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NAME: Veron, Adrian DATE: 16/08/2023

Year and Section: BSLM

SW# 1

(Made with the context of achieving my goal in creating a successful and useful platform to
utilize my studies in)

“With a solid foundation, created for the future, to build upon it, and achieve a greater
understanding on my chosen profession. Climbing upwards with a pace that enables me to
administer the knowledge I’ve gained, and contribute with all of my abilities, towards the
greatness of those who search, and value it.
All while acknowledging, and continuing to build upon the foundation that I’ve built, enabling it
to become stronger to support the body of work that I will have amassed.

To frequently look upon my Character, Perseverance, and Integrity as my compass to guide me

to push forward; The importance of which, has made me into who I am today, and will continue
to do so as time goes on. Reminding myself of these values, whenever the path gets crooked.

To relinquish and vast in the opportunities presented to me, and leave a mark on these special
moments as a reminder of what matters the most. Treasuring the days, months, and years to look
back on, either to grieve and learn from, or to nourish and share to others.
Always in my mind, never to fade away.

To always be known not as an influential figure, or someone to idolize, but as someone whom
people dear to me would appreciate, and be proud of.

Above all, to live my life in the way my heart and mind wants it to, while collecting a multitude
of roadmaps for me to take, and shape my person.”
NAME: Veron, Adrian DATE: 16/08/2023
Year and Section: BSLM


Values List:

Accomplishment Achievement Adventure Balance Beauty Belonging Challenge Change Charity

Comfort Community Compassion Competence Competitiveness Control Cooperation Creativity
Culture Democracy Diversity Loyalty Economic Stability Education Efficiency Environment
Ethical Behavior Fairness Fame Family Freedom Friendship Fun Health Hobbies Honesty Honor
Inclusiveness Independence Influence Inner Harmony Relationships Integrity Intellectual Status
Intelligence Involvement Job Security Joy Knowledge Leadership Skills Learning Love Loyalty
Money Nature New Experiences Openness Order Originality Peace Personal Development
Power Prestige Privacy Professional Growth Public Service Purity Purpose Quality Recognition
Respect Responsibility Security Self-awareness Self-esteem Self-respect Serenity Social Justice
Spirituality Stability Status Team Work Time Tradition Trust Truth Vision Wealth Wisdom

1. Adventure, Intelligence, Friendship, Love, Trust, Truth, Honesty, Creativity, New

Experiences, Loyalty
2. Love, Intelligence, Creativity, New Experiences, Friendship
NAME: Veron, Adrian DATE: 16/08/2023
Year and Section: BSLM


Vision Action Planning Worksheet

1. Write a clear statement of your personal Vision Below:

“My vision is to live in a world where I can help anyone that I can in any way possible, to
love whom my heart and mind wants to, and share my wisdom to those who seek for it.
Not to force, but to give naturally. “

2. I need to understand myself more, and grow up along with the time that’s given to me. To
gain more knowledge, and experiences to the benefit of myself, and hopefully, other
people who needs it. This practical step I will need to take is dependent upon the time
that is given to me.

3. Being inexperienced in general. Being young, and still figuring things out, not seeing the
bigger picture in people, places, things, and life. Only through my experiences in my life,
would I jump over the obstacles in my way.

4. To know that sacrifices within myself, my ego, pride, and pettiness are needed in
exchange for a better, and peaceful resolution with my character, personality, and
mindfulness in the world

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