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Ampere’s Law and its Applications


Slot : G2


Presented By :


SWETHA.R (22BEC1307)


This project focuses on Ampere's Law and its applications in the field of electromagnetism.
Ampere's Law is a fundamental principle in electromagnetism that relates the magnetic field
around a closed loop to the electric current passing through the loop. By investigating the
mathematical formulation and underlying concepts of Ampere's Law, this project explores its
significance in various practical applications. Which includes the design and operation of
electromagnetic devices such as motors and generators, analysis of Earth's magnetic field,
and understanding the behaviour of plasma in fusion reactors. By implementing the law in
MATLAB, we are able to analyse and visualize complex magnetic fields and their
interactions with electric currents.

Here is a mathematical example of Ampere’s law and its applications

Integral form ∮ B.dl = µ0 I

Differential form B = mu0J

In this equation,

 B denotes the magnetic field

 I is the current flowing through a loop
 J is the current flux.

It displays the formation of a magnetic field around the conductor due to the continuous flow
of current. The machines that work on Ampere’s law mostly include generators, motors,
transformers, etc.

Magnetic field because of a long solenoid-carrying current

Consider the case of a long solenoid with n turns per unit length. If the turns are equally
spaced and carry a current I.

In the middle area of the solenoid, the field is uniform in cross-section. Therefore, the
magnetic field outside an infinitely long solenoid is minimal and can be approximated as

By applying Ampere’s law to a rectangular route across the solenoid, we will get:

B = µ0 nI ……….. (1)

This is the necessary equation for the magnetic field inside a long solenoid.

The B vector in equation (1) is independent of the position of the point of observation within
the solenoid, the field within the long solenoid is parallel to the axis and uniform.

Magnetic field of current carrying wire:

% Constants
mu0 = 4 * pi * 1e-7; % Permeability of free space (H/m)

% Define wire parameters

wire_position = [0, 0, 0]; % Wire's position (x, y, z)
I = 1; % Current in Amperes

% Define the range of X values

x = linspace(-2, 2, 100); % Range of X-values

% Initialize arrays to store magnetic field components

Bx = zeros(size(x));
By = zeros(size(x));
Bz = zeros(size(x));

% Calculate the magnetic field along the X-axis

for i = 1:numel(x)
r = [x(i), 0, 0] - wire_position;
r_magnitude = norm(r);
r_hat = r / r_magnitude;

cross_product = cross([0, 0, I], r_hat);

B = (mu0 / (4 * pi)) * (I / (r_magnitude^2)) * cross_product;

Bx(i) = B(1);
By(i) = B(2);
Bz(i) = B(3);

% Plot the magnetic field components along the X-axis

plot(x, Bx, 'r', x, By, 'g', x, Bz, 'b');
title('Magnetic Field of Current-Carrying Wire along X-Axis');
xlabel('X-axis (meters)');
ylabel('Magnetic Field (Tesla)');
legend('Bx', 'By', 'Bz');
grid on;
Magnetic field of solenoid :
% Solenoid Parameters
current = 1; % Current in Amperes
radius = 0.1; % Radius of the solenoid in meters
length = 1; % Length of the solenoid in meters
turns = 100; % Number of turns

% Constants
mu0 = 4*pi*1e-7; % Vacuum permeability

% Magnetic Field Calculation

z = linspace(-length/2,length/2,1000); % Distance from the center of the solenoid
B = (mu0 * current * turns * radius^2) ./ (2 * ((radius^2 + z.^2).^1.5)); % Magnetic field as a
function of distance

% Graphical Output
xlabel('Distance from Center of Solenoid (m)');
ylabel('Magnetic Field (T)');
title('Magnetic Field of Solenoid');
grid on;


Magnetic field of current carrying wire:

Magnetic field of solenoid :


The fundamental restriction of Ampere’s law is that it only applies in magneto statics and is
only true for steady current, which means that the electric field does not fluctuate over time.
On the other hand, Maxwell amended Ampere’s law by introducing a displacement current. It
is the quantity D/t in Maxwell’s equations, and it is described in terms of the rate of change
of D, the electric displacement field. Maxwell modified Ampere’s law by adding this
component to the electric-current term and then utilised the modified version to develop the
electromagnetic wave equation, which served as the foundation for Maxwell’s equations.

The magnetic field in the space around an electrical current is proportional to the electric
current, which serves as the source proportional to the charge.

 d –



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