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Tri-State Athletic Coop Meeting

April 18th, 2018

The Tri-State Athletic coop board met on Wednesday, April 18th, 2018
at 6pm at Fairmount High School. In attendance were Mike Grefsrud,
Casey Steffens, Paul Viger, Craig Carter, Brad Tangen, Jody Carl, Brian
Nelson, Kyle Edgerton, Brenda Dahlgren and Spencer Oland. President
Grefsrud called the meeting to order. The pledge of allegiance was
said, and a quorum established. Motion was made by Brad and
seconded by Casey to approve the agenda. Minutes from the February
21st meeting was tabled until the June 20th meeting.

Old business: Spencer and Brenda gave updates on coaching positions.

Head football and assistant football, as well as Assistant VB coaches are
still needed. It was decided to continue advertising for the positions.
Uniform rotation was discussed, and Spencer has a rotation figured out.
Transportation was discussed and a motion was made by Brad and
seconded by Paul to pay at the $2.25/mile rate for bus. Car rates were
tabled so that the individual boards could discuss. Paul is going to
discuss working with Eric Klindt on bussing with his charter and bring
information back for the June meeting.
New business: The winter/spring sports banquet will be held on May
16th at 6pm at the Fairmount community center. Mike and Brenda
Ceroll will be catering. Winter evaluations were completed by Spencer,
Brenda and Kyle. A motion was made by Brad and seconded by Paul to
renew the contract for Adam Krueger as head boys basketball coach,
motion carried. A motion was made by Jody and seconded by Brad to
renew the contract for Kevin Jackson as head girls basketball coach.
Roll Call. Casey, nay, Mike Grefsrud Abstained, remainder of the board
Aye. Motion carried. A motion was made by Casey, seconded by Craig
to renew the contract for Marla Blake as head cheer coach. Motion
carried. The website contract was discussed. It was decided to talk
with parents and local residents about expectations and discuss
expectations with Steve Porwall, who is running the site.

The next meeting date was set for Wednesday, June 20th at 6:30pm at
Fairmount Public schools. A motion was made by Jody and seconded
by Paul to Adjourn. Motion carried

Submitted by:
Brad Tangen, Secretary.

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