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"Investigating the Pedagogical Predicaments: An Action Research Study on Challenges Faced by

Social Studies Student Teachers during Practicum"

I. Rationale


In the ever-evolving landscape of educational practices, the preparation of future educators is a critical

undertaking, especially in the domain of social studies. This research, titled "Investigating the

Pedagogical Predicaments: An Action Research Study on Challenges Faced by Social Studies Student

Teachers during Practicum," embarks on a journey to unravel the nuanced challenges encountered by

student teachers during their practicum experiences in the realm of social studies education.

This exploration draws inspiration from foundational works that have shaped the discourse on teacher

research, pedagogical content knowledge, and international perspectives on teacher education. Cochran-

Smith and Lytle's seminal piece on the teacher research movement provides a historical backdrop,

emphasizing the significance of teachers engaging in systematic inquiry. Shulman's concept of

pedagogical content knowledge serves as a theoretical lens, underscoring the intricate fusion of subject

matter expertise and teaching skills crucial for effective instruction.

As we navigate the global landscape of teacher education, Darling-Hammond's insights into

international practices offer a comparative framework, shedding light on diverse approaches to

preparing educators. The methodological foundation of this study finds guidance in Creswell's work on

research design, ensuring a robust and systematic approach to capturing the multifaceted challenges

faced by social studies student teachers. Complementing this, Van Manen's exploration of lived

experiences through phenomenology deepens our understanding of the subjective dimensions

intertwined with the pedagogical journey.

Together, these resources converge to form the intellectual scaffolding for an action research endeavor

that aims not only to identify challenges but also to propose actionable insights, contributing to the

ongoing dialogue on effective social studies teacher preparation. This investigation seeks to bridge the

gap between theory and practice, fostering an enriched pedagogical environment for the next generation

of social studies educators.

A. Background of the Study

The field of education is constantly evolving, and one crucial aspect of this evolution is the training and

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