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Project Work

Reproduction in Plants
Preliminary Information:

Name: ________________________________ Grade: 7th Class Roll. No: ________

Title of the Project: Growing New Life through Veggies!

Type of the Project: Individual/Group.

Duration: 1Month.

Reference Material: State Board Class -7 text book, NCERT & CBSE text books and YouTube Videos.

Guide Teacher: K.S.Kiran Kumar, SA, Bio-Science.



To explore and experience vegetative propagation in plants by growing new plants from existing plant parts.


1. Understand the concept of vegetative propagation and its advantages.

2. To identify various methods of vegetative propagation.
3. To highlight the advantages and disadvantages of vegetative propagation.
4. Observe and document the growth and development of new plants from various plant parts.
5. Develop practical skills in plant propagation techniques.

Conceptual Understanding:

Plants can reproduce both sexually (seeds) and asexually (vegetatively). In vegetative propagation, new plants
are grown from vegetative parts like stems, leaves, or roots. This method is faster, easier, and often preserves desirable
traits of the parent plant.

Vegetative propagation offers a valuable method for preserving genetic traits, multiplying plants efficiently,
and facilitating agricultural practices. However, it comes with the trade-off of reduced genetic diversity, increasing
vulnerability to diseases and environmental challenges, underscoring the importance of a balanced approach in plant
reproduction strategies.

Materials Required:

1. Small pots or containers with drainage holes.

2. Potting mix suitable for chosen plant.
3. Gardening tools (scissors, pruning shears).
4. Choose from: potato eyes, sweet potato vine cuttings, ginger pieces, aloe vera shoots, or rose stem cuttings.)
4. Watering can.
5. Labels for pots.
6. Notebook and pen for recording observations.


1. Prepare the potting mix and fill the pots.

2. For potatoes: Cut a seed potato with "eyes" into pieces, ensuring each piece has at least one eye. Plant the pieces
eye-up in the soil.
3. For sweet potato vines: Cut healthy 4-6 inch vine sections just below a leaf node. Insert the cut end into the soil,
leaving leaves above the surface.
4. For ginger: Select plump ginger pieces with "buds" or sprouts. Plant them horiz horizontally
ontally with the buds facing
5. For aloe vera shoots: Carefully remove small offshoots from the base of the mother plant. Plant them individually in
6. For rose: Cut 4-66 inch stem cuttings just below a leaf node. Remove some lower leaves dip the base in rooting
hormone (optional), and plant in the soil.
7. Water the plants regularly, keeping the soil moist but not soggy.
8. Place the pots in a sunny location and observe their growth daily. Record your observations in the notebook, noting
new leaves, roots, or any changes in appearance.


Advantages and disadvantages

tages of vegetative propagation:

Advantages: Vegetative propagation ensures the preservation of desired traits, accelerates plant multiplication, and
allows for the reproduction of plants with specific characteristics.

Disadvantages: It may lead to reduced genetic diversity, making plant population

populationss more susceptible to diseases and
environmental changes, potentially compromising overall resilience.


Sprouting from an eye in Potato Sprouting in Ginger Stem – Cutting of rose


Vegetative propagation is a fascinating aspect of plant reproduction that plays a crucial role in agriculture and
gardening. Understanding these methods empowers us to propagate plants efficiently and sustainably.

Through this project, I learned about vegetative propagation and successfully grew new plants from different
plant parts. This understanding of plant reproduction not only provides valuable knowledge but also encourages a
sensee of responsibility and connection towards the natural world.

Experience of the Student:

This project enhanced my understanding of how plants reproduce without seeds. It was exciting to see new plants
grow from cuttings, and I now appreciate the importance of vegetative propagation in maintaining plant diversity.


I would like to express my gratitude to my biology teacher, Mr. /Ms. K.S.Kiran Kumar for
providing guidance and support throughout this project. Their expertise and encouragement were invaluable
in helping me carry out this project successfully. I would like to thank my parents for their constant
encouragement and assistance in procuring tthe required materials. I would also like to acknowledge the internet
for providing me with valuable information about ‘Reproduction in Plants’.

K.S.KIRAN KUMAR, SA Bio – Science, ZPHS, LINGADAHAL, BOMMANAHAL Mandal, Anantapur Dist.

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