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[Opening Scene]

[Captivating visuals of pristine nature, showcasing its beauty and serenity]

Narrator: Surrounded by natural wonders and abundant with life, our planet is an amazing place.
However, there is a growing threat beneath its surface that puts its very existence in danger – improper
waste disposal.

Scene 1: Show how busy people are and vehicles on the road.

Narrator (while introducing the members): Many people find themselves engrossed in the daily
commotion of today’s fast-paced world, where time is increasingly valuable. This frequently results in
disregarding correct waste disposal procedures, which has detrimental effects on the environment and
human health. In this advocacy, we hope to raise awareness of the difficulties that people encounter
when disposing of waste and to stress the significance of responsible waste management. A group of
passionate individuals from Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education, known as set B, has taken up
the challenge to make a difference.

Scene 2: Introduce the target barangay.

Narrator: In the heart of our community lies a barangay that is grappling with a significant challenge –
the barangay (name of barangay). Despite its vibrant and close-knit community, this barangay is facing
environmental and health hazards due to the mismanagement of waste.

[Act 1: Understanding the Problem]

Scene 1: Show the place with improper waste disposal

[Visuals of different types of waste (land and water) – plastic, electronic, organic, etc.]

Narrator: Waste can take many different forms, including organic materials, electrical devices, and plastic
bottles. The ecology suffers greatly when these wastes are disposed improperly.

Scene 2: Environmental Impact (can interview anyone from the barangay and CENRO)

[Scene of polluted landscapes, contaminated water bodies, and struggling wildlife]

Narrator: Our ecosystems suffer greatly as a result of inappropriate waste disposal, which contaminates
our soil, water, and air. The sensitive ecosystems are disturbed, endangering wildlife and upsetting the
natural equilibrium.

Questions can be asked: Can be translated into Waray

1. How aware are you of the environmental impact of improper waste disposal? (people)
2. Have you witnessed any instances of improper waste disposal in your community? If so, what
nowere the consequences? (people)
3. What do you think are the major environmental consequences of improper waste disposal?
(people and CENRO)
4. How do you think improper waste disposal affects the quality of air, water, and soil in your area?
(people and CENRO)
5. In your opinion, what are the potential health risks associated with improper waste disposal?
6. How do you think improper waste disposal contributes to the depletion of natural resources?
7. Are you familiar with any specific cases where wildlife or marine life has been affected by
improper waste disposal? (CENRO)
8. What do you believe are the long-term effects of improper waste disposal on the overall
ecosystem? (people and CENRO)
9. How do you think improper waste disposal impacts climate change and global warming?
10. In your view, what steps can individuals and communities take to mitigate the environmental
impact of improper waste disposal? (people and CENRO)

Scene 3: Human Health (interview people/doctor/CENRO)

[Scene of people living near landfills, suffering from respiratory issues]

Narrator: Improper waste disposal puts human health at serious risk in addition to harming the
environment. The air we breathe and the water we drink can get contaminated with toxic chemicals and
pollutants that are produced from garbage, which can cause respiratory issues and other illnesses.

Questions can be asked: Can be translated into Waray

1. Are you aware of the potential health risks associated with improper waste disposal?
2. Have you or anyone you know experienced any health issues that could be attributed to
improper waste disposal in your community?
3. How do you think improper waste disposal affects the quality of air, water, and soil, and
subsequently, human health?
4. Are you familiar with any specific cases where improper waste disposal has led to outbreaks of
diseases or infections?
5. In your opinion, what are the most significant health risks posed by improper waste disposal?
6. How do you think improper waste disposal impacts the overall well-being and quality of life in a
7. Are there any specific groups of people, such as children, elderly, or individuals with pre-existing
health conditions, who may be more vulnerable to the health effects of improper waste
8. Have you noticed any symptoms or health issues that could potentially be linked to improper
waste disposal in your area?
9. What measures do you think should be taken to protect public health from the impacts of
improper waste disposal?
10. In your view, how can individuals and communities raise awareness about the importance of
proper waste disposal for human health?
[Act 2: Exploring the Causes]

Scene 1: Lack of Awareness

[Visuals of people discarding waste improperly, wastes in land and water]

Narrator: Ignorance is one of the main reasons incorrect garbage disposal occurs. Many people don’t
realize how their activities affect other people or how important it is to manage garbage responsibly.

Scene 2: Inadequate Infrastructure

[Scene of overflowing landfills and inadequate waste management facilities]

Narrator: A inadequate infrastructure for waste handling makes the issue worse. Effective waste
management is hampered by inadequate recycling facilities, a shortage of disposal space, and ineffective
collecting methods.

