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1) How does agroforestry contribute to the conservation of biodiversity in community-

based forest management areas?

2) What are the key economic incentives for local communities to engage in agroforestry
within forest management zones?
3) Can you provide evidence of successful agroforestry models in different community-
based forest management areas, and what factors contribute to their success?
4) What are the potential challenges and conflicts that might arise between traditional
forest management practices and agroforestry initiatives?
5) How does agroforestry impact the livelihoods and food security of local communities
in forest management areas, and what are the trade-offs involved?
6) What policies or legal frameworks currently support or hinder the adoption of
agroforestry in community-based forest management areas?
7) Are there any notable case studies of community-led agroforestry initiatives that
demonstrate improved land tenure and resource governance?
8) What sustainable agroforestry practices can be promoted to ensure long-term
environmental benefits in forest management areas?
9) How does the integration of agroforestry affect the social dynamics and gender roles
within local communities involved in forest management?
10) What are the key recommendations for policymakers and practitioners to enhance the
adoption and success of agroforestry in community-based forest management areas,
based on the findings of the report?
11) Imagine you are a community leader in a DENR-managed forest area. How would
you initiate a discussion on the implementation of adaptive co-management for
agroforestry with your fellow community members?

12) In a community-based forest managed by DENR, you've observed that the

agroforestry system is struggling due to changing climate patterns. How would you
propose adapting the management approach to address this issue?

13) As a DENR representative, how would you encourage local communities to actively
participate in the adaptive co-management of agroforestry systems within their forest
management area?

14) You're a forest technician working for DENR, and you notice that certain agroforestry
practices are not yielding expected results in a community-managed forest area. What
steps would you take to support the community in adjusting their approach?

15) A community in a DENR-managed forest is interested in diversifying their

agroforestry crops. How would you assist them in identifying suitable species and
developing a planting plan?

16) A conflict arises within a community-based forest management area regarding

resource use and agroforestry practices. How would you mediate the conflict and
promote adaptive co-management as a solution?

17) In a community-based forest managed by DENR, the local population has grown
rapidly, putting pressure on the agroforestry resources. How would you adapt the
management plan to ensure sustainability?

18) A severe pest outbreak threatens the agroforestry system in a community-managed

forest area. How would you employ adaptive co-management strategies to address
this issue and protect the ecosystem?
19) You are a researcher studying the effectiveness of adaptive co-management in
agroforestry within DENR-managed areas. How would you design a study to assess
the long-term impacts and benefits of this approach?

20) As a representative of a local NGO, you want to collaborate with DENR and
community-based forest management areas to promote adaptive co-management of
agroforestry. How would you approach DENR and the communities to foster this
collaboration and initiate projects?

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