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MRP EAM Integration (Doc ID 764117.1)

In this Document



Oracle Enterprise Asset Management - Version and later

Information in this document applies to any platform.


This paper is intended to describe the setup steps for integration between MRP and EAM. It also gives a brief description of the
planning option and what it's function is
It also describes the requests which are run when the MRP is launched and what these requests do.


Create Date28-jan-2009
Update Date 04-May-2011


The following are the required steps 1/13
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1- Create Activity

1- Associate the activity with Asset; this is required process before entering the activity into preventive maintenance schedule

2-Every activity should have a BOM and Routing 2/13
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Verify the following setup for the material in the BOM 4/13
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Setup material planning Parameter

1. Enter a Default ABC Assignment Group to use as the default for items.
2. In the Execution Defaults section, check Demand Time Fence Control to consider any demand from forecasts within the
demand time fence.
3. Check Plan Safety Stock to calculate the safety stock for each item.
4. Check Net Purchases to consider approved purchase orders, approved purchase requisitions, in–transit shipments,
purchase orders in receiving, and internal requisitions when planning an item. If you do not check this, the planning
process does not recommend the rescheduling of purchase orders, and may over plan the item because it creates
additional planned orders
5. Check Planning Time Fence Control to indicate whether the planning process violates planning time fences for items. If
you do not check this, the planning process plans the items as if no planning time fences exist. For discrete items or
flow schedules, the planning process does not create planned orders or recommend rescheduling in existing orders
within the planning time fence of the item. The planning process can still recommend rescheduling orders out.
6. Check Net WIP to consider standard discrete jobs, non–standard discrete jobs, or repetitive schedules when
planning an item.If you do not check this, the planning process does not recommend rescheduling of work orders, and
may over plan the item because it creates additional planned orders
7. Check Net Reservations to consider material reservations when planning an item. If you do not check this, the planning
process does not consider material reservations for the item and may consider the on–hand quantity for the item
available for any demand
8. Select a Material Scheduling Method
1. Operation start date: Schedule material to arrive in inventory for availability on the start date of a specific
operation in the manufacturing process.
2. Order start date: Schedule material to arrive in inventory for availability on the work in process order start date.
9. Select one of the following options from the Planned Items poplist:
1. All planned items
2. Demand schedule items only
3. Supply schedule items only
4. Demand and supply schedule items only
5. Suggestion: It is recommended that you use the All planned items option, to avoid missing items you want to
plan and to guarantee that all sources of demand are considered by the planning process. Under certain 5/13
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circumstances, including demand schedule item components or supply schedule item components only may
mean that not all demand for an item appears in the material plan. For items you do not want to plan, assign an
MRP Planning Method item attribute of Not planned when you define an item in Oracle Inventory.
10. Enter a number of days before the current date to include past due MDS demand in Include MDS Days. If you do not
enter a value, the planning process considers all past due MDS demand. If you enter zero, the planning process ignores
all past due MDS demand.

To assign and update repetitive planning parameters and other

Repetitive planning defaults:
Repetitive planning uses a series of repetitive planning periods (defined as repetitive planning horizon and repetitive planning
buckets) to level the production rate over time. When planning the repetitive part, all the demand is grouped by the number of
days you specify, and the supply is averaged out over the period.

1. Navigate to the Planning Parameters window

2. Select the type of dates you want to use:
Work dates: Calculate the repetitive planning periods using workdays. This allows the periods to shift out due to holidays. If a
start date falls on a holiday, the start date is changed to the next valid working day. Each repetitive planning period consists
only of valid working days.
Calendar dates: Calculate the repetitive planning periods using calendar days. This allows you to fix the length of the periods
regardless of the timing of holidays (non–workdays). A repetitive planning period can start on a holiday and include

Enter an Anchor Date from which to calculate the repetitive planning periods. If, during the planning process, you change the
repetitive planning anchor date, this date is updated to the start date of the first
repetitive planning period.

3. Enter the number of workdays for the first repetitive bucket in First Bucket Days.
For example, you might enter 5 to signify that the first repetitive planning horizon is grouped into buckets of 5 days.

