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School of Business & Leisure


Instructions to students
1. Collusion - Do not speak to any other students about the content of the exam or
your answers during the 24 hour period that the exam is 'live'.

2. You are strongly advised to carefully read ALL the question requirements before
attempting the question concerned (that is all parts and/or sub-questions).

3. Answer All Questions in Sections A and B and, only Two in Section C.

4. The paper is in three sections: A 20 multiple questions.

B Short Answer Questions.
C Long Answer Questions.


Section A: Answer all twenty multiple choice questions 1 mark each

1. Which of the following best describes the criteria of efficient segmentation:

A. Profitable, defendable, actionable, accessible and tangible

B. Defendable, profitable, legal, accessible, tangible
C. Profitable, ethical, accessible, tangible and defendable.
D. Profitable, legal, tangible, accessible and actionable.
2. The marketing function in a business organization is a task of the……………….

A. Public Relations department

B. Brand Manager
C. Human Resources department
D. Everyone

3. The proximate macro environment consists of the following

A. Factors that the marketer has limited reciprocating influence.

B. Factors that are close to the business and the marketer has reciprocating
C. Factors that the marketer has no influence over but can only craft strategies to
guarantee survival
D. All the above.

4. Market brand position can be determined using

A. Success positioning
B. Perceptual mapping
C. Market Targeting
D. Market Segmentation

5. Decision making process of a consumer is influenced by an interdisciplinary complex

which does not include,

A. Individual
B. Situational
C. Customer Satisfaction
D. Marketing Mix

7. Exploratory research can best be described as:

A. Gathering preliminary information to assist in defining the problem

B. Describing of things in research

C. Testing the cause-effective hypothesis

D. Gathering of data from correspondents.

8. Management Information Systems aids marketers in carrying out research to enable
them ……………………….

A. Make marketing decisions

B. Improve their sales
C. Attract better employees
D. Earn a profit

9. The gathering preliminary information to assist in defining the problem defines which
type of research

A. Descriptive
B. Casual
C. Quantitative
D. Exploratory

10. Which one of the following is not a distinct stage of the consumer decision making

A. Need recognition
B. Information research
C. Evaluation of alternatives
D. Customer satisfaction

12. The most formal definition of marketing is ________.

A. Meeting needs profitably

B. Identifying and meeting human and social needs
C. The 4Ps (Product, Price, Place, Promotion)
D. An organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and
delivering, value to customers, and for managing customer relationships in ways
that benefit the organization and its stake holders.

13. An advertisement that is paid by several organisations is called:

A. Combined advertising

B Cooperative advertising

C. Integrated advertising

D. Marked down advertising

14. The buying process starts when the buyer recognizes a _________.

A. Product

B. An advertisement for the product

C. A salesperson from a previous visit

D. A problem or need

15 ……… includes all the actual and potential rival offerings and substitutes that a

buyer might consider

A. Competition
B. The product offering
C. The supply chains
D. The marketing environment

16. An industry is.......

A. A group of businesses that are situated close to each other

B. A group of businesses that market goods that are close substitutes for each
C. A group of closely related businesses
D. A group of businesses that do business together.

17. Exploratory research can best be described as:

A. Gathering preliminary information to assist in defining the problem

B. Describing of things in research

C. Testing the cause-effective hypothesis

D. Gathering of data from correspondents.

18. Decision making process of a consumer is influenced by an interdisciplinary complex

which excludes the following:

A. Individual influences
B. Group influences
C. Situational influences
D. Ethical influences
19. Management Information Systems aids marketers in carrying out research to enable
them ……………………….

A. Make marketing decisions

B. Improve their sales
C. Attract better employees
D. Earn a profit

20. Capacity utilisation, learning and economies of scale are all sources of:

A. Differentiation
B. Basis of consumer preferences
C. Cost leadership
D. Focus

Section B: Answer ALL (Total marks =40)

1. STEEPLE is a tool used in marketing. Explain two benefits of utilizing this tool
to a marketer (4 Marks)

2. Briefly explain the 6 attributes of a successful marketing segmentation

process. (12 Marks)

3. Discuss the five factors which could cause a problem to a marketer when
segmenting a market: (10 Marks)

4. You have been appointed as a marketing manager of an existing company.

Your first task is to establish a marketing position of the company’s only

a. Define the term market position (2 Marks)

b. Describe the three factors you should consider in carrying out the task of
market positioning the company.
(6 Marks)
c. Explain what you should achieve to consider yourself successful market
positioning (6 Marks)

Section C: Answer 2(Two) questions (Total marks= 40)

Question 1

The Botswana Accountancy College wants you to carry out a marketing research for
determining if an increase in fees by 10% will affect enrolment.

a. Briefly explain the stages that you should go through to achieve your
assignment. (14 Marks)

b. Define Marketing information System and give 4 examples of marketing

systems. (6 Marks)

Question 2

McDonalds is going to open a franchise in Botswana soon. You as a marketing

consultant have been chosen to analyse the macro marketing environment for
them. Using the STEEPLE Analysis to scan the macro environment of Botswana
give a detailed report to McDonalds. (20 marks)

End of paper Total Marks =100

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