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Test 1. identification.

1. these fields integrate their needs- for better transportation, establishment of structures for protection
from human attacks and natural disasters, and construction of bigger and stronger infrastructure.

2.was signifies during that time because people were trying to go places and discover new horizon.

3.located on the southernmost tip of ancient Mesopotamia. Sumeria

4. a great wonder not only because it considered to be the first true city in the world but also for the
way it was erected. Uruk City

5. the Sumerians developed the first road in order to facilitate faster and easier travel. Roads

6. a famous philosopher and astronomer. Claudius Ptolemy

7.published a book, On the Origin of Species. Charles Darwin

8.was able to change people's perception of psychology with his revolutionary theory of psychoanalysis.
Sigmund Freud

9. uses water from the forest and mountain tops to achieve an elaborate farming system. Irrigation

10. develop health and education system that were enjoyed by the principalia class. Spanish
Government of the contribution of Egyptian civilization. Paper/papyrus

12.known for their high degree of cooperation with one another and their desire for great things.

13.emerged near the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. Babylonian Civilization

14.a structure made up of layer upon layers of gardens that contained several species of plants,trees,
and vines. Hanging Gardens of Babylon of the most utilized gadgets today that was invented by the ancient Greeks. Alarm Clock

Test 2.Enumeration.
1-3. What are the 3 periods involved in Science, Thechnology, and Nation-building?

Pre-colonial Period, Colonial Period, Post- colonial Period

4-6. What are the 3 revolution involved in Intellectual Revolution?

Copernican Revolution,Darwinian Revolution,Freudian Revolution

7-12. What are the 6 civilization involved in ancient times?

Sumerian Civilization,Babylonian Civilization,Greek Civilization,Egyptian Civilization, Roman

Civilization,Chinese Civilization

13-15. What are the contribution of Sumerians on ancient times? Give at least 3?

Cuneiform,Uruk City,The Great Ziggurat of Ur,Irrigation and Dikes, Sailboat,Wheel,The


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