What role does Network Service Orchestration play in

Service Assurance?

# 1480 | Focus Area: Program Salesforce CRM -


Ensure you recognize that such skill sets do not always

overlap and encourage managements with project
management, data quality assurance, or technical
backgrounds to apply.

Ask the Senior Customer Quality Engineer:

How did you ensure that data are the most up to date

# 1479 | Focus Area: IT Product Line Management -


Provide leadership, expertise, direction and guidance

to the Contact Center, including inbound front-line
(internal) customer Service and Support, (internal)
customer Retention, Quality Assurance, Training,
Systems selections and integration, Staff Scheduling
and Forecasting to match demand, and E-Mail/phone

Ask the Data Quality and Governance:

Have you followed all applicable CMS guidance on

working with outside organizations?

# 1478 | Focus Area: GCIA - DATA

Maintain data hygiene, quality assurance, and adherence

to the data strategy for the SIEM.

Ask the Fraud Utility Business Analysis:

What data quality issues are there?

# 1477 | Focus Area: Quality Assurance - QUALITY

Establish that your company manages quality oversight

and process improvement activities.

Ask the VP Data Quality Management:

Does the approach include adequate safety and quality

assurance policies and procedures to provide oversight
to the program plan?

# 1476 | Focus Area: Engineering Workflow -


Maintain an efficient email review process to ensure a

flawless level of quality assurance.

Ask the Business Planning and Proposal Head:

How will you maintain or exceed your current level of

service quality?

# 1475 | Focus Area: Quality Assurance - QUALITY

Check that your strategy writes, executes and maintains

test plans and test cases; ensures overall quality of
solution delivery.

Ask the Principle Engineer Supplier Quality:

Are there potential improvements for the projects quality

assurance plans, procedures, and organization?

# 1474 | Focus Area: Linux - SYSTEMS

Participate in all systems development lifecycle

stages including architecture specifications and
design; application configuration; database design;
programming; quality assurance; testing and
implementation; and ongoing maintenance and support.

Ask the Quality Management Systems SME:

How does the developer begin the development process

using the IDE tool as soon as the requirements pass
through the design process in the Designer tool?

# 1473 | Focus Area: devsecops - SECURITY

Manage the delivery and plan effectively quality

assurance, appraisal and approval of security deliverables
to include revising and drafting test plans, security
specification reviews and standards and technical

Ask the Supervisor of System Operational Quality and

Assurance - Priority Health:

What is a fair indication of quality?

# 1472 | Focus Area: Quality Assurance - QUALITY

Make sure your organization tracks Suppliers

performance and is responsible for the quality and
purchased materials performance problems resolution,
including investigations documentation, supplier
notification documentation, among others.

Ask the Director Quality Management:

What should the assessment notification and assessment

plan contain?

# 1471 | Focus Area: Quality Assurance - QUALITY

Manage and maintain the ISO Quality Program including

audits, CAR actions, and key process monitoring.

Ask the Data Quality Analyst:

What is process impact on coverage, capacity, quality?

# 1470 | Focus Area: Data Quality Assurance - DATA

Develop experience working with market data providers,

specifically dealing with data quality issues and

Ask the Finance Data Quality Assurance Lead:

How do its write about quality assurance plan?

# 1469 | Focus Area: identify and report user access

issues and violations - DEVELOPMENT

Act as liaison between the business and technical

teams in areas as development, testing teams, quality
assurance, and product owners.

Ask the Quality Project Manager:

Has quality assurance verified that all development

processes and procedures comply with required

# 1468 | Focus Area: vendor performance

management - QUALITY
Be certain that your process develops and analyzes
scorecards and reports on supplier spending, work and
hour reviews, quality assurance, and overall satisfaction.

Ask the Quality Engineering and System Analyst

Are quality control data referenced to sample results?

# 1467 | Focus Area: DHL Supply Chain -


Work with Quality Assurance, Ops Performance and

Process Improvement teams to progress Quality

Ask the Business Planning and Proposal Head:

Are you constantly implementing small process

improvements in your teams and programs?

# 1466 | Focus Area: Cyber Asset - RISK

Ensure your workforce is conducting the initial risk

assessment process for new vendors, coordinating
ongoing Vendor Risk Assessments, and providing Quality

Ask the Advanced Quality Planner:

Have vendors documented & independently verified

cybersecurity controls?

