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Hasan (moderator) : Asslamaualaikum wr wb, good morning everyone Today we will discuss

about rohingya, with the main title “Between Humanism and Realism”
In the left sde we have pro team with members
1. ... as speaker
2. ... as speaker
3. ... as speaker
4. ... as speaker
In the right side we have contra team with members
1. .... as speaker
2. .... as speaker
3. .... as speaker
4. .... as speaker
5. .... as speaker
To shorten the time, lets start the debate. We will hear detailed arguments from both sides. We’ll
begin from the opinion of the pro side.
Hasan (moderator): “Please, the first speakers of pro team, what do you think about this
Pro (Roma): “Responding to our topic today, Indonesia, as a country that respects human rights,
must open its doors to Rohingya refugees. They are victims of conflict and violence, needing
international protection.”
Contra (Candra): “That’s cool that we understand the humanitarian aspect, but Indonesia has its
own domestic problems. Refugees could add to the already heavy economic and social burden.”
Hasan (moderator) : “Wow, its’s sound interesting, right? What do you mind, second sepakers?”
Pro (Prisca): “Right, it’s about humanity. But, we cannot ignore our international obligations. As
a member of the global community, Indonesia must participate in resolving humanitarian crises.”
Contra (Dila): “In my mind, international obligations do not necessarily mean accepting
refugees. So that, Indonesia can provide support in other ways, such as diplomatic aid or direct
humanitarian assistance to conflict areas.”
Hasan (moderator) : Wow, incredible answer. Okay then, the third speaker, how’s your thought?”
Pro (Ninda): “Confirm the argument, accepting refugees will strengthen Indonesia’s image
internationally as a country that cares about humanity and promotes ASEAN solidarity.”
Contra (Bima): “I dissagree with you. International image should not be the main reason. We
must consider the long-term impact, including the possibility of more refugees coming in.”
Hasan (moderator) : “Then, let’s talk about another side, like the effect. In economic and
international’s diplomation relationship. What do you think about it, fourth speakers?”
Pro (Damar): “I feel like integrating Rohingya refugees can bring economic benefits. They can
be important labor in certain sectors.”
Contra (Dea): “On the other hand, this can lead to job competition with local residents,
potentially causing social tensions.”
Pro (Ninda): “Right. we should see this as an opportunity to improve bilateral relations with
related countries, such as Myanmar and Bangladesh, and to strengthen Indonesia’s position in
international diplomacy.”
Contra (Danendra): “But, you should think that Bilateral relations must be balanced with national
interests. We cannot sacrifice domestic stability for foreign policy.”
Hasan (moderator) : “Right, what you gone to say, the speaker of pro team?”
Pro (Roma): “I dissagree with Danendra’s argument. By strengthening bilateral relations,
Indonesia can be a key player in resolving the Rohingya crisis. This is not just about
humanitarian responsibility, but also about building a broader foundation of cooperation at the
regional level.”
Contra (Candra): “Although, don’t forget that strengthening bilateral relations must be beneficial
for both parties. Too much focus on diplomatic aspects can neglect our fundamental national
Hasan (moderator) : “Cretainly. How about we talk from the effect side in Indonesia?”
Pro (Damar): “Okay, supporting the resolution of this crisis can bring stability and peace to the
region. Indonesia’s contribution can create a positive domino effect for neighboring countries.”
Contra (Dila): “However, we should not underestimate the complexity of regional crises.
Indonesia’s participation must be wise and not sacrifice internal security and stability.”

Pro (Prisca): “Stop right here. Why can you guys think like this? In my opinion, actively
involving in the resolution of the Rohingya crisis will give Indonesia the opportunity to play a
significant role in global diplomacy. This can enhance the country's position on the international
Contra (Bima): “I agree with it, but It is important not to focus too much on the international
image. We must ensure that our involvement brings concrete benefits to the Indonesian people.”
Pro (Roma): “Wait a minute… accepting refugees can also trigger closer collaboration between
the government, NGOs, and civil society in providing assistance and support for those in need.”
Contra (Dea): “Nevertheless, we must ensure that this collaboration does not replace the
government’s responsibility in handling internal issues.”
Hasan (moderator) : “Next, I wanna hear what do you guys think in different side like global
public opinion.”
Pro (Damar): “Okay I think it is important for Indonesia to be proactive in shaping the global
public opinion about the Rohingya crisis. Educating the world about the realities faced by the
refugees can help gain international support.”
Hasan (moderator): “Interesting point, damar. Danendra, can you respond to this concern from
the Pro perspective?”
Contra (Danendra): “obviously, in my mind, we must be careful not to get caught up in a
narrative that only sees one side of the crisis. International support should be objective and
Pro (Ninda): “Take a minute. As a diverse nation, Indonesia can show a successful example of
integration for refugees. This could be a positive model for other countries in dealing with
similar issues.”
Contra (Dila): “Think it clearly. Successful integration is not always guaranteed. We need to
consider the potential cultural and religious conflicts that could arise in a diverse society.”
Pro (Prisca): “Hold on, have you ever think that Rohingya refugees has benefit to Indonesia?
with their diverse backgrounds, Rohingya could be valuable assets in building intercultural
closeness in Indonesia.”
Contra (Candra): “Furthermore, it is important to manage this integration carefully to avoid
creating inequality and social tensions. The balance between acceptance and internal
sustainability must be maintained.”
Hasan (moderator) : “Let’s talk about Indonesia’s leadership side in fixing humanitarian
problem. What do you think?”
Pro (Ninda): “In fact, accepting refugees could be an opportunity for Indonesia to show
leadership in addressing humanitarian crises in Southeast Asia.”
Contra (Bima): “Leadership does not have to be through accepting refugees , though we can lead
in diplomacy and international aid coordination.”
Pro (Damar): “With the right international support and collaboration, we can overcome these
challenges and show true solidarity.”
Contra (Dea): “International collaboration often is not as effective as expected. We must be
realistic and consider our national capacity.”
Pro (Roma): “Lastly, this issue is not just about refugees, but about what we believe as a nation.
This is a test of our humanitarian values and solidarity.”
Contra (Danendra): “These values are important, but we also have to consider the practical
realities and our ability to help without jeopardizing our social and economic stability.”

Hasan (moderator): “That concludes our debate on the acceptance of Rohingya refugees in
Indonesia. Both sides have made compelling arguments. Thank you to our participants for a
thoughtful discussion.”

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