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1. What are the developments of Science and Technology in the Egyptian and Babylonians? 

- The Egyptians were one of the first civilizations to form in

the ancient world. Many civilizations were influenced by
their innovations and technologies in the future. They were
able to construct massive structures such as pyramids and
palaces, as well as basic machinery such as ramps and
levers, using their technology. Writing was one of the
ancient Egyptians' most important inventions. They used
hieroglyphics to write their messages. The Egyptians were
able to preserve precise records and maintain control over
their vast kingdom because to writing.
From the papyrus plant, the Egyptians discovered how to create long-lasting parchment sheets.
Important documents and religious writings were written on it. For the sake of selling the
parchment to other civilizations such as Ancient Greece, the Egyptians kept the technique of
making the sheets a secret. In an effort to take care of their teeth, they also invented the
toothbrush and toothpaste. To produce their toothpaste, they used ashes, eggshells, and even ox
hooves that had been ground up.

- In the fields such as mathematics, physics, and astronomy,

the Babylonians made important discoveries. The
development of trigonometry, the use of mathematical
models to follow the planet Jupiter, and the creation of
time-tracking technologies that are still used today are just a
few of their numerous achievements. Modern astronomers
examine and analyze how the Earth's rotation has altered
using ancient Babylonian records.

2. What are the greatest contributions of Greek Philosophers and Scientists in the development of
Science and Technology?

- In the modern world, it is unquestionably true that ancient

Greece was home to some of the world's most influential and
well-known philosophers. Aristotle is considered as one of the
greatest ancient philosophers in the world. Aristotle wrote
extensively on a wide range of topics, including science, ethics,
government, physics, and politics.

- In the pre-Socratic era, one of the most important philosophers was

Empedocles. The cosmogenic theory of the four classical components
was one of his philosophical landmarks. All matter is made up of four
fundamental elements: earth, air, fire, and water — according to this

- Another pre-Socratic Greek philosopher, Pythagoras is a famous

mathematician who is credited with inventing the Pythagorean Theorem,
one of the key computations in geometry.

- Heraclitus is also a pre-Socratic philosopher who is most recognized for

his contribution to the idea that things are always changing.

- Socrates, the most famous ancient Greek philosopher of all time, was a
master stonemason and social critic. Socrates became well-known for
encouraging people to critically question everything. The Socratic
Method, in which the truth is discovered via debate, argument, and
dialogue, was Socrates' most important contribution to philosophy, and it
was his greatest achievement.

3. Compare the development of Science and technology in the Pre-colonial era and Spaniard
Colonial era?

4. Give your insights in the development of science and technology in the terms of the presidents
from the commonwealth to the Ramos Regime.

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