# 1465 | Focus Area: Experience in international

standards organization standard application as iso
9001 - QUALITY

Make sure your personnel builds quality teams, leads,

manages and coaches Quality Assurance, Quality
Engineering and Quality Control team members.

Ask the Supplier Quality Analyst:

How familiar are the team members with Agile methods?

# 1464 | Focus Area: threat modeling -


Oversee software development practices, release

planning, and quality assurance.

Ask the Sr. Principal Quality Management System/Internal

Audit Specialist:

Will the initial rollout include all secure development

practices or a subset?

# 1463 | Focus Area: CMMC - DATA

Build processes for data protection and quality


Ask the Quality Analyst, Privacy Third Party Risk

Assessments, Global Data and Privacy Center of Expertise

Have bim quality assurance procedures been established

especially for data validation?

# 1462 | Focus Area: Data Quality Assurance -


Inform, advice, and update organization management of

all quality related issues.

Ask the Director Master Data Management Operations


Are there any significant quality assurance issues that

need follow-up by management?

# 1461 | Focus Area: inclusive family - QUALITY

Maintain outstanding lines of communication with

internal teams as operations, software engineering,
IT support and quality assurance, as well as external
(internal) clients.

Ask the Senior Quality Program Manager:

Who is the montessori ageing support services quality

assurance organization?

# 1460 | Focus Area: Data Quality Assurance -


Liaison so that your operation provides advisory and

education to the Quality Documentation specializations
through comments and feedback program in the Audit
tool in the context of improvement strategy.

Ask the Director, Quality System – Risk Management:

Are there potential improvements for the projects quality

assurance plans, procedures, and organization?

# 1459 | Focus Area: Strategic Vendor Management


Ensure vendor quality and compliance standards

and requirements are met; coordinate vendor quality
activities with Quality Assurance.

Ask the Supervisor of System Operational Quality and

Assurance - Priority Health:

What are the activities that increase the effect of project


# 1458 | Focus Area: Quality Assurance - QUALITY

Work with supervisors and management to ensure that all
associates are meeting quality standards.

Ask the Coordinator Quality CI Program:

What is your set-up for Technical/Quality Assurance and

Inspection to ensure compliance to specification and
conformance to quality by the Supplier/Contractor?

# 1457 | Focus Area: IT Security Audit - AUDIT

Seize works with IT, Quality Assurance, and business

colleagues to ensure audit readiness, and to prepare for
internal and external audits.

Ask the Automotive Quality Manager:

Is there an ongoing process to ensure alignment of

information security with business objectives?

# 1456 | Focus Area: data resource management -


Assure your process performs a variety routine

maintenance and quality assurance/quality control

Ask the APQP Quality Engineer:

Is a robust project value assurance framework in

place to assure project objectives (time, Cost, Quality,

# 1455 | Focus Area: Quality Assurance - QUALITY

Safeguard that your design ensures responsibilities for

product quality are met.

Ask the Program Quality Engineer:

Is the assumed process productivity consistent with
completed projects?

# 1454 | Focus Area: Quality Assurance - QUALITY

Be sure your process is involved in quality monitoring is

under management.

Ask the Senior Consultant-Utilities Risk, Compliance &


Do you use a project management plan for each software


# 1453 | Focus Area: Project Control - PROCESS

Use Quality Tools as auditing standards for ticket/task

analysis, phone monitoring for quality assurance, and
process mapping for fact base decisions making.

Ask the Quality System Lead Auditor:

Has a system of quality assurance been agreed to

guarantee adherence to stipulated standards?

# 1452 | Focus Area: FMEA - QUALITY

Ensure your workforce creates quality assurance,

engineering programs, and initiatives to ensure products
are developed and manufactured according to applicable

Ask the Quality Project Manager:

What is the percentage of reactive work relative to total

maintenance workforce hours?

# 1451 | Focus Area: Quality Assurance - QUALITY

Execute test cases in the field and interpret and report
testing results, and be a vocal proponent for quality in
every phase of the development process.

