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Arachibutyrophobia (Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth)

Arachibutyrophobia is the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth. While the
phenomenon has happened to everyone at one point or another, people with arachibutyrophobia
are extremely afraid of it. The severity of arachibutyrophobia varies from person to person. Some
with this condition may be able to eat small amounts of peanut butter while others will avoid
eating peanut butter or anything with the consistency of peanut butter altogether.

Arachibutyrophobia can stem from a greater phobia of things that are sticky or a fear of choking. It
may also stem from a traumatic incident with peanut butter such as choking on or being allergic to

2. Nomophobia (Fear of being without your mobile phone)

Nomophobia is the fear of being without your mobile phone. People with nomophobia experience
excessive anxiety about not having their phone with them, their battery being low or their phone
being out of service. Regardless of the circumstances, not being able to use their phone causes
people with nomophobia to become panicked and experience extreme symptoms of anxiety.

This phobia often stems from a person having a cell phone addiction. People with this phobia may
obsessively check their phone throughout the day. It appears to be fairly common. In recent
surveys of varying populations, the prevalence of anxiety related to not having or being able to use
a cell phone ranged from 9–77%. A group in Italy has suggested that nomophobia be added to the
fifth version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V).

3. Arithmophobia (Fear of numbers)

Many people grow up dreading math class, but people with arithmophobia have a genuine fear of
numbers. People with this fear usually experience anxiety associated with doing math or dealing
with numbers in general, versus fear of actually seeing the number symbols. The fear of numbers
is also sometimes referred to as numerophobia. Arithmophobia can significantly impair a person’s
life, as it is difficult to do many tasks or occupations without dealing with numbers.

4. Plutophobia (Fear of money)

Many people probably wish they had more money, but plutophobia is a fear of money or wealth.
People with plutophobia may fear becoming wealthy themselves or have a fear of wealthy people.
They generally dread money itself and having to deal with money.

People with this fear may potentially sabotage their career to prevent them from making more
money or becoming wealthy. The fear of becoming wealthy may stem from a fear of the
responsibilities or pressures associated with it or the fear of getting robbed.


 Make a list of new words

 peanut

 sticking

 stem

 sticky

 suggested

 Anxiety

 Regardless

 It appears to be fairly common

 wealthy

2. Using your own words, explain every phobia.

3. How severe is arachibutyrophobia?

4. What does a person with nomophobia experience?

5. What does the survey with nomophobia indicate?

6. What problems can a person with arithmophobia have?

7. What does a person with plutophobia do?

8. Choose one phobia for yourself and explain why.

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