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PCBET 25-601E


1. Highlight what are the sustainable strategies of Marks and Spencer.

Marks and Spencer (M&S) has implemented several sustainable strategies to reduce
their impact on the environment and encourage sustainable business practices across
the company.
As part of its commitment to sustainable sourcing, M&S has promised to buy products
from companies that meet specific standards for ethics and the environment. They work
closely with their suppliers to ensure their products are made in a way that is good for
the environment, respects human rights, and helps the communities where they are
made. M&S has taken some steps to improve its energy efficiency and use less energy
while promoting renewable energy. For example, they have installed energy-efficient
lighting and heating systems in their stores and invested in renewable energy sources
like wind and solar power. Reducing waste: M&S has made many efforts to reduce
waste in its operations, including its supply chain, stores, and offices. They have
reduced packaging, used reusable bags, and given food not sold to local charities.
Circular economy: M&S is committed to moving toward a circular economy model in
which resources are used and reused in a closed-loop system. They have started a
program called Plan A 2025, which aims to make M&S a zero-waste business and
create a business model that goes around in a circle. Community engagement: M&S is
very involved in the communities where it operates. It supports projects that help the
environment, education, and health. They have started programs like Sparks, which
helps local communities with donations and volunteer work.

2. Does Marks and Spencer practicing ethical decision making within their
operations and organization? How?
Marks and Spencer (M&S) is committed to making ethical decisions in their business
and organization, and they have implemented several programs to ensure they are
doing so. Ethical trading, M&S is committed to doing business fairly and honestly, and
they have a team that ensures their suppliers follow ethical standards. They also work
with groups like the Ethical Trading Initiative to promote trading practices that are fair
and honest. Supporting communities, M&S helps communities through programs like its
Sparks community program, which helps fund local community projects, and its
partnership with the charity Shelter, which helps homeless people. Employee
welfare, M&S cares about the well-being of its employees and has set up several
programs to ensure that its workers are treated fairly and with respect. For example,
they have a program to support the mental health of their employees and are committed
to paying them a fair wage.
3. Cite at least 3 three ethical practices of Johnson and Johnson towards
employees and stakeholders. Discuss each.

Johnson & Johnson is a global company that makes drugs and medical devices. It has a
good reputation for legally doing business. Here are three good things Johnson and
Johnson does for its employees and other important people:

Code of Conduct, Johnson & Johnson has a detailed code of conduct that tells all
employees how to act ethically. The principle of conduct is looked at yearly and can be
found in more than one language. It covers things like following rules and laws, having
conflicts of interest, taking bribes and being dishonest, and respecting human rights.
Johnson & Johnson also gives its employees regular training on the code of conduct so
that everyone knows their ethical responsibilities.

Supplier Standards, Johnson & Johnson has set up a program called "Supplier
Responsibility," which requires all suppliers to follow a set of moral rules. These
standards cover working conditions, human rights, protecting the environment, and
being honest in business. Suppliers are regularly checked to ensure they meet these
standards, and Johnson & Johnson works closely with them to fix any problems sure
they meet these standards, and Johnson & Johnson works closely with them to resolve
issues that are found.

Corporations' responsibilities to society, Johnson & Johnson gives much attention to

ethical business practices as part of its commitment to corporate social responsibility.
The company has big sustainability goals, like cutting greenhouse gas emissions,
reducing waste, and promoting diversity and inclusion. Johnson & Johnson also has a
charitable arm called the Johnson & Johnson Foundation. This foundation helps fund
projects that improve global health, community health, and the development of the
healthcare workforce.

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