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Based on your own opinion, what was the most significant organization

formed by Rizal?
➔ In my perspective, "La Solidaridad" is the most important organization
founded by Jose Rizal. In order to articulate the Propaganda Movement's
objective of attaining assimilation with Spain, La Solidaridad was
founded. On February 15, 1889, La Solidaridad published its inaugural
issue. Regular contributor to La Solidaridad, a newspaper published by
Filipinos in Barcelona, Spain, Rizal wrote pieces supporting political,
religious, and social reform. The activities of a group of Filipinos who
demanded political reforms in their country in the late 19th century and
wrote books, pamphlets, and newspaper articles to inform others about
their objectives and the problems they were attempting to solve were
collectively referred to as the Propaganda Movement. Even though it
wasn't revolutionary at first, the paper's attempt to exert political
pressure on the Spanish government contributed to the formation of a
unified front for Filipino independence.

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