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Lucía Alonso Martín 30/06/2023

Geological mapping 1
Course: Geological Mapping 1


Field Diary....................................................................................................................................................3
Map 1..........................................................................................................................................................9
Final Map...................................................................................................................................................10

Course: Geological Mapping 1


During the Geological Mapping 1 field trip, we spent five days in Velebit mapping a specific area. On the
first day, we were accompanied by our professors to observe the main lithologies and formations in the
area. We made eight stops in total.

For the remaining days, we split into groups of three and studied the assigned area. The predominant
lithology in the zone was dolomite, limestone, and some breccia could also be found.

The unit we studied exhibited an intercalated distribution of early diagenetic, late diagenetic, and
dolomites. At the base of the unit, we encountered dolomites, and there was a gradual transition to
limestone as we moved up the layers.

To differentiate between the different rock types, we paid special attention to the orientation of the
rocks, fossil content, and crystal size when obtaining fresh samples.

This fieldwork allowed us to create a detailed geological map of the area, identify the predominant
lithologies, and understand the distribution of the different geological units.

Field Diary

Day 1

Stop 1:

We observed a lithological unit of limestone with diploporeni, which is a white circular fossil. In this unit,
there is no bedding, and the rocks are irregularly distributed without distinct layering. The thickness of
this unit varies between 700 and 1000 meters.

Stop 2:

We encountered a more clastic zone with almost no noticeable bedding. The clasts in this arrangement
may contain water.

The rock observed here is late diagenetic dolomite intercalated with limestone packstone. In the lower
part, there is dolomite, and as we move towards the upper part, limestone becomes more prevalent,
indicating a gradual transition towards the upper section. Based on the dolomite-limestone ratio, we can
determine the older part of the unit. Late diagenetic dolomite lacks fossils due to the dolomitization
process and has crystal formations similar in size to sugar. Early diagenetic and late diagenetic dolomite
are intercalated in the lower part, distinguishable by differences in color, surface texture, and, in some
cases, fossil content.

Stop 3:

Course: Geological Mapping 1

In this unit, we encountered dolomite with an orientation of 195/45. The orientation at the base is
193/52, indicating that the oldest part is found at the base. These are primarily early diagenetic

Stop 4:

In this stop, we found an alternation of dolomite and limestone.

Stop 5:

We found limestone with fossil marks on the surface, indicating a possible Lower Jurassic age. The
spotted limestone also exhibits bioturbation.

Stop 6:

We also found spotted limestone with bioturbation, although there weren't many visible outcrops.

Stop 7:

There are visible outcrops of massive limestone at this stop, lacking distinct bedding.

Stop 8:

At the last stop, we encountered carbonate breccia.

Day 2

Point T1 – latediagenic dolomites,large number of cracks, bed 312/45

Point T2- clastites, small outcrops, rock that are of small dimensions

Point T3 – sandstone , red color

Point T4 – latediagenic dolomites, 330/20, 308/30 ----- 320/25, block of big dimensions, large number of
cracks, some blocks are mostly orange, rocks are gray/ light gray, red on some parts

Point T5 - earlydiagenic dolomites, bioturbation, 320/35, border between early and late diagenic

Point T6 - earlydiagenic dolomites 335/25, 338/30, characteristic cracks

Point T7 - earlydiagenic dolomites, outcrops at the intersection, one big outcrops and a few smaller
outcrops, dimension of the biggest outcrop are 1,2x0,7 m

Point T8 – dolomites, large number of small outcrops, on the fresh cut there are red colored parts, able
to see Ca, mnaybe interchanging between dolomites and limestones

Point T9 –diagenic dolomites dominate, small amount of limestone, halkdolomite 352/20, large number
of outcrops

Point T10 – earlydiagenic dolomites, big rock masses alongside the road, 318/14, 234/14 ----- 322/14

Course: Geological Mapping 1

Point T11 – spring , big possibility of clastites being beneath

a) – 292/20, 260/20 , earlydiagenic dolomite ,different orientation from previous points

Point T12 – 50 m from the previous point, clastites in situ, border beetwen clastites (South) and
dolomites (North)

- Subhorizontal layering, dolomites falling towards NW

Point T13 – clastites, azimuth towards the road/ dolomites 20°

Point T14 – earlydiagenic dolomites

Point T15 – 136 m from the spring, azimuth 145°

- Diploporus limestone, 3x3m outcrop

Point T16 – clastites, azimuth 230°

Point T17 - 186 steps from point 16, diploporus limestone going out of the clastites

- Border , sinkholes

Point T18 – 90 steps from the previous point, outcrop of diploporus limestone

Point T19 – 120 steps from previous point, new azimuth 305°

Point T20 – diploporus limestone

Point T21 – diploporus limestone

Point T22 – diploporus limestone

a) 30 m from point 22, appearance of red clastites

Point T23 – diploporus limestone

Point T24 – no outcrops, probably zone of clastites

Point T25 – diagenic dolomites , 306/25, 310/30

Day 3

Point T26 - diagenic dolomites, halkdolomites

Point T27 - diagenic dolomites

Point T28 - earlydiagenic dolomites

Point T29 – 100 m from the last point, earlydiagenic dolomites

Point T30 – 71 m from last point, big outcrops of diploporus limestone, clastites, brecciaconglomerates

