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According to Ding-dong theory, original sounds people made were supposedly in harmony with the world around them.

What is
the downside of this theory?


No, language contains many interjections.

Relatively, few words are onomatopoeic, and these words vary from one language to another.

. Apart from some rare instances of sound symbolism, there is no persuasive evidence, in any language, of an innate connection
between sound and meaning.

This theory still fails to account for the gap between emotional and the rational aspects of speech expression.

Which of the following levels does a beginner make more errors?


discourse level

semantic level

sentence level

word level

The most useful term for describing the linguistic input to the language learning child is


infant-directed speech

child-directed speech

caregiver speech

imitative speech

Onew is an analytic learner. Which of the following is his preference when learning?


He enjoys conversations and the chance for interaction with others.

He is more focused on the whole picture and does not care so much about the details.

He learns better by touching and manipulating objects.

He breaks down the problem into causes to identify the real problem.

Which domain in language learning is affected in this situation: In the middle of his report, Harry started to pause long and
excessively, and started to stutter every time he started a sentence. This happened after his groupmates laughed at him after
he mispronounced a word.





None of the choices

Which of the following statement does not support the Nativist theory?


Language acquisition is the result of nature and nurture

Language acquisition is biologically determined.

Language acquisition happens because of the interaction between the Universal Grammar and the child’s L1.

The human brain is hard-wired to acquire language.

Which of the following is an example of rote learning?



chain mnemonics

part learning

all of the above

Second languages learned as adults are rarely forgotten even if they are not used regularly

Second language begins with telegraphic speech.

None of the above.

It refers to a teaching situation where teacher is very much in control of the instructional process.


High-structure Teaching

Low-structure Teaching

Medium-structure Teaching

Moderate-structure Teaching

Which of the following is an NOT an example of a traditional language classroom?


Learners are taught chiefly about language and its rules.

Teachers role is providing opportunities through which learners might structure their own understanding.

Learner is as a relatively passive recipient of knowledge.

The teacher’s role is to provide knowledge by transmitting it to the learner through teacher-front modes of learning

through constant contact with native speakers in the community

in online platforms

through self-study

It is best to learn a second language:


in a classroom where you can focus on the grammar where you can receive help from the teacher

through constant contact with native speakers in their own society

both of the above approaches are effective

none of the above

At what stage does development of gestures, making adequate eye contact, and sound repartee between infant occur?




multiple-word sentences

adult-like language
Which among the metacognitive strategies shows checking the outcomes of one's own language learning against an internal
measure of completeness and accuracy?



Selective attention



It is the study of the relationship between language and the brain.




brain train

language of the brain

Grammar-Translation Method

Direct Method

Audiolingual Method

Gouin and Series Method

Language acquisition _______.


is best understood by watching animals communicate.

is a theory that is agreed upon by the psychological community.

cannot happen among deaf community.

is the process by which we learn to communicate in meaningful ways

Teacher asks a student to sing any song to psych-up the class

Teacher starts the class by asking students about how they feel about the election tension.

Which of the following situations shows the interplay of nature and nurture in language acquisition?


Three-year old Lilo code-switches between her L1 Tagalog and her L2 English.

Carl picks up sounds he hears from his environment very quickly.

John has difficulty imitating words he hears from his parents.

Lily is showing speech delay.

Which of the following reflects an effective self-evaluation strategy?


Daphne has the habit of writing down questions on a notebook while reviewing her notes and at the end of every unit of study,
she would answer those questions without looking at her notes.

Daphne schedules her study time for each of her subjects.

Daphne takes a brain break when she feels that she’s having difficulty in absorbing information from her notes.

Daphne consults the dictionary and other references when she’s having problems with understanding words and content.

It is the mother tongue or the native language.

Completely acquired with 100% proficiency within 6 years from birth.

Any language that a person uses other than his native language.

It begins with telegraphic speech.

Which of the following will make Second Language Acquisition impossible to happen?


Absence of L2 input

Lack of motivation

Low self-confidence

High anxiety level

The teacher assigns poetry writing to assess the vocabulary of her students. What feedback method would she most likely use
to consider both the subjective and discrete elements in the outputs?


A rubric that covers both the subjective and discrete elements of the output
A general feedback that comments on the work in general

A rubric that includes general criteria for evaluation

A subjective feedback that focuses only on vocabulary since it is the language element being tested using poetry


the feedback should focus solely on the student’s error

the feedback should humiliate the student

the feedback should be targeted, specific and timely

the feedback should be destructive

Which of the following helps a learner to get a comprehensive preview of the organizing concept or principle in an anticipated
learning activity?


Directed attention

Selective attention


Advanced organizers

Regardless of culture, children begin to learn language around the same time all over the world. At about what age is this?


between 6 and 8 months

between 8 and 28 months

between 2 and 4 years

between 5 and 7 years

What is the main problem about imitation and language acquisition?