4. Enter the number of workdays for the first repetitive horizon in First Horizon. For example, you might enter 30 to signify the
first 30 days of production are grouped into the first repetitive bucket size you specify.

5. Enter the number of workdays for the second repetitive bucket in Second Bucket Days.
For example, you might enter 10 to signify that the second repetitive planning horizon is grouped into buckets of 10 days.
6. Enter the number of workdays for the second repetitive horizon in Second Horizon.
For example, you might enter 60 to signify the next 60 days of production are grouped into the second repetitive bucket size
you specify.

7. Enter the number of workdays for the third repetitive bucket in Third Bucket Days. For example, you might enter 40 to
signify that the rest of the repetitive planning horizon production is grouped into buckets of 40 days

Define MDS Names 6/13
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Define MRP 7/13
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Check the planning preferences 8/13
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When the MRP is started, the following programs are launched:

Concurrent Program Short Name

---------------------------- ----------
1-Memory-Based Snapshot MRCNSP
2-Snapshot Monitor MRCMON
3-Memory-Based Snapshot Worker MRCNSW
4-Snapshot Delete Worker MRCSDW
5-Loader Worker MRCSLD
6-Memory-Based Planner MRCNEW
7-Planner Delete Worker MRCPDW
8-Calculate End Assemblies MRCEAP
9-Calculate Plan Performance Indicators MRPCBIS
10-Launch Planning Exceptions Workflow MRPEXPWF
11-Auto-release Planned Orders MRPAUREL

1-Memory-Based Snapshot (MRCNSP)

The Memory-Based Snapshot is the main snapshot process and has the primary task of preparing the list of planned items. 9/13
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None of the other snapshot tasks can start processing until the file with the list of planned items is written and subsequently
loaded into the table MRP_SYSTEM_ITEMS.
The load into the MRP_SYSTEM_ITEMS table cannot begin until the previous list of planned items for that plan has been
deleted from the table. This delete is done by a Snapshot Delete Worker, discussed below. The Memory-Based Snapshot also
performs pre-processing tasks, including launching the Maintain Repetitive Planning Periods program and, optionally, to auto-
reduce the MPS.
Once the pre-processing tasks are complete, and the file with the list of planned orders is written, the Memory-Based Snapshot
in effect becomes a Memory- Based Snapshot Worker. See the Memory-Based Snapshot Worker section for complete details on
that process.

2- Snapshot Monitor (MRCMON)

The Snapshot Monitor is launched by the Memory-Based Snapshot. This is the process which launches and then controls the
remaining snapshot processes (Memory-Based Snapshot Workers, Snapshot Delete Workers, Loader Workers, and Memory-
Based Planner). The number of workers launched is determined by the site-level profile MRP:Snapshot Workers.
The Snapshot Monitor (SM) maintains a list of snapshot and delete tasks, and communicates with workers so that it has a
constant picture of the status of each task. Using this list, the SM will assign the next snapshot task to available snapshot
workers. In assigning and monitoring the status of the snapshot and delete tasks, the SM must communicate with the worker
processes including the Memory-Based Snapshot, Memory-Based Snapshot Workers, and the Snapshot Delete Workers.

3- Memory-Based Snapshot Worker (MRCNSW)

The Snapshot Workers are launched by the Snapshot Monitor according to the site-level profile MRP:Snapshot Workers. If this
profile is set to zero, then none of these workers are spawned and all of the work is done in the main Memory-Based Snapshot
process. If this profile is set to a value greater than zero, then the corresponding number of workers is launched.

