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SCIENCE Charles Darwin. The founder of the modern

theory of evolution was Charles Darwin.
– systematized knowledge based on facts and
human experience. ROBERT HOOKE
– derived from the latin word "SCIENTIA" w/c
Initially discovered by Robert Hooke in 1665,
the cell has a rich and interesting history that has
ARISTOTLE ultimately given way too many of today's scientific
Aristotle is regarded as the Father of Biology.
He is also regarded as the Father of Zoology. He started Who are the 5 scientists who discovered cells?
classification with two kingdoms Animal and Plantae.
Landmarks in Discovery of Cells
Aristotle's theory of biology is known as “Aristotle's
Biology” which describes metabolism, temperature Scientist Discovery
regulation, and embryogenesis. Robert Hooke Discovered cells
Anton Van Discovered protozoa and
Leuwenhoek bacteria
The father of physics is often considered to be Robert Brown Discovered cell nucleus
Isaac Newton. He made significant contributions to the Albert Von Kolliker Discovered mitochondria
field of physics, particularly in the areas of mechanics
and gravitation, through his groundbreaking work,
Who is the first father of cell?
“Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy,”
published in 1687. GEORGE EMIL PALADE is considered the father of
cell biology. He was the one who first used the electron
microscope. With the help of an electron microscope, he
also, Antoine Lavoisier discovered the ribosomes and the activity of the
secretory proteins.
Antoine Lavoisier is known as the father of
chemistry as well as the father of modern chemistry. The John Dalton
terms can be used interchangeably for Antoine Lavoisier.
This idea of tiny, indivisible bits of matter persisted until
CAROLUS LINNAEUS the 1800's. John Dalton (1766-1844), a great chemist,
really started the modern atomic hypothesis. His atom
Carl Linnaeus, also known as Carl von Linné however was like a solid billiard ball.
or Carolus Linnaeus, is often called the Father of
Taxonomy. His system for naming, ranking, and BIOLOGY
classifying organisms is still in wide use today (with
– science of life. It is the study of structures,
many changes).
functions and relationships of living things or
JAMES HUTTON organisms.

James Hutton (1726–1797), a Scottish farmer THEORIES ABOUT THE ORIGIN OF LIFE
and naturalist, is known as the founder of modern
1. Divine Creation (Bible)- life is believed to be
geology. He was a great observer of the world around
created by a supernatural being
2. Cosmozoic or interplanetary protoplasm in the
GALILEO GALILEI form of resistant spores simple living forms
might have reached the earth accidentally from
Galileo Galilei pioneered the experimental some other source from the universe and this
scientific method and was the first to use a refracting forms the first life.
telescope to make important astronomical discoveries. 3. Spontaneous generation (by Aristotle) - certain
He is often referred to as the “father of modern living things could arise directly from nonliving
astronomy” and the “father of modern physics”. Albert things.
Einstein called Galileo the “father of modern science.”
4. Natural or Marine - when life appeared the Ex Animals w/backbones also have insulin-secreting
physical world contained much the same cells
inorganic and organic substances that is does
4. Homology in chemical composition
today and that organic compounds may have
naturally formed from the reactions of the Ex:
chemical as organic compounds now are Turkeys and pigeon differ by 4 amino acids
observed now are observed to be formed only.
naturally. In addition, the metabolic atmosphere Turkeys and turtles differ by 8 amino acids.
and oceans contained the inorganic compounds
such as oxygen and carbon dioxide in quantities FIVE KINGDOM CLASSIFICATION SCHEME
similar to those present today. This is the
possible origin of life. The 5 Kingdom classification scheme is based on the ff.
5. Physico-chemical or Coacervate Droplet theory criteria.
(proposed by Oparin). It was believed long time
ago that the atmosphere contains these following 1. Type of cells
substances: CH 3, NH 3 water vapor and H ₂. o Prokaryotic cells w/ true nucleus/nuclei
These substances were exposed to cosmoc o Eukaryotic cells w/o true
radiation, UV rays and electrical discharges by nucleus/nuclei
lightning where the following were forced to 2. Number of cells
react among themselves and produce smaller o Unicellular – composed of one cell
carbon compounds and were made to react again o Multicellular – composed of many cells
to form larger organic compounds. These 3. Modes of nutrition
reactions took place very slowly. The o Photosynthetic can manufacture their
compounds formed were sugar, fatty acids, own food
glycerol, amino acids, purines and pyrimidines. o Absorptive absorb or take in food in
The compounds formed were nonliving but they assimilable form
furnished the building blocks or materials from o Ingestive swallow their food in whole
which living matter could be constructed as the
DNA that forms the gene, unit of heredity- this
has the power of self-duplication by cell
division. This is common to all life. Hence, it is
reasonable to conclude that the gene must have
come before or concurrent with other
components of living matter such as
carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. When these
organic compounds began to accumulate around
the gene aggregates, the first cellular life
The major basis for classification is homology
(similarity). It maybe:
1. Homology in structure appearance
Ex: Organisms w/ jointed appendages are grouped
2. Homology in the number of chromosomes
Ex: Organisms belonging to the same species have
the same number of chromosomes
3. Homology in function

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