Imitation is relevant during the early stages of L1

Imitation is limited to the surface structure of language

Imitation lacks context

Imitation does not prove competence

A child says, "That Harry!" and the parent says, "No, that's John," the child might readily self-correct and say, "Oh, dat John."
What issue in Language Acquisition is referred in the statement?


Language and Thought


Practice and Frequency


share the expected outcome when they finish performing the task

keep the outcome from the students

provide opportunities for students to exchange information with focus on meaning

put a time limit to the accomplishment of the task

Why do people form attributions?


They are motivated to predict future social events.

They are motivated to control future social events.

They are motivated to increase their own self-esteem.

Both A and B

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Learners must individually discover and transform complex information if they are to make it their own." Which school of
thought can be referred by this statement?




None of the above

Which situation does not demonstrate a communicative classroom.


Students take down notes from a lecture.

Students perform a role –play which they wrote themselves.

Students were grouped and tasked to write a list of cooking instruction for beginners.

Students present their own improvisation of a Shakespearean sonnet through a choric speech

What is the key aspect in behavioral learning theory?


positive reinforcement

imitation response


social interaction

How can a teacher balance fluency and accuracy?


continuously give feedback when a student makes a mistake

encourage students to make mistakes all the time

know when to correct mistakes or errors of students

humiliate students in front of their peers

Teacher Jess teaches English learners using the communicative approach. Which of the following is most likely a class activity
that he will use?


Students describe their favorite food.

Students fill out worksheet on nouns and verbs.

Teacher Jess demonstrates how to diagram a sentence.

Teacher Jess explains irregular plural nouns.

Which of the following statements is true about the effect of language?


Bilingual people usually perform math and other complicated mental tasks with their first language.

Second languages learned as adults are rarely forgotten even if they are not used regularly

Second language begins with telegraphic speech.

None of the above.

When it comes to applying learning theory in the classroom, the most pressing problem for educators is______.


getting students to learn

presenting the learning material in a gender-neutral manner

presenting students with the right stimuli on which to focus their attention and mental effort

finding age-appropriate learning materials

What can Teacher Sam do to help students understand a reading text?


Start with vocabulary lessons first.

Start with warm-up games.

Start with a general question that leads to the topic on the reading selection.

Start with a silent reading of the selection.

What is the main argument of the nativist approach to the Stimulus-Response theory?


the generative process of language

the limited creativity present in child language

the behavior and the responses

the feedback to surroundings by a child

How can a learner demonstrate his capacity to use language in context?


relate new informal information to other concepts in memory

place a word or phrase in a meaningful language sequence

Use target language reference materials

Relate new information to visual concepts in memory

To maximize language learning using collaborative activities, the teacher should:


Design activities that require a common written output from the group.

Design activities that will assign specific communicative roles to each member of the group.

Design activities that are technical.

Design activities that require research.

It is best to learn a second language:


in a grammar class where one can ask help from the teacher

through constant contact with native speakers in the community

in online platforms

through self-study

It is best to learn a second language:


in a classroom where you can focus on the grammar where you can receive help from the teacher

through constant contact with native speakers in their own society

both of the above approaches are effective

none of the above

Learning is fundamentally a process that involves the making of mistakes.





Not sure

The phonics teacher models the one-syllable words written on the board to her students by saying the individual sounds first,
and then the word. Then she asks the students to repeat after her two times. After that, she allows time for independent
practice, then calls the students one by one to read the words. What principle is she using in this strategy?





Social interactionism

Young children could not be taught language directly because:


They lack the necessary metalinguistic skill

They have underdeveloped language faculty

They have limited exposure to language

They cannot process information yet

In her English subject, Samantha is very active in recitation and oral performances. But when it comes to listening tests, she is
indifferent. What is affecting her behavior?





What best describes a constructivist theory in a classroom?


Students working quietly

Cooperative groupings

Teacher led lecture

Students are passive learners

It is the ability to internalize value system and let them control the person’s behavior.






When does a learner receive feedback?


when the learner is asked to repeat what was said

when the learner is praised by the teacher

when the learner is given instructions

when the learner is rewarded

Gia learns more by touching and manipulating objects. Gia shows what kind of learning style?





Which of the following teachers dealt with language error appropriately?


Teacher Lee jotted down the common speech errors of his students and discussed them generally after the presentations.

Teacher Kim stops a student during recitation to clarify a statement.

Teacher Choi returns the corrected essay of his students with red markings all over their papers.

Teacher Song tolerates all the pronunciation errors of his students because according to him, the language is not their L1.

Which one is a result to direct instruction?


Theories in language

Language learning

language acquisition

Principles in language

Which of the following does not support the principle of Universal Grammar (UG)?


(All) human languages share certain properties.

Children are exposed to different input yet converge on the same grammar.

