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Name: Focused on: Main Accomplishment: Other Notes:

Learning He bought a better understanding He established the principle

Hermann Process/Memory of the learning processes by that the inner working of the
Ebbinghaus showing that higher mental mind can be measured and
processes can be studied and explained by measuring and
analysed during experimentation. explaining the behaviour of

Reactive Concluded that all behaviour is Introduced the idea that there
Ivan Behaviour caused by stimulation. are not only excitatory
Sechenov processes in the central
nervous system, but inhibitory
ones as well.

Reflexology, and Concluded that all behaviour is Discovered what he called the
Vladimir defined it as the caused by stimulation. association reflex -- what Pavlov
M. objective study of would later call the conditioned
Bekhterev stimulus-response reflex

Reflexes, Realized that dogs would salivate Later went on to coin the
Petrovich especially the before food reached their mouth phrase ‘conditioned reflexes’ as
Pavlov salivary response. and he called this ‘psychic dogs were taught to salivate to
secretion’. the sound of a bell.

Functionalist, Remembered for his cats and his Identified that learning was a
Edward Lee introduced the poorly constructed “puzzle trail and error process whereby
Thorndike west to Russian boxes.” in selecting a correct response
Behaviorism. and receiving reinforcements a
connection is made.

Absorbed Pavlov Claimed that psychology was not Little Albert:

John and Bekhterev’s concerned with the mind or His best known experiment was
Watson work on consciousness but solely conducted in 1920 was with
conditioned concerned with behaviour. “Little Albert,"
reflexes, and
incorporated that Albert was 9 month old child,
into his who was conditioned to fear a
behaviourist white rat by pairing it seven
package. times with a loud noise made by
hitting a steel bar with a

His fear quickly generalized to a

rabbit, a fur coat, a Santa Clause
mask, and even cotton.

Albert was never

"deconditioned" because his
mother and he moved away.

(Example of Generalization)

Evolutionary Particularly important in the Opposing behaviourism, he

William Mc psychology development of the theory of argued that behaviour was
Dougall instinct and of social psychology generally goal-oriented and
in the English-speaking world. purposive.

Experimental Credited with contributing to the Hull’s theory is characterized by

Clark psychologist who start of aptitude testing, very strict operationalization of
Leonard devised behaviour theory and hypnosis. variables and a notoriously
Hull sophisticated mathematical presentation.
models of animal Wrote of the principles of
behaviour. behaviour and brought meaning The essence of the theory can
to the concepts of drive, drive be summarized by saying that
reduction, inhibitors and habit the response is a function of the
strength. strength of the habit times the
strength of the drive.

But the theory, acceptable in its

abbreviated form, was too
unmanageable in the opinion of
other behaviourists, as it
insisted too much that all
concepts need to be
operationally defined and it was
also criticized for making
inconsistent predictions.

Behaviourist, but Recognized the value of Generally credited with the

E.C Tolman made the case for considering purposeful, goal- introduction of the term
considering directed behaviour, and not 'cognitive map'.
internal or limiting all consideration of
mentalistic behaviour as resulting from causeCognitive maps, mental maps,
processes. and effect. mind maps, cognitive models,
or mental models are a type of
Used behavioural methods to gain mental processing, or cognition,
an understanding of the mental composed of a series of
processes of humans and other psychological transformations
animals. by which an individual can
acquire, code, store, recall, and
decode information about the
relative locations and attributes
of phenomena in their everyday
or metaphorical spatial

Analytic Critical of the traditional Similar to Tolman's work, there

Gilbert behaviourist with behaviourist stimulus-response is the implication that the
Ryle the view that theory for being too rigid and behaviourist can teach in the
actions such as mechanistic to provide an areas of attitude, motivation,
thinking, adequate understanding of the choice as well as the more rigid
remembering, concept of the mind. pursuit of defined or prescribed
feeling and behaviours.
‘willing’ are The mind was the person’s
revealed through abilities, liabilities, inclinations all
behaviour that of which can be seen in the way in
can be which they behave.

Figurehead of Extended Watson’s stimulus- His philosophy is based on the

B.F. behaviourism response theory to operant idea that learning is related to
Skinner behaviour and placed a greater change in overt behaviour and
emphasis on the impact of the those changes in behaviour
environment on behaviour. (responses) are the result of the
individual's response to events
(stimuli) that occur in the

Social Learning He found that the assertion that His work is influential in
Albert Theory all behaviours are caused by the developing ideas associated
Bandura environment a little simplistic. with observational learning,
imitation and modelling.
He introduced the notion of
reciprocal determinism that His theory acts as bridge
accepted the underlying between behaviourist principles
behaviourist premise but added and cognition.
that human behaviour influences
other people’s behaviour.

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