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Give What You Get: Capuchin Monkeys (Cebus apella)

and 4-Year-Old Children Pay Forward Positive and

Negative Outcomes to Conspecifics
Kristin L. Leimgruber1"*, Adrian F. Ward2", Jane Widness1, Michael I. Norton3, Kristina R. Olson1,
Kurt Gray4, Laurie R. Santos1
1 Department of Psychology, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, United States of America, 2 Department of Psychology, Harvard University, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, United States of America, 3 Harvard Business School, Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America, 4 Department of Psychology,
University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, United States of America

The breadth of human generosity is unparalleled in the natural world, and much research has explored the mechanisms
underlying and motivating human prosocial behavior. Recent work has focused on the spread of prosocial behavior within
groups through paying-it-forward, a case of human prosociality in which a recipient of generosity pays a good deed forward
to a third individual, rather than back to the original source of generosity. While research shows that human adults do
indeed pay forward generosity, little is known about the origins of this behavior. Here, we show that both capuchin
monkeys (Cebus apella) and 4-year-old children pay forward positive and negative outcomes in an identical testing
paradigm. These results suggest that a cognitively simple mechanism present early in phylogeny and ontogeny leads to
paying forward positive, as well as negative, outcomes.

Citation: Leimgruber KL, Ward AF, Widness J, Norton MI, Olson KR, et al. (2014) Give What You Get: Capuchin Monkeys (Cebus apella) and 4-Year-Old Children Pay
Forward Positive and Negative Outcomes to Conspecifics. PLoS ONE 9(1): e87035. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0087035
Editor: Roscoe Stanyon, University of Florence, Italy
Received July 1, 2013; Accepted December 17, 2013; Published January 29, 2014
Copyright: ß 2014 Leimgruber et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Funding: This research was supported in part by funding from The Templeton Positive Neuroscience Award and the National Science Foundation Research
Experiences for Undergraduates Program (SMA-1004797). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation
of the manuscript.
Competing Interests: Laurie R. Santos is a PLOS ONE Editorial Board member but this does not cause a conflict of interest, nor does this alter the authors’
adherence to all the PLOS ONE policies on sharing data and materials.
* E-mail:
KL and AW are joint first authors

Introduction taking abilities [21]. Taken together, these social and cognitive
constraints might suggest that paying forward generosity is a
Humans frequently and willingly engage in costly behaviors that uniquely human phenomenon.
benefit others, even when their actions are anonymous and when However, a comprehensive review of the existing literature
those helped are total strangers [1,2]. This proclivity for prosocial suggests that the tendency to pay-it-forward may instead be
behavior is unparalleled in the natural world and is thus thought to explained by more rudimentary behavioral strategies that are not,
play a key role in large-scale cooperation unique to human society in fact, unique to human adults. Specifically, it is possible that
[3]. As a result, much research has been devoted to understanding people act on the basis of the maxim: ‘‘help anyone, if helped by
the social, cognitive, and biological processes that encourage (and someone’’ (hereafter, help-if-helped) [22]. Unlike more cognitively
discourage) prosociality in adult humans [4–7]. Recently, complex explanations for the propagation of prosocial behavior,
researchers have begun to explore the spread of prosocial behavior this strategy does not require memory of the identities of
within populations [8,9]; specifically, several studies have exam- interaction partners [23], sensitivity to one’s own reputational
ined when and why people pay forward prosocial behavior status [24,25], the capacity to calculate the potential costs and
[10,11]. This concept of ‘‘paying-it-forward’’ is simple: Person A benefits of prosocial behavior [26], or the use of self-control to
helps Person B and Person B, rather than paying this kindness back inhibit initial selfish urges [27,28]; instead, the strategy simply
to Person A, pays it forward to Person C, thus facilitating the spread requires that individuals do to others what was done to them. Both
of prosocial behavior beyond the dyad to a larger group of mathematical models [29,30] and laboratory simulations
individuals. While experimental research [9,12,13] and real-life [12,13,31] have demonstrated that a simple rule like help-if-
accounts [14] indicate that humans do pay forward positive helped could lead to self-sustaining pay-it-forward systems.
outcomes, the psychological underpinnings of such behavior Moreover, experiments indicating that rats (Rattus norvegicus) pay
remain unresolved. Traditional explanations for paying forward forward helping behaviors [32] provide further evidence that
positive outcomes tend to rely on socially and cognitively complex complex and/or uniquely human social and cognitive capacities
mechanisms including gratitude [15–18], cultural and moral are not required for organisms to pay forward generosity. Indeed,
norms [19,20], and processes requiring sophisticated perspective- these findings show that a help-if-helped strategy is not only

