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10 câu

10 câu

1. Well, of course
2. Definietly , if
3. Uhm this is a hard question

Do you like ?

Is … important ?

Well, I think…it is very vital / crucial for people’s health.

If you do exercise regurlary , you will have a good health and become stronger.

Ví dụ, for example/ for instance . MY sister is keen on playing badminton, so she is very flexible and has
a strong arm.

Like my sister,

Kết : to me, for me, I believe that people should do something….

What … popular in your country ?

I think…

What do want to change ? thì tương / thì quá khứ

Can you explain the question please ?

This is a hard question.

This is a difficult question , I am sorry I don’t know much about this question.

But I think

This is funny question

I am not famililar with the question..but in my view ,…

Kéo dài thời nghĩ

Well this is a hard question. Let me think / let me see in a second …

Bị lặp ý

As I mentioned before ,

As I told you before/ earlier.

Like I said.

Part 2

Describe người/ vật/ nơi chốn / lần / hình ảnh/ khu vườn

Describe a person who likes to cook for others

You should say:

 who this person is and how you know him/her

 what he/she likes to cook
 who he/she cooks for

And explain why he/she enjoys cooking.

I will talk about a person who likes to cook for others.

Thông tin người đấy : tên, tuôi, sông ở đâu , nghề gì .

My sister is Hoa who is 50 years old and she is teach at a high school. She is living in hcm c

Giới thiệu về ngoại hình: her appearance is very beautiful and tall. She is a warm-hearted person and
she usually helps a lot of people around her such as poor children and old people.

What she likes to cook I think … she enjoys cooking vietnamese food and thai food for my family and
friends. …

For example,

Why she keens on cooking so much because she learns cooking from my mom and she loves people
having good food. For me, she is a very kind and good person who always helps me when I have
problem. I am very happy to have her as a sister. I hope everything is good for her.

1. Have you ever cooked for others?

2. What do we need to prepare when we need to cook?
3. Do you agree that food is an important part of Vietnamese festivals?
4. Which dishes are a must at festivals?
5. Do you think cooking should be a compulsory or an elective course? Why?
6. Are there any differences between cooking today and in the past?
Kết quan trọng

The main reason is because … I think

Money, health, education , giải trí. ..,

Describe a foreigner you know who speaks your language (Vietnamese) well

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