Social interaction is crucial to the acquisition of the rules of grammar.

Children acquire knowledge for which there is no evidence in the input.

Which of the following method was most widely accepted in private language schools where students were highly motivated
and where native-speaking teachers could be employed?


Grammar-Translation Method

Direct Method

Audiolingual Method

Gouin and Series Method

This refers specifically to the belief that the learning process consisted of the formation of associations between stimuli and
reflexive responses.




Classical conditioning

Operant conditioning

In a speech class, which of the following test will maximize language learning using feedback?


Partial production test that requires students to mark stressed syllables.

Dictation that requires students to mark syllables stressed by the teacher

Students are to read a list of pair words that may be stressed on the first or second syllable

Students write sentences using words with contrastive stress.

Which of the following best explains nativist approach on language?


Language is learned through a combination of the environment and an innate ability.

Infants are able to learn their native language but not other languages.

Language is learned because of an innate, biological ability we are born with.

The environment is primarily responsible for language acquisition and biology is secondary.

What is Dan Slobin's claim on language acquisition?


semantic learning depends on cognitive development

children learn language by what they already know

language learning is dependent on structural complexity

language is developed in the interactions

As a teacher who pursues communicative competence, what will be the atmosphere of my classroom?


students ultimately have to use the language, productively and receptively in unrehearsed contexts

students will be motivated to construct perfect sentences

students will be competitive and thoroughly practice the four macro skills

students will keep on rehearsing ready-made responses for unexpected situations

Which of the following is also known as a global learner?


Kinesthetic Learner

Reflective Learner

Impulsive Learner

field-dependent learners

Which among the options is an internal and unstable factor over which the learner can exercise a great deal of control?




Task Difficulty


In learning a language, this approach is the most fit. Which one is it?


direct method

inductive approach

indirect method

deductive approach

A function of the Broca’s’s area is for:







Anna is beginning to say expressions like, “Mommy, no!”, “Please, milk.”, “Catch ball.”. What stage of language development
shows this behavior?


Prelinguistic stage

Holophrastic stage

Two-word stage

Multiple-word stage

Which of the following theory’s principle is observed in a classroom activity that requires cooperative grouping?


Behaviorist theory

Constructivist theory

Humanist theory

Social Interactionist theory

The “nature” argument suggests that people socialize and behave in certain ways because of


the way they are raised

the cultural expectations of the society

the alignment of the body structure

the way they are born

This is the characteristic of feedback that is goal-referenced and consistent.







Grade 10 student Joy chunks her review time into 30 minutes per subject, and later answers short tests she herself prepares at
the end of the day. What metacognitive strategy does her habit show?






The damage to this specific part of the brain was related to extreme difficulty in producing speech.


Broca’s area

Wernicke’s area

Motor cortex

Arcuate fasciculus

Which of the following situations exemplify low-structure teaching?


The reading lesson is chunked into tasks that use various strategies.

The speech lesson starts with the teacher’s modeling of the sounds, words, and phrases for study.

The writing activity is a guided task with specific instructions.

The text, tasks, and evaluation for the listening activity are all determined by the teacher.

Which situation exemplifies a comprehensible input?



Teacher introduces a lesson on verbs by asking students to list down five things they did right after waking up

Teacher asks students to get a sheet of paper for a short quiz on the previous lesson

Teacher asks a student to sing any song to psych-up the class

Teacher starts the class by asking students about how they feel about the election tension.

They make errors spanning word, sentence, and discourse levels, but they make a majority of their errors at the word and
sentence level.



intermediate learners

proficient learners

advanced learners

Jane who is learning English says, “The girl is so pretty-pretty,”. She cannot think of the superlative degree of the word ‘pretty’
so she uses her knowledge of Tagalog superlative structure of repetition (ang ganda-ganda). This shows what cognitive






What would be a practical and appropriate use of punishment in the classroom?


Loss of privileges contingent upon unacceptable behavior- such as having to stay in during recess for talking out of turn

Providing a positive reinforcer for stopping unacceptable behavior

Corporal punishment

Loss of privileges for unspecified behaviors

Which of the following does not play a significant role in the child’s learning of language?


imitation of adult speech

learning rules for sound combinations

learning rules for sentence structure

learning rules for interaction patterns

A teacher’s praise can be an effective motivator if:


praise is delivered just for showing up for class.

praise is delivered contingently.

praise focuses student’s attention on their neighbors’ task-relevant behavior.

praise is delivered the same day the praised behavior happens.

Which statement is true about Second Language Acquisition?


A learner will never reach first language proficiency in L2.

There is no single way of learning L2.

L1 hinders the learning of L2.

A learner can learn one L2 at a time.

All of the options are characteristics of kinesthetic learners EXCEPT:


They cannot learn if they don't move a lot.

