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Journal Club Presentation Evaluation

Presenter: Robert (Bobby) Betterton Monday,

February 05, 2024

Were Criteria Met? Circle appropriate score

5 = Very good 3 = Average 1 = Poor
5 4 3 2 1
Presentation addressed a relevant question or
topic in science.
Sufficient background information provided

Logical flow of information

Figures adequately interpreted and explained

Points well-summarized in conclusion

Were Criteria Met? Circle appropriate score

5 = Very good 3 = Average 1 = Poor
5 4 3 2 1

Good pace (not too fast or slow)

Purpose and points of talk clearly presented

Questions adequately answered

Professionalism (attire, demeanor, etc.)

Were Criteria Met? Circle appropriate score

5 = Very good 3 = Average 1 = Poor
5 4 3 2 1

Appropriate length of presentation

Appropriate amount of information on each slide

What were the strengths of the presentation?

Organized talk with good summary on relevant signaling pathways. Great job!

Comments on parts of the presentation that could be improved:


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