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1. How has social media changed the way we communicate with each other?

2. What do you think are the positive effects of social media on society?
3. What are the negative effects of excessive social media use on individuals?
4. How has your online presence evolved over the years, and what prompted those changes?
5. Do you believe social media has a significant impact on people's self-esteem? Why or why not?
6. How has social media influenced our perception of beauty and body image?
7. What role does social media play in shaping our political opinions and beliefs?
8. How do you maintain a healthy balance between your real life and your online presence?
9. What are the benefits and drawbacks of having a personal brand on social media?
10. In what ways do you think social media has affected our attention spans and ability to focus?
11. Have you ever experienced cyberbullying or harassment on social media? How did you handle it?
12. How has social media impacted the way we form and maintain friendships and relationships?
13. Do you think social media has created a sense of loneliness and isolation for some people? Why or
why not?
14. What measures can individuals take to protect their privacy and data while using social media?
15. How do you think the use of social media affects the mental health of young people?
16. Have you ever taken a break from social media? What was the result, and what did you learn from
the experience?
17. What are the ethical considerations surrounding the collection and use of personal data on social
media platforms?
18. How can businesses and brands use social media to effectively market their products or services?
19. What impact does the "filter bubble" have on our understanding of current events and diverse
20. How has social media influenced political movements and activism in recent years?
21. What are the implications of censorship and content moderation on social media platforms?
22. How do you think social media has influenced the way people consume news and information?
23. Have you ever encountered misinformation or fake news on social media? How do you verify
information online?
24. Do you believe that social media has contributed to the rise of online echo chambers and
polarization in society?
25. How can parents and educators teach responsible and safe social media usage to children and
26. How have algorithms and artificial intelligence impacted the content we see on social media?
27. What are the potential consequences of spending too much time on social media for your career
and personal life?
28. What steps can individuals take to reduce the negative impact of social media on their mental
29. In what ways does your online presence align or differ from your offline personality?
30. How do you handle the pressure to curate a perfect online image or persona?
31. Have you ever regretted sharing something on social media? What did you learn from that
32. How do you define digital detox, and have you ever tried it? If so, what was your experience?
33. How can social media be a tool for self-expression and creativity for individuals and artists?
34. How has social media affected traditional media, such as newspapers and television?
35. What do you think the future of social media will look like, and how will it continue to evolve?
36. How do you think the concept of "cancel culture" is related to social media and online presence?
37. What are the responsibilities of social media platforms in addressing online harassment and hate
38. How can individuals be more mindful of their online interactions and their impact on others?
39. How has social media changed the way we document and share our life experiences?
40. Do you think social media has the potential to foster positive change in society, and if so, how?

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