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TD 2 English :

I chose to talk about the flag of Zimbabwe which is an important symbol of its
identity and its history. The history of the flag dates back to the country's independence in
1980 when ZANU-PF came to power.
The colors of the flag represent the values of the party: red and yellow for the Shona
culture, green for the earth, and black for Africans. It also features a bird representing the
country's national bird, the Zimbabwe bird, which symbolizes wisdom, intelligence and

10 countries:

-Argentina; nationality is Argentinian and the language is Spanish

-Brazil; Brazilian; Portuguese

-Bulgaria; Bulgarian; Bulgarian

-China; Chinese; Chinese

-Colombia; Colombian; Spanish

-South Korea; South Korean; Korean

-Denmark; Danish; Danish

-Croatia; Croatian; Croatian

-Egypt; Egyptian; Arabic

-Finland; Finnish; Finnish

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