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Nhóm 6:

Topic 1: Đoàn Xuân Uyển 2021008003

Uyen: Hey, guys, I have something important to share with you all.

Chau: What's up? You look quite serious.

Uyen: Well, you know how we've been best friends for 10 years now, right?

Hau: Of course! You're like family to us.

Uyen : I've made a decision, and it's a big one. I'm planning to study abroad for at least 5 years,
and I might not come back anytime soon. I might even live overseas permanently.

Duy: What? You're leaving for that long?

Uyen: Yes, it's an opportunity I can't pass up, and it's something I've been dreaming about for a
while now.
Cat: (Concerned) But what about us? Who will we hang out with and talk to when you're gone?

Uyen: (Sincerely) You guys are irreplaceable. We'll always stay in touch, and I'll come back to
visit whenever I can.
Chau: (Trying to smile) We'll definitely miss you, but we understand that it's a fantastic
opportunity for you.

Hau: Absolutely! We want the best for you, even if it means being far away.

Duy: Just promise us you won't forget about your old pals when you're living the high life

Uyen: Never! You're stuck with me, no matter where I am in the world.

Cat: Alright then, we'll support you all the way.

Chau: Yeah, you got this! We believe in you.

Uyen: Thanks, everyone. Your support means the world to me.

Topic2: Mai Tuyết Băng Châu 2121009409

Băng Châu: Hey, have you heard the latest news about my mom?
Duy: No, what's going on?
Băng Châu: Well, brace yourself. She's decided to try her hand at cooking and wants to open a
small restaurant.
Cát: Wait, what? But her cooking skills aren't exactly top-notch, right?
Băng Châu: That's correct. Her skills are, um, let's just say, not the best. But she's determined to
give it a shot.
Uyển: Wow, that's quite a bold move. I admire her courage, but do you think she'll succeed?
Băng Châu: It's hard to say. I mean, she knows her cooking skills are lacking, but she's
passionate about it and wants to share her love for food with others.
Hậu: True, passion can sometimes compensate for lack of skill, but running a restaurant is a
whole different ballgame. Has she made any plans?
Băng Châu: Yes, she's starting small. She's planning to open a cozy restaurant with a limited
menu featuring the dishes she's most confident in preparing.
Duy: That sounds like a smart approach. Maybe she can focus on a few signature dishes that
she's really good at.
Băng Châu: Exactly. And you know what else? She's considering hiring an experienced chef to
assist her in the kitchen.
Cát: That's a wise decision. A skilled chef could provide guidance and help elevate the overall
quality of the food.
Băng Châu: Definitely. But I'm a bit worried about how the public will respond. What if the
customers don't enjoy her dishes?
Hậu: It's a valid concern. Some people might be skeptical, especially if they've tried her cooking
before. But there could also be others who appreciate her effort and are willing to give her a
Băng Châu: That's true. And she's open to feedback from her customers, so she can make
improvements and adjustments along the way.
Uyển: Well, I have to say, despite the challenges she might face, I admire her determination. It
takes a lot of courage to pursue a dream like this, even when success isn't guaranteed.
Băng Châu: I couldn't agree more. Let's support her and encourage her every step of the way.
Who knows, she might surprise us all and find her groove in the kitchen.
Duy: Absolutely! Let's be there for her and cheer her on. I hope her small restaurant becomes a
huge success.
Băng Châu: Me too. Here's to our friend's mom and her culinary adventure!
Topic 3: Nguyễn Trần Cát Cát _ 2121008682

Cat: I will tell you a little bit about my family.

Uyen: yes, that sounds interesting

Cat: My family has 4 people. My brother's parents and me

Cat : my father is a worker, my mother is a housewife

Duy: What about your brother?

Cat: Well, about my brother, I have good news.

Uyen: wow what's going on

Cat: My brother is applying for this top - tier university and he has high chance getting in
because he is a very smart student .

Duy: that's wonderful, congratulation!

Hau: he is very good, in the future he will help his family

Cat: I think so too. Thank you for your congratulations.

So, how about you guys? do you have any problem these days?

Topic 4: Lê Võ Hoàng Duy 2121007346

Duy: Hey guys, I have some news. I've been offered a new job!

Chau: Wow, that's great! Congratulations!

Cat: What's the job?

Duy: It's a software engineer position at a big tech company. The salary is really good, and the
benefits are amazing.

Cat: That sounds awesome! So, are you going to take it?

Duy: I don't know. I'm really torn. I love my current job, and my colleagues are great. But the
new job would be a huge opportunity for me.

Hau: I can see why you're conflicted. But it sounds like the new job would be a great fit for you.
Duy: Yeah, I think it would be. But I'm just not sure how to tell my boss. She got me the job
here, and she's been really supportive of me.

Uyen: I know it's going to be tough, but you just have to be honest with her. She'll understand.

Chau: She'll be disappointed, but she'll be happy for you in the end.

Duy: I hope so. Thanks for the advice, guys.

Topic 5: Nguyễn Công Hậu 2121008615

HAU: Hey, I just talked to Chau.

UYEN: What did she say?

HAU: She said she had to cancel the meeting this afternoon.

DUY: Oh, I see.

HAU: Is there a problem?

CAT: No, It’s not a big deal. She and I were supposed to talk to some new customers today.

HAU: Sorry to hear that.

DUY : It’s OK. This has been happening quite a bit recently.

HAU: That’s strange. I wonder why?

UYEN: Her husband has been sick, so sometimes he has to go home early to take care of him.

HAU: I see. How’s work been going?

UYEN: Things are slow right now. Would you mind if I borrow your phone, mine’s out of
batteries and I have to call my boss to tell her about this.

HAU: OK, let me go get it. Its in the car.

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