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NAME: Prachi Pareek SECTION: 910

Subject Name: Social Networks Lab Subject Code: 21CSP-345

1. AIM: Demonstrate homophily in the network by measuring the tendency of

nodes to form connections with similar or dissimilar nodes based on attributes
or characteristics by using python.

2. Objective: The objective of this experiment is to demonstrate homophily in a

network by measuring the tendency of nodes to form connections with similar
or dissimilar nodes based on attributes or characteristics.

3. Input/Apparatus used:
Requirement Analysis: - Google Chrome, Online tools, Libraries like
NetworkX and Matplotlib.
Hardware Requirement: - Computer/Laptop Minimum 4GB, Windows, Power
4. Code/Output:

5. Observation/Outcome
The Observation and outcome of this experiment will include:
• Measurements or metrics that quantify the tendency of nodes to
form connections based on similarity or dissimilarity.

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