The Snapshot Workers are responsible for taking a snapshot of the plan information such as BOM structures, WIP job
information, on-hand quantities, reservations, firm planned orders, etc. The Snapshot Workers then write this data to flat files
in the operating system. The flat files will ultimately be read into memory and processed by the Memory-Based Planner, and in
addition, the flat files will also be loaded into the snapshot tables in the database, by Loader Workers.
After writing a snapshot file, the worker stores the file information in the table MRP_FILES. When the Memory-Based Planner
runs, it reads this table to determine the file locations and file names. If the Planner is launched standalone, it uses this table
to determine the file locations and names from the last snapshot run.
Each worker communicates with the Snapshot Monitor to determine which snapshot tasks need to be completed. After getting
a snapshot task, the worker then snapshots the data into the flat files and communicates the completion of the task, as well as
the name of the flat file, to the Snapshot Monitor. At this point the Worker may either be assigned another task by the
Snapshot Monitor, for if there are no more tasks, the Worker concurrent request will complete. The site-level profile
MRP:Environment Variable To Set Path For MRP Files is used to specify the operating system directory where these flat files are
to be written. If this profile is left blank, then the flat files will be written to the directory represented by the standard
applications environment variables $MRP_TOP/$APPLOUT. If that directory is not appropriate, an environment variable needs
to specified whose value points to a valid path for the files. If this profile is to be used, it is important that this environment
variable be defined in the environment under which the concurrent managers are started.

4- Snapshot Delete Worker (MRCSDW)

The Snapshot Delete Worker processes are responsible for deleting the snapshot and planning data from the previous MRP
run. The main Snapshot Delete Worker process is launched by the Snapshot Monitor. In turn, this first Snapshot Delete
Worker will launch other Snapshot Delete Workers to perform all of the necessary delete tasks. The total number of these
workers that will be launched during a given planning run is determined by the value of the site-level profile MRP:Snapshot
Workers. If this profile is set to zero then the Snapshot Delete Worker will run as a single-threaded process.

The tables which are purged by the Snapshot Delete Workers are:
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Note that the Snapshot Delete Workers delete both the snapshot and planning data from the previous run. If the Memory-
Based Planner is launched standalone, that is, without the snapshot process, then the previous snapshot data is used and
there is no need to delete this data. However, in this case, Planner Delete Workers are launched to delete the previous
planning data

5- Loader Worker (MRCSLD)

The Loader Workers are used to load data, written into flat files by the Memory-Based Snapshot Workers and the Memory-
Based Planner, into the database tables.
In the snapshot phase of the process, one Loader Worker is launched by the Snapshot Monitor for each snapshot table that is
to be loaded. The Loader Worker for a given database table is not launched until both the new snapshot data has been written
and the corresponding delete task has been completed by a Snapshot Delete Worker.In the planning phase of the process, one
Loader Worker may be launched by the Memory-Based Planner for each planning table that is to be loaded. The Loader
Worker is not launched until both the Memory-Based Planner has completed and the corresponding delete task has been
completed by either a Snapshot Delete Worker or Planner Delete Worker.
For each planning table that is to be loaded, if the number of records to be loaded is greater than 10,000, a Loader Worker will
be launched. If the number of records is less than 10,000, then direct array inserts into the tables will be used and no Loader
Worker is necessary. This does not apply to the snapshot process, where Loader Workers are always launched to load each
table. The Loader Workers invoke SQL*Loader to load the flat files into the database. The site-level profile MRP:Use Direct
Load Option determines the load method used by SQL*Loader. Set this profile to Yes and the Loader Workers will invoke
SQL*Loader using the direct path load functionality. Set this profile to No and the conventional path load will be used. In a
conventional path load, SQL*Loader builds standard SQL INSERT statements and processes them along with any other INSERT
statements on the system. A direct path load bypasses the standard SQL processor and is faster than a conventional path
load, but requires exclusive write access on the table being loaded and read-write access on any of the table's indexes. The
implications of these locks are that while this plan is being loaded, no other plan can be generated or executed.

6-Memory-Based Planner (MRCNEW)

The Memory-Based Planner is the process which performs the gross-to-net explosion. It can be launched standalone from the
Launch Planning Processes form, or when run in combination with the snapshot, it is spawned by the Snapshot Monitor as
soon as all of the Memory-Based Snapshot Workers have written the snapshot data to the flat files. The Memory-Based
Planner, which is a single-threaded process, loads the snapshot data from the flat files into memory, nets the supply and
demand for the list of planned items and then writes the output to flat files. After completion of the planning process, the
Memory-Based Planner will spawn Loader Workers to load the final plan data into the database. If the Memory-Based Planner
is launched standalone, it is required that the flat files produced by the snapshot the last time the plan was run have not been
purged from the operating system. If the planner cannot find the snapshot files, it will terminate with an error.

