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Let’s Check – Activity 1.

_Communication 1. In ancient times, these were also essential in their endeavors to discover and occupy new

Sumerian Civilization 2. A civilization known for their high degree of cooperation with one another and
their desire for great things.

_Weapons and Armor 3. Was the ancient people's primary challenge though they were successful in
harnessing the rich resources that the world could provide?

_Hieroglyphics 4. The early writing system of the Egyptians which they believed it was provided to them by
their gods by using symbols.

_Cuneiform 5. The location of this civilization is on the southernmost tip of ancient Mesopotamia, and one of
their major contributions is the development of the first writing system known as cuneiform.

_Greek Civilization 6. Known as the birthplace of western philosophy, some of the major achievements they
contributed much to the world were in science and technology.

_Roman Civilization 7. Known to be the strongest political and social entity in the west and is looked to up
by other civilizations as their model in terms of legislation and codified laws.

_Newspaper 8. It is the first newspaper of Romans that contained the Roman Empire’s announcements to
their people, and it was engraved in metal or stone and publicly displayed.

_Medieval/ Middle Ages 9. A period was wars; massive invasions and migrations were prevalent.
Technology is important in the field of weaponry, navigation, mass food, farm production, and health.

_Pasteurization 10. The process of heating the product kills the harmful bacteria that allow them to spoil

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