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4th Grade Social Studies Name:________________________

Unit 3 Ch. 3 Vocabulary Test Tuesday Dec. 5th

Test will be matching. They will also have to create sentences using a few of the words I
1. Archipelago - a chain of islands

2. Isthmus - a narrow piece of land that connects two larger landmasses

3. Colony - an area settled by people who come from elsewhere

4. Polis - a city-state of ancient Greece

5. Citizen - in ancient Greece, a person with legal rights and responsibilities in a city-state

6. Tyranny - a type of government in which one person holds all power, usually ruling in

a harsh and brutal way

7. Aristocracy - the upper or noble class whose members’ status is usually passed

down through family; government by such a class

8. Oligarchy - a government where all power is held by a small group of wealthy or

powerful people

9. Democracy - a form of government in which people choose their leaders

10. Jury - a group of people who listen to information presented in court and make

decisions about whether or not someone is guilty

11. Metic - a foreigner living in an ancient Greek city

12. Logic - the study of ways of thinking and making reasonable arguments

13. Helot - an enslaved person in Sparta

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