Ask the Quality Improvement Specialist:

Which quality assurance measures do you plan to

implement for the first sampling and start of series

# 1450 | Focus Area: Consulting - QUALITY

Oversee that your operation maintains departmental

operating policies and procedures to include
departmental programs, quality control, quality
assurance, and safety.

Ask the Supplier Quality Assurance Analyst Sr.:

Does the change affect your quality system?

# 1449 | Focus Area: Expert Test Manager -

Operationalize Service Desk Management, quality
assurance, and service delivery management to improve
efficiencies and processes.

Ask the Quality and Compliance Manager:

Has clinical governance or quality assurance been

incorporated into service specifications?

# 1448 | Focus Area: Data Classification Strategy -


Warrant that your workforce manages, leads and directs

the work of IT compliance, quality assurance, change

control and configuration staff.

Ask the Coordinator Quality Improvement:

Are change and configuration management and quality

assurance processes in place?

# 1447 | Focus Area: Third Party Risk Management


Review and provide feedback on data for quality


Ask the Sr Quality Analyst:

What is quality risk management?

# 1446 | Focus Area: Data Quality Assurance -


Warrant that your company coordinates internally

on error grading standards and directives to ensure
assessments are completed to the highest quality

Ask the Quality Review Analyst:

How to combine bottom up development drive with

institutional quality standards?

# 1445 | Focus Area: Data Quality Assurance -


Develop controls to effectively manage data quality and


Ask the Data & Reporting Specialist:

Is your organizations quality assurance team different

from the project development team?

# 1444 | Focus Area: Quality Assurance - QUALITY

Participate in cross functional project teams with the

support of quality and other groups.

Ask the Production/Quality Engineer:

Are support organizations doing quality assurance?

# 1443 | Focus Area: Quality Assurance - QUALITY

Liaison so that your team investigates root causes

of failures to maintain quality and recommend

Ask the Quality Management System Lead:

Is the action directed toward the elimination of the root


# 1442 | Focus Area: gxp - QUALITY

Secure that your design is interfacing regularly with
Quality Assurance, Automation, Manufacturing, Facilities,
and other functional areas to facilitate decisions
pertaining to quality system work.

Ask the Senior Quality & Testing Analyst:

Is the system used for GxP analytical quality control?

# 1441 | Focus Area: DLP - DEVELOPMENT

Ensure your workforce manages internal/external

development, quality assurance, system administrators
and consultants to plan and deliver new applications,
critical upgrades, and production fixes.

Ask the Quality Management System (QMS) Coordinator:

Are there measures in place to monitor performance and

is regular quality checking undertaken?

# 1440 | Focus Area: Data Quality Assurance -


Ensure your personnel is responsible for quality assuring

the translation of detailed business requirements into
implemented transformations published for reporting.

Ask the Calibration Process Quality Manager:

Are all steps mentioned in your translation quality

assurance process included in a single per word rate?

# 1439 | Focus Area: Quality Assurance - QUALITY

Confirm that your workforce is responsible for ensuring

that the quality of products being manufactured meet the
prescribed quality levels.

Ask the Quality System Lead Auditor:

Is the program organization providing further internal

assurance over the quality, integrity, and usability of data
at all levels?

# 1438 | Focus Area: Business Value Reporting -


Support programming changes during quality assurance,

user acceptance testing, and post implementation to
ensure the integrity of application.

Ask the Quality Technician:

Has configuration management and quality assurance
been used for tool software?

# 1437 | Focus Area: Data Quality Assurance - DATA

Establish and lead dialogue with financial institutions to

enhance data quality and controls.

Ask the Manager Quality:

Are there quality assurance and oversight controls over

work in process and the end product?

# 1436 | Focus Area: Data Quality Assurance - DATA

Invest in the preparation of Monthly Review and Data

Quality materials.

Ask the Manufacturing Engineering & Quality Manager:

Are materials and installation of system components

consistent with the requirements and performance
criteria for the system, including quality controls and
quality assurance?

# 1435 | Focus Area: Agile mindset - QUALITY

Warrant that your operation establishes and maintains

oversee performance assessment, quality assurance, and
root cause analysis methodology.

Ask the Director Quality:

How well do the product assurance standards support

the hardware software integration process?

