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Profile Details

Dr.G.Vijaya Sree is working as a Principal for Vivek Vardhini School of Business Management-
Hyderabad since 2021. She has done Ph.D in Management from Acharya Nagarjuna University in
2015, M.Phil in Commerce from AlG University in 2003, MBA in HR&Finance from Sri
Krishnadevaraya University in 2006, M.Com in banking from Andhra University in 1991, B.Com in
BS,ML,Costing from Andhra University in 1987, B.ED in social and English from SBTE in 1994.She has
started her journey in 1998 as a lecturer, She has got 28 years of experience in teaching field.

She has done a publications of 4 books, 36 National international journals, She 19

Conferences attended & Published National, 11 Conferences attended & Published International.

Questionnaire with Answers

1.You have held key positions at education institutes throughout your professional career. What

are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

A. Basically, I'm passionate towards the education. If we can educate more and more number of
students, we are not only contributing to the students, but also to the nation building. And
connecting with the youth and instructs, I enjoy I love to be associated with the instance. So that we
will come to know that their thought process, their inclinations, their mindset, the changes which
are taking place in and around the youth, with the changes in the technology, and what way we have
to adapt to understand the kids in the right path to mold them. That's why I enjoy to be associated
with the students. Apart from that, if we move with the youngsters, we will feel more energetic and
young too

2.What is your vision for this college? How do you plan to lead the institution towards achieving
its academic and administrative goals?

A. Our college, we established in 2003 We are in 2023 we are celebrating our 20 years of college , we
have a so many milestones in our college, if we come across the vivek vardhini educational society as
a whole, we established our institution 117 years back, this is institution which was established pre
independence era So, as we have a number of colleges, schools, Marathi based institution, minority
institution previously now converted into a non minority institution. So we have a school's, junior
colleges, degree, PG apart from MBA. So we have all these institutions are independent entities, the
reason for making every institution is independent is that administration convenience, they decision
making, and also direct contact with the respect to personalities as and when required is also
possible. And we have a very good connectivity of this city. We are in the heart of the city. Yes, like
we have a metro connectivity, if student can effort well and good otherwise, bus facilities they're
sharing autos and so on, are directly connected to our institution. And we have all the prerequisites
as per the AICT. That can be from the faculty to the infrastructure, And only thing is the high end
finishings, show off we may not have because ours is a nonprofit organization, we offer education to
the needy at a zero, that's why we may not be very presentable to compete with others, but quality
of education, we will never compromise we have all the state of art technology in the campus. So,
we would always consider ourselves we are the best when compared with the others. And also we
are always putting the best results in the university point of view or in the careers of these students.
students, placements achievements are the one of the one indicators for any institution. So our track
record of our institution speaks where do we stand.

3. What factors make the programs of your college a best choice for students?

A. We have only MBA, Our college is a standalone institution . So, we have only MBA course.

we will conduct the events as per the expectations of the students we give a choice to them to
prepare a event management And also they will we will ask them to what kind of programs you are
expecting, we will divide total programs into three categories one is academic, second one is the
Cocorriculary and the third one is the extra carriculary. In the academic MBA generally always go
with a case study methodology case study is a prayer of a method. So teaching in the play way
method of a case study we will involve the students they will take part and we will give a practical
situations which they come across in a day to day life. I can ask you like you while coming did you
face or found any incidences which have taken place in the roads while passing through? We will
insist students through watching in hoardings also, They are also good lessons to the students. We
should not ideally sit you even though you're sitting physically idle, you are to be mentally
preoccupied. If you see some hoarding, you will find some message. Yes. That's why we will give his
students to capture different taglines from different sources on the basis of that they will prepare
programs like tomorrow we are conducting a program on IPR okay. So intellectual property rights.
Today in the technology competition world. Everybody needs to have a thorough awareness of the
intellectual property rights. Anybody can have their own startups, they can have their own
incubations they can have a brainstorming Yes. What to do and what not to do. What is right right.
Right trend where I should change. That's why last Saturday, we conducted the prepaid a slogan to
understand a layman prepare a slogan which can be understood by a layman okay. It should not be
very clumsy language will not be there. It is very simple. If you if you go through it, you doesn't need
much time to read in simple words. This is my road. Keep it clean. This is not only my house, our
house such as simple captions they made and such a minute. So, plantations do everything
everybody used to conduct, we will ask them to do something which is not regular conducted by the
others. So, we are asking them to we will use some time, half an hour like that, bring some waste
materials from different places, they will go out and collect some wastege that and I will ask them to
use it in the best fashion. So, they prepared different models and they were they some have
bifurcated as regenerative and non rigid redo, and so on ideas generated automatically. This is how
we would like to inculcate new thought process into the students minds for conducting the
4.How would you ensure that the college stays up-to-date with the latest developments and
trends in the management and commerce education sector?

A. We have to be up to date is outdated, nobody likes, everybody says that, all the news and
everything the updates are available on their mobiles, but even today also we insist them to go
through the business pages of the newspapers, journals, magazines, and we ask them to watch the
all the business channels and so on Saturday, Sunday debates and everything to them. So, they will
understand what kind of business environment which is existing and evolving for tomorrow. And
that company nature of competition, how the sizes are changing, and what are the techniques which
they use to do with implementing for the development of their organization, I generally used to give
a example of a reliance how they are diversifying. And so, on case studies up as I told you know, so,
what is required is that if we are not giving the current rent, as per the requirements of the market,
we don't fit into the industry to sustain Yes, I will give a example of a status market, why it is down?
What are the macro factors macro factors influence, why these Adani group increased bordered by
taken over by the Abuja groups and so on. So, we will take latest past data as the basis for explaining
the topic of today. So, not only teacher student will also will come a cupid with the latest
information. So, classroom is not a one way transition, it is a brainstorming process. What happening
is that everybody will takes part that some may not may or take place somebody doesn't like, but
one day they will also come up with their participating abilities.