Scene 3: Irresponsible Consumer Behavior (can interview vendors and consumers, might be from small

[Visuals of excessive packaging and single-use items]

Narrator: Throwaway culture-driven irresponsible consumer behavior is a contributing factor to the

issue. Improper disposal of waste can be caused by single-use items, excessive packaging, and a
disregard for the environmental impact of our decisions.

Questions can be asked: Can be translated into Waray

1. How conscious are you of the environmental impact of single-use plastics and their contribution
to improper waste disposal?
2. What are the main reasons why you choose to use single-use plastics instead of reusable
3. Are you aware of the recycling options available for single-use plastics in your area? If so, do you
actively participate in recycling them?
4. Have you ever considered the long-term consequences of single-use plastics on the environment
and human health?
5. What steps do you take, if any, to reduce your consumption of single-use plastics and promote
proper waste disposal?
6. Are there any challenges or barriers you face in adopting more sustainable alternatives to single-
use plastics?
7. How do you think consumer behavior can be influenced to reduce the demand for single-use
plastics and encourage proper waste disposal practices?
8. Are you willing to pay a premium for products or services that are packaged in environmentally
friendly materials or offer reusable alternatives?
9. What role do you think education and awareness play in changing consumer attitudes towards
single-use plastics and improper waste disposal?
10. How can individuals and communities work together to create a culture of responsible
consumption and reduce the use of single-use plastics?
[Act 3: Solutions and Success Stories]

Scene 1: Innovative Waste Management Practices (can show students cleaning an area, throwing
garbage properly)

[Showcasing examples of innovative waste management practices]

Narrator: Despite the difficulties, there are many creative waste management initiatives from around the
globe that are inspiring. These initiatives provide hope for a cleaner future, ranging from waste-to-
energy solutions to cutting-edge recycling technologies.

Scene 2: Community-led Initiatives

[Interviews with individuals and communities making a difference]

Narrator: Local governments are taking initiative and setting the standard for recycling and waste
reduction. By way of community-led programs and grassroots endeavors, they are demonstrating that
change begins locally.

Scene 3: Policy Changes and Advocacy (can interview anyone from the city council or DENR)

[Highlighting successful policy changes and advocacy efforts]

Narrator: Advocacy and policy changes are essential in addressing inappropriate disposal of waste.
Devoted people and organizations are having a big impact through advocating for legislation, organizing
communities, and raising awareness.

Questions can be asked: Can be translated into Waray

1. What policy changes have been implemented to address the issue of improper waste disposal in
our community?
2. How effective have these policy changes been in reducing improper waste disposal practices?
3. What measures are being taken to enforce and monitor compliance with waste disposal
4. Are there any plans to increase penalties or fines for individuals or businesses found guilty of
improper waste disposal?
5. How is the local government promoting advocacy and awareness campaigns to educate the
community about proper waste disposal practices?
6. Are there any initiatives in place to encourage waste reduction, recycling, and composting as
alternatives to improper waste disposal?
7. What partnerships or collaborations have been established with waste management agencies or
organizations to improve waste disposal infrastructure and practices?
8. How are the concerns and feedback from the community being considered in shaping waste
disposal policies and advocacy efforts?
9. Are there any plans to expand recycling facilities or improve accessibility to recycling programs in
our community?
10. How can individuals and community organizations actively participate in advocating for proper
waste disposal and supporting policy changes?
[Act 4: Empowering Change]

Scene 1: Individual Actions (students showcasing sustainable practices)

[Visuals of individuals adopting sustainable practices]

Narrator: Every individual possesses the ability to change things. We can help solve the problem by
incorporating sustainable practices into our daily lives, such as recycling, cutting back on waste, and
buying eco-friendly goods.

Scene 2: Education and Awareness (teaching children with proper waste disposal)

[Scene of educational campaigns and workshops]

Narrator: Education and awareness are key to changing behaviors and attitudes towards waste. By
educating ourselves and others about the importance of responsible waste management, we can create
a culture of sustainability.

Scene 3: Join the Movement (showing smiles from children and members)

[Encouraging viewers to take action]

Narrator: Now is the time to take action. Join the Waste Warriors movement, dedicated to preserving
the environment. Sign petitions, give your time, donate to groups that promote ethical trash disposal,
and be the change that the world needs.

[Closing Scene]

[Visually striking scene of a clean and thriving environment]

Narrator: In unison, we can surmount the obstacles posed by inappropriate waste management and
usher in an era of sustainable environmental prosperity.

All: Let us become Waste Warriors and answer the call for change. (show all members)

[End Credits]

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