# 1434 | Focus Area: IBM Maximo Asset

Management - SUPPORT

Support and maintain the multiple application
environments (development, quality assurance, staging
and production) required for software fixes and new
features to be developed, tested, and approved for use in
the production system.

Ask the Quality Engineer:

Do the software development environments conform to

project plans?

# 1433 | Focus Area: laboratory information

management system - QUALITY

Guarantee your process is involved in quality assurance.

Ask the Quality Engineer / Manager:

What kind of support, upgrades and quality assurance is


# 1432 | Focus Area: Quality Assurance - QUALITY

Check product quality to ensure freshness.

Ask the Quality Engineering and System Analyst


How do you ensure that data are sufficient in quantity and

quality appropriate for intended purpose?

# 1431 | Focus Area: Data Quality Assurance -


Establish that your process participates in Internal

Network Monitoring and Quality Reviews.

Ask the Data Risk Manager:

Who participates in the planning process?

# 1430 | Focus Area: Quality Assurance - QUALITY

Monitor KPIs and perform data trending for quality


Ask the Quality Specialist:

Are software metrics formally captured, analyzed and

used as a basis for other project estimates?

# 1429 | Focus Area: Quality Assurance - QUALITY

Verify that your design requires demonstrated

involvement leading and managing quality initiatives that
have resulted in improved productivity and reduced cost
of non conformance in a manufacturing environment.

Ask the Software Testing and Quality Assurance Manager:

Does it have environmental impacts at the use stage?

# 1428 | Focus Area: Data Quality Assurance - DATA

Respond to and resolve data quality issues.

Ask the Master Data Analyst:

How does the supplier respond to its quality assurance


# 1427 | Focus Area: Shopify Management - DATA

Maintain data governance and quality assurance.

Ask the Regulatory Data Head - Risk & Capital Team:

How will the Quality System be maintained, what scale of
resources are to be apportioned to it?

# 1426 | Focus Area: Cyber Security Red Team -


Make sure the Business Analyst is responsible for

delivering management, direction, administration, quality
assurance, and leadership support.

Ask the Manager Finance Business Partnering:

Does the vendor have experience in producing high

quality information security products?

# 1425 | Focus Area: Root Cause Analysis - QUALITY

Confirm that your operation coordinate and

communicate with all support areas as Quality Assurance,
IT, HR and Accounting.

Ask the Software Quality Engineer Sr:

What, if any, accounting, planning, data base

management, quality assurance, communication,
training, resource development, advocacy & marketing
systems exist?

# 1424 | Focus Area: devsecops - SOFTWARE

Confirm that your operation expands its knowledge in

IT/Software quality assurance, system testing tools and
system/application testing and implementation.

Ask the Chief Quality Officer:

How knowledgeable are you about what types of IT

technologies your organization uses?

# 1423 | Focus Area: Data Quality Assurance - DATA

Ensure strong background in data analytics, testing of

data controls, and detection of data quality issues.

Ask the Quality Tech:

Do you regularly explore open source and paid

proprietary solutions for speech recognition to translate
call data into text for quality assurance and fraud

# 1422 | Focus Area: Quality Assurance - QUALITY

Provide support in Quality Leadership to (internal)

customers, suppliers, partners and the support service
functions of your organization.

Ask the Sustainable Finance Data Governance Lead:

Are support organizations doing quality assurance?

# 1421 | Focus Area: analysis of alternatives -


Build and maintain expert knowledge regarding trends

and technologies in the networking industry, quality
assurance, test automation and related fields.

Ask the Implementation Analyst:

Is the knowledge widely spread across your organization

or available to only a few?

# 1420 | Focus Area: Quality Assurance - QUALITY

Make sure your strategy is involved in code quality

metrics and tools.

Ask the Data Analyst Online Application Specialist:

How do you make everyone in your organization

obsessed with delivering high quality code?

# 1419 | Focus Area: Reduce Risk - PRODUCT

Invest in the new ways to productize research and

advisory through people, process and technology
including ideation, planning, quality assurance, and go to

Ask the Quality Fabrication Manager:

How to define adequate quality assurance activities to

mitigate or reduce quality risks?

# 1418 | Focus Area: Quality Assurance - QUALITY

Improve the quality and consistency of (internal)

customer communications and ensure (internal)
customers expectations are met.