They like to move when learning

They prefer not to sit still

They need frequent breaks in desk activities.

Teacher Larry wants to maximize the use of Task-Based Instruction. Which of the following is most likely a class activity that
Larry will use?


Students will practice their cursive handwriting.

Students will have spelling quiz bee.

Students will gather information to make a poster.

Students will have a daily quiz.

A ____________ believes that effective language behavior is the production of correct responses to the stimuli.






Which of the following situations is most appropriate for differentiated feedback?


The students performed a choric speech.

The students were assigned reading groups to work on a home reading report

The class is composed of fast and slow readers and they will be tested individually in reading.

The students took a pencil-paper objective test on verb tenses.

Which of the following cognitive strategies defines as using target language reference materials?





Note taking
Which of the following defines a second language?


It is the mother tongue or the native language.

Completely acquired with 100% proficiency within 6 years from birth.

Any language that a person uses other than his native language.

It begins with telegraphic speech.

When the teacher asks students to name onomatopoeic words that derived directly from natural sounds, this resonates which
language origin theory?


Bow-wow theory

Ding-dong theory

La-la theory

Yo-he-ho theory

All of the following are example of active learners EXCEPT:


Faith ponders the answer to the question and then share her thoughts with her classmates.

Rafael reviews and comments on materials written by his classmate.

Jeff takes down note of the topic discussed by the teacher.

Ricardo is given a chance to do a debate with his classmates.

When it comes to applying learning theory in the classroom, what is the most pressing problem for educators?


getting students to learn

presenting the learning material in a gender-neutral manner

presenting students with the right stimuli on which to focus their attention and mental effort

finding age-appropriate learning materials

What is the difference between competence and performance?


competence involves doing; performance involves knowing

competence involves knowing; performance involve doing

competence develops ahead of production; performance does not affect production

competence does not affect production; performance develops ahead of production

From a behaviorist point of view, why should language errors be addressed by the teacher?


Because errors hinder language development

Because uncorrected errors become habits in language use

Because errors lead to L1 and L2 interference

Because errors are naturally-occurring language behavior

In this form of Second Language Teaching, the ultimate goal is to enable the learner to communicate with other in the world
beyond the classrooms where they will not have a teacher on hand.


Contemporary classrooms

Traditional classrooms

High prestige

Case study classrooms

Teacher May always includes collaborative communicative activities in her language classes. What directs her method?





Social Interactionism
How will a language teacher create a learning environment for learners with language difficulty?


By sticking to the curriculum

By designing activities that match the students’ aptitude

By using various strategies that addresses the students’ specific learning needs

By shifting to more subjective monitoring methods

What is a learning style?


Learning style is a part of learning strategies that all high school students must enroll in at some point.

Learning style is the way individuals prefer to learn.

Learning style is the only way you can learn.

Option B and C are correct.

This is one factor that affects language acquisition that pertains to the learner’s introversion and extroversion that makes a
huge difference in the learning process of the second language.






What characteristic/s should a feedback have in order to be effective?


the feedback should focus solely on the student’s error

the feedback should humiliate the student

the feedback should be targeted, specific and timely

the feedback should be destructive

Which of the following helps a learner to get a comprehensive preview of the organizing concept or principle in an anticipated
learning activity?


Directed attention

Selective attention


Advanced organizers

How will a teacher encourage students who are performing poorly in spelling?


Stick to using simpler words.

Have students monitor themselves using a progress chart.

Have the students stay after class for extra spelling session.

Alternate spelling activities with games.

Which of the following combination of affective factors shows a tendency to acquire language more successfully?


Low anxiety, high motivation, high confidence

Low anxiety, low motivation, high confidence

Low anxiety, high motivation, low confidence

High anxiety, high motivation, low confidence

Which of the following best describes the difference between rote learning and meaningful learning?


There is no difference between them.

Rote learning involves a lot of writing while meaningful learning focuses a lot on reading.

Rote learning is remembering verbatim while meaningful learning is the application of the information

None of the above

How can principles of stimulus generalization be used to aid learning in the classroom?


By using many examples from different contexts. For example, teaching the relationship between supply and demand can be
taught by using examples from grocery shopping and the value of natural resources

By using it in conjunction with punishment

By using multiple choice tests in the classroom

By rehearsing the same material over and over until the students get it right

It serves as orientation towards learning.

It impacts how likely a student is either to give up or push forward.

It is a predictor of learning and achievement.

All of the above

What is Universal Grammar?


It is a theory of linguistics for L1.

It is a theory that explains and describes all types of language.

It is a theory that aims to describe and explain human language.

It is the ability to distinguish speech sounds.

What should a teacher do to make students aware of the purpose of a task?


share the expected outcome when they finish performing the task

keep the outcome from the students

provide opportunities for students to exchange information with focus on meaning

put a time limit to the accomplishment of the

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