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STS Quiz No.

John Peter Cyrus B. Lim

Define the following terms using your own words as discussed in class:

1. Matter- Matter is anything that has mass and occupies space. There are three
different states of matter - solid, liquid, and gas.
2. Virus- virus, infectious agent of small size and simple composition that can multiply
only in living cells of animals, plants, or bacteria.
3. Cell- In science, the littlest unit can live all alone and that makes up every single
living creature and the tissues of the body.
4. Organelles- An organelle is a subcellular structure that has at least one explicit tasks
to act in the cell, similar as an organ does in the body.
5. Organism- something living comprised of at least one cells and ready to carry on the
exercises of life (like utilizing energy, developing, or imitating) life form.
6. Technology- innovation is the use of logical information to the commonsense points
of human existence or, as it is some of the time stated, to the change and control of
the human climate.
7. Society- A general public is a gathering of people associated with relentless social
communication, or an enormous gathering having a similar spatial or social area,
commonly dependent upon similar political power and prevailing social
8. Science- Science is the pursuit and use of information and comprehension of the
regular and social world following an orderly system in light of proof. Logical
strategy incorporates the accompanying: Objective perception: Measurement and
information (perhaps albeit not really involving math as an apparatus) Evidence.
9. Ecosphere- the biosphere of the earth or another planet, particularly when the
collaboration between the living and nonliving parts is stressed.
10. Astrology- soothsaying, sort of divination that includes the estimating of natural and
human occasions through the perception and translation of the proper stars, the
Sun, the Moon, and the planets.
11. Evolution- Advancement is characterized as the course of development and
improvement or the hypothesis that creatures have developed and created from
past life forms.
12. Indigenous Science- A functioning meaning of "Native science" is "that collection of
customary natural and social information novel to a gathering which has effectively
supported that individuals through ages of living inside a particular bioregion".
13. Astronomy- the locale of room around a star where conditions are with the end goal
that planets are hypothetically equipped for supporting life.
14. Psychoanalysis- an arrangement of mental hypothesis and treatment which means
to treat mental problems by researching the communication of cognizant and
oblivious components in the brain and bringing subdued feelings of dread and
clashes into the cognizant psyche by strategies like dream understanding and free
15. Economy- the abundance and assets of a nation or district, particularly regarding the
creation and utilization of labor and products.
16. Theory- A hypothesis is a gathering of connected thoughts expected to make sense
of something. They can be tried to offer help for, or challenge, the hypothesis. The
word 'hypothesis' has a few implications: a theory or theory. a regulation about
things that shouldn't be visible straightforwardly, like electrons or development.
17. Galleon Trade- The Manila Galleons were Spanish exchanging ships that for over two
centuries connected the Philippines with Mexico across the Pacific Ocean, making a
couple full circle journeys each year between the ports of Acapulco and Manila,
which were the two pieces of New Spain.
18. Alchemy- the middle age harbinger of science, in view of the alleged change of issue.
It was concerned especially with endeavors to change over base metals into gold or
to track down a general solution.
19. Chinampa- (in Mesoamerica) a long and slender drifting field on a shallow lake bed,
misleadingly developed by layering soil, residue, and rotting vegetation and utilized,
particularly by the Aztecs, to develop crops.
20. Quipu- a gadget made of a primary rope with more modest varicolored lines joined
and hitched and utilized by the old Peruvians (concerning ascertaining)

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