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1. List the different part of a computer system

Definition: Is a collection of entities(hardware, software and live ware) that are designed to
receive, process, manage and present information in a meaningful format.

A computer system typically consists of several key components:

1. **Central Processing Unit (CPU)**: The brain of the computer that executes instructions and
performs calculations.

2. **Memory (RAM)**: Temporary storage that holds data and programs that the CPU is
currently using.

3. **Storage Devices**: These include hard drives (HDDs) and solid-state drives (SSDs) for long-
term data storage.

4. **Motherboard**: The main circuit board that connects and coordinates all the components.

5. **Input Devices**: Hardware like keyboards, mice, and touchscreens for user input.

6. **Output Devices**: Hardware like monitors, printers, and speakers that display or convey
information to the user.

7. **Power Supply Unit (PSU)**: Provides electrical power to the components.

8. **Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)**: Dedicated hardware for rendering images and videos,
important for gaming and graphics-intensive tasks.

9. **Optical Drives**: Such as CD/DVD drives, though they are becoming less common.

10. **Network Interface Card (NIC)**: Allows the computer to connect to networks and the

11. **Operating System (OS)**: Software that manages the computer's hardware and provides a
user interface.

12. **Software Applications**: Programs and applications that perform specific tasks, like word
processors or web browsers.

13. **Peripherals**: Additional devices like external hard drives, webcams, and microphones
that can be connected to the computer.
2. What are the different computer peripherals being used by a computer system?

There are three kinds of peripherals: input, input/output, and output devices. Some common
computer peripherals include keyboards, mice, tablet pens, joysticks, scanners, monitors,
speakers, printers, external hard drives, and media card readers. While these are the more
common peripherals you’ll see on the market, this isn’t an exhaustive list.

The main takeaway here is that a device is considered a peripheral when it inputs information to
the computer, receives output from the computer, or does both. There are also internal
peripherals such as a CD-ROM drive or an internal modem.

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