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Cycle of Poverty

Poverty is a complex issue that affects individuals and families across the globe. The
cycle of poverty occurs when individuals are born into impoverished circumstances, and
poverty persists across successive generations. This means that when someone is born
into a poor family, they often end up in poverty themselves, and this pattern continues.
This cycle is like a chain that ties people down, making it very hard for them to improve
their financial situation. It affects not only the individuals trapped in it but also the entire
community and society. This essay will look at why this cycle is so hard to break and the
reasons behind it and understand the challenges people face in trying to escape

The cycle of poverty begins when a child is born into a poor family. These families often
have limited or no resources to create opportunities to advance themselves, which
leaves them stuck in the poverty trap. A poverty trap is a self-reinforcing mechanism
that causes poverty to persist unless there is outside intervention and there are several
forms of poverty traps, including economic poverty traps, geographic poverty traps,
health-related poverty traps, and educational poverty traps. Many factors contribute to
creating a poverty trap, including limited access to credit and capital markets, extreme
environmental degradation, corrupt governance, poor education systems, lack of public
healthcare, war, and poor infrastructure.

Children are mostly affected by the cycle of poverty. They are dependent on their
parents and therefore can’t pull themselves out of poverty because of their young age
and lack of resources. Children living in poverty are more likely to experience illness
due to unsafe water and poor sanitation, malnutrition, lack of access to education, and
inadequate health care. To break the cycle of poverty, it is essential to address these
challenges and provide children with access to basic needs, healthcare, and
opportunities, this can help them develop the skills and confidence they need to
succeed additionally, community support programs and access to technology can help
children break free from the cycle of poverty and improve their quality of life.

One of the main reasons why it is so hard for people to break the cycle of poverty is the
lack of access to education. Education is a key factor in breaking the cycle of poverty. It
provides individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to secure better-paying jobs
and improve their standard of living. However, children living in poverty often lack
access to quality education due to financial constraints, poor infrastructure, and
inadequate resources. This lack of access to education perpetuates the cycle of
poverty, making it difficult for individuals to break free from it. Another reason is the
need for job opportunities, poor families often live in areas with limited job opportunities,
which makes it difficult for them to secure employment. This lack of job opportunities
perpetuates the cycle of poverty, making it difficult for individuals to break free from it.

Also, analyzing poverty from a physiological perspective, it becomes clear how it can
have a significant psychological impact on individuals. Poverty can lead to feelings of
hopelessness, low self-esteem, and depression. These psychological factors can make
it difficult for people to break the cycle of poverty. The psychological impact of poverty
can be particularly severe for children, who may experience chronic stress, anxiety, and
depression as a result of their living conditions. Children living in poverty may also
experience social exclusion, which can cause feelings of hopelessness and low
self-esteem. The psychological impact of poverty can also lead to a lack of motivation
and a sense of helplessness, which can make it difficult for individuals to take the
necessary steps to escape poverty. Moreover, the stigma associated with poverty can
lead to feelings of shame and embarrassment, which can further perpetuate the cycle of

There are several reasons why it is so hard for people to break the cycle of poverty, but
one specific and relevant reason is that the cost of living is rising but the minimum wage
is not. The minimum wage is the least amount of money an employer must pay workers
for the hours they work, this means that when the minimum wage is set too low, it can
contribute to poverty because workers may struggle to cover their basic living expenses,
which can lead to financial hardship. Ensuring that the minimum wage is at a
reasonable level is important for preventing and reducing poverty, as it provides workers
with a better chance of meeting their essential needs and improving their economic

In conclusion, the cycle of poverty is a complicated problem that begins when a child is
born into a poor family and often continues throughout their life. Various factors keep
this cycle going, but the most relevant ones are not having good access to education,
not enough job opportunities, the emotional impact it has, and the fact that the cost of
living is going up while the minimum wage stays the same. All of these things make it
tough for people to escape poverty. To make a change, it's essential to give everyone a
chance to get a good education, fair opportunities, support for the emotional impact of
poverty, and raise the minimum wage so that people can afford their basic needs. This
would not only help individuals but it will also help us improve as a society.

Dubay, Alicia. “What Is the Cycle of Poverty.” World Vision Canada, Organization, 4 Mar. 2021,

Chen, James. “Poverty Trap: Definition, Causes, and Proposed Solutions.” Investopedia,
Investopedia, 25 Sept. 2023,

Organization, International Labour. “1.1 Definition and Purpose.” Chapter 1: What Is a Minimum
Wage: 1.1 Definition and Purpose, 3 Dec. 2015,

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