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Name: Aya


My partner showed me affection by… complimenting me always, holding my hand and

other parts of my body, kissing, and all forms of physical and non-physical affection. I
cannot list it all down here because he gave me lots of affection. Literally, I couldn’t ask for
more. He’s the best.

I was happy when my partner… is happy, moreover, whenever he’s listening to me.
Understanding and deep patience towards me. He respects me, he’s always up to my ideas,
and he’s being kind to me nonverbal and verbally.

The best part of the time we spent together today was… I think this activity is because we
will learn a lot from each other.


Something good my partner did today was… I am writing this while having negative
emotions within me because of my hormones and I think because of us too but it will never
affect my answer here. I prefer objectivity. Anyway, it was telling me how much he loves
me. He’s lovely.

My partner made me laugh by… making a joke or trying to make me smile or laugh.

I was grateful for my partner when… he understands me deeply, he was kind to me, and he
respect me.


Something my partner accomplished today… he go to their house not late.

My partner helped me by… carrying my things, he always does this all the time.

A challenge my partner overcame… hard days.


I was thankful for my partner when… takes care of me and he’s affectionate to me.

I noticed one of my partner’s strengths when… I talk to him when he’s up to something.

I was impressed when my partner… when debunks my idea or he voice his opinion in a
nicer way. Also, when he chose to stay calm no matter how hard to understand me
sometimes. Lastly, when I am so mad and he knows how to make me calm.


Something memorable my partner and I did today was… ml while we were both tired and

My partner showed me affection by… kissing, hugging, and asking me if I’m okay

I was proud of my partner when… he’s listening attentively


Something fun my partner and I did together was…

I felt admiration toward my partner when…

Something good my partner did was...


I was proud of my partner when…

The best part of the time we spent together today was…

I noticed one of my partner’s strengths when...

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