PLOS ONE | 1 January 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 1 | e87035

Give What You Get

sufficient to support the propagation of prosocial behavior within control and/or reputational concerns, and minimizes cognitive
populations, but also that it likely predates more discriminating demands imposed by trade-off related calculations. Controlling for
forms of cooperative behavior that rely upon the complex social these factors allowed us to explore the minimal social and
and cognitive abilities found only in human adults. cognitive factors underlying pay-it-forward strategies, thus making
Furthermore, the majority of existing studies investigating the it possible to identify the most parsimonious explanation for the
psychology of paying-it-forward focus exclusively on the prosocial donation behaviors observed in monkeys and children.
side of paying behavior forward–that is, on paying forward positive
outcomes. However, laboratory simulations of pay-it-forward Materials and Methods
behavior suggest that negative outcomes are just as likely to be
paid forward in public goods games as positive ones [9], and Ethics Statement
experimental evidence suggests that–in some situations–adults pay This study was carried out in strict accordance with the
forward greed more than generosity [10]. These findings, along recommendations in the Guide for Care and Use of Laboratory
with a long history of literature on displaced aggression [33], call Animals of the National Institutes of Health. The protocol for non-
into question the proposed role of prosocial intentions, positive human primates was approved by the Institutional Animal Care
emotions and moral norms in paying forward like outcomes. and Use Committee at Yale University (Protocol Number: #2008-
Instead, they suggest the existence of a strategy even more simple 10678). The treatment of human participants in studies described
than help-if-helped: they suggest that pay-it-forward behavior may in this paper was in accordance with the ethical standards of the
be based on the rudimentary rule of ‘‘give what you get’’ American Psychological Association. Participants’ parents provid-
(hereafter, give-what-you-get). ed written informed consent and all procedures were approved by
Taken as a whole, this set of findings hints that existing the Human Research Protection Program at Yale University.
research–which typically divides paying-it-forward into separate
positive and negative phenomena–may be neglecting a more Participants
parsimonious explanation for the propagation of behavior in Monkey participants were 4 brown capuchins (Cebus apella)
general. While some accounts of paying it forward favor ranging in age from 5–15 years at the conclusion of the study (1
cognitively and morally rich accounts of human kindness male [NN], 3 females [HG, HR, JM]; Mage = 134.86 months;
[34,35], empirical evidence suggests that these behaviors may SD = 55.05). Our capuchin participants were members of the
instead be rooted in a general tendency to reciprocate both Yale Comparative Cognition Laboratory colony where they
positive and negative behaviors in kind [9]. If this simple were socially housed in a large indoor enclosure equipped with
explanation holds true, we would expect to see behaviors natural branches and toys. Capuchins were fed monkey chow
consistent with a give-what-you-get mechanism present early in prior to testing and had access to water ad libitum. All
human development, and possibly even in non-human primates. participants had previous experience with reward distribution
The current study tests this possibility by examining pay-it- tasks involving conspecifics [36] and were familiar with one
forward tendencies in 4-year-old children and capuchin monkeys another prior to testing. To control for the effects of previous
(Cebus apella). While there is evidence that capuchin monkeys [36– experience and developmental differences in social cognitive
38] and young children [39–42] consistently take advantage of no- abilities, only mature adult monkeys who had previously
cost opportunities to act prosocially toward conspecifics, both demonstrated an understanding of the apparatus (Unpublished
groups lack certain capacities key to current explanations of data) were involved in the current study. Although these strict
paying-it-forward in human adults. Specifically, capuchin monkeys selection criteria limited the number of monkeys we were able
largely fail at tasks that rely on perspective-taking abilities [43–47], to include in the study, our final sample size is nonetheless
self-awareness [48,49], and the ability to evaluate and reflect upon comparable to those in other studies of social cognition in
their own knowledge states [50,51] – all cognitive capacities brown capuchin monkeys [38,60–62].
assumed necessary for the experience of gratitude [52–54] and We also tested 31 four-year-old children (10 males, 21 females;
implicated in current explanations for paying forward generosity. Mage = 54.68 months; SD = 3.45) recruited from preschools in the
Similarly, before the age of five, children have difficulty in greater New England area. Participants were tested in mixed
evaluating the perspectives and knowledge states of others in a gender groups comprised of children from the same classroom; as
consistent manner [55–58] and in evaluating and reflecting upon a result, all children were familiar with one another prior to
their own thoughts and knowledge states [59]. Unlike capuchin testing. Care was taken to ensure that children never received
monkeys, however, young children have likely been exposed to from, or gave to, members of their own family. Group size was
social and moral norms advocating paying forward generosity in constrained by the number of consenting participants per class,
some form or another. Testing these populations using an identical with groups ranging in size from 3–7 individuals.
paradigm allows us to identify the minimal cognitive abilities
required to pay-it-forward and illuminates the role uniquely General Methods
human social and moral norms play in the propagation of paying Testing was performed using identical novel apparatuses for
forward generosity. the monkeys (Figure 1) and the children (Figure 2) that allowed
Participants in the current study took part in a chain of non- participants to choose between two distinct distributions. Each
anonymous donation games in which individuals first received a distribution provided an allocation for an Actor (the participant
positive or negative outcome from a member of their social group, manipulating the apparatus), and an allocation for a Recipient
and then had the chance to distribute a positive or negative (a second participant who merely received whatever he/she was
outcome to a different member of this social group. We used only given). The apparatus was situated between the Actor and the
‘‘no-cost’’ options, in which participants making donation Recipient such that the two participants were able to see one
decisions received the same outcome regardless of the outcome another and the distribution options over the top of the
they chose to deliver to a group member. The use of a ‘‘no-cost,’’ apparatus. In order to equate the non-verbal methods as closely
(or non-zero-sum) paradigm reduces the role of self-interested as possible across the two populations, children were asked not
motivations, accounts for between-species differences in self- to speak to one another or signal their preferences in any way.

