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Great impact attraction

1 balance 1 steel ball
1 big marble 1 football or basketball
1 tiny marble 1 flex meter
1 ping pong ball 4 kg of refined sand
1 tennis or squash ball 30 cm ruler
1 plastic tub

1. Choose 2 heights between 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240 cm.
2. Two members of the team will make a chart and write down the mass of all de balls and marbles.
3. Meanwhile another teammate will do a uniform sand mound in the plastic tub. It is important that the
mound is natural, without forcing the form.
4. Then standing next to the tub, with the flexometer measure the first height chose in step 1.
5. Take one of the objects and release it from the pointed height to the tip of the sand mound.
6. Measure the depth of the “crater” that the object left in the sand.
7. Repeat steps 4 to 6 with all the objects you gathered.
8. Repeat steps 3 to 7 with the second height you chose.
9. Concentrate the information of all the teams and heights in a class chart and compare the measurements
of the craters.
10. Make a graph of the results.

Cii criterion assessment: interpret data and outline results using scientific reasoning.


1. Were the depths of the craters the same?

2. Try to explain your previous answer.
3. How the height affects the crater depth?
4. How the mass affects the crater depth?
5. Which relationship has the acceleration with the energy?
6. Which relationship has the objects mass with its energy?

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