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Basic Taxonomic Concepts - Derived character is a feature that

apparently evolved only within the group under

Phylogenetic tree- How an organism is named and consideration.
classified should reflect its place within the
evolutionary tree of life. - Shared derived characters, particularly a
group of several shared derived characters, are strong
- The evolutionary history of a evidence of common ancestry between organisms
species or group of species is called phylogeny (from that share them
the Greek phylon, tribe, and genesis, origin).

- Systematics, which includes

taxonomy, is a discipline of biology that focuses on Clades -
classifying organisms and determining their
evolutionary relationships.

- In a rooted tree, the branching

indicates evolutionary relationships.

- The point where a split occurs,

called a branch point, represents where a single groups of organisms that descended from a common
lineage evolved into a distinct new one. ancestor.
- A lineage that evolved early - All the organisms within a clade from a single
from the root and remains unbranched is called basal point on the tree.
The levels of classification
- When two lineages stem from
Taxonomy- literally means "arrangement law"
the same branch point, they are called sister taxa.
- the branch of
- A branch with more than two
biology concerned with
lineages is called a polytomy.
identifying, naming, and
classifying species.

- The taxonomic
classification system
(Linnaean System) is
invented by the Swedish
botanist Carl Linnaeus.

Cladistics- One relatively

new system of phylogenetic classification

- Uses certain features of organisms, called

shared derived characters, to establish evolutionary

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