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Elder Abuse and Neglect

What We Can Do To Make A Difference

Hailey Erdmann
RLST 343: Theology of Justice & Peace
Viterbo University

Theological Analysis
Problem Statement: What is it: Act – Donate Now
•The religious value of “loving your neighbor” You can act now to help end elder abuse by
•The World Health Organization defines elder is at stake in this situation, as well as the
The problem of elder abuse and neglect is donating to, an organization
abuse as “a single or repeated act, or lack of value of respecting one’s elders and not
prevalent in Wisconsin, and even in La that is dedicated to ending elder abuse in
appropriate action, occurring within any harming another.
Crosse County. There are an increasing America and beyond. This organization acts
relationship where there is an expectation of •These values are reflected in the Bible with
number of older adults in our society, and to end elder abuse and support victims by
trust, which causes harm or distress to an Jesus’ teachings of the commandments with
this is not going to change anytime soon. doing the following:
older person.” the most important being loving the Lord
This issue has been occurring for many
years, but it was not thoroughly discussed or with all your heart, and the second being • Research
brought to the public’s attention until the loving your neighbor as yourself. This is seen • Direct service
1970s. The issue of elder abuse and neglect in Jesus’ actions through always caring for
• Public education
had been a hidden issue before this time. those in need and treating everyone as a • Advocating for better laws and policies
Recognition and knowledge of the issue has Forms of Elder Abuse/Neglect child of God.
grown, but the problem of elder abuse •Leviticus 19:32 says, “Stand up in the Take action and help support their efforts to
continues and goes underreported. Only 1 in •Elder neglect occurs when caregivers fail presence of the aged, show respect for the end elder abuse by donating to their
24 cases are reported to the appropriate to meet the needs of the older adults, elderly and revere your God. I am the LORD”
authorities (Weingarden, 2023). including medical, social, and psychological • This represents the importance of
needs. respecting one’s elders and treating them
•Physical abuse occurs when violence, with respect. The problem of elder abuse and
force, or the threat of harm is used against neglect goes directly against this Old
an older adult. Testament teaching.
•Financial abuse or exploitation occurs •The ELCA church --> recognizes that there
when someone takes money or property is a growing elderly population.
from an older adult without their consent or •The ELCA also recognizes human dignity as
knowledge. a gift of God and something that requires QR Code
•Psychological abuse occurs through participation from many individuals to
intimidating, demeaning, or belittling of an employ This below QR code will take you to
older adult, whether this occurs through • The ELCA church recognizes that negative where you can learn more
Impact of the Problem: words or actions. treatment “demean and harm” and are about elder abuse, donate to fund services,
•Sexual abuse occurs when someone forces “expressions of sin” (ELCA, 2011). and learn more about how you can help
unwanted sexual actions onto an older adult victims and support those who have suffered
According to the Centers for Disease Control •Nursing home abuse occurs when any of from elder abuse.
and Prevention (CDC), roughly 1 in 10 U.S. the above forms of abuse occur in an
adults 60 years of age and older experience institutional setting such as a nursing home
some form of abuse or neglect annually. or assisted living facility

Impact on Victims:
•Can lead to long-term health problems in
the case of physical abuse
•Emotional problems – anxiety, depression,
PTSD How Can You Support Victims of
•Impact finances – unexpected medical bills Elder Abuse/Neglect?
or result of financial exploitation
•Mortality • Reach out to an older adult you know References:
• Spend time with older adults in your
Impact on Loved Ones/Family: community ADRC. (n.d.). Adult Protective Services. Aging and disability resource center of la crosse
county. Retrieved April 20, 2023, from
•Feelings of sorrow and guilt • Recognize the signs of elder
•Warry of sending loved ones to nursing abuse/neglect and report it How you can help end elder abuse. (n.d.). Retrieved April 20, 2023, from
homes if abuse occurred there The Nursing Home Abuse Center Team. (2021). Effects of elder abuse: How elder abuse
harms seniors & loved ones. Retrieved April 20, 2023, from
Weingarden Dubin J. (2023, Apr 06). How to Recognize Abuse in Older Adults.

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