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Name: Aubrey Jenne Diaz March 12,2022

Course: ABELAN 4
Practicum Asynchronous Task

“Si Juan, Si Juana ug Kitang Tanan”

SOGIE 101 FOR l01

Coming out of the closet is undoubtedly one of the most difficult things a
lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender person can do. It is necessary for
transgender people to take action. Whether or not he or she will be accepted by
his or her family, church, or community He or she has a significant impact on
the lives of the people with whom he or she works. Years have gone by,
although times have changed and laws have been enacted as a result,
homophobia, transphobia, and other forms of discrimination continue to exist.
Discrimination against LGBT people is still a problem all around the world

Every person is entitled to all rights and is liable for all responsibilities.
Their humanity should be embraced, cared for, and respected. However,
treating them with progressives' feel-good political correctness, allowing
ourselves to carelessly pretend that reality does not exist, is doing a great
disservice to our fellow humans. As ethical human beings who respect the
rights of others, we should strive for a future where everyone is treated equally,
regardless of whether they are LGBT or not.

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