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1. Which part of a letter defines its top plane in a capital letter?
- Cap height

2. What does the cross bar intersect on a capital H or A?

-The center line

3. During which era did Sans Serif fonts gain significant popularity?
-The "Modern" era/MODERN

4. What kind of fonts mimic cursive handwriting?

- Script fonts

5. What is the term for text conveying meaning to the reader?

- Text

6. What is the plane where all fonts sit invisibly?

- Baseline

7. What is the term for a line crossing above the mean line?
- Ascender

8. This offers an easier and more flexible use in terms of content production.
-Textual medium

9. What type of fonts rose to prominence on billboards during the 19th century?
- Slab Serif fonts

10. Which fonts lack the little serifed feet?

- Sans Serif fonts

11. What are the little loops on a lowercase g or the lower half of a y?
-Classic descenders

12. Text that is displayed in a special, specified style.

-Formatted text

TEST II. MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE: Write fact if the statement is true; bluff if not.
1. True or False: Hypertext solely functions in a sequential manner for document referencing.
Bluff. Hypertext allows non-sequential navigation between documents through links.
2. True or False: File formats can be distinguished by examining the extension of the file name.
Fact. File formats are recognized by their extensions, visible in the file name.
3. True or False: Desktop publishing software is primarily used for creating line-by-line text
Bluff. Desktop publishing software is used for laying out complex pages of text and graphics
for publications.
4. True or False: All text files are saved with the .txt extension regardless of the software used
to create them.
Bluff. Various software uses different extensions, like .docx, .pdf, .rtf, etc., for text
5. True or False: LaTeX documents commonly use the file extension .text.
Fact. Tex is a file extension associated with LaTeX documents.
6. True or False: The purpose of formatted text is to enhance the presentation of information.

Enumerate the design Principles and Elements of Text. 1-5

Emphasis -

Enumerate Types of Texts: “Categorization of Text” (Parekh, 2006)

Formatted text

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