7-Planner Delete Worker ( MRCPDW)

The Planner Delete Worker are launched only in the case where ONLY the planner process is selected when the MBP is
launched. The Planner Delete workers are responsible for deleting the plan data from the last planning run. The Planner Delete
Worker is a single-threaded process. The Planner Delete Worker deletes planner-generated data from the following tables:
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8-Calculate End Assemblies ( MRCEAP)

When the Item Attribute "Pegging" is set to "End Assembly Pegging" OR "End Assembly/ Soft Pegging" OR "End Assembly/
Hard Pegging", then the concurrent program "Calculate End Assemblies" run at end of a plan run will populate the end
assemblies for these items in the table mrp_end_assemblies. When the user queries for the end assemblies for these items
from the planner's workbench, then this information is displayed. But, if the "Pegging" Item attribute is not one of those listed
above, then the end assembly information is computed when the user queries for end assemblies for that item on the
workbench. Clicking the Button calls the Forms Program Unit - control2.items_end_assemblies. This then calls the Forms
Library Package - ENDASSY.show_detail. This in-turn calls the database package - mrp_end_assy.peg. In this package we see
if there is any record in the table end_assembly_pegging for the item in question. If not then a recursive function
recursively_peg is called to populate this table. In the procedure a cursor - get_us_assy gets the using assembly for the item.
This cursor contains a join between the tables mrp_plans and mrp_bom_components. This will work fine for single-org plans
but, for a supply chain plan, it will only retrieve data for the plan's owning organization. For, other planned organizations, it will
return no rows as the organization_id of all planned organizations is not present in the table mrp_plans.

9-Calculate Plan Performance Indicators MRPCBIS

10-Launch Planning Exceptions Workflow MRPEXPWF

11-Auto-release Planned Orders MRPAUREL

Instead of implementing and releasing planned orders by hand, you can enable the planning process to automatically release
planned orders. During the planning run, all qualifying planned orders that fall within the release time fence will be released.
Unlike manual release, you cannot modify order dates and quantities or the default implementation details.


Before the planning process can release planned orders automatically, you must:
• Define an employee, associate a user name to the employee entry, and associate the employee to the application user. S
• Define a planner or planning entity and associate this planner with items you want controlled by the auto-release function.
• Supply Chain Planning users must define a material planner, supply chain planner or planning entity for the current
organization and assign them to inventory itemsat the organization level.
• Define Default Job Status and Job Class values for a user on the Planner Workbench Preferences window. These settings are
in the Supply/Demand region and are usedas defaults in the process of automatically releasing planned orders.

In addition, the planned orders must meet the following auto-release criteria:
• the new start date lies within the auto-release time fence
• the lead time is not compressed
• the orders are for standard items (will not release models, option classes, and planning items)
• the orders are not for Kanban items
• the orders are for DRP planned items in a DRP plan, MPS planned items in an MPS plan, or MRP planned items in an MRP
• the release time fence option is defined as anything other than Do not auto-release, Do not release (Kanban), or Null Auto-
release of repetitive schedules is not applicable to repetitively planned items. No material availability check is performed before
WIP jobs are released.

To enable the auto-release function

1. Navigate to the DRP, MPS, or MRP Names window.

2. Enter an alphanumeric name that identifies a unique material requirements.
3. Check Feedback to monitor the quantity of the planned order that has been implemented as discrete jobs, flow schedules,
purchase orders, or purchase requisitions.
This provides the planner visibility of the status of the plan at any point in time.
4. Check Production to enable a plan to auto-release planned orders.
5. Enter an inactive on date on which to disable the plan. As of this date, you can no longer update the plan, nor use the plan
name in the planning process. You are still able to view information and run reports for disabled names.
6. Save your work 12/13
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Only planned orders for standard items will be auto-released
Planned order must have zero compression days
Planned order due date must fall within the item's release time fence
As necessary, Requisition Import and WIP Mass Interface will be spawned to import the automatically released orders into
Purchasing and WIP, respectively.

NOTE:329512.1 - This document has been replaced with more recent information on this topic. Please refer to more recent
NOTE:305346.1 - Mrpscpwb Sc Planner Workbench Items Missing End Assembly Information
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