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Listening Test
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Name _______________________________________ No.: ______ Class: ________ Date: _____/ _____/ _____
Mark: ________________ Teacher: __________________________________ Enc. Educação: ______________________

A. Listen to the following BBC news entitled “Social media: How it all began” and complete the .
Track 25 . sentences with the missing information. Use ONE word.
1. Social media allows people to stay in _______________ with
. friends and family.

2. Social media has existed for the last _______________ years.

3. It started with sites which _______________ people
with _______________ things in common.
4. Mark Zuckerberg is the founder of _______________ and the
site says it has more than two _______________ users.
5. Social media companies compete for _______________ and their main challenge is to keep
. your _______________.
6. Many people believe social media is _______________ and it does not reflect real life.
7. The minimum age for most sites to sign up is _______________ years old.

B. Listen to the news again and say if the following statements are true or false. Write T (true) or
F (false).

1. Social media connects billions of people around the world.

2. The social media site created at Harvard University was first meant to connect
people at the same university.
3. Social media companies are successful even if you don’t log on.
4. Popular people advertise products on social media because they
believe in the products.
5. No one takes breaks from social media to be with family and friends in real life.

C. Listen to the information about how teens use social media and complete the sentences with
Track 26 . the figures about teens from the box. There are two extra figures.

50% 45% 15% 97% 45% 55% 1/3

1. ____________________ use a social media platform.

2. ____________________ post selfies regularly.
3. ____________________ post things that only their closest friends would understand.
4. ____________________ get overwhelmed by all the drama they see on social media.
5. ____________________ feel pressured to get likes.

EDITABLE/PHOTOCOPIABLE ©ASA, FLY HIGH 7, Teacher’s Resource File 338

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