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(Matric No: 170502017)

Proposed Topic: Real estate as a tool to solve the problem of unemployment in Nigeria.


The issue of unemployment is a critical challenge faced by many countries, including Nigeria. Nigeria has
experienced persistent high unemployment rates, particularly among its youth population, which is as a
result of the mismatch between the skills possessed by the workforce and the demands of the job market,
as well as the country’s economic challenges have all contributed to this issue. High unemployment rates
not only lead to economic instability but also social and political unrest. Nigeria, being one of the most
populous countries in Africa, grapples with this issue as well. One potential avenue for addressing
unemployment is through the real estate sector. Real estate has the capacity to create jobs directly and
indirectly, making it a possible tool for combating unemployment in Nigeria.Real estate,encompassing
construction, property development, property management maintenance and related industries, has the
potential to generate substantial employment opportunities either directly or indirectly. Direct
employment is created through construction jobs, such as laborers, carpenters, electricians, and engineers
additionally, indirect employment is generated through related sectors like manufacturing of construction
materials, architecture, interior design, and real estate marketing.Government at the state and federal
levels has been urged to partner with stakeholders in Nigeria’s property sector to reduce housing
challenge and also tackle unemployment in the country. Government at the federal and state levels has
been urged to partner with stakeholders in Nigeria property sector to reduce housing challenge and also
tackle unemployment in the country

Statement of the Research Problem:

The primary focus of this research problem is to examine how the real estate sector explores the potential
of utilizing the real estate sector as a strategic tool to alleviate the issue of unemployment in Nigeria.
Moreover, it intends to identify and analyze the key factors that either impede or facilitate the connection
between real estate development and the generation of employment. The study aims to thoroughly
investigate the capacity of the real estate industry to create lasting job opportunities across diverse skill
sets and population segments. By doing so,the research aims to propose actionable strategies and policy
suggestions that can harness the potential of the real estate sector in order to significantly curtail
unemployment rates in Nigeria.

Proposed Aim: The primary aim is to thoroughly examine how the real estate sector can be used as a
strategic tool to alleviate the problem of unemployment in Nigeria
Proposed Objectives:

1. To analyze the present unemployment situation in Nigeria, encompassing its origins and consequences.
2. To examine different categories of real estate ventures, such as residential, commercial and mixed-use
projects, which hold the capability to create job prospects.
3. To identify suitable locations for real estate development projects based on factors such as urbanization
trends, population density, and economic potential.

Proposed Study Area:

The proposed study area for investigating the role of real estate in addressing unemployment in Nigeria is
Lagos State. A Case Study of Lagos State, Nigeria seeks to provide an in-depth exploration of the major
role that the real estate sector can play in mitigating the challenge of unemployment within the context of
Lagos State. Lagos State serves as an ideal case study due to its prominent position as Nigeria’s major
economic hub and its significant real estate development activities. As one of Africa’s most populous and
economically vibrant urban centers, Lagos State’s distinct characteristics make it a compelling study area,
with a population of over 20 million, the state represents a microcosm of Nigeria’s demographic diversity,
offering a comprehensive view of how various socio-economic groups are impacted by real estate-driven
employment opportunities. The state’s status as a magnet for both internal migration and foreign
investment in real estate further emphasizes its relevance in addressing unemployment. The proposed
study will involve a multi-faceted approach. It will begin by comprehensively mapping the real estate
landscape in Lagos State, encompassing residential, commercial, and industrial developments. This
mapping will extend to both established urban centers and emerging suburban areas, providing a holistic
overview of the sector's reach and potential employment impact... This will involve collaboration with
relevant government agencies, real estate developers, and industry associations to obtain accurate
employment figures and trends. The proposed study findings will contribute to a nuanced understanding
of how the real estate sector in Lagos State influences unemployment dynamics. By identifying successful
strategies,potential pitfalls, and policy implications, the study will offer practical recommendations for
policymakers, industry stakeholders, and urban planners to optimize the employment-generating potential
of the real estate sector in addressing unemployment in Lagos State and by extension Nigeria as a whole.

Proposed Respondents:

1. Real Estate Investors and Developers

2. Government Agency (Ministry of Lands and Housing, Ministry of Employment)
3. Real Estate Professionals
4. Unemployed Real Estate Professionals

Proposed Data Collection Instrument(s):

1. Questionnaires
2. Interviews
3. Secondary Data


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