PLOS ONE | 2 January 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 1 | e87035

Give What You Get

The Actor was always the participant seated on the side of the the initial Actor was excluded from analysis. Efforts were made to
apparatus with two identical levers. By pulling the lever on her ensure that testing and data collection procedures were identical
left, the Actor could distribute the leftmost allocations to herself between species whenever possible (however, see Methods S1,
and the Recipient; by pulling the lever on her right, the Actor Table S1, and Table S2 for between-species methodological
could distribute the rightmost allocations to herself and the differences).
Recipient. Allocations were simultaneously delivered via a chute Allocations were placed inside of clear, round, plastic
to both participants immediately following the Actor’s choice, containers that allowed for easy distribution via the apparatus.
and the two remaining allocations were removed from the The placement of the distribution options (positive/negative)
apparatus by the experimenter. into the apparatus was counterbalanced to control for the
Using this apparatus, monkeys and children participated in a possible role of side biases in participant’s donation choices (see
series of overlapping donation games, such that each participant in Methods S1, Table S1, and Table S2 for more details). For
a chain first received from, and then gave to different conspecific each test trial, Actors had the option to deliver one of two
members of their social groups. Test sessions began when an initial outcomes to the Recipient: a positive outcome that delivered a
Actor distributed an outcome to a conspecific Recipient. After high-value allocation to both herself and the recipient, or a
both participants had collected their respective allocations, the negative outcome that delivered a high-value allocation to
Recipient moved to the opposite side of the apparatus to assume herself and a low-value allocation to the Recipient. A positive
the role of Actor and the previous Actor left the testing area. At outcome for monkeys consisted of a grape for both the Actor
this point, a third conspecific–ignorant to the outcome of the and the Recipient; a negative outcome consisted of a grape for
previous interaction–entered the testing area to assume the role of the Actor and a piece of spinach for the Recipient. A positive
Recipient, and the new Actor was asked to choose between the outcome for children consisted of 4 small, star-shaped stickers
same distribution options presented to the previous Actor. This for both the Actor and Recipient; a negative outcome consisted
process continued until all participants had received from, and of 4 small, star-shaped stickers for the Actor and 1 small, star-
subsequently given to, a conspecific group member, with the initial shaped sticker for the Recipient. Actors always received the
Actor serving as the recipient for the final participant. Data from high-value reward, regardless of what they chose to distribute to

Figure 1. Testing apparatus used for monkeys. Monkey Actors pulled one of the two levers to choose an outcome to distribute to the Receiver
situated on the other side of the apparatus.

PLOS ONE | 3 January 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 1 | e87035

Give What You Get

Figure 2. Testing apparatus used for children. Actors pulled one of the two levers to choose an outcome to distribute to the Receiver situated
on the other side of the apparatus.