5.What steps would you take to promote extracurricular activities and ensure a holistic

of students?

A. Generally, JAM session is a mandatory in every institution because elimination rounds this will be
taken place and we used to conduct a special program for the student manager for the day And
problem, organizational, development, resolving managers, such a key positions we will give and
also financials, financial decisions, and the preparation of the balance sheet for any organizations
and such type of extra curricular activities we generally think.

6.How did you train yourself/faculty to deliver this program to the students?

A. as a head, I must be very thorough with the contemporary developments. Because as is the
management's institution, I must be able to talk about Ukraine and China and that America and India
Business, UK relations with the Europe and currency to what not top note industries of the world to
the a small size industrial organizations of the industry, success stories of these small organizations.
Also I must be thorough, and it's not thorough, I can say I should take you from time to time with the
contemporary new entrants into the industry. And very important is that a teacher is instrumental to
a class and he's a leader He dictates so to have these two in their control, they must be well
prepared and they know very clearly what where to stop, where to enter and they must have a clear
content and how they will deliver it. Like I can call it as an a presentation PPT with all the
instruments which are needed for representation take an example of a steady stock market event
we are talking about $1 Why there is a resistance between 82 point something from the past six
months. So, that can be taken as a basis to explain the resistance levels, candles of the market and
so on. So, similarly, teachers will also go with these kind of latest updated database, okay, along with
them to the classrooms, that can be a soft copy or a hard copy. So, that the student can understand
very easily and that will be retained for a longer period of time.

7. What career options can a student choose after doing this course?

A. MBA is a professional course. So, students will have so many opportunities, we generally insist
students to the the very basic thing is that know your personal trends. Are you extrovert or introvert,
outspoken or not, prefers to talk or not. Some are very good at subject knowledgeable, but they
can't present themselves. So, you every individual is different, no two are alike as we know. So we
will insist them to understand yourself in Gita, what Krishna says no I than you. So try to know about
AI, then we'll think about rest of you. So if they know what are the trends they have, automatically
what happens man, they're able to understand what specializations they can choose. They have
systems marketing, finance, HR, as per the university regulations are. So my personality in which
market I will fit. Say this is a race, where you have to understand where I will fit. So you must be able
to market yourself. If you can't market yourself, you became a regional manager in this engage,
because you are able to market yourself. Hmm. So know knowing, understanding are something
different. Presenting and convincing skills are very important for every one. So all may not have. I'm
wrong. But still, I must be in a position to convince the other that the reasons for the wrong being
wrong. So all these types of push up, we will try to give to the students for selecting the career
career career opportunities in the different fields. And all we have in marketing, we have so many
job opportunities. Yes. They're always marketing is the thing. Industry. And the next thing is finance
sector. I'd say I can say it's a mushrooming. Yes. And the skill is you should play with numbers
properly. If you can't play with properly if numbers, you won't fit in that area, and familiarity with
the computer's knowledge. I doesn't mean that everybody knows it. Take an example Excel, Excel, if
you could have a good command, you can do a lot of wonders. Yes. So a couple of weeks back, I
think in the month of June, we conducted a special program for enhancing the Microsoft skills Oh,
nice, two weeks program we conducted it is in collaboration with Microsoft. So, what we would like
to tell the students is not textbook information, we will ask them to write the all the examinations,
stock market examinations, mutual funds to the futures options. So many exams are there all these
IBP will insert and they will say not only MBA degree along with the MBA degree you need to have
some add ons. Yes, those add ons we will always tell them what is the upcoming more trendy. So
what are the new skills which they need to incorporate in their knowledge? So that what happened
they will go for a one week deputy index programs or they can learn on like see after coming off
Google search engines and what do you call YouTube all are a freely available top notch universities
videos are available all are free to them they can acquire the knowledge of different domains which
are required for them. We will give the flavor if they require any guidance and support we are ready
to provide.

8.Any insights into how your Institute could be more welcoming to students of different races or

economic backgrounds?

A .Our institution is in the heart of the city. We have a student of big businessman, Chapter
accountant and the engineer to a luggage pullers son we do have So, students are all are equal to a
teacher for every teacher students or their kids. So, all are very happily and comfortably enjoy the
equal facilities and classroom ambience, irrespective of their background. So the classroom is a
platform where everybody can share their knowledge. A person who come up with a village
background in their first semester can be turned into the best by the end of the fourth semester,
they will have some ambiguities while coming into the city colleges major colleges, but what we will
do is that we will explain class we will take and we will give leisure hours to them to interact among
themselves. And we will tell them that one of the student is very sharp in the college classroom, we
will ask them to teach them, What happens they will teach in that mother tongue if required. And a
teacher should go to the level of the student through then can't come to the level of the teacher. So
that we will understand what are the catchy points of those students make students. So they will
interact they will understand each other and we will get the feedback from the respect to individuals
so that the gap between the weak student and a better student can be possible to bridge so
interaction among themselves and the feedback from them. Both of them will give you do some
wonders with a trial and basis methods.

9.Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

A. Knowledge is the king. Yes, always try to acquire the knowledge. Be very proactive. be competent
to and and you must be ready to take failure is also is one of the best opportunity for your
betterment. Your phone is not your best friend. Mingle with your society. See open your both eyes
and go through your surroundings, you will find so many new things and be vocal always so that
everybody knows you, and they will also try to be with you. So you think you need to be very, very
strong, energetic competative for the better building of any nation. That's why educational
institutions always strive hard for giving the best. Building a student is a building a nation and not
only nation GDP we are enhancing family's wealth welfare, we are able to improve.

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