Ask the Compensation Data Analyst:

Do communications systems support the formal

communications of the operations?

# 1417 | Focus Area: archives records of all reports

for audit - QUALITY

Confirm that your strategy is involved in Quality

Assurance, Quality Control, Operations, Engineering or
Technical Services.

Ask the Sr. Quality Systems Specialist:

How does implementing a testing automation strategy

improve quality assurance for web-based applications?

# 1416 | Focus Area: OpenShift - DEVELOPMENT

Provide feedback to product management, development,

quality assurance, documentation teams to continuously
improve product quality.

Ask the Data Analyst, Quality Management Systems:

Are the results of quality assurance reviews provided to

affected groups & individuals?

# 1415 | Focus Area: Quality Assurance - QUALITY

Ensure strong drive to generate quality software with a

(internal) customer based focus.

Ask the Quality Analyst:

What is the best way to make the information generated

from quality assurance efforts transparent?

# 1414 | Focus Area: enterprise risk management

Conduct research, collection, analysis, quality assurance,
and reporting of compliance training metrics and results
to provide recommendations for improvements based on

Ask the Data Systems Analyst:

Can the results of control assessments conducted during

the system development life cycle be used?

# 1413 | Focus Area: Food defense - QUALITY

Be confident that your workforce works cross functionally

with Maintenance, Quality Assurance, (internal) customer

Service and Warehouse.

Ask the Sr Quality Engineer:

What aspects do you believe contribute to a high service


# 1412 | Focus Area: Practical Blockchain -


Ensure consistent best practices, processes, and

procedures for software development, quality assurance,
and maintenance.

Ask the Manager Quality:

Have you priced variable cloud services appropriately to

cover your investment and maintenance costs?

# 1411 | Focus Area: ISO 15189 - QUALITY

Secure that your personnel monitors and ensures

implementation of goals to meet established quality
assurance, quality control, quality improvement plans,
and turnaround time.

Ask the Quality Management Systems Coordinator:

Are there quality assurance and oversight controls over

work in process and the end product?

# 1410 | Focus Area: Quality Assurance - QUALITY

Be certain that your workforce is troubleshooting quality

issues and modifying test procedures.

Ask the Head of Quality and Compliance:

Is testing (quality assurance) taken seriously and

sufficient time allocated to fix any issues identified?

# 1409 | Focus Area: Data Quality Assurance -

Check that your organization is involved in quality

inspection, auditing, and testing.

Ask the Manager HR Data Integrity & Analysis:

Are inspections and acceptance tests planned and


# 1408 | Focus Area: Post Implementation Review -


Handle all aspects of quality assurance, including

establishing metrics, applying industry standard
methodologies and developing new dashboards and
processes to meet quality goals.

Ask the Strategic Buyer & Supplier Quality Manager:

How does the public body monitor planning and

implementation of its goals and objectives?

# 1407 | Focus Area: Data Quality Assurance -


Ensure your design interfaces with (internal) customers,

suppliers and program personnel on quality related

Ask the Manager HR Data Integrity & Analysis:

Is there a quality assurance program that contains

procedures designed to verify that all operations
are conducted in accordance with the applicable
requirements, standards and procedures?

# 1406 | Focus Area: Quality Assurance - QUALITY

Develop and oversee quality improvement programs and

strategies for the business unit.

Ask the Quality Coordinator:

What programs are managed by quality assurance?

# 1405 | Focus Area: Must possess high motivation


Ensure your services include Building and Community

Development, Energy and Sustainability Services,
Disaster Planning and Recovery, Quality Assurance, as
well as Compliance and Risk Monitoring.

Ask the Automotive Quality Manager:

Did your contracts include management of milestones,

deliverables and risks with suppliers?

# 1404 | Focus Area: Data Quality Assurance -


Assure compliance with safety and quality standards

throughout all operations and processes.

Ask the Senior Quality Program Manager:

Are quality assurance standards and procedures

identified and followed?

# 1403 | Focus Area: iso 13485 - QUALITY

Work collaboratively with Quality Assurance, Regulatory

Affairs, Purchasing, Production and approved external
Suppliers to manage project timelines and invest in


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