Receivers; thus, there was no cost to generosity and no benefit (X2(1, N = 37) = .04, p = .85) outcomes were not statistically
from greed–participants’ distributions to conspecifics revealed different across species. See Figure 3 for all results.
the tendency to pay forward outcomes, divorced from potential We also performed a series of logistic regressions in order to
selfish motives present in zero-sum distribution tasks. In confirm that the giving behavior of both children and monkeys
addition, using the same value reward across both options for truly reflected a tendency to pay forward both positive and
the Actors removed any confounds related to differences in or negative behavior in kind. If this was the case, then previously
distractions from their own outcome. received outcomes should predict giving behavior even when
controlling for all other possible variables (e.g., identity of initial
Results Actor, identity of Recipient). A regression on monkey giving
behavior (positive, negative) using the predictors of initial Actor
Actors’ distributions were strongly related to previously received identity, focal participant identity, final Receiver identity, and received outcome
outcomes, for both monkeys (n = 4 participants, 22 trials, Fisher’s (positive, negative) revealed that only received outcome affected giving
exact, p = .03) and children (n = 48 children, 48 trials, Fisher’s behavior, Wald’s X2(1) = 7.34, p,.01; all other predictors p..45. A
exact, p = .009). Monkeys paid forward negative outcomes 75% of regression on children’s giving behavior (positive, negative) using
the time and positive outcomes 80% of the time; children paid ‘the predictors of initial Actor gender, focal participant gender, final
forward negative outcomes 72% of the time and positive outcomes Receiver gender, and received outcome (positive, negative) revealed that
70% of the time. The rates at which positive versus negative only received outcome affected giving behavior, Wald’s X2(1) = 7.34,
outcomes were paid forward did not significantly differ in monkeys p,.01; all other predictors p..16. Taken together, these analyses
(X2(1, N = 17) = .06, p = .81) or children (X2(1, N = 34) = .12, confirm that the giving behavior of both children and monkeys can
p = .73). Similarly, the rates at which children versus monkeys be attributed to previously received outcomes–that is, they paid
paid forward positive (X2(1, N = 33) = .38, p = .54) and negative both positive and negative behavior forward in kind. See Tables
S1 and S2 for trial-by-trial data.

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Give What You Get

Figure 3. Percentage of total trials in which monkeys and children paid forward positive and negative outcomes after receiving
positive and negative outcomes.

Discussion distinction, future research could examine the extent to which

common and distinct mechanisms underlie these two related
Our results suggest that the propagation of both positive and behaviors.
negative behavior within social groups may stem from a In our results, monkeys and children appear to pay forward like
mechanism that is both cognitively simple and evolutionarily outcomes at equally high rates, despite evidence suggesting
old. Our finding that monkeys and 4-year-old children paid predispositions toward prosociality in other contexts [39–43].
forward positive outcomes to conspecifics is line with previous The current data do not include baseline levels of giving, but a
behavioral findings in rats [32], and confirms that the act of paying follow-up study comparing general rates of positive/negative
forward positive events does not require complex emotions [15], outcome distribution with rates after participants receive a
human-specific norms [20], or sophisticated perspective-taking positive/negative outcome themselves would offer insight into
abilities [21]. Our results also indicate that both populations paid
the relative strength of the drive to pay forward positive vs.
forward positive and negative outcomes, demonstrating that paying
negative outcomes. Nonetheless, our findings show a clear pattern
forward behavior is not limited to prosocial interactions. Instead,
of behavior in which giving in both monkeys and children is
our findings suggest that paying forward behavior in monkeys and
influenced by the valence of received outcomes; these data suggest
children is best explained by a simple give-what-you-get mecha-
that a ‘‘give what you get’’ strategy drives the tendency to pay
nism–one that may be the foundation upon which more complex
forward both positive and negative outcomes.
cooperative behaviors are built in adult humans.
A second (and not mutually exclusive) possibility consistent with
Overall, our findings are consistent with a contingency-based
our results is that pay-it-forward tendencies are driven by basic
give-what-you-get strategy, a form of generalized reciprocity in
affective processes, ones that may be precursors to the more
which like begets like, regardless of the specific recipient or the
sophisticated emotions observed in adult humans [10]. Whereas
valence of the outcome [23]. Giving what you get is less cognitively
complex than other forms of reciprocity, and so is a likely affect (i.e. positive and negative feelings) occur automatically
explanation for group-level cooperation in non-human animals [65,66] and across species [67], gratitude is considered a
[63,64]. Importantly, because contingency-based strategies like secondary emotion requiring additional cognitive resources to
give-what-you-get are not sensitive to recipient identity, individ- interpret initial basic affective responses [15,68,69]. Capuchin
uals employing them need not differentiate between paying monkeys do not possess the suite of cognitive abilities associated
outcomes forward and paying outcomes back; they are simply with explanations relying on complex emotions like gratitude, and
motivated to reciprocate outcomes in kind. As a result, this thus these emotions cannot drive pay forward behaviors as some
explanation implies that the pattern of behavior of monkeys and have hypothesized [15–18]. However, both children and capu-
children in the current study may not necessarily be specific to chins possess basic affective processes that may drive paying
paying-it-forward, but rather a reflection of a motivation to forward of both positive and negative outcomes. Indeed, affect has
reciprocate outcomes in general. If this were the case, we would been shown to motivate future behavior in adult humans
expect similar patterns of giving whether the recipient was the [10,31,70–73] as well other primate species [74–76]; further
same or different than the individual from whom an allocation was research may determine the role of affective factors in pay-it-
received; that is, we would expect minimal differences between forward behaviors in capuchin monkeys and children.
paying behavior forward and paying behavior back. However, if While the form of paying-it-forward we observed in capuchin
the mechanism underlying our results is specific to paying-it- monkeys and young children does not require secondary emotions,
forward, we would expect different patterns of giving when perspective-taking abilities, or uniquely human social or moral
individuals have the opportunity to pay outcomes back to the initial norms, these factors are likely important in adult humans. Our
actor. While the current data do not allow us to make this results therefore hint that the mechanism underlying pay-it-

PLOS ONE | 5 January 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 1 | e87035

Give What You Get

forward behavior in children and monkeys serves as a framework suggest paying-it-forward may propagate and persist within social
around which more sophisticated social, emotional, and moral groups, even in the absence of these factors. Although a fascination
decision-making systems are built in adult humans. For example, with the propagation of kindness–and a tendency to explain these
while adult humans–like monkeys and children–surely experience behaviors in moralistic terms–may be uniquely human, the
basic affective responses after experiencing a positive or negative mechanism underlying this behavior is likely not.
outcome, they may be uniquely be able to draw upon a more
sophisticated suite of cognitive abilities with which to reflect upon Supporting Information
their experiences and determine their future actions. Whereas
monkeys and children in our study consistently paid forward Table S1 Positive/Negative outcome distribution patterns
negative outcomes despite the no-cost nature of the task, the within testing chains for monkeys. Each row represents a discrete
general tendency to pay forward negative outcomes in adults may test session; monkeys only participated in one test session per day.
be overshadowed by more cognitively sophisticated processes such Trials in which monkeys ‘gave what they got’ are bolded. Trials in
as cost/benefit analyses [26] or concerns about maintaining one’s which monkeys paid forward negative outcomes are highlighted in
positive reputation within the group [77–79]. Indeed, research blue; trials in which monkeys paid forward positive outcomes are
shows that human adults often act in strikingly self-interested ways highlighted in yellow.
when cost/benefit analyses tip in their favor and the likelihood of (TIF)
negative reputational repercussions is low [80–82], suggesting that
Table S2 Positive/Negative outcome distribution patterns
increased cognitive sophistication doesn’t necessitate increased
within testing chains for children. Each row represents a single
prosociality, but rather facilitates flexible decision-making pro-
testing chain; variance in chain length is due to variance in the
cesses. Likewise, it is probable that paying forward generosity in
number of consenting children per classroom. Trials in which
human adults is not merely due to general positive affect, but is
instead the result of further cost/benefit analyses, secondary children (males = M; females = F) ‘gave what they got’ are bolded.
emotions like gratitude [15], adherence to cultural or religious Trials in which children paid forward negative outcomes are
norms [19], and/or means to attain the warm glow that comes as highlighted in blue; trials in which children paid forward positive
the result of being the cause of another’s good fortune [80]. In the outcomes are highlighted in yellow.
end, though, all of these more cognitively complex factors may (TIF)
merely be building on–or modifying–the simple strategies evident Methods S1 Supplemental methods.
in the behavior of organisms such as capuchin monkeys and (DOCX)
human children.
Our results indicate that the propagation of prosocial behavior Acknowledgments
within groups is not rooted in prosocial motives alone, but instead
emerges via a simple mechanism, shared across phylogeny and The authors wish to thank Anna Merrill, Nick Buttrick, Melissa Baranay,
ontogeny, that encourages paying forward both positive and Andre Alexander, Sarah Arn, Lara Boyle, Channler Hill, Adam Hoffman,
negative behaviors in kind. Our results suggest that even the most and Kelly Reina for their help in running these studies.
heartwarming acts of paying forward generosity likely have their
roots in a simple mechanism that is not limited to prosocial Author Contributions
tendencies. While emotions like gratitude and uniquely human Conceived and designed the experiments: KLL AFW MIN KRO KG
norms likely play a role in the extraordinary cases of paying LRS. Performed the experiments: KLL JW. Analyzed the data: KLL
forward generosity that make newspaper headlines, our data AFW. Wrote the paper: KLL AFW MIN KRO KG LRS.

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