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Academic Performance and its Correlation with the Challenges

Faced among BSED Social Studies Students in the Collaborative

Learning Environment

Part I: Profile of the Respondent

Name (Optional) : ________________________________

Direction: check (√) the appropriate box.

Sex: Male Female

Age: 20 21 24

22 23 25

25 above (specify): _________________

Ethnic Origin:
Ilocano Ibanag/Itawes

Isnag Others: _________________

Address: _______________________________________
Status: _________________________________________

Part II: Students Challenges faced in the learning environment

Direction: Please evaluate each following statement. Put a number on the column
that you think fits you best answer.

1 - Strongly Disagree (SD)

2 - Disagree (D)
3 - Moderately Agree (MA)
4 - Agree (A)
5 - Strongly Agree (SA)

(Moderately (Strongly
Disagree (Disagree) (Agree)
Agree) Agree)
) 2 4
3 5
1. I can manage the
learner’s attitude
2. I feel I am eligible in
balancing the different
learning needs of the
3. I am struggling in Time
management (balancing
extracurricular activities,
pressure, personal life etc.)
4. Challenges- there is lack
of inclusive and diversity
5. I am struggling in
grasping course material,
study task (lesson plan, &
and other responsibilities),
and etc.)

Part III: Student’s Impact on Academic Performance

Directions: Please evaluate each following statement and encircle the letter which
you think fits you best answer.

1. What are the possible effects on the challenges in academic performance of the social
studies students?
A. Poor concentration and focus
B. Lowered Academic Performance
C. Potential Dropouts
D. Impact on Mental Health

2. What strategies can be implemented to address specific challenges faced by social studies
students and enhance their academic outcomes in the learning environment?
A. Mentoring programs
B. Finacial Support
C. Balancing responsibilities
D. Time management

3. How do personal challenges, such as mental health struggles or family issues, impact
your ability to focus on academic tasks?
A. Significantly impairs my ability to focus, leading to a noticeable decline in academic
B. Moderately affects my focus, resulting on occasional difficulties with academic tasks.
C. Has minimal impact on my ability to concentrate on academic work, with occasional
D. Does not impact my focus on academic tasks; I am able to manage personal challenges
separately from my studies.

4. To what extent do external challenges, like financial constraints or access to resources,

affect your academic performance?
A. External challenges have a substantial negative impact on my academic performance ,
limiting access to necessary resources and hindering overall success.
B. External challenges moderately affect my academic performance, creating occasional hurdles
in accessing resources but manageable outcomes.
C. The impact of external challenges on my academic performance; is minimal, with only
occasional difficulties in resource accessibility.
D. External challenges do not affect my academic performance; I can effectively manage and
overcome financial constraints or resource limitations.

5. In your experience, how has the lack of a supportive learning environment influenced
your motivation and engagement in academic activities?
A. Decreased Motivation
B. Limited Progress
C. Increased Stress
D. Reduce Confidence

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