Course: Geological Mapping 1

Point T31 – 40 m from last point, fragments of diploporus limestones in a field, terra rosa

- Recrystallized limestone, did not find clastites

a) 20 m from point 31, first real outcrops of diploporus limestones on the azimuth

Point T32 – 100 m on the azimuth, diploporus limestones

Point T33 - 100 m on the azimuth, big outcrops of diploporus limestones

Point T34 - 100 m on the azimuth, diploporus limestones

- Ahead of the point on the azimuth is a big sinkhole, dimension are 50x100m

Point T35 - 100 m on the azimuth, diploporus limestones

Point T36 - 100 m on the azimuth, diploporus limestones

Point T37 – 61,6 m on the azimuth, earlydiagenic dolomites

Point T38 - 70 m on the azimuth, 171/60, 194/23 -- 180/30, diploporus limestone

a) 20 m from the point we found a small pocket of clastites (10 m)

Point T39 – 112 m on the azimuth, earlydiagenic dolomites, 212/50, 212/45, 220/50 ---- 214/45

Point T40 – no outcrops, earlydiagenic dolomites near the point 208/45

Point T41 – azimuth 337°, no outcrops, earlydiagenic dolomites near the point

Point T42 – 45 m on the azimuth, outcrops of earlydiagenic dolomites 0/58, 6/57, 0/40, 358/41 ----- 0/50

Point T43 – 100 m on the azimuth, there are no outcrops

Point T44 - 100 m on the azimuth, outcrops of diploporus limestone 38/50, 30/48, 50/58 ------ 40/54

Point T45 - 100 m on the azimuth, outcrops of dolomites

Day 4

Point T46 - 100 m on the azimuth, outcrops of diploporus limestone, big variations of orientations of the

Point T47 – azimuth 350°, latediagenic dolomites

Point T48 – 70 m on the azimuth, earlydiagenic dolomites, 210/28, 220/20, 215/16 ------215/20

- Red sample “48”

Point T49 - 100 m on the azimuth, earlydiagenic dolomites, 175/25, 180/18 ----177/20

Point T50 - 100 m on the azimuth, earlydiagenic dolomites, 230/30, 228/10 ------ 229/20

Course: Geological Mapping 1

a) 20 m from point 50, interchanging between late and early diagenic dolomites

Point T51- interchanging between late and early diagenic dolomites

Point T52 - interchanging between late and early diagenic dolomites

Point T53 - interchanging between late and early diagenic dolomites, there are no outcrops on whom we
can measure orientation

A) 278/10, interchanging between late and early diagenic dolomites

Point T54 – appearance of clastites

Point T55 – conglomerates 20 m before the point, on the point there are diploporus limestones

Point T56 – there are no outcrops

A) azimuth 90°, diploporus limestone

Point T57 – diploporus limestone

Point T58 – there are no outcrops

a) azimuth 72° from point 58, outcrops of diploporus limestone

Point T59 - earlydiagenic dolomites, 215/35 new azimuth 215°

Point T60 - - interchanging between late and early diagenic dolomites, 230/60, 218/50

Point T61 – dolomites, we cannot measure orientations

Point T62 - earlydiagenic dolomites, probably clastites

Point T63 - earlydiagenic dolomites

Point T64 – there are no outcrops

Point T65 – first appearance of diploporus limestone from the last points

Point T66 - diploporus limestone, azimuth 293°, 20 m alongside the road we see earlydiagenic dolomites

Point T67 – big outcrops of diploporus limestone

Point T68 - diploporus limestone

Point T69 - diploporus limestone

Point T70 - diploporus limestone, 102/30

A) 60 m from point 70, diploporus limestone 132/38

Point T71 – clay and tuff, 110/40, 130/38

Point T72 - clay and tuff, 158/36, 168/30

Course: Geological Mapping 1

Day 5

Point 71 – dolomites

Point 72 – diploporus limestones

Point 73 - diploporus limestones, 174/24

Point 74 - diploporus limestones that is much darker in color

Point 75 – diploporus limestones, is not darker in color

Point 76 - brecciaconglomerates

Point 77 – brecciaconglomerates


Based on the integration of all the map sections and observations of the orientations and arrangements
of limestone and dolomite, it can be concluded that there is a syncline in this area. In the central zone of
the map, we predominantly find limestone with diploporeni fossils. Moving towards the eastern zone,
there are early diagenetic and late diagenetic dolomites, which represent the oldest rocks in this unit.

The syncline indicates a downward fold in the rock layers, with the youngest rocks exposed in the center
and the older rocks on the flanks. The presence of diploporeni fossils in the limestone suggests a marine
depositional environment, while the intercalation of early and late diagenetic dolomites indicates
varying diagenetic processes and changes in sedimentation conditions over time.

Furthermore, the alternation between limestone and dolomite in some stops, along with the presence
of spotted limestone and bioturbation, points to periods of changing depositional and diagenetic
environments. These variations in lithology and fossil content provide valuable insights into the
geological history and evolution of the studied area.

In conclusion, the geological mapping and analysis reveal the presence of a syncline in the area, with a
central zone characterized by limestone with diploporeni fossils and eastern zones exhibiting early and
late diagenetic dolomites as the oldest rocks.

Course: Geological Mapping 1

Map 1

Course: Geological Mapping 1

Final Map


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