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Chapter 1: Little Red Riding

Once upon a time, in a small
village, there lived a sweet little girl
named Little Red Riding Hood. She
was called this because she always
wore a red cloak with a hood that
her grandmother had made for her.
One sunny morning, her mother
said, "Dear, your grandmother is
feeling unwell. Please take her this
basket of goodies, but remember,
don't talk to strangers and stay on
the path through the forest."
Chapter 2: The Journey Begins
Little Red Riding Hood promised
her mother she would be careful.
She took the basket and started her
journey through the woods. The
birds were singing, and the sun was
shining. It was a beautiful day.
Little Red Riding Hood loved
looking at the flowers and listening
to the sounds of the forest. But she
remembered her mother's warning
and stayed on the path.
Chapter 3: Meeting the Wolf
As she walked, a sly wolf spotted
her. The wolf thought, "She looks
like a tasty treat, but I must be
clever to catch her." So, he
approached her politely and asked
where she was going. Little Red
Riding Hood, forgetting her
mother's warning about talking to
strangers, told him about her sick
grandmother and the path to her
Chapter 4: The Wolf's Plan
The wolf quickly made a plan. He
said goodbye to Little Red Riding
Hood and ran ahead to Granny's
house. When he arrived, he tricked
Granny and locked her in the closet.
Then, he dressed in Granny's
clothes and lay in her bed, waiting
for Little Red Riding Hood.
Chapter 5: The Rescue
When Little Red Riding Hood
arrived, she thought her
grandmother looked very strange.
"What big eyes you have!" she said.
"All the better to see you with, my
dear," replied the wolf. As Little
Red Riding Hood realized it was
the wolf and not her grandmother,
she screamed. A nearby woodcutter
heard her scream and rushed in. He
scared the wolf away and rescued
Granny from the closet. Little Red
Riding Hood thanked the
woodcutter, and they all enjoyed
the goodies she had brought. She
remembered never to talk to
strangers again and always stayed
on the path.
And from that day on, Little Red
Riding Hood never strayed from the
path and always remembered her
mother's wise words.
The end.
What is the name of the main
character in the story?
Suggested Answer: The main
character's name is Little Red
Riding Hood.

Why did Little Red Riding Hood

go into the forest?
Suggested Answer: She went into
the forest to take a basket of
goodies to her sick grandmother.
What did Little Red Riding
Hood's mother warn her about?
Suggested Answer: Her mother
warned her not to talk to strangers
and to stay on the path.

How did the wolf plan to trick

Little Red Riding Hood?
Suggested Answer: The wolf
planned to trick her by dressing up
in her grandmother's clothes and
pretending to be her grandmother.
Who saved Little Red Riding
Hood and her grandmother from
the wolf?
Suggested Answer: A woodcutter
who was nearby heard Little Red
Riding Hood's scream and came to
rescue her and her grandmother
from the wolf.
Capítulo 1: Chapeuzinho Vermelho
Era uma vez, em uma pequena aldeia, uma
doce menina chamada Chapeuzinho
Vermelho. Ela era assim chamada porque
sempre usava uma capa vermelha com um
capuz que sua avó tinha feito para ela.
Numa manhã ensolarada, sua mãe disse:
"Querida, sua avó está se sentindo mal. Por
favor, leve para ela esta cesta de
gostosuras, mas lembre-se, não converse
com estranhos e fique no caminho através
da floresta."
Capítulo 2: A Jornada Começa
Chapeuzinho Vermelho prometeu à sua
mãe que seria cuidadosa. Ela pegou a cesta
e começou sua jornada pela floresta. Os
pássaros cantavam, e o sol brilhava. Era
um lindo dia. Chapeuzinho Vermelho
adorava olhar as flores e ouvir os sons da
floresta. Mas ela se lembrou do aviso de
sua mãe e ficou no caminho.
Capítulo 3: Encontro com o Lobo
Enquanto caminhava, um lobo astuto a
avistou. O lobo pensou: "Ela parece um
petisco delicioso, mas eu devo ser esperto
para pegá-la." Então, ele se aproximou
educadamente e perguntou para onde ela
estava indo. Chapeuzinho Vermelho,
esquecendo o aviso de sua mãe sobre
conversar com estranhos, contou-lhe sobre
sua avó doente e o caminho para a casa

Capítulo 4: O Plano do Lobo

O lobo rapidamente fez um plano. Ele se
despediu de Chapeuzinho Vermelho e
correu à frente para a casa da Vovó. Ao
chegar, ele enganou a Vovó e a trancou no
armário. Depois, vestiu as roupas da Vovó
e deitou-se na cama dela, esperando por
Chapeuzinho Vermelho.
Capítulo 5: O Resgate
Quando Chapeuzinho Vermelho chegou,
ela achou que sua avó estava muito
estranha. "Que olhos grandes você tem!"
ela disse. "São para te ver melhor, minha
querida", respondeu o lobo. Assim que
Chapeuzinho Vermelho percebeu que era
o lobo, e não sua avó, ela gritou. Um
lenhador que estava por perto ouviu seu
grito e correu para ajudar. Ele espantou o
lobo e resgatou a Vovó do armário.
Chapeuzinho Vermelho agradeceu ao
lenhador, e todos eles aproveitaram as
gostosuras que ela tinha trazido. Ela se
lembrou de nunca mais conversar com
estranhos e sempre ficar no caminho.

E desde aquele dia, Chapeuzinho

Vermelho nunca mais se desviou do
caminho e sempre se lembrou das sábias
palavras de sua mãe.

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