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Almost 60 million children in Africa do not have enough food while across the

continent, hunger contributes to 45% of childhood deaths, according to a study

by the African Child Policy Forum. Furthermore, nine out of 10 children are not
meeting the criteria for a minimum acceptable diet as outlined by the World
Health Organization.
Along with this our team has learnt many other truths of importance of saving
food. Throughout this project our team has faced many challenges and has
overcome them all. Through continuous improvement and research, we have
gained an impressive amount of knowledge on saving food, how the industry
works and efficient ways to combat food wastage. During this project we have
interviewed a local shop manager, an administration head and also a climate
change expert on their views on impact, causes and effects of food wastage. All
of our team members now have a deep understanding of the importance of
saving food. We have also introduced various changes in our lives to minimize
food wastage at our household levels. We have Also been successful in
changing the perspective of others and in helping them understand the drastic
effects of food wastage.
In conclusion I would like to say that this has been a truly wondrous and
informative experience. Our team has truly worked hard and is very proud of
the outcome.

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