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1 - I do not have a Clan.

I'm from the Four Temples and I'd like to believe that
barring the minor disagreement with the abbots, I did a pretty good job.

2 - Of course none of us are supposed to talk about it. But you do see my natural
hair color, yes? And it's funny that a certain Daidoji samurai-ko was demoted from
her lofty positions? Very funny. I would've enjoyed deep in the Crane heartlands.
Yet, here we are.

3 - I'm not a samurai. At all. But I do a pretty damn good job at doing all the
things any of them do. I'm just that good.

4 - I'm bald and decently well-proportioned (all his Rings are in perfect
alignment). Has white facial hair in the form of a goatee. If I neglect to shave my
head, the hair that grows is snow white. Sometimes I dye my beard black and
sometimes I leave it. Depending on the presence of Cranes.

5 - The abbot(s) and myself had a slight misunderstanding over a particularly

frenetic dance I invented. While I'll admit that maybe I put a little bit too much
Fire into it, it was very skillful. Anyway, so they want me to wander around a bit,
helping out. And recently this new Clan got named by the Son of Heaven. Now, as
part of my duties, I was actually taught to handle moths and how to properly weave
clothing. I think they'll like me there.

6 - Oh, I mean really. Why would I admit that? Well, the answer is the abbot.
Ultimately, he is a good man, though of course I personally think he's maybe too
involved in politics? Like I understand what our purpose is, but maybe we should be
more at an arm's length away from it?

7 - I'm strong, smart, beautiful, blessed by the Fortunes, my Rings and Chi are in
alignment, and I'm the most humble man in existence. Frankly I don't see how I
could improve.

8 - While I'm not a samurai, following Bushido is just a good idea anyway. That
said, nobody is perfect and nobody can truly follow Bushido at all times.

9 - What WOULD have been my Clan. And yeah. I think they can be brought down a peg
or two. As far as back at the temple? Look, I love them. Don't get me wrong. But I
do think that they could be doing less of some things and more of other things. And
who knows. Maybe I'll make abbot someday, eh?

10 - HAH. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA. For a night at a time. ~_^

11 - Again, the Cranes could stand to go down a peg or two.

12 - The Emperor and Shintao. I mean okay, you can't be LOYAL to Shintao, yeah? And
while I understand that saying that "Oh I get the Little Teacher" means you're
about to get caned and honestly, the man was a genius, it's incredible - but I
think he'd be a bit disappointed in us? Or maybe he'd just demand tea.

13 -

crab babes will say yes

if you can ever find one
lonely on the wall

some words of wisdom:

crane women - legs for days, but!
kakita husbands
oh how the tides turn!
if you lay with a dragon
wake up? empty bed

lion ladies are

true flowers of rokugan
please stop hitting me

try love upside down

kissed by flames that do not burn
phoenix, please come back

hot scorpion girls

know exactly what they want
beware the stinger

they are much too far

know how to do freaky things
unicorn ladies

Oh and I could really honestly do without people that are too full of themselves.

14 - Rubbing my scalp all over when reading or writing, absentmindedly feeling the
shaved head. It's quite the sensation.

15 - I'm pretty in tune with them. While we were expected to be very prim and
proper in the Temple and ultimately we were, it's different when you're mingling
with peasants. They actually laugh and cry!

16 - Well, make fun of how fat they got. And that their chi is flowing backwards.
And that they have an ugly mole. Et cetera. And if they don't get it, slap them

17 - HA HA HAW only the Fortunes know.

18 - Abbot would be nice. Not of the whole temple, are you kidding me? But a
smaller one.

19 - It's literally my job to advise everyone on how to keep their kharmic balance
positive. You tell me. I will admit that my approach IS a bit unorthodox, but that
was never the problem. Well, until it was, but y'know.

20 - Ideally surrounded by beautiful women in a comfortable bed, eating soup

through